Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Tavern


That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
“Like the old teachings… First, take in a deep breath but wait. You also need to start circulating energy around your nether region. You know where I’m talking about, right? So basically, your bladder. You will then start to feel like energy is slowly leaking out of you, but don’t worry, this is common for all beginners. Once you can control this feeling and hold the energy from leaking on will, you will be able to break through your limit. It’s as easy as that.”


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
I've always wondered but what exactly is Mana? In my world, we didn't have it, but it seems to be quite common in this one...
I cannot speak for the way the locals of Tonia view it, but back in my world, Mana was viewed as Divine Will taken incorporeal form.

To handle mana, was to handle the will of the gods themselves, so we had to make sure to always dedicate our prayers to them, and ask for their will to align with ours in order to perform magic.

That is how the priestess of my goddess viewed the existence of mana at least, there were other theories, but I do not know them in-depth as it is not something I have ever tried to study. I believe the mana of Tonia is no different than ours, though shaped by a different set of deities than the ones I was used to.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
I want to see! Can see I see?
You can but you must promise me one thing, okay? *Whispers* Do not tell Luna that I showed her hair, absolutely not! She'll get mad and I'll suffer... *Whispers*
*wonders what is written in it*
*Blushes* It's off-limit! Don't stare at me like that... Okay, okay, stop making that face! It's just our love diary! :blob_cringe:


〖Failed to be active〗〖Digging out of my grave〗
Dec 23, 2018
I cannot speak for the way the locals of Tonia view it, but back in my world, Mana was viewed as Divine Will taken incorporeal form.

To handle mana, was to handle the will of the gods themselves, so we had to make sure to always dedicate our prayers to them, and ask for their will to align with ours in order to perform magic.

That is how the priestess of my goddess viewed the existence of mana at least, there were other theories, but I do not know them in-depth as it is not something I have ever tried to study. I believe the mana of Tonia is no different than ours, though shaped by a different set of deities than the ones I was used to.
Interesting point of view, so to use magic would be to be a vessel for the Divine to use their powers huh. If that's your world's belief then I kinda want to know about the others now~
maybe then we can understand the system of mana within this world since there doesn't seem to be anyone knowledgable in this worlds mana
Or maybe it's because we are located at the edge of civilization that we don't see any research areas for mana?


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
*Blushes* It's off-limit! Don't stare at me like that... Okay, okay, stop making that face! It's just our love diary! :blob_cringe:

I've always wondered but what exactly is Mana? In my world, we didn't have it, but it seems to be quite common in this one...
Mana is... tasty! At least... that's the way that I see it... I don't have any other way to describe it!


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Interesting point of view, so to use magic would be to be a vessel for the Divine to use their powers huh. If that's your world's belief then I kinda want to know about the others now~
maybe then we can understand the system of mana within this world since there doesn't seem to be anyone knowledgable in this worlds mana
Or maybe it's because we are located at the edge of civilization that we don't see any research areas for mana?

At the end of the day, to me Mana is something that treads the realm of the divine, and therefore, will never be fully comprehended by mortals. It is fine to not fully understand it though, for as long as we accept its purpose and respect its origins.

It is of course, nothing that I can, nor wish to enforce though. The way each views divinity is always a personal thing that belongs to no other and that should not be interfered with. Respecting each other's faith is the basis for peaceful coexistence...

*shakes head* I'm sorry, it seems I have digressed. Perhaps you are right and more people have researched mana already and we just need to find them... But I do not see the appeal of trying to understand it I suppose, there is hardly any need to try learning about the reasons behind the works of the divine after all.


〖Failed to be active〗〖Digging out of my grave〗
Dec 23, 2018
Mana is... tasty! At least... that's the way that I few it... I don't have any other way to describe!
Oh so we finally have someone who can taste mana!
So now we have Mr. Vor for sight, Baihua for Scent and you for taste~
All that's left is touch and hearing and we might be able to get a more concrete idea of what exactly mana is....
Actually now that I think of it why am I talking to a slime? Or rather why's there a slime here in the first place!?


〖Failed to be active〗〖Digging out of my grave〗
Dec 23, 2018

At the end of the day, to me Mana is something that treads the realm of the divine, and therefore, will never be fully comprehended by mortals. It is fine to not fully understand it though, for as long as we accept its purpose and respect its origins.

It is of course, nothing that I can, nor wish to enforce though. The way each views divinity is always a personal thing that belongs to no other and that should not be interfered with. Respecting each other's faith is the basis for peaceful coexistence...

*shakes head* I'm sorry, it seems I have digressed. Perhaps you are right and more people have researched mana already and we just need to find them... But I do not see the appeal of trying to understand it I suppose, there is hardly any need to try learning about the reasons behind the works of the divine after all.
Reason? I see where you're coming from, to you who has been able to use mana in your life since birth it might be the same as the sun and stars to you. Mystical but at the same time normal.

But to me it's different~ Mana only existed in fiction from where I'm from, it was nothing but an imaginative concept~ To me, it's a thrilling discovery, a heart-pounding new experience! It's like when those inland see the sea for the first time, or those that lived in caves see the sky for the first time. Those that have experienced something from the start probably won't understand the awe felt from those that have never even grasped the concept of something yet~

If you want a reason from me then it can only be to satisfy my burning curiosity!


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2020
Damn... I really need to find a more reliable way of earning cash. If I keep on doing these quests, I might lose my life before I spend something for myself...

Well, you keep choosing quests that have a high chance of killing you, and your own curiosity was the sole reason why you almost got yourself killed from your last job. Idiot.

*sigh* I know...

Hold up, why don't I sell my enchantments?

You dare sell my ancient knowledge just to satisfy your mortal needs?!

Well, not my fault you bounded yourself to me. Anyway, if I don't earn enough cash to buy good gear, I might as well kill myself now than wait for some slimy bastard to come by and melt me. It's decided, then.


Yo! Selling my enchantment services! Want elemental stuff on your weapon? Make leather armor as tough as iron? All of your enchanting needs will be under Ryzen's Enchantments!

You don't even have a floor mat as a stall...

Shut it!


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Actually now that I think of it why am I talking to a slime? Or rather why's there a slime here in the first place!?
I'm a slime-person mind you! Not just an ordinary slime! :blob_hmph: In fact, slimes are a distant evolutionary relative!

You wouldn't happen to be a monkey yourself, ne~?

You don't even have a floor mat as a stall...
:blob_cookie::blob_cookie::blob_cookie: I see we have a black market sale brewing in the Tavern!


〖Failed to be active〗〖Digging out of my grave〗
Dec 23, 2018
I'm a slime-person mind you! Not just an ordinary slime! :blob_hmph: In fact, slimes are distant evolutionary relative!

You wouldn't happen to be a monkey yourself, ne~?
Ah no um... Sorry~ Still not used to these many diverse life forms!
But still, slime-person huh? Not to be rude but what exactly separates you from a slime? Besides your higher intelligence of course~


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2020
I see we have a black market sale brewing in the Tavern

Ah... hehehe.

Well, I was hoping to kind of... like... find a benefactor, per se... to kind of kick start my thing...

But don't worry! I am an honorable man who is true to his words and my benefactor will have a discounted price once I open shop! And that will be a free enchantment of their choosing!
Last edited:


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Ah no um... Sorry~ Still not used to these many diverse life forms!
But still, slime-person huh? Not to be rude but what exactly separates you from a slime? Besides your higher intelligence of course~
Countless differences! :blob_hmph:

My core is a billion times more complex than one of those vegetable po-rings you might find in the forest.

Also I easily change shape and appearance whenever I like! Personally, I think my disguises can be pretty convincing!

That said, slimes are cute. How can you not like slimes?

Slimes are cool! Back in my country, slime magicians were a-mazing!!! Awesome! Kaboom awesome!!!



〖Failed to be active〗〖Digging out of my grave〗
Dec 23, 2018
Countless differences! :blob_hmph:

My core is a billion times more complex than one of those vegetable po-rings you might find in the forest.

Also I easily change shape and appearance whenever I like! Personally, I think my disguises can be pretty convincing!

That said, slimes are cute. How can you not like slimes?

Slimes are cool! Back in my country, slime magicians were a-mazing!!! Awesome! Kaboom awesome!!!

Interesting interesting~ Though I'm not sure about the convincing disguise part since your cloak in and of itself looks very suspicious
But then again maybe it's perfectly normal here? Hmm, might need to add that to the list~ finding out about the different cultures within this world~

I'm gonna have so many things to tell Her when we meet once again...


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
wears a fake smile to hide his pain and sadness
:blob_teary::blob_teary::blob_teary: That's the saddest kind of smile... Such a cruel backstory...
He dislikes annoying/dumb/naive people, because they irritate him by not noticing the sarcasm he often uses.
I remember you......... :blob_upset: Don't tell me you dislike me because I'm slighty dense!!!
:blob_highfive: *high fives* We're nearly the same age!
Vor was taught to hate dragons
*blinks and looks around the room...* *spots a few dragons* *wonders if this will be a problem at all...*
series of unfortunate events
:blob_nom: Oh, isn't there a famous book or something like that??
It's as if he keeps on denying that he is an outgoing person and only shows to people that he was a silent-type of person.
Here's a question! If we got you drunk, would you be more outgoing? What kind of drunk are you? You should do a drinking contest! :blob_happy:
An Olive Branch
I've always wondered, but what is that for?
And so, she joined the Adventurer's Guild. It did not seem fitting for a priestess, but it would have to do for now... Maybe in due time she could make a new temple for believers, but for now, she needed to earn money to eat at least.
:blob_teary: That's such a noble goal! I wish I could support you, but I don't really have moneh either!
Foodies rejoice! This sentient kitchen is on the quest to
make all kinds of food from all kinds of ingredients
from all kinds of places!
Don't ask how it eats.
*raises hand* um... can I ask the question that you told us we're not supposed to ask?
What could an innocent little faun possibly be hiding?
:blob_blank: That only makes it sound more suspicious!
Do not pet.
Old swordThis needs to be replaced soon....Shield... this one, too...
:blob_catflip: So much junk! Get it replaced already!
Things weren't very happy, but then she realized that as long as she
enjoys whatever she's doing she'll be happy! So, she decided to
enjoy everything she does. Now life is very fun!
:blob_highfive::blob_highfive: I can support this mentality!
JoyHappy.???Not Happy.
:blob_shock: Wait a minute... don't tell me you have a secret dark history too???
Due to this, she did not take her studies or training seriously until it was too late, and her kingdom began to decline under her parents neglectful ruling. Before long, the taxes were high, the people were unhappy, and riots began to sprout across the land. Although Fel had realized the terrible situation by now, trying to come up with solutions at this point was too difficult for someone who had not studied such things. Making use of this chaos, a neighbouring kingdom invaded and eradicated the entire royal family. It turns out there had been spied buried deep in the palace, who had sold her family out.
:blob_pat_sad: A heartless betrayal! I... don't really know what to say!

Actually I felt a little bad reading so many of these because I ran away from home on my own... yet so many people seem to have come here because they had no choice...

...I wonder if my mom misses me?
small glass ball.
What's that used for?
Nusdloc was taken in as a lab rat and mutated.
Not only do you turn Undead on your 20th birthday, Chances are that you are not going to find a partner for yourself due to it.
:blob_teary: My heart goes out to you~ Ganbatte!
101 guide to Necromancy for dummy dragonsThe ancestors had terrible naming sense.
Can I um... borrow this book? I like books!
  • Name: Oobleck
  • Gender: Fluid
  • Race: Shapeshifter
:blob_highfive::blob_highfive::blob_highfive: Yay! Another person like me! We should get along!
Oobleck spouted from the ground amidst a swarm of ditto in a forest and lived among them as a child, then Oobleck got picked up by some kitsuneh curious about the one who didn't belong, until the then teenage Oobleck ran off to apprentice under the tutelage of a Monk and a Druid who eloped and traveled together. Oobleck has an interesting perception of humanoid society.
:blob_aww::blob_aww::blob_aww: A swarm-spawning type? I was born from fission actually. I dunno exactly how it happened but my mom just... well... split apart one day and then I was born!

:blob_hmm_two::blob_hmm_two::blob_hmm_two: Wait a minute, does that mean I can have babies too?

I never even considered that idea! How do I fission? Is fission a verb? Nobody ever taught me this!


〖Failed to be active〗〖Digging out of my grave〗
Dec 23, 2018
:blob_teary::blob_teary::blob_teary: That's the saddest kind of smile... Such a cruel backstory...
Rather than sad I feel like it's the most bravest~
To be able to smile even after that, no matter if fake or not, shows already that he still has the will to fight against his unjust past and for a brighter future~
A will to live is always better than a false smile, I've seen many that were able to only truly smile after they decided to end their life~
But that's my point of view as an outsider~


<First Dragon of SHF> <Pokemon Goddess of NuF>
Dec 23, 2018
:blob_teary: My heart goes out to you~ Ganbatte!
*Pets* Miss Okarin, I will surely find my partner here *Sparkling eyes*. Now do you perchance know any young death knight?