Any of y’all been in a fight?


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2021
I was a big boy(tall) in my childhood, so everyone avoided me. I was in a decent enough school, so there were close to zero fights there. I have an older sister, and she preferred morally abusing me instead of throwing hands in the air. And lastly, I'm an introvert and a homebody, which means there is no way for me to get into a fight.
well, I do understand that. after all, I too am a person that try having patience and not getting into fights, it's just that I though it was weird that all the people responding to the op has all denied ever getting into a fight.

PS: if my previous post sounded offensive or something I am sorry. I was in the middle of writing a chapter, and things with first point of view is that the characters sometimes run on you. and so, I was probably over immersed otherwise I don't think I would have even responded.


Caustic, handle with caution
Apr 24, 2021
I have been in sketchy situations and picked fights when I was young. Most were over quickly. A lot of folks around here tend not to pick fights because there is a non-zero chance you will catch a bullet. It's remarkably civilized!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Every year until 6th Grade I got into at least 2 fights at school. I was slightly short and chubby so certain kids thought they could bully/joke on me. What they didn’t know was I was the 3rd in 4 children, and my older brother CONSTANTLY messed with me. Which made me kind of assertive (aka I knew how to run my mouth) and know how to fight.

Add to this, there was several fights in my neighborhood - my friends lived on my street and our street would occasionally fight with some other groups of kids (this especially happened during the summers). There was never and weapons involved, and serious blood was only drawn once.

Once I hit about 7th grade I lost my baby fat and grew up (I’m 6ft tall on the nose), I’ve always had high cheek bones but I no longer looked like a chipmunk. Thankfully I didn’t suffer from acne or anything else that would make me a target, so even when I changed schools I didn’t have to rely on my ‘reputation’.


Was Divided By Zero: Looking for Glovebox Jesus
Nov 2, 2021
tell them champ.

like come on people, even pacifist Japon has fights daily, so how can all of you say things like having never fought? what, you don't have a sibling? a cousin? a friend too? you never played as a child? or ever lived the chuunibyo phase?

Fights don't really mean a life and death battle or anything, it can just be children playing together, adults doing sports, or a wife catching her husband cheating with the landlord lady, nothing serious everyone, so how come most people never had a fight?
I battle my existence everyday.

Whoops wrong type of fight, but seriously. I have seen a dudes nose get split in half because he made fun of some dudes mom that had cancer.

I squared up with some hill billy wannabe that was twice my size but I still wrestled him to the ground and he cried like a little bitch.

I have a guy try to rush me with a metal bat. But I sidestep and slugged him in the side of his neck.

Another guy I knew beat the shit out of someone with a bag of jawbreakers. The person he was kicking the shit out of was the same dude that made fun of the mom with cancer.

I have more stories like this, but I honestly don't have enough time, and also I ain't some dude looking for fights, I would honestly like to talk things out. They just happen to find me, and I don't mind finishing the fight once it has started.

Also for reference I am 5'6. Or about 167cm.
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Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
I don't fight because it's against my religious beliefs. But if I did I would beat the shit out of so many people, in self defense!


Friendly Saurian Neighbor
Dec 9, 2020
I’ve never been in a fight but I’ve found them to be pretty exciting (though I probably shouldn’t), I’m sure in this vast wasteland at least one of you guys have been in or at least seen at fight so share the details!
I've been in too many fights for my taste, a boxing fight might be exciting, an MMA match might be exciting, wrestling a mugger for your dear life it is NOT, it's terrifying!

It is difficult to describe, but let's just say that you don't get the chance to be all glamorous like Steve Seagal, fights happen too fast and most of the time you are throwing punches entirely by instinct, you don't feel any pain right there and there but after the danger has passed you are going to feel that for a week or two.

I broke my hand punching a mugger in the face and lost a couple of teeth. I've managed to get out from a couple of knife attacks alive by sheer luck and also been at the wrong end of a gun. If you ever find yourself in that kind of situation, RUN! There is nothing wrong with cherishing your life, nobody is going to brand you a coward for running away from an unfair fight.


Ultimate Wankmaster, Jizzer of Universes
Nov 27, 2020
I've been in too many fights for my taste, a boxing fight might be exciting, an MMA match might be exciting, wrestling a mugger for your dear life it is NOT, it's terrifying!

It is difficult to describe, but let's just say that you don't get the chance to be all glamorous like Steve Seagal, fights happen too fast and most of the time you are throwing punches entirely by instinct, you don't feel any pain right there and there but after the danger has passed you are going to feel that for a week or two.

I broke my hand punching a mugger in the face and lost a couple of teeth. I've managed to get out from a couple of knife attacks alive by sheer luck and also been at the wrong end of a gun. If you ever find yourself in that kind of situation, RUN! There is nothing wrong with cherishing your life, nobody is going to brand you a coward for running away from an unfair fight.
When I'm older, my policy shall be if i don't have sword and gun, I'm not going out.


A lazy sloth
May 6, 2020
I got into my fair share of fights, though it almost never goes down as you expect it. And its almost never ‘cool’ when you are the one involved.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
im more of a talker so i usually either step down from fights or take the premature L and let magilla gorilla walk away with his fists unballed and my face intact.

BUT, the VERY FEW fights I had happened in the gym. no big story here, just sparring sessions with my coach. one thing I've learned is that you have to focus on timing your breaths. nothing fucks you up more than a well timed hit to the stomach when you're trying to inhale.

You know what REALLY makes a good weapon? A fifth of Jack Daniels bottle. People think they actually shatter easily like in the no. No they don't.
that shit is absolutely devastating. it's like a sap or a blackjack with provisional refreshments for the winner. those that DO break are the weak beer bottles, and you don't hit people with them; you use them as a shiv.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2021
I haven’t, mainly because I’m very weak and know that, so I avoid anything that can get into fights, and I have stayed inside a lot rather than talk with others. Also, as an only child with my only cousins being at least 6 years older than me, I never fought with family as I knew I was lose, as I am painfully aware that my muscles are made of a jelly-like substance that is not good for psychical activity of any kind.
The closest thing to being in a fight is me trying to beat up my bed when I stubbed my toe on it when I was 6, a fight which I shamefully lost. It later had me rest on top it that night, a truly shame filled night.


A stranger passing by.
Oct 23, 2019
I often fought with other kids during my high school years. These kids were pretty violent, growing up with ruffians and drug addicts as their older brothers.
The first time someone promised me a beating, a fight started afterward.
When you fight one time, you will fight every time you find it necessary.
I only stopped when I learned that one of the boys I fought against had killed someone. So, I decided to never fight against with crazy people. Sadly, this world is full of crazy people.


I'm a Lazy Writer, So What?
Dec 23, 2018
After growing up, I rarely got into fights mainly because violence doesn't work on modern society anymore, especially dealing with people.

However, as a kid, I am a gender equalist that fights not only men but women as well.

Once faught a kid taller than me and I was barely able to defend myself, enough such that the teacher came and scold both of us.

Next, I got into a fight with some kids because I poke fun of their sister which I beat both of them up.

There's this incident where its how I fell in love with my cousin to which it happened mainly because I was bullying her friend and we both got into an arguement which I couldn't fight back because the moment I almost punch her, the teach saw me and sent me to the principal.

After that, my mom got me into religion where my aggressive nature turned pacifistic and decided that I rarely go into fights, mostly just verbal and social talks.

However, the recent fight I have was when I remember boarding a bus and saw an old lady standing which I offered my seat to her, however this girl took my seat while ignoring the old lady. I got so mad but held it in and mocked that girl to which she didn't appreciate that. After that, I returned home but was surrounded by her boyfriend and his friends and proceeded to brawl in the dark street which I held an advantage since those guys could barely see. I ended up being victorious even with heavy injuries but I manage to scare them off and mocked the girl the next day.

I think that was the last time I faught which mostly I encounter trucks or cars that would tend to almost kill me.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
In school I got in to like two fights per grade, and I thank God that I never really hurt from them.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
You know what REALLY makes a good weapon? A fifth of Jack Daniels bottle. People think they actually shatter easily like in the no. No they don't.
Ah yeah man. That glass is thicker than it looks. Tough. Shit hurts.

Lol easily broken bottles and guns that have that bright orange flash when they fire is one of the dumbest shit made by hollywood.

Windows too...ever notice how when they get broken, the shards are like roundish chunks? Like ice.

It's all resin. Brittle resin. So no one gets cut. Almost like a soft plastic.


Was Divided By Zero: Looking for Glovebox Jesus
Nov 2, 2021
Ah yeah man. That glass is thicker than it looks. Tough. Shit hurts.

Lol easily broken bottles and guns that have that bright orange flash when they fire is one of the dumbest shit made by hollywood.

Windows too...ever notice how when they get broken, the shards are like roundish chunks? Like ice.

It's all resin. Brittle resin. So no one gets cut. Almost like a soft plastic.
I also find it funny in movies people are able to somehow fight eight people at once.

Like as if they wouldn't just bum rush you, throw you to the ground and kick the shit out of you.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
I also find it funny in movies people are able to somehow fight eight people at once.

Like as if they wouldn't just bum rush you, throw you to the ground and kick the shit out of you.
Exactly! They all just, like, come one at a time. Fucking what? Dudes, tackle the bastard....yall seen Football before.

Ah well. You know, people seem a lot more forgiving of Bollywood stuff, now that i think of it. But Bollywood is just so over the top you cant take its seriously at all, anyway


Jun 6, 2021
I got in a lot of fights, but they were mostly forgettable. 100% not exciting, they just made me even angrier than I was when the fight started. It's difficult to hit someone without getting hit back, and I'm very vindictive, so every insult or bruise needs to be paid back tenfold.

I do remember a fight I witnessed in high school though, where two girls were shrieking and pulling hair and punching each other. There was this rather large crowd around them, so the cafeteria worker couldn't get in to break it up. I left pretty quickly cuz it was none of my business, but I've always wondered what happened to set them off.

Deleted member 42060

Once. Elementary school. A classmate punched me many times angrily for no reason, and I punched him once, real hard. Then he cried. My classmates were shocked that a pacifist like me fought. I’m a lover, not a fighter.​