Free First Impressions Feedback Thread


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Thank you for the feedback. And not destroying me into bits and pieces. The part of the blurb is really interesting, I'll try to work over it, I wanted to keep a bit of mystery might have overdone that :blob_sweat:

For the Prolog, one does not have to read it, but it's actually important enough later on for understanding why some of the characters act the way they do. I wanted to have that right at the start, but it felt kind off wrong putting it into the first chapter. Since it was not per se necessary. The first chapter starts when the MC is actually trying to get her ninth tail.

Anyway, thank you very much for the feedback.
That's the biggest problem of prologues. If it doesn't matter until 'later', then readers won't even stick around to find out. If this was trad pub, okay. But you will find most of the big hitters on KU and RR do not have prologues. RR readers are very against prologues.


Jul 4, 2022

Thank you for the guidance!


Lord Of The Potatoes
Feb 11, 2021
Hello, I would like your feed back for Chapter 1:



New member
Jun 28, 2023
Looking for feedback on my first chapter

I already know of some mistakes when it comes to punctuation that I intend to fix, among other small grammar errors.
mainly want to know what you think of character interactions and starting mystery


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022

Thank you for the guidance!
Okay, let's get started.

Cool title, feels like it will be a form of progression or something. Reminds me of Pinocchio?

Gives off that survival feeling, nice. But a bit lackluster for a webnovel, looks like a generic watercolour painting. If you made it yourself, that's pretty impressive, but not eye-catching enough in a thumbnail format.

Before civilization? Interesting. A stone age isekai always seems fun. The blurb is short and succint, but fails to deliver any clear twist of any sorts. it doesn't seem to overturn nor override any existing isekai tropes.

First Chapter:

I would like to reference the book "Manga in Theory and in Practice." As much as manga is a different form of storytelling, the same base concepts apply. If you're asking in this thread, it means that you are explicitly looking if your story can be a commercial success, or at least at minimum, popular online. Please read this book (at least the first few chapters) before asking any questions. This is available in a pdf format for all to read.

So first off, the writing is fine, but first person POV is a immediate killer for many readers. Third Person limited far dominates the webnovel industry, and you'll be hard pressed to find successful 1st person POV stories. Any that do succeed - they succeed in spite of it, rather than because of it.

I know a few authors who have found success in first person POV, so your mileage may vary. However, a simple cursory search will reveal that first person POV is not the norm. Can it help you stand out? Perhaps.

Next up, paragraph formatting. As of my read, there seems to be no particular rule to when or where a paragraph should be indented or not. There doesn't seem to be any indiciation of the why of identing. This creates an honestly jarring reading experience, something that nearly forced me to close the tab within the first nine paragraphs.

At first i thought there was a specific reason as to why you would indent some and not others, but i gave up figuring it out.

The chapter is also short, a bit too short to retain any interest. The boring characterization of the MC is only made more apparent thanks to the 1st Person POV, which doesn't stand out to me. Sure, it's realistic, but when you're writing fantasy, you're not aiming for realism, but excitement. The scenario doesn't seem unique, his reaction doesn't seem exciting nor jarring, his actions are all standard and on par. The storyline doesn't seem intriguing as well. When can I expect to find out why he was isekai? 100 chapters? 400 chapters?

There are so many other isekai books who also start out with a survival scene, that I find it hard to believe that this stands out amongst the rest. Countless other stories are just like yours. Sit down and ask yourself - what is the main selling point of the novel? Is it to be a written version of minecraft? a rags to riches story?

When crafting a new story, the first thing is to understand what your readers are looking for. As of the first chapter, I have none of the following:

1. Excitement to see what happens next - you don't have a hook at the end of the chapter that acts as a cliffhanger.
2. Emotional attachment to the MC to see him succeed. His death or survival matters nothing to me. For all I know, he could die in the next chapter and it would hardly matter to me.
3. Interesting world - it seems that the guy is really in a forest, and none of the monsters are magical, unique, interesting or anything of the sort. They are just like Earth's.


Title ok, cover okay-ish, blurb meh, first chapter boring.

Feel free to ask more questions, but most of your answers are found in the book i recommended. he explains it a lot better than I ever can.
Hello, I would like your feed back for Chapter 1:

Hello, thanks for waiting.

After reading your first chapter, i think this title hurts your visibility a lot. Consider changing it. I don't know enough about the story to offer a suggestion.

Cool, I like mechs. Nice. Could probably pull a better one out of A.I if i'm being honest. Ask around for help i guess, loads of free a.i threads.

Unlike the title, the blurb is far more interesting and intriguing. the plot point posed forward is a reversal of the usual blurbs that 'hero academies' or 'military academy' stories focus on.

There is a good amount of what I would call 'swagger' in the blurb, (some will call it edgy) but i think if you amplified that aspect, the cool factor would increase exponentially and serve as a perfect hook.

First Chapter:

First Person POV is a big drawback here - read above on my feedback to 'Legend of Pino' for what I mean.

Otherwise, the emotionally charged start (not reading 'The World') serves as a powerful beginning to get the reader (me) emotionally attached to the MC. I think overall, the whole chapter proceeded way too fast. If you lingered more on the torturous experiments and the gruelling day-to-day life of the subjects, it would serve as a far better hook.

There's a bit too much focus on the logicial progression of the story rather than the exciting factor of it. There's a distinct lack of the swagger that was present in the blurb. The first chapter felt like a script simply retelling the events in a chronological order with plenty of reason, but no rhyme. It is that 'rhyme' that is the last missing ingredient to make this a really good book. More practice in writing and reading other people's work would help tremendously. Reading the book i recommended to 'Legend of Pino's' author would help as well.


Title meh, cover ok, blurb almost perfect, first chapter slightly there, missing some key ingredients.

Writing a fantasy fiction, especially one centered around revenge, requires specific focus on emotional charge and much much much more details to get us to side with the MC. The number one rule of action fantasy like this (personal opinion) is to be cool. That takes number one priority over realistic logical actions or realistic weaponry.
Last edited:
Jul 18, 2023
First impressions? (Please read chapter 1, not chapter 0)


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Looking for feedback on my first chapter

I already know of some mistakes when it comes to punctuation that I intend to fix, among other small grammar errors.
mainly want to know what you think of character interactions and starting mystery
Hello, thanks for waiting


Pretty intriguing title, would click. gives off a sense of romance vibes or relationship angled, all fine by me.


Terrible quality, can definitely be better. Stable Diffusion can be installed on even the shittest of laptops, and models exists everywhere, google them. Don't put your story down when just a half-n-hour job can get it sorted.

If you're too lazy to install it, there are online generators with free credits per month.

Interesting stuff, but missing punctuation and formatting really makes it look like a complete novice. You mention you didn't want to focus on punctuation, but I'll say it is a must to focus on it. Typos and errors should be fixed when spotted imo.

The lack of formatting in the blurb makes it hard to read as well, and doesn't bode well for the first chapter. E.g lack of capitalization, no paragraph spacing between sentences etc etc.

First Chapter:

Okay, one thing i have to say right off the bat is that I got bored almost immediately around the part where the mother picked the two of them up. The conflict and relationship portrayed between the two siblings is basic and normal, something which is good for realistic portayal, but not for whatever was mentioned in your blurb of 'rocky relationship'

Honestly, the entire exchange looked like a playful pair of siblings with banter more so than 'rocky' so to say that their relationship was already bad is a bit suspicious. Siblings bicker all the time, doesn't mean they would kill each other outright. This situation don't really show us that level of hate that was alluded to in the blurb. To me, the story seems completely inane up to that point. That's 1.3k words of basic teenager sibling rivalry that every other story has shown. I don't see anything new or unique at this point.

Now, in your head, you're probably thinking "Just read on and you'll find out what was unique!" If you had to tell a reader that at any point it means you are inherently doing a bad job of the hook. Perhaps this would hook another person, but it didn't hook me - the rivalry between the siblings felt so basic, nothing alike the complicated emotions one feels when actually fighting with a sibling.

Perhaps it isn't portrayed properly, but that's just my take. I'm not an expert on sibling relationships (i have siblings) being written in fiction, and I'm sure you are doing a better job than I ever could. But this 1.3k basic display really puts the reader off, and doesn't bode well for the rest of the chapter.

Anyway, for the purpose of this review I continued reading, and oh boy, the mystery was good. I still think the conversations were extremely fucking hard to follow because of lack of capitalization, punctuation, grammar, lack of italics to show inner thoughts of characters, and constant shifting scenes with basic descriptions. What you said you intend to fix might fix some of this up, but lack of italics was really a huge let down, especially in a mystery novel where inner thoughts are key.

I must say at some point after the police officer found them (or Chris 'sneaked' up) my eyes glazed over the conversation and descriptions, which meant that at this particular juncture, I have lost the energy to keep up or follow along with the story. Everything related to punctuation, inconsistent spacing, inconsistent indenting, lack of punctuation, lack of italics, fast shifting scenes just throws me off. Not to mention the dialogue is pretty goddamn basic too, and also suffering from lack of proper pauses, commas and action descriptors.

The underlying plot is good, but everything you wrote seems to actively discourage the reader to continue. Writers are entertainers first and foremost for their chosen audience. And readability is massive. Stick to one style guide and stay consistent all the way. Do not deviate from it as much as possible. Minor errors are okay.

Title good, cover bad, blurb okay, first chapter almost terrible except for plot.

I'm not a big fan of rewrites, imo move on and write a different story. This one seems a bit too hard to go back and fix, and the payoff seems to me miles in the future as well. I find it hard to believe that any reader would be willing to slog it through a hundred chapters to get to a potential ending.

But of course, I have seen successful rewrites. Do what you like, this feedback was only for you to make a splash or make money in some form. I'm not making the most money myself, so take with a pinch of salt.
Hi! I welcome any feedback :)

Eccentric Fate | Scribble Hub
Hello, thanks for waiting. And wow, another 'Arden' in the wild. interesting. A rare character name.

Pretty okay, makes it feel like a chinese cultivation novel. But that's fine, because it is xianxia.

Looks awesome, but doesn't match what ScribbleHub wants (hint: not high fantasy) swap it up using A.I.


Wait, the almighty thief is called 'The Heavens'? Why is his name plural?

Otherwise, pretty basic blurb. I don't find anything unique about the premise. Fused planet is basically equivalent to system integration, something done ages ago. Perhaps there's a twist here, but it is not apparent to the reader. I don't see anything that you would sincerely use as the punchline when trying to convince someone to read your book.

First Chapter:

There is about Seven characters introduced in this first chapter, which is quite an overload of terms. I count Peach blossom immortal and heaven's general inside as well. I assume the bedside story has a foreshadowing meaning in the future (if it doesn't, that's terrible).

Now, the interaction with the grandma was awesome, I can tell its going for a bit of a emotional start here, or a relationship start, but it is not dwelled upon enough. You don't leave enough time for the reader to truly feel the impact of what is happening here, unless they are a slow reader. Your emotional scene is roughly about 600 words before being broken by the call from his friends, which is a bit too short. One good reference for a emotional start is Supreme Magus. Your job in an emotional start is to hammer home the despair and feelings of the MC, to make him as relatable or as sympathetic as possible to the reader.

Interrupting such a scene short is doing you more harm than good, because you don't allow time for the reader to truly bond with your MC. The call may foreshadow the fusion of the two planets, but why do the call now? why not later? Let the MC dwell a bit more, spend a bit more time with the Grandma to build that emotional camardrie. Right now due to the short chapter it feels that everything had been just thrown to the wayside in favor of a System Integration/Apocalypse event.

It probably doesn't feel that way to you, because you know the whole story in and out. But I don't, and before I could even feel a tinge of sympathy for your MC it was blasted away by a call on edibles and two new characters that I have to spend energy on to remember, while I was still trying to deal with the grandma potentially dying. This is probably a very good example of character introductions destroying another. It is as though the introduction of Arden and Abby is far more important that the MC's thoughts on his grandma. Basically, crazy jarring.

If it were not for this jarring effect, I would have immediately turned the page to the next chapter to find out what happens next to the MC, but I basically lost the initial mood that was drilled into me from the first half of the chapter. What a weird way to shoot the scene in the foot.

Title okay, Cover okayish, Blurb basic, First chapter so close to perfection, but that one shit mixed it up pretty bad. The only thing I can think about in my head is wow, what a shame.
Hello, are you sure you need this feedback? You could just ask me on discord. Nvm I'll do it.

Cool stuff, love it. Some eerie horror vibes going on, so great.

Love the crimson fog, but the typography really looks weird, i think that is the wrong font to use. I can't tell you exactly which font to change to, but this one doesn't work as a thumbnail on scribblehub. Covers don't have to be the same on both websites.


You've probably done your research on royalroad already, and you know most synopsis comes with a tagline.

'Maxim has been transmigrated' is not a tagline. at all. This is 100% not the line to use to hook someone. You must put the unique hook of your story front and center, and no, being transmigrated is not a unique hook.

Now the second line is a real hook, but you need to combine the first and the second line to create a good hook. I don't know enough about your book to advice you, but right now the blurb doesn't hook me.

The reason why I say you need to combine is because of how it looks when people see your fiction on ScribbleHub. Take a look at your discord DM's for a reference later

First Chapter:
First Person POV is detrimental to your growth on RR. It can and will pay off over time, but only if people like your stream of thought etc. Closest I can think of is wolfshine, who writes near exclusive first person. But that's a style choice, so I'll leave you to decide.

Honestly, pretty standard isekai start, with an immediate retelling of the events rather than letting the reader find out through the events or dialogue hints and tips. This considerably dropped my interest, as nearly half of the mystery of the book is gone.

For every isekai book, there is always three parts of the mystery: past, present, future.

The past involves things like :
History of the world
MC's backstory
Character's backstory

The present involves things like:
What is happening now

The future is more of anticipation of events that had been hinted at.

These are the three main curiosity points that drives a reader to follow.

Now, for a reader to continue reading, he must have one of the following: emotional attachment to the MC (self-insert, sympathy or relation), plot tension (action scenes, combat, overarching enemies), or curiosity (past, present, future)

Delivering on all three is possible, but hard to execute. With limited amount of words and shortening attention spans, you either attempt to excel in just one area, or you attempt all three.

For your first chapter, the past mystery is solved in the first two paragraphs.

The present mystery is unsolved yet, as well as the future.

The tension from the blurb is gone. Why? Because of the MC's class, and also the explanation that he had already survived for three months. Doesn't seem as bad as what the blurb says.

Emotional attachment is not there either. I don't see anything relatable or make me feel bad for the MC, or makes me feel like I want the MC to win. He could die next chapter and I wouldn't bat an eye nor shed a tear. I might go 'oh wow the author did it. poggers' but that's pretty much it.

thus, your first chapter only has about 2/3 of mystery to keep it moving forward, and that might be the hardest to do. Thus it is not that good of a hook, and doesn't instill into me any want of reading forward.

Title Cool, Cover cool but not for SH, Blurb meh, First chapter meh.
You have written a fair amount of chapters, so you might be much more experienced now, so pick and choose what resonates with you. Feel free to DM me on discord for more info.
Hi, M.G.Driver~ I'd like to know your first impressions feedback on my novel 'The Girl from the Afterlife' Pls, don't mind the cover bec I can't do art right now :D Thanks!
Hello, thanks for waiting. You seem like a new writer, so I'll go easy on you.

Really really cool. I'm a sucker for such title, so you won my bias.

Also super cool, great work. Maybe the font could be a bit more bombastic.


Wow, this is err, confusing. Very confusing. First you say life is interminable, but then an Executioner can kill you? And its your personal individual executioner?

Oh and a tower climber. sounds fun.

First Chapter:
Wow that's a crazy info dump right off the bat. I write sci-fi myself and you lost me at the hellraider helmet. There's no reason to go into such details - let the item speak for itself. It is not necessary for the MC to explain each and every single detail (this is first person POV rmb)

The amount of details in that system message, if you're planning on hooking the reader with 'wow look i got worldbuilding behind', it won't work, most people would just gloss over it. Half of the time people gloss over the terms and conditions of websites that they sign up with, why would they put effort to read your overloaded system message?

Why is the MC worried for the girl's life when none of these crows are Executioners? If worried about how she would be tortured or rape, yes, but life is not the right word here i think. Unless the crows can kill people permanently in the Afterlife?

Ok, when the scout found your MC, that dialogue sequence was terrible. Firstly, why would the MC not be able to hear anybody sneaking up to her if she was so well-equipped? Why is Horny Crowenling groaning 'There you are!' when he should be relieved at finding her. Going from groaning to snickering is a very sudden mood change. If this is part of the story, that's fine then, but it threw me off completely and immediately broke my suspension of disbelief.

Interesting world, I like the tension, but its a bit too logical step by step. It was like a one-sided beat down, which is fine, but I'm biased towards better MCs than me, not one that would make the same mistakes as I would in real life.

Title Cool, Cover Awesome, but maybe change font. Blurb weird, but succinct. First Chapter okay-ish, too much info dump.
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2021
Feedback on first chapter?

Your attention would be appreciated!
the cover picture is this... might change later..
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New member
Jun 28, 2023
Hello, thanks for waiting


Pretty intriguing title, would click. gives off a sense of romance vibes or relationship angled, all fine by me.


Terrible quality, can definitely be better. Stable Diffusion can be installed on even the shittest of laptops, and models exists everywhere, google them. Don't put your story down when just a half-n-hour job can get it sorted.

If you're too lazy to install it, there are online generators with free credits per month.

Interesting stuff, but missing punctuation and formatting really makes it look like a complete novice. You mention you didn't want to focus on punctuation, but I'll say it is a must to focus on it. Typos and errors should be fixed when spotted imo.

The lack of formatting in the blurb makes it hard to read as well, and doesn't bode well for the first chapter. E.g lack of capitalization, no paragraph spacing between sentences etc etc.

First Chapter:

Okay, one thing i have to say right off the bat is that I got bored almost immediately around the part where the mother picked the two of them up. The conflict and relationship portrayed between the two siblings is basic and normal, something which is good for realistic portayal, but not for whatever was mentioned in your blurb of 'rocky relationship'

Honestly, the entire exchange looked like a playful pair of siblings with banter more so than 'rocky' so to say that their relationship was already bad is a bit suspicious. Siblings bicker all the time, doesn't mean they would kill each other outright. This situation don't really show us that level of hate that was alluded to in the blurb. To me, the story seems completely inane up to that point. That's 1.3k words of basic teenager sibling rivalry that every other story has shown. I don't see anything new or unique at this point.

Now, in your head, you're probably thinking "Just read on and you'll find out what was unique!" If you had to tell a reader that at any point it means you are inherently doing a bad job of the hook. Perhaps this would hook another person, but it didn't hook me - the rivalry between the siblings felt so basic, nothing alike the complicated emotions one feels when actually fighting with a sibling.

Perhaps it isn't portrayed properly, but that's just my take. I'm not an expert on sibling relationships (i have siblings) being written in fiction, and I'm sure you are doing a better job than I ever could. But this 1.3k basic display really puts the reader off, and doesn't bode well for the rest of the chapter.

Anyway, for the purpose of this review I continued reading, and oh boy, the mystery was good. I still think the conversations were extremely fucking hard to follow because of lack of capitalization, punctuation, grammar, lack of italics to show inner thoughts of characters, and constant shifting scenes with basic descriptions. What you said you intend to fix might fix some of this up, but lack of italics was really a huge let down, especially in a mystery novel where inner thoughts are key.

I must say at some point after the police officer found them (or Chris 'sneaked' up) my eyes glazed over the conversation and descriptions, which meant that at this particular juncture, I have lost the energy to keep up or follow along with the story. Everything related to punctuation, inconsistent spacing, inconsistent indenting, lack of punctuation, lack of italics, fast shifting scenes just throws me off. Not to mention the dialogue is pretty goddamn basic too, and also suffering from lack of proper pauses, commas and action descriptors.

The underlying plot is good, but everything you wrote seems to actively discourage the reader to continue. Writers are entertainers first and foremost for their chosen audience. And readability is massive. Stick to one style guide and stay consistent all the way. Do not deviate from it as much as possible. Minor errors are okay.

Title good, cover bad, blurb okay, first chapter almost terrible except for plot.

I'm not a big fan of rewrites, imo move on and write a different story. This one seems a bit too hard to go back and fix, and the payoff seems to me miles in the future as well. I find it hard to believe that any reader would be willing to slog it through a hundred chapters to get to a potential ending.

But of course, I have seen successful rewrites. Do what you like, this feedback was only for you to make a splash or make money in some form. I'm not making the most money myself, so take with a pinch of salt.
Easily the harshest feedback I got but valued none the less.

Glad to hear you at least thought the mystery was good. It means I getting one of the two main aspects right.
As for the rivalry, I get where you are coming from. Not sure if its where I chose to start the story but I have kind of written myself into a corner where I essentially have to hope people are willing to keep reading to see maybe see what I am going for in the long haul, (assuming I can write a good payoff) As for all the other stuff like punctuation and use of italics etc.... I'm just going to have to work on as I continue, trying to edit some of that stuff in and making better use of them going forward.

Going to stick with the story. Mainly because this story exist as a first attempt and I ultimately don't care to much if it end up taking off, it's just a way to build up my skills. Hope one day I can wright something that keeps your interest :)
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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2021

Please review this book. You can just post on the thread.
Aug 9, 2023
Due to unpopular demand and the desire to find more ideas, I have decided to open this thread to lack of fanfare.

What I think my credentials are:
1. Have made big newbie author mistakes myself in my first novel, especially how it started.​
2. Actively planned and engineered a new novel to fix said mistakes.​
3. In 14 days after launching my new novel, on 14/04/2023 0000 UTC I hit Royal Road RIsing Stars #1. (I'm #2 as of 21/4, fuck)​

To achieve this, I spent a lot of time and research on what each website likes and so on and what the gaps are in the market.

I would like to think that I did not stumble upon luck, but rather explicitly designed the novel in such a different writing style. This, in my head, makes me qualified to see if your first chapter/impressions would do well and sell.

Readers on ScribbleHub are different from RoyalRoad, but they all have the same base common desires.

But enough about me bragging.

What I'll do for you:

1. Review your title
2. Review your blurb
3. Review your cover
4. Review your first chapter and only your first chapter.
Unlike other feedback threads, my objective is not to have you writing perfect english, tenses, what not.

My objective for the review is to tell you if your novel can sell - e.g make money. However I can't tell you if you make a full-time job earning - it depends on how you carry the story as you go.

I will not vet grammar unless it is completely unlegible, I will not vet things like writing style unless it affects your selling.

My motto for writing is : write for the lowest common denominator.

Give me a link to your novel - and I'll give feedback only once in this thread. Any additional feedback requests is to be sent via private conversation.

No link = no review of novel

Any genre goes.
Please review my book MARS. I want to publish one day and getting your feedback would mean a lot!


Connoisseur of Degeneracy
Apr 9, 2020
Here's my novel, please give it a shot:

I also posted this novel on Webnovel, but on that site I separated the prologue and the first chapter. On SH, I merged them together into the first chapter. You can tell me if either separating or merging them was a good idea.

Edit: Nvm, I forgot that I decided against the idea of merging the first chapter in SH. Sorry, I forgot about it. Can you still please read them both? I know it's a bit much of me to request this, but the prologue is very important to read as it essentially acts as the first chapter. And chapter 1 is actually the continuation of the prologue. It shouldn't take long to read them, as both of them combined would have around 2300 words in total, which is actually pretty standard for a single chapter.
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New member
Aug 18, 2023
You're very kind to offer this. Thoughts very welcome on my first chapter posting on this site...



Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
First impressions? (Please read chapter 1, not chapter 0)
Hey there, thanks for waiting. I know it's been more than a month. Sorry for the delay.

1. Title
Interesting Title, but a bit too complex to farm clicks. I'm always of the mind of 'tailor for the lowest common denominator', especially when starting out as a web author. If you were starting out as a short fiction author or as a submission for a writing competition, i think the title is perfectly fine.

But for the purpose of ScribbleHub and RoyalRoad, only a few would click on this title. I currently don't have any ideas for an alternative title - I'll let you know if I do.

2. Cover

Quite frankly, this looks horrendous in a thumbnail. It's really hard to make out anything in such a small size. I honeslty suggest taking a look at it on mobile or when its listed on the series ranking - that's the main method in how your novel is discovered. Tailor a cover for that purpose. Plenty of online resources on how to setup stable diffusion, no coding required. there's minimal feasibility arguments to be made when it comes to making your own A.I generated covers. You can get a proper comissioned cover once you actually start making money on Patreon etc.

3. Blurb

It's a bit long, but I like the twist, really cool. I think this blurb really drives a lot of inherent tension and curiousity in me, so I'm looking forward to reading the first chapter. As of now I can only suggest a shortening of it without losing its essence if possible.

4. First Chapter
So, I read the entire (1 of 4), and briefly glanced through the rest. The number of words meant to be in the first chapter is honestly astounding, I'm glad that you're having fun writing it.

I can see the setting and background of what seems to be a good storytelling base, but honestly, the starting is so dry. I understand that it is related to the blurb, and I can see the purpose of her nabbing the X-Ranked Elixir. However, there's an underlying sense of confusion rather than curiousity.

Near the start of the first part of the first chapter you have a 579 words descriptive introduction of Lucille that actively hampers the tension-filled start of the chapter. This can also be referred to as an 'info-dump'. You should never ever spend this many words in consecutive sequence describing the looks, clothing, history and demeanour of the MC. It should be painted as you go - drip-fed, if you will.

By doing such a long descriptive prose, it staggers the action, making it go into a slight lull. Basically in short, it throws off the pacing that you set in the first four paragraphs.

This already killed my interest, but i continued reading on anyway.

The remainder of the first part of chapter 1 is essentially exposition, a way to dump everything to set the scene as fast as you can, at the expense of generating tension, curiousity and emotional attachement. Every paragraph you dump worldbuilding inside, it detracts from the reader's enthuasim, especially for an uninitiated reader. You can read my other feedback to other authors on how this can create a sort of barrier to entry for readers, who would have to drag themselves through the info.

This is a common amateur mistake, something I myself have done in Ceres Chaos. Take a glance at Chapter 1 (not prologue), and have a taste of how bad an info dump can get.

I'm not going into the rest of the chapters. It's mostly single POV with long periods of contemplation, planning and action. I like 4 of 4's introduction of the male MC, but that's about it.

Title meh, cover no, blurb very good, first chapter meh.

I think you got a good story going, but the way it is being presented is tough. I won't suggest a rewrite as it would probably take you forever, and bog you down tremendously. But try to keep the pointers in mind, especially about drip-feeding worldbuilding instead of infodumping.
