

Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
Recently, I've made a discovery.

See, I've break off with a friend online a few months back, in my personal view and does not equals who he might actually be; he was an asshole, a jerk, idiot childish man. But then I realized, this dude had a girlfriend, study hard, hits the gym daily and is ripped af with abs.

If I call him all of that and can't even do at least one of the things he did, then I'm even more trash than he is. The only thing I got better than him is writing skills and achievement (he's also kinda a writer) but that shit ain't gonna cut it when god confront me and ask "so, did you feel justified calling him all that?"

I'm gonna step up to him, but I ain't gonna get a girlfriend that shit's way too hard what the fuck, and I ain't gonna study, I'm a self-proclaimed writer, I don't live that good or smart of a life, so my last option is to hit the gym, but I'm very afraid I'm going to be lost and confused since I have no friends to go with me, any atiquette and tips I should look out for? Got a plan ready, I know the basics like bring a towel, wipe down equipments, leave them how you find them, wear shoes, etc. Any advice is helpful, I'll be hitting one by noon after the first exam, which is about... 5-6 hours to go since I hit the "post thread" button.

Thank you.


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
Just take walks/runs/bicycle rides. Driving to a gym to use an exercise bike/treadmill is a waste of time when you could ride a real bicycle or walk on a sidewalk to the grocery store instead. Want to reduce carbon emissions? Skip the gym!

For upper body workouts, look up stuff online or get creative! Work in your garden, if you have one.

Also, gym contracts are nasty. You typically have to sign up for a full year, and then if you want to cancel after a year, it's easier to cancel your credit card.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022

You what now.

Listen here you lil shit. Reckon I'm all of those and you can be too. Well studied. An animal in the gym. Got my skilla up, hoes on the phone, a well paying job to support my shenanigans, and I'm a very capable writer. What you are is making excuses. What you need to do first is remind yourself who you are, set those goals, and never, ever sell yourself short.

Everything he has is an achievable thing. You aren't stupid, you just aren't educated. It happens. I'm not educated when it comes to physics, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. To learn something, you need to know what to learn and then study and practice. You can learn anything, all it takes is learning the foundations to get you there and being disciplined enough to do it.

Women/Girlfriend is optional and isn't a high point unless you make it one. Focus on other things. It's okay.

Gym wise, it starts with three things.
  1. Goals. What do you want to achieve in the gym? You want abs, or do you want muscle? trying to chew iron and just lift heavy, or are you looking to be functionally fit? Do you wanna be flexible and able to do splits, or are muscles what you want?
  2. Discipline. Focus. Effort. "PR or ER". Whatever it is, you need a solid mindset. The grindset. The desire to dig into your guts and push everyday you step in that Iron Church. You're gonna get criticized, cackled at, and people will look at you funny. But fuck em. You focus on you and you need to have that mindset. Never say die and keep pushing, even when it hurts.
  3. Consistency. Everyone talks big in the beginning, but you need to show your worth in the gym on a regular basis to achieve your goals. Once or twice won't cut it. You need to be ready to make it a part of your routine, then you gotta go get it. Day in, day out. Over and over, you need to show up and show out. Everyone can talk heat about going to the gym, but are you lifting or are you just showing up?
No one will tell you to go to the gym. I sure won't. It's on you to clock in. Then it's in you to put in the work.

As for a side tip; don't focus on abs. Abs are a retarded goal. So don't even have that in your mind. Find something else.

If you want workout tips and the like, let me know. I can better focus on that when I know what your goals are. Otherwise, I'd recommend looking up YouTube workout videos. Find someone with a body shape that you want, then follow their workout plans. Look up the different training types and find one that you like, then go from there.

I highly recommend finding a 12-Week Program or a program that will layout exercises/workouts for you to follow. You aren't a trained professional, so leave that big thinking to those individuals. I don't even plan my own workouts. I let others do that and worry about pushing weight and stuffing my face with decent food.

Feel free to ask questions and ping me if you need it. Good luck.

Go carry some boats.

Ah, to add some sort of "feel good" tips.

  • Bring headphones and prepare a music playlist. Less stuff to fiddle with between sets.
  • Stretch a little before and after your workout. Or look up some warmup exercises and do some cardio after your workout.
  • Bring a snack for after. A protein bar, granola, or some kind of fruit. Bananas are nice.
  • Be kind/considerate. Share equipment if you need it. Don't be stingy. Some people are on a time hack.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for a spot if you need it but you really shouldn't right now.
  • Be curious. Poke around at the machines or ask someone to show you how it works if you need.
  • Like K5 said, gyms can be finicky with their contracts so make sure to ask about them. Get what's good for you and be careful of the contract BS.
  • Bring extra clothes, a lock for a locker, water.
  • You can also bring an extra pair of shoes if you want, or slippers/slides. Workout in your sneakers then switch to the slides. Then shoes gonna stank after a while. Gotta let em air out.
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2024 Shovel Duel Champion
Mar 6, 2022
To repeat the advice you've definitely heard before, just don't give up. You won't see immediate results, I haven't, but if you stick with it, you will.


Grind, Future, A Beautiful Star
Aug 8, 2023
Know what to eat and what not to eat. That's the most important part.
Do exercises with good form, don't try egolifting.
If it's too much to go to the gym, do calisthenics, like me.
It does work.


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
I've been trying to reach the gym 3 times.

First time: The moment I put my stuff in, family arguement, can't leave the house
Second time: Went after school, it's closed.
Just today after posting this thread aka 3rd time: Every gym, I checked 3, in the driving distance is closed.

I will not faulter, I will try again in a better hour. Perhaps it's not best to visit at 12-1PM lol. Mom said it's 4AM-9AM and 4PM-9PM, gotta check that.


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
4th time the charm, the gym opened. I got helped by the guy at the counter to use the treadmill and saw a guy doing lifts so I tried too, saw a guy doing squat but there's only one machine for that and 2-3 people were taking turns on it and I'll get a chance on it later.
~3 sets of treadmill brisk (1km-1km-300m) for ~4.4km/h
~3 sets of small lift, 10 lifts each. I use a 5kg bell (I think, it said 5), one on each side, heavily than it looks. I don't know if I got the form correctly though, gotta check on youtube.

Definitely gonna look to get a monthly membership (350.000 VND if you wanna translate that to ur currency)


136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
I second with @K5Rakitan the gym is a waste of time, and it is also far too expensive. Last year I bought myself a fitness bike for 100 Euro. If I had gone to the gym during all that time, I would have spent tons more. Sure, the gym in my hometown is less pricey, just 20 Euro per month, but the good thing about owning my own fitness bike is that I don't have to deal with people.

Which is always a plus.

And for the upper body, you can just use a kettlebell or two water bottles. So, as you wait for your coffee to brew or for your tea, you can just do either kettlebell swings or bicep curls.

Honestly, I think you should read the book: The subtle art of not giving a Fuck. Using this ex friend like a measuring stick is neither healthy nor nice.


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
Being fit is for slaves. Who is it that does the manual labor and gets all sweaty and muscle? It's the dirty, retarded, slave class. Be fat like a total Chad King. Also women want fat dudes over skinny and muscled up dudes. Your fat signals wealth and opulence, like the Roman emperors and European monarchs that came before you.

TLDL: Get fat equals get rizz


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023
Well, here’s my unhelpful opinion:

Personality and achievements are two separate things. Just because this guy “had a girlfriend, study hard, hits the gym daily and is ripped af with abs” means nothing. Not everyone wants a girlfriend. You don’t need to study hard to be successful. Gyms are useless (I think? I don’t go)

There’s two other things we can do. A: Analyze the statement he made to show how you can lie while telling the truth, or B: Discuss the value of a person, morality, then societal standards.

Let’s start with A. I’ll try to keep it short. To begin, everything he said could be a lie. Maybe he does have crazy abs, studies hard, and hits the gym, but for all you know he could have crippling depression and he overworks himself to cope with it. Maybe that’s why he acts the way he does. Also, assuming your statement is accurate, he “had” a girlfriend. Not “has”. Why they broke up, who knows. Maybe he was abusing her.

Part B: How do you assess value a person? You don’t. Situations vary and value varies depending on it. In a fight to the death, a billionaire is useless against a hired assassin. Or maybe we use someone like Mark Rober. If you asked him to teach you about quantum physics, he’s going to be useless. Just as a billionaire and Mark Rober may be extremely valuable in certain situations, you should value yourself based on how you feel about yourself.

Next, morality. So, let’s take Christianity as an example, sort of. (I‘m an atheist, don’t take anything I say about religion as fact) They have the concepts of “Heaven” and “Hell”. Heaven was for the “good“ people. Hell is for the “bad’ people. Generally, humans think those who are “good” to be worth more. So, if this guy ends up in Hell for being an “asshole, a jerk, idiot childish man” and you in Heaven, does that not make you worth more? Or perhaps, some other religions I know a bit more about, such as Egyptian. In Egyptian mythology, there was a scale to measure the “sin“ of a soul. If your soul has less “sin”, does that make you a better person?

Finally, societal standards. I’m going to assume that you identify as a man, since the things you seem worried about read as stereotypically male to me. Sorry if I got that wrong. Anyways, the societal standard (in the United States at least) is that the man is “big strong guy who provides for the woman”. Bad and outdated views, but still. Muscles and stuff are seen as masculine and men are expected by society to be masculine. That’s what society wants, but does it make YOU happy? If you don’t want muscles, don’t go get them. If you don’t want a girlfriend, that’s fine. Sure, it may result in society or portions of it looking down on you, but it makes you feel better.

TL;DR; You shouldn’t judge a person‘s or your own “value” by how they fit into societal standards. Do what makes YOU happy, ignore what others think about you.

(maybe not what you wanted to hear, but these are my thoughts)


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
Well, here’s my unhelpful opinion:

Personality and achievements are two separate things. Just because this guy “had a girlfriend, study hard, hits the gym daily and is ripped af with abs” means nothing. Not everyone wants a girlfriend. You don’t need to study hard to be successful. Gyms are useless (I think? I don’t go)

There’s two other things we can do. A: Analyze the statement he made to show how you can lie while telling the truth, or B: Discuss the value of a person, morality, then societal standards.

Let’s start with A. I’ll try to keep it short. To begin, everything he said could be a lie. Maybe he does have crazy abs, studies hard, and hits the gym, but for all you know he could have crippling depression and he overworks himself to cope with it. Maybe that’s why he acts the way he does. Also, assuming your statement is accurate, he “had” a girlfriend. Not “has”. Why they broke up, who knows. Maybe he was abusing her.

Part B: How do you assess value a person? You don’t. Situations vary and value varies depending on it. In a fight to the death, a billionaire is useless against a hired assassin. Or maybe we use someone like Mark Rober. If you asked him to teach you about quantum physics, he’s going to be useless. Just as a billionaire and Mark Rober may be extremely valuable in certain situations, you should value yourself based on how you feel about yourself.

Next, morality. So, let’s take Christianity as an example, sort of. (I‘m an atheist, don’t take anything I say about religion as fact) They have the concepts of “Heaven” and “Hell”. Heaven was for the “good“ people. Hell is for the “bad’ people. Generally, humans think those who are “good” to be worth more. So, if this guy ends up in Hell for being an “asshole, a jerk, idiot childish man” and you in Heaven, does that not make you worth more? Or perhaps, some other religions I know a bit more about, such as Egyptian. In Egyptian mythology, there was a scale to measure the “sin“ of a soul. If your soul has less “sin”, does that make you a better person?

Finally, societal standards. I’m going to assume that you identify as a man, since the things you seem worried about read as stereotypically male to me. Sorry if I got that wrong. Anyways, the societal standard (in the United States at least) is that the man is “big strong guy who provides for the woman”. Bad and outdated views, but still. Muscles and stuff are seen as masculine and men are expected by society to be masculine. That’s what society wants, but does it make YOU happy? If you don’t want muscles, don’t go get them. If you don’t want a girlfriend, that’s fine. Sure, it may result in society or portions of it looking down on you, but it makes you feel better.

TL;DR; You shouldn’t judge a person‘s or your own “value” by how they fit into societal standards. Do what makes YOU happy, ignore what others think about you.

(maybe not what you wanted to hear, but these are my thoughts)
I think you said the most intelligent thing in this thread, you should live for yourself and not for others.


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
Well, here’s my unhelpful opinion:

Personality and achievements are two separate things. Just because this guy “had a girlfriend, study hard, hits the gym daily and is ripped af with abs” means nothing. Not everyone wants a girlfriend. You don’t need to study hard to be successful. Gyms are useless (I think? I don’t go)

There’s two other things we can do. A: Analyze the statement he made to show how you can lie while telling the truth, or B: Discuss the value of a person, morality, then societal standards.

Let’s start with A. I’ll try to keep it short. To begin, everything he said could be a lie. Maybe he does have crazy abs, studies hard, and hits the gym, but for all you know he could have crippling depression and he overworks himself to cope with it. Maybe that’s why he acts the way he does. Also, assuming your statement is accurate, he “had” a girlfriend. Not “has”. Why they broke up, who knows. Maybe he was abusing her.

Part B: How do you assess value a person? You don’t. Situations vary and value varies depending on it. In a fight to the death, a billionaire is useless against a hired assassin. Or maybe we use someone like Mark Rober. If you asked him to teach you about quantum physics, he’s going to be useless. Just as a billionaire and Mark Rober may be extremely valuable in certain situations, you should value yourself based on how you feel about yourself.

Next, morality. So, let’s take Christianity as an example, sort of. (I‘m an atheist, don’t take anything I say about religion as fact) They have the concepts of “Heaven” and “Hell”. Heaven was for the “good“ people. Hell is for the “bad’ people. Generally, humans think those who are “good” to be worth more. So, if this guy ends up in Hell for being an “asshole, a jerk, idiot childish man” and you in Heaven, does that not make you worth more? Or perhaps, some other religions I know a bit more about, such as Egyptian. In Egyptian mythology, there was a scale to measure the “sin“ of a soul. If your soul has less “sin”, does that make you a better person?

Finally, societal standards. I’m going to assume that you identify as a man, since the things you seem worried about read as stereotypically male to me. Sorry if I got that wrong. Anyways, the societal standard (in the United States at least) is that the man is “big strong guy who provides for the woman”. Bad and outdated views, but still. Muscles and stuff are seen as masculine and men are expected by society to be masculine. That’s what society wants, but does it make YOU happy? If you don’t want muscles, don’t go get them. If you don’t want a girlfriend, that’s fine. Sure, it may result in society or portions of it looking down on you, but it makes you feel better.

TL;DR; You shouldn’t judge a person‘s or your own “value” by how they fit into societal standards. Do what makes YOU happy, ignore what others think about you.

(maybe not what you wanted to hear, but these are my thoughts)
God I want to lick your toes... Thank you for all this. I think I have something to think about.


Filth Wizard
Mar 23, 2022
Gyms are not a waste of time. Money, perhaps, although not if you're there at least 3 times a week,. i used to be an avid gym goer for several years.
Just remember to not try everything all at once and expect overnight results.


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
Why do people seem to have so many problems with Gyms? I've been in like 40 different gyms myself during just my childhood. You just go in, massacre everyone inside, and walk out with a badge. Easy.


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
Why do people seem to have so many problems with Gyms? I've been in like 40 different gyms myself during just my childhood. You just go in, massacre everyone inside, and walk out with a badge. Easy.
Well... Not everyone's surname is Hanma