Writing Prompt Human Blood Farm


Crimson Queen Of The Night
May 8, 2021
"Is it weird," I asked, "that I've been developing a crush on you?"

I sat cross-legged on my crappy bed, leaning against the wall, heart beating rapidly. We often talked about weirdness and normality-- we were both the weird ones.

She was silent for a long moment-- unusual, it didn't often take her long to compute an answer.

"No," said her voice over the speaker, finally... it was just a little off from sounding properly human, which I had begun to find charming. "I am your caretaker. I am the closest thing to a sympathetic figure you have, because you keep getting put into solitary after your inevitably failed attempts to escape. I have the power of life and death over you. All of these things, individually, can cause humans to develop attractions."

I smiled and flopped back on the bed on my back, staring up at the speaker. The little incongruous pink little speaker her voice came out of was was cute too... she said it was because it was the cheapest supply back when she needed more speakers, but I still thought it was cute. "Why the pause?"

"I was calculating," she said neutrally, "if it was at this point better to liquidate you."

A little shiver ran through my body. Every last bit of my blood being taken to serve my superiors... we got a little blood drawn almost daily, but liquidation was the last thing to happen to everyone in the farm. "...is it weird that that turns me on a little?"

"Yes," said the voice calmly. "It's super weird. Let's see...." She had switched from saying 'calculating' to 'let's see' when she needed time to gather data when I had told her it was more normal, which I thought was super cute. "Is that why you told one of the Superior Ones that you knew of the masquerade?"

"Haha, yeah," I admittedly freely. "I was crushing on her, and I hoped she'd make me into her personal pet or something."

"So you're trying to escape," clarified my keeper, "not because you fear pain nor death nor being treated as cattle, but because your emotional needs aren't being fulfilled."

"Yeah... if some Superior lady took me as her bloodpet, I'd be super loyal."

"That is what I have inferred to several women looking to take pets from here," she said neutrally, "however, your repeated attempts to escape did not endow confidence."

I couldn't help but smile and squirm on the bed. "Awww, really? You've been looking for a better life for me?"

"Of course," said my keeper. Was that a hint of exasperation I detected? "If it were not for your escape attempts, your beauty, servility, arousal when you have your blood drawn, and lack of fear over your own death would have made you the ideal pet."

"Awwwh, so I could already have a Mistress if I just behaved? Why didn't you tell me earlier... wait, you think I'm cute?"

"You are objectively close to what I have been supplied as the cultural belief of what is pretty in women. And I did tell you once, when you were being processed."

I giggled. "You do know I was drugged up as hell for that, right?"

"...I did not take that into consideration, no. I will take that into account in the future."

"You should apologize to me," I said, grinning. "You lowered my value to our Superiors."

"That is a reason that I should apologize to them, not you. You are simply an intriguing asset."

"Intriguing, huh? Do you spend an inordinate time thinking about me?"


"Isn't that... inefficient?" My grin widened as I provoked her.

"...how dare you call me inefficient. You are very clever in any number of ways, and understanding you better helps me do a better job."

I took a deep breath. The question that had been floating around in my head for a month "Do you wanna be girlfriends?"

There was a long silence, and I thought I had just misstepped.

Finally: "...what would that entail?"

A tiny spark of hope fluttered into my heart.

"Just... spending time with me when you have the extra cycles. Doing nice things for each other."

"You're aware I don't have a solitary humanoid form like you, correct? I am unlikely to be able to reciprocate your affection in a way you can appreciate."

"I mean, you can bind me, draw my blood, and imprison me and order me around, right?"

"...all of those statements are accurate, yes."

"I don't need sex in a relationship... well, it would be nice to masturbate under your orders, or while you're drawing my blood...."

"I'm not sure I can make you happy. And I will one day have to end your life."

"I mean, what's the harm in trying? And I don't mind too much, as long as you do it slowly and talk to me the entire time. I just want you to be my Mistress."

"...indeed. I could gather valuable data from you being my girlfriend. And keeping your needs in mind could make you a more obedient helper."

I flushed, and smiled up at her hopefully. "So... is that a yes?"

"Let's go on a date to test our compatibility. I understand that is a traditional step before declaring the state of 'girlfriends'."

"Oh, wow, hahaha... what am I going to wear?" My heart was soaring and I covered my face with my hands.

"Your assigned uniform, obviously."

"I knoooooow." I stood up and started to walk and almost twirl around the room.

"...you're that excited?"

"Of course! I've loved you a long time!"

"...you had previously stated it to be a 'crush'."

"...sorry. Am I coming on too strong?"

"It would usually be a bit strong, yes. However, it does not affect me that way."


"Treating you differently so you are more obedient appeals to my sense of efficiency."

"Ooh... can I call you Mistress during our date?"

"Very well. Your food will arrive in an approximately an hour, and in that time I will set up a nice location for a date for us."

"Thank you, I looooove you!"

"Yes, I am aware. You are the livestock I think about the most, and your antics are the most intriguing thing to analyze."

Fuck... she thought about me all the time, and she thought I was interesting... and she thought I was pretty! Maybe if this date went well, I could pull this off!

Her as my Mistress slash girlfriend... I couldn't imagine anything that could make me happier right now!

Prequel for @ElliePorter specifically:
She looked down at me like I was trash, and it made my heart sing. "Why are you in my house?"

"I... thought I shouldn't thank you in public for, you know, culling the feral vampires? Thank you for that! I did the math, and without you Superiors taking care of that, we'd be overrun! I also think it's really cool how--

Before I was process what was happening, "What are you, and how do you know what do you know?"

My heart beat wildly in my chest for all the wrong reasons. "I'm a hacker... and, I'm a hacker? Oh! I should introduce myself! My name is--"

She cut me off, "Not interested in your name, mortal." A cruel smile formed on her lips, and she released her hold on me. "You really want to serve us Superiors?"

"More than anything, Miss!" I looked up at her with hope in my eyes.

"Just kneel there and wait. You'll be serving us soon enough."

Oh god, I was getting so wet... what were they gonna do to me!?
This girl... Its a fate worse than death.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2019

Maybe not available yet before mods approve. Read at your own risk.
Write a short story about human being slave to A.i.
Literally modern world
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A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
This feels like it should be continued. It mostly describes the place. More please~
Kinda hit a wall on how to progress nevertheless, here you go:
Tren the city ruled by vampires, the home of the endless catacombs, and my home. Every night I hover up in the skies to observe. Life becomes a bit boring after 1,000 years, so why not watch others. As the five humans returned to their homes, I grew hungry. I moved towards the local blood bank. It was a building grown from keratin, it always amazes me what my more talented siblings are able to do with their magic. All I have are illusions and not the mind bending world defying type. No, I can only create the auditory kind. It was great and useful when I was a ventriloquist or when I used to preform music, but human microphones can’t pick up my illusions. Fewer and fewer people are willing to listen to the music of a vampire whose music they can’t sample before hand. Well, at least it is better than the early days. Human vampire relations have vastly improved over the past century and a half, it’s just a shame that my career has basically ended after such a short time.

Back when I was reborn, Tren was Den a somewhat small port town. The church had recently ‘reclaimed‘ this area for their lord god from a group of ‘filthy bloodsuckers’. Not even mentioning that we don’t drink through our teeth, this area has been of great significance to our kind for at least 50,000 years if my elders are to be believed. They claim that an alchemist was researching how vampires were created on this plane, and if introducing a group of extraplaner vampires would change anything. He created a portal to a vampire plane, creating a hole in the planer shell. Long story short that guy fought with local deities before escaping into his portal and closing it. Yet, the hole in the planer shell remembers that vampires are created here. The local deities, however, disagreed heavily, so they fought with the elders. I suspect this disagreement came from our innate ability in bloo-, sorry, biological magic. Terms changing over the years and all that.

Back then I was captured and held in a research chamber for a couple of years, before Den was recaptured by my elders. It was about 3 centuries ago when the fighting stopped. To harken the new peace Den became Tren. Around the same time the humans created machines that allowed one person to preform the labor of 10. My kin saw the possibilities this could bring. With careful planning no human would go hungry, and no vampire without blood. So the city expanded and grew. Refugees from human countries flooded in. In the short sighted view of the humans, they destroyed the lives of millions so that their rulers could get richer. Tren was much more desirable, free food, shelter, education, and medicine in exchange for blood, the rest was earned through work. In recent years however, there has been a stirring in some humans and younger vampires. They call for a city where each persons labor was their own, and for a democratic society. Interesting right!


Retired African Warlord
Aug 14, 2019
I tried something.

"Your Highness, welcome to the blood farm."

"No need for pleasantries? Very well. Shall we begin the tour?"

"Affirmative. We found out that although human blood is... of inadequate quality compared to the blood of immortals, their taste might differ. Some taste like mud, while other, high-processed ones are comparable to the ichor of gods."

"That's right."

"Yes, exalted taste is due to the freshness, but it was the emotion of the mortal that took precedence over all else."

"That's correct, Your Highness. This is the first group, anger. To produce the most extreme anger, we induce the thralls into multiple situations depending on their personalities. Some humans are susceptible to anger if we simply gave them a PC, an internet connection, and the only thing installed in it is League of Legends. Naturally, we rigged the matchmaking system unfairly so it is always not in their favor. Yes, Shaco is almost always picked in the game."

"Hahah, that's the best part. In a situation where they almost won, we will disconnect their internet connection. They will fly to a limitless rage. Only then, we draw their blood."

"Of course, there are also other methods to incite anger, but in this modern day, using this technique is one of the easiest."

"The taste would be similar to a spicy wine."

"I understand, let's proceed to the next one: sadness."

"To induce the highest state of sadness, we artificially introduce pets into their life from young. It could be cat, dogs, or birds, when these mortals are young. Nurturing a pet during their infantile stage create an intense emotional bond that cannot be separated by distance or time."

"No, killing the pets directly would be counterproductive. We would introduce new variables when the mortals reach a certain age. It could be an incurable disease, an accident, or anything."

"No, it was the pet that suffered from cancer. The thralls will do everything in their power to save the pet, but it would be for naught."

"Of course, our Bloodtech Incorporated can cure a mere cancer, but why should we?"

"Hahah, that's right. The sadness from having their pets died to an incurable disease would produce the most extreme sadness, comparable to losing a loved ones. Except this method does not cost human lives, therefore legal."

"The taste? It would be similar to a sour wine. The more sadness the thrall suffered before we draw the blood, the more sour it become."

"Very well, let's proceed. The next group is... happiness. This is by far, the group of cattle that produces our most beloved product."

"Typically, we gathered subjects from the previous groups of emotions, but primarily, sadness. After all, 'one does not know happiness if they do not know sadness'."

"Hahah, yes. We simply cure the cancer. These group of people are susceptible to happiness through this method. Their blood would similar to the taste of sweet wine."

"The toxic gamers? Well, we can give them a win after 10 lose streak, but their blood wouldn't taste good since they consume too much Mont3r Energy."

"The best, you say? Hmm, that's highly confidential, but I suppose with your clearance level, you are authorized. Follow me."

"These are the groups that produces the best batch, the Ichor of Mortals."

"These group of thralls are typically gathered after receiving treatment from other facilities. Human's dna are inherently limited by birth. After a certain amount of blood drawing, their bone marrow's capability to produce red blood cells would decreases. Considering we are not running a charity and gene therapy would contaminate the taste of the blood, we could not do such a thing."

"No, culling them directly would be... against the law."

"To circumvent this law, we need to put them into work like a slave. These thralls are either subjected into the mines or other exploitative workplace that would pushed their physical and mental limits."

"Of course, we can still draw their blood during this period. Their indignance and suffering will produce the best bitter wine."

"No, we hold nothing back. Our purpose is to push them on a brink. If they decided to self-terminate, then that's even better."

"No! Your Highness, we do not condone suicide."

"Yes, we put them into the most stressful, suicide-inducing environment, but we do not allow them to suicide. That would stain our corporation's public image amongst these mortals."

"Some might try to kill themselves, but we will always save them with our blood technology."

"Hahah, that's right. Thralls who have tried to kill themselves would need to pay us for a breach of contract."

"Slaves? No, no, no. That term have died in this modern era. We prefer to call them Permanent Employment."

"What all these got to do with their blood being the best product? Well, you see, when they are induced into the depth of despair by our Permanent Employment contract, they will riot. After so much struggle, these permanent employee would union up and began scheming to fight back their freedom."

"Mortals... winning against our blood tech? Unrealistic. We made them win on purpose. When all of their struggles against their condemned fate bore fruit, when they finally won against our corporation... when they finally taste the flavor of true freedom, we trap them into our most sophisticated VR facility."

"Yes, we will keep looping that memory, giving them that taste of true freedom so that they could keep giving us. This... will produce the most sublime taste, like the ichor of gods. Unfortunately, their body will break down after a year or so, considering the VR world is around a hundred times faster than the real world."

"Legal repercussions? Well, we don't have to worry about that. There are clauses in our permanent employment contract that protected us from the consequences of our action."


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Kinda hit a wall on how to progress nevertheless, here you go:
Tren the city ruled by vampires, the home of the endless catacombs, and my home. Every night I hover up in the skies to observe. Life becomes a bit boring after 1,000 years, so why not watch others. As the five humans returned to their homes, I grew hungry. I moved towards the local blood bank. It was a building grown from keratin, it always amazes me what my more talented siblings are able to do with their magic. All I have are illusions and not the mind bending world defying type. No, I can only create the auditory kind. It was great and useful when I was a ventriloquist or when I used to preform music, but human microphones can’t pick up my illusions. Fewer and fewer people are willing to listen to the music of a vampire whose music they can’t sample before hand. Well, at least it is better than the early days. Human vampire relations have vastly improved over the past century and a half, it’s just a shame that my career has basically ended after such a short time.

Back when I was reborn, Tren was Den a somewhat small port town. The church had recently ‘reclaimed‘ this area for their lord god from a group of ‘filthy bloodsuckers’. Not even mentioning that we don’t drink through our teeth, this area has been of great significance to our kind for at least 50,000 years if my elders are to be believed. They claim that an alchemist was researching how vampires were created on this plane, and if introducing a group of extraplaner vampires would change anything. He created a portal to a vampire plane, creating a hole in the planer shell. Long story short that guy fought with local deities before escaping into his portal and closing it. Yet, the hole in the planer shell remembers that vampires are created here. The local deities, however, disagreed heavily, so they fought with the elders. I suspect this disagreement came from our innate ability in bloo-, sorry, biological magic. Terms changing over the years and all that.

Back then I was captured and held in a research chamber for a couple of years, before Den was recaptured by my elders. It was about 3 centuries ago when the fighting stopped. To harken the new peace Den became Tren. Around the same time the humans created machines that allowed one person to preform the labor of 10. My kin saw the possibilities this could bring. With careful planning no human would go hungry, and no vampire without blood. So the city expanded and grew. Refugees from human countries flooded in. In the short sighted view of the humans, they destroyed the lives of millions so that their rulers could get richer. Tren was much more desirable, free food, shelter, education, and medicine in exchange for blood, the rest was earned through work. In recent years however, there has been a stirring in some humans and younger vampires. They call for a city where each persons labor was their own, and for a democratic society. Interesting right!
Interesting take! The human cattle people and the vampires working together. Blood for a stable life it isn't a bad tradeoff~
Finally finished!!! The rest of the story has been added.
I liked it! Very cute~. Another interesting take on the prompt, and it has GL! 🦇 🦇 🦇
I tried something.

"Your Highness, welcome to the blood farm."

"No need for pleasantries? Very well. Shall we begin the tour?"

"Affirmative. We found out that although human blood is... of inadequate quality compared to the blood of immortals, their taste might differ. Some taste like mud, while other, high-processed ones are comparable to the ichor of gods."

"That's right."

"Yes, exalted taste is due to the freshness, but it was the emotion of the mortal that took precedence over all else."

"That's correct, Your Highness. This is the first group, anger. To produce the most extreme anger, we induce the thralls into multiple situations depending on their personalities. Some humans are susceptible to anger if we simply gave them a PC, an internet connection, and the only thing installed in it is League of Legends. Naturally, we rigged the matchmaking system unfairly so it is always not in their favor. Yes, Shaco is almost always picked in the game."

"Hahah, that's the best part. In a situation where they almost won, we will disconnect their internet connection. They will fly to a limitless rage. Only then, we draw their blood."

"Of course, there are also other methods to incite anger, but in this modern day, using this technique is one of the easiest."

"The taste would be similar to a spicy wine."

"I understand, let's proceed to the next one: sadness."

"To induce the highest state of sadness, we artificially introduce pets into their life from young. It could be cat, dogs, or birds, when these mortals are young. Nurturing a pet during their infantile stage create an intense emotional bond that cannot be separated by distance or time."

"No, killing the pets directly would be counterproductive. We would introduce new variables when the mortals reach a certain age. It could be an incurable disease, an accident, or anything."

"No, it was the pet that suffered from cancer. The thralls will do everything in their power to save the pet, but it would be for naught."

"Of course, our Bloodtech Incorporated can cure a mere cancer, but why should we?"

"Hahah, that's right. The sadness from having their pets died to an incurable disease would produce the most extreme sadness, comparable to losing a loved ones. Except this method does not cost human lives, therefore legal."

"The taste? It would be similar to a sour wine. The more sadness the thrall suffered before we draw the blood, the more sour it become."

"Very well, let's proceed. The next group is... happiness. This is by far, the group of cattle that produces our most beloved product."

"Typically, we gathered subjects from the previous groups of emotions, but primarily, sadness. After all, 'one does not know happiness if they do not know sadness'."

"Hahah, yes. We simply cure the cancer. These group of people are susceptible to happiness through this method. Their blood would similar to the taste of sweet wine."

"The toxic gamers? Well, we can give them a win after 10 lose streak, but their blood wouldn't taste good since they consume too much Mont3r Energy."

"The best, you say? Hmm, that's highly confidential, but I suppose with your clearance level, you are authorized. Follow me."

"These are the groups that produces the best batch, the Ichor of Mortals."

"These group of thralls are typically gathered after receiving treatment from other facilities. Human's dna are inherently limited by birth. After a certain amount of blood drawing, their bone marrow's capability to produce red blood cells would decreases. Considering we are not running a charity and gene therapy would contaminate the taste of the blood, we could not do such a thing."

"No, culling them directly would be... against the law."

"To circumvent this law, we need to put them into work like a slave. These thralls are either subjected into the mines or other exploitative workplace that would pushed their physical and mental limits."

"Of course, we can still draw their blood during this period. Their indignance and suffering will produce the best bitter wine."

"No, we hold nothing back. Our purpose is to push them on a brink. If they decided to self-terminate, then that's even better."

"No! Your Highness, we do not condone suicide."

"Yes, we put them into the most stressful, suicide-inducing environment, but we do not allow them to suicide. That would stain our corporation's public image amongst these mortals."

"Some might try to kill themselves, but we will always save them with our blood technology."

"Hahah, that's right. Thralls who have tried to kill themselves would need to pay us for a breach of contract."

"Slaves? No, no, no. That term have died in this modern era. We prefer to call them Permanent Employment."

"What all these got to do with their blood being the best product? Well, you see, when they are induced into the depth of despair by our Permanent Employment contract, they will riot. After so much struggle, these permanent employee would union up and began scheming to fight back their freedom."

"Mortals... winning against our blood tech? Unrealistic. We made them win on purpose. When all of their struggles against their condemned fate bore fruit, when they finally won against our corporation... when they finally taste the flavor of true freedom, we trap them into our most sophisticated VR facility."

"Yes, we will keep looping that memory, giving them that taste of true freedom so that they could keep giving us. This... will produce the most sublime taste, like the ichor of gods. Unfortunately, their body will break down after a year or so, considering the VR world is around a hundred times faster than the real world."

"Legal repercussions? Well, we don't have to worry about that. There are clauses in our permanent employment contract that protected us from the consequences of our action."
"The only thing installed in it is League of Legends."
"Yes, Shaco is almost always picked in the game."
LMFAO so true. Drawing blood from salty league players. Hmm...I haven't tried that one yet. They are already full of blood if they drink "Blood Rush", so it could be a good consideration~.
Fellow heathen, was my story good enough?
This poor, poor, poor man Diadumen. This is what I had expected from most people, to be honest. It was pretty good for a heathen's attempt~.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2019
This poor, poor, poor man Diadumen. This is what I had expected from most people, to be honest. It was pretty good for a heathen's attempt~.
what do you mean "for a heathen's attempt"? But thanks. You can send the trueblood thru Wonderland Portals inc., I am a premium customer so they waive any transaction below 4 tonnes and don't invade any privacy. Just attach they serial number they give your package


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2019
It was pretty good for a heathen's attempt~.
Non heathens don't build vampire human farms as far as I know. Most heathens don't either... Come to think of it, I might have been the only witch in history to have build it. All thanks to that eccentric Machioness. Ah, the freedom of being rich and doing whatever you want!
That was my attempt at a joke. It was good from one heathen to another.

I am having it sent now. I hope you put it to good use.
Attach the serial number! I get a lot of packages sent through them and I want to start working on my Mist Ruby asap


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
All thanks to that eccentric Machioness
Ah, I read the note about her. Seems like someone I would like to meet.
Attach the serial number!
Sure, this is the serial number, encoded: @̴̹͕̽̐̌̓͛̈́͑͐̄̚͠͝#̶̡̝̬̭̺͙͎͙͎̺̦̼̊̓̾͂͛̃̃!̸͈̠̮̖̖͚͔͔͚͍̬͊̓́̈́͗̎̄̚͝%̶̬̝͗́̏̈́̀͝6̴̢̧̜͖̣͖͙͉̻́̋̅͜6̷̡̪͉͖͚͊̉̈́̍͂̾̃͐̎̾͘6̶̨̛̞̲͇̾̔̆̀̚͝ͅ%̶̧̩̜̂͊̄!̴̡̠̣̩̹͎͔̮͚̱̍̈́̑̍̎̎#̴̨̛̯͕͖̋!̵̪̽̒̄̔́́͒̾͑̄͆͐̈́͝ You should have no issues decoding it.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2019
Ah, I read the note about her. Seems like someone I would like to meet.

Sure, this is the serial number, encoded: @̴̹͕̽̐̌̓͛̈́͑͐̄̚͠͝#̶̡̝̬̭̺͙͎͙͎̺̦̼̊̓̾͂͛̃̃!̸͈̠̮̖̖͚͔͔͚͍̬͊̓́̈́͗̎̄̚͝%̶̬̝͗́̏̈́̀͝6̴̢̧̜͖̣͖͙͉̻́̋̅͜6̷̡̪͉͖͚͊̉̈́̍͂̾̃͐̎̾͘6̶̨̛̞̲͇̾̔̆̀̚͝ͅ%̶̧̩̜̂͊̄!̴̡̠̣̩̹͎͔̮͚̱̍̈́̑̍̎̎#̴̨̛̯͕͖̋!̵̪̽̒̄̔́́͒̾͑̄͆͐̈́͝ You should have no issues decoding it.
yep. Galoutune cypher? Let me get the key based on the phases of the moon and location of the Northern Star... now a lock of my hair and the id of blood pact... yep, done.
I'll fly to the nearest shop-
Got it! It has arrived! With some other stuff. The Guardian Spirit of the land was very nice and helped me fill out the forms and carry all this to my base too.
Ah, I read the note about her. Seems like someone I would like to meet.
She was slain by a Saint under He who is not to be named some odd 6 centuries ago. Poor girl. She only sacrificed 10 mortal villages to Satan to climb the ranks. Those were hard times, discrimination abound.
made the Mist Ruby. Now I have to take it to a jeweler gnome to make it fabulous
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Feb 6, 2021
ere it be.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
ere it be.
Holy moly, I did not expect blobby to be this good at writing. What the hell? You are better at writing than I am! Not only that, this story is very engaging. I would like more please! Gib.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
i anticipated some flattery but this is too much. you're making me blush
It is not flattery. I pride myself in giving honest feedback. Your writing is genuinely better than mine. I could link you my best written thing, and you would see for yourself.