Pleasurable Despair Of Hopelessness & Acceptance {Cause Of Procastination an essay by me}


zessei bijin stepford
Apr 21, 2019
I am not bragging but this is a damm good essay.
This essay is about procastination in skill devlopment and studying and self improvement but it would also apply to other things.

I am again compelled to write a essay because the itching inside me won't stop. This is not a fiction and there is no website called short_essay_hub so i am positing it here. Now i am not actually informed about the topic and anything said below may vary from absolute truth to complete snake oil pseudoscience.

read from here
So anyway i have seen some youtube videos talking about procrastination and i have also seen this in my observation. Basically procrastination happens when you
subconsciously assume that you are not going to succeed . This happens most when you are in the average . Success here is mostly doing better than average of your group. It's never (I am not smart enough to succeed) . It's mostly {I don't have good enough memory to memorize all the stuff} {I don't have enough self control to succeed}{I don't have enough time to succeed}

every time you procrastinate all this is all is not going to through your mind consciously. What's actually going in your mind is "There is absolutely nothing i can do"
"I am going to do it tomorrow or later"

There is a nice funny fuzzy feeling of calm and peace in your head now.

{Now you are absolutely certain here that in no way in hell you are going to be able to do this tomorrow. It doesn't make any sense to procrastinate here}
but by now your brain has already become too UNCOMFORTABLE subconsciously thinking about the consequences and it's ruining your mood and irritating you.

Seriously just think about it for a second I bet this has happened to you before. There is nothing more irrirtating then getting reminded of work when you are procrastinating.
Any alarm you would set are just switched off. Any messages that they show just makes your face cringe.

Now it has two options.

Option A:Dwell about the reality of your inevitable doom and try to find a solution .
excuting A.
doom is certain there is absolutely nothing. Nothing and i mean nothing. Just nothing. Even if i sit i would just waste my time and not be productive. throw exception I_hate_this_make_it_stop.

{now do note here. There is absolutely something you can do. You can go stop and do your stuff. There are physical things you can do which will make you concentrate. Like using analog clocks}
If given time later when the time has passed you can always recite 10 things you could have done at this time. But never at the moment of procrastination will you be able to remember how to stop procrastination and focus.

If you do manage to sit down it would be extremely extremely hard to focus.
For a single reason you are dealing with what i would like to call.
Pleasurable Despair Of Hopelessness & Acceptance

You are calm but you are not really happy. You have a warm fuzzy feeling but there is also a squashed feeling of dread in the back of your head.
You are answering the dread by saying {I don't care . It doesn't matter}

The reason you won't be able to FOCUS is because as a whole it is a negative feeling which arises the more you look at the thing you are procrastinating .

The more you look at it the more you think about how much more work has to be done. How it is hopeless since you don't have self control.

Your brain completely and utterly goes apeshit here.

If something makes you feel hopelessness then your brain would do everything in it's power to stop. You have a easier time killing puppies then you would have working through hopelessness.
It gets too stressed out.
It activates it's evolutionary defense mechanisms against despair. The same mechanism which protect you from despair of death. Once you accept that you are going to die you stop stressing about death especially if it's far away.

As long as the thing you are scared of is more than a week away you won't even feel bad procrastinating.

Now the thing to note is that you are not at all helpless here. If you were helpless here then there is no way you could have thought ways to solve this problem after the problem has already passed.

Your brain just thinks you are helpless and the activity you are doing is pleasurable and it doesn't want to stop.

the thing which actually gets you productive is positive emotions.

as long as you feel appropriately rewarded with dopamine after completing a minor accomplishment.
You would know that because it would be different from the lull type feeling of indifference you are currently experiencing while reading this.
It would be minor joy.

As long as you are rewarded and you feel something is important and has value you can get anything done.

If you start to work while drowning in despair and hopelessness that lull type feeling of calm. You would sit to study and just drift of into daydreams or you would start to google stuff like. {insert superstar's new clothes/boyfriend or where was taco invented or How is EA ruining your life}

Now what can you do.

{When i was writing this essay i was about to say you could do nothing and you are completely helpless and this essay is just macabre humor about the fact that we are no better than dogs}
Use Multiple Choice Questions and a analog clock if you are into STEM.
question banks are pretty good. use fill in the blanks if your subject needs it.

Knowing the fact that people with good self control are very rare and if you actually somehow develop self control then you have already won the game even if the time remaining for your deadline is less.
Seriously everyone is just as bad. That is why you are average.

Think about the stuff which gives you an edge above the competition . It can be your comprehension of the subject matter. Your intelligence. Understanding.
Some efficient trick for solving answers others are not aware of .

Hell you know what others are not aware how effective MCQ and analog clocks are . That itself gives you a advantage.

I was really really surprised that beveling in yourself and having faith that if you work hard you will succeed works.
Like i thought it was complete shounnen bullshit.
but that is not the case.
If you believe without a shadow of doubt that if I work harder than others then I would certainly succeed .
the talent difference is not that much.

then you can work really hard.

40% of NFA hockey players are born in January. 90% of hockey players selected are born in first quarter of year.
The reason for this despairty is cut off date for kids hockey league is January 1st.
if you are born in January then you get to be one year older than your peers . This gives you an early taste of success and gives you a bias that you are better than other hockey players but not better enough that you can win without working hard.

This motivates people to work hard because they think (I will certainly win if i work hard because when i was a kid i was good at hockey so i must have talent)
Now it is statistically impossible that somehow people born in first quarter of year are magically most talented.

The fact that you would think you will win. Makes you win.

The deciding factor in success is not talent.
It's the fact that if you get pleasure from working on the thing you are working on.

Ask yourself

How hard will I work if i knew for certain that doing exactly this thing everyday will make me the best.

By this thing i don't mean studying. I mean very very very concrete goals which aren't vague at all.
solving 60 MCQ questions everyday. If a magical being appeared infront of you and said that if you do 60 questions then it is certain that you are going to succeed in life then you would succeed. It would be a self fulfilling prophecy because doing 60 question is actually enough to guarantee success.

even if it was not enough then doing it everyday would be better than doing nothing. But your brain doesn't work that way. It's very instinctive it somehow shuts down if it feels uncertainty. Even thought it is logical to accept uncertainty and continue. It doesn't work .

Somehow humans have a bias against uncertainty and they hate it.
If you have uncertainty about your success even if you complete your concrete goal then sweat despair actiavtes and you aren't able to work.
it's an example of your evolutionary brain getting better of you.

It goes hey dude i controlled apes for a million years i know better than you .
Don't work . Go open scribble-hub. if you won't i would give no dopamine.

And like that we become the brain's bitch enslaved to his dopamine and get mindbroken and die in a ditch.

Now your brain is going to do it's hardest to make you forget all this.

It's like we are all fucked by the world and there is a magical force which will try to make you forget everything.
The force sometimes takes over your brain and says "I don't care" . It's not your voice.
It's evolution making you his bitch.
Evolution is echoing it through the brain and you think you are saying it.

You do care but it's the sweat despair of instinct inside you which has overtaken you .

Religions help drug dealer because it says the same thing i have said here.
It just calls evolution and your instinct the devil.

just imagine your wiafu or husbando or anyone you idolize or just yourself after you have changed and become what you desire to me.
And swear against the heavens.


A promise to yourself not to any gods or demons or the world like religions ask you to.

just a promise to your future self to not die. Maybe a promise to your corpse on your deathbed.

remeber the next line it's practical
Use Multiple Choice Questions and a analog clock if you are into STEM. keep getting your dopamine boost from concrete goals.

don't accept that you are going to stay perpetually miserable. You can do something.
oh also question banks are pretty good. use fill in the blanks if your subject needs it.
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Oct 8, 2020
Wow, dude. You don't kid when you say you got an itch.
Well, like nihilistic philosophy says, everyone is in hell and there is nothing you can do, so why waste time bieng sad?


Awkward member
Jan 2, 2021
Wow, dude. You don't kid when you say you got an itch.
Well, like nihilistic philosophy says, everyone is in hell and there is nothing you can do, so why waste time bieng sad?
"there is nothing you can do, so why waste time bieng sad" sounds like what a stoic would say.


Game Lead Programmer x WebAppSoft
Jun 24, 2020
This is what stress would do... fucking make you high and depressed - and make you do whatever foolishness you want to do to relieve things like these. I feel this shit, man. Hope you recover from your situation and live in heaven. :( :) :( :)


Oct 8, 2020
This is what stress would do... fucking make you high and depressed - and make you do whatever foolishness you want to do to relieve things like these. I feel this shit, man. Hope you recover from your situation and live in heaven. :( :) :( :)
Those emojis look like some weird pair of boobs


Awkward member
Jan 2, 2021
Reading the whole essay, I can only say one thing: Thanks @someonesomeguy. Reading this made me remember my identical life philosopy that I recently forgot. These days, I seem to be in the dumps and I can't seem to get 'inspirations' to continue working but reading this made me remember. I'm definitely gonna bookmark this.
I was really really surprised that beveling in yourself and having faith that if you work hard you will succeed works.
Like i thought it was complete shounnen bullshit.
but that is not the case.
If you believe without a shadow of doubt that if I work harder than others then I would certainly succeed .
I have an identical way of coping with this. It's by doing things like a machine. Continuous, unfaltering and constant.

I once procrastinated and forgotten things when the teachers said we have to bring back home the books little by little per day. Well what would I do? Forget it of course! Then the day came when all the books had to be brought home, I had two options; Bring back all the books or come back once classes returned. I don't know why at that time but the primary voice in my head said that I should bring them back, so I did. Mind you, I identified the voices in my head as the extremes of emotions and rational thinking(they're separated).

So with my bag full of weight, I went home. I don't have the luxury of transportation so I have to walk back home. The bag is heavy but I have to bring it back. My shoulders ached as I carried it but I persevered. I don't know what I am high at that time but my resolution is at all high. I just felt like a hero giving my instinct a middle finger. The pain vanished as I continued carrying the heavy bag but it still didn't change that it's heavy and one bump from a person can make me collapse.

And I finally reached my house. As I removed my bag, I can feel the pain in my shoulders, but I seem to have forgotten it as I relinquished to the euphoria of defying my instinct. At that time, I learned to no longer punch myself to force myself to work and instead rebelling on the shouts of my lazyness.

Oh and as an icing on the cake, it seems like I did the right thing since the school was flooded after that, leaving all stray books left as useless


zessei bijin stepford
Apr 21, 2019
This is what stress would do... fucking make you high and depressed - and make you do whatever foolishness you want to do to relieve things like these. I feel this shit, man. Hope you recover from your situation and live in heaven. :( :) :( :)
bro i am not stressed at all. The thing is I go in a state of so much inner peace and calm that you would tell me i would literally fail every exam tomorrow and i won't care at all.
It's really really easy for me to calm myself down. It's instinctive. Like even worse case scenario don't really scare me. Seriously it's a level of chill unseen before.
I kid you not i literally stopped giving a math exam and took a break of 10 minutes and started looking at memes when there were online classes.
I wrote all that cause that won't really work in real life if you have go for competitive exam.

So i must expel some bullshit to get me motivated or i would end up getting a job which people get in japan. 9 hour work day of busy work.

sacrifice humanity and chill like jojo.


Brick-San the god of wholesome hentai
Dec 28, 2020
Well that’s kinda what’s stopping from finishing my chapters for my series. I’m tired, bored, and over all my brain is being a dick


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2020

But also thank evolution for allowing me to exist.


﹤Once a Potato﹥
Feb 23, 2021
I am not bragging but this is a damm good essay.
This essay is about procastination in skill devlopment and studying and self improvement but it would also apply to other things.

I am again compelled to write a essay because the itching inside me won't stop. This is not a fiction and there is no website called short_essay_hub so i am positing it here. Now i am not actually informed about the topic and anything said below may vary from absolute truth to complete snake oil pseudoscience.

read from here
So anyway i have seen some youtube videos talking about procrastination and i have also seen this in my observation. Basically procrastination happens when you
subconsciously assume that you are not going to succeed . This happens most when you are in the average . Success here is mostly doing better than average of your group. It's never (I am not smart enough to succeed) . It's mostly {I don't have good enough memory to memorize all the stuff} {I don't have enough self control to succeed}{I don't have enough time to succeed}

every time you procrastinate all this is all is not going to through your mind consciously. What's actually going in your mind is "There is absolutely nothing i can do"
"I am going to do it tomorrow or later"

There is a nice funny fuzzy feeling of calm and peace in your head now.

{Now you are absolutely certain here that in no way in hell you are going to be able to do this tomorrow. It doesn't make any sense to procrastinate here}
but by now your brain has already become too UNCOMFORTABLE subconsciously thinking about the consequences and it's ruining your mood and irritating you.

Seriously just think about it for a second I bet this has happened to you before. There is nothing more irrirtating then getting reminded of work when you are procrastinating.
Any alarm you would set are just switched off. Any messages that they show just makes your face cringe.

Now it has two options.

Option A:Dwell about the reality of your inevitable doom and try to find a solution .
excuting A.
doom is certain there is absolutely nothing. Nothing and i mean nothing. Just nothing. Even if i sit i would just waste my time and not be productive. throw exception I_hate_this_make_it_stop.

{now do note here. There is absolutely something you can do. You can go stop and do your stuff. There are physical things you can do which will make you concentrate. Like using analog clocks}
If given time later when the time has passed you can always recite 10 things you could have done at this time. But never at the moment of procrastination will you be able to remember how to stop procrastination and focus.

If you do manage to sit down it would be extremely extremely hard to focus.
For a single reason you are dealing with what i would like to call.
Pleasurable Despair Of Hopelessness & Acceptance

You are calm but you are not really happy. You have a warm fuzzy feeling but there is also a squashed feeling of dread in the back of your head.
You are answering the dread by saying {I don't care . It doesn't matter}

The reason you won't be able to FOCUS is because as a whole it is a negative feeling which arises the more you look at the thing you are procrastinating .

The more you look at it the more you think about how much more work has to be done. How it is hopeless since you don't have self control.

Your brain completely and utterly goes apeshit here.

If something makes you feel hopelessness then your brain would do everything in it's power to stop. You have a easier time killing puppies then you would have working through hopelessness.
It gets too stressed out.
It activates it's evolutionary defense mechanisms against despair. The same mechanism which protect you from despair of death. Once you accept that you are going to die you stop stressing about death especially if it's far away.

As long as the thing you are scared of is more than a week away you won't even feel bad procrastinating.

Now the thing to note is that you are not at all helpless here. If you were helpless here then there is no way you could have thought ways to solve this problem after the problem has already passed.

Your brain just thinks you are helpless and the activity you are doing is pleasurable and it doesn't want to stop.

the thing which actually gets you productive is positive emotions.

as long as you feel appropriately rewarded with dopamine after completing a minor accomplishment.
You would know that because it would be different from the lull type feeling of indifference you are currently experiencing while reading this.
It would be minor joy.

As long as you are rewarded and you feel something is important and has value you can get anything done.

If you start to work while drowning in despair and hopelessness that lull type feeling of calm. You would sit to study and just drift of into daydreams or you would start to google stuff like. {insert superstar's new clothes/boyfriend or where was taco invented or How is EA ruining your life}

Now what can you do.

{When i was writing this essay i was about to say you could do nothing and you are completely helpless and this essay is just macabre humor about the fact that we are no better than dogs}
Use Multiple Choice Questions and a analog clock if you are into STEM.
question banks are pretty good. use fill in the blanks if your subject needs it.

Knowing the fact that people with good self control are very rare and if you actually somehow develop self control then you have already won the game even if the time remaining for your deadline is less.
Seriously everyone is just as bad. That is why you are average.

Think about the stuff which gives you an edge above the competition . It can be your comprehension of the subject matter. Your intelligence. Understanding.
Some efficient trick for solving answers others are not aware of .

Hell you know what others are not aware how effective MCQ and analog clocks are . That itself gives you a advantage.

I was really really surprised that beveling in yourself and having faith that if you work hard you will succeed works.
Like i thought it was complete shounnen bullshit.
but that is not the case.
If you believe without a shadow of doubt that if I work harder than others then I would certainly succeed .
the talent difference is not that much.

then you can work really hard.

40% of NFA hockey players are born in January. 90% of hockey players selected are born in first quarter of year.
The reason for this despairty is cut off date for kids hockey league is January 1st.
if you are born in January then you get to be one year older than your peers . This gives you an early taste of success and gives you a bias that you are better than other hockey players but not better enough that you can win without working hard.

This motivates people to work hard because they think (I will certainly win if i work hard because when i was a kid i was good at hockey so i must have talent)
Now it is statistically impossible that somehow people born in first quarter of year are magically most talented.

The fact that you would think you will win. Makes you win.

The deciding factor in success is not talent.
It's the fact that if you get pleasure from working on the thing you are working on.

Ask yourself

How hard will I work if i knew for certain that doing exactly this thing everyday will make me the best.

By this thing i don't mean studying. I mean very very very concrete goals which aren't vague at all.
solving 60 MCQ questions everyday. If a magical being appeared infront of you and said that if you do 60 questions then it is certain that you are going to succeed in life then you would succeed. It would be a self fulfilling prophecy because doing 60 question is actually enough to guarantee success.

even if it was not enough then doing it everyday would be better than doing nothing. But your brain doesn't work that way. It's very instinctive it somehow shuts down if it feels uncertainty. Even thought it is logical to accept uncertainty and continue. It doesn't work .

Somehow humans have a bias against uncertainty and they hate it.
If you have uncertainty about your success even if you complete your concrete goal then sweat despair actiavtes and you aren't able to work.
it's an example of your evolutionary brain getting better of you.

It goes hey dude i controlled apes for a million years i know better than you .
Don't work . Go open scribble-hub. if you won't i would give no dopamine.

And like that we become the brain's bitch enslaved to his dopamine and get mindbroken and die in a ditch.

Now your brain is going to do it's hardest to make you forget all this.

It's like we are all fucked by the world and there is a magical force which will try to make you forget everything.
The force sometimes takes over your brain and says "I don't care" . It's not your voice.
It's evolution making you his bitch.
Evolution is echoing it through the brain and you think you are saying it.

You do care but it's the sweat despair of instinct inside you which has overtaken you .

Religions help drug dealer because it says the same thing i have said here.
It just calls evolution and your instinct the devil.

just imagine your wiafu or husbando or anyone you idolize or just yourself after you have changed and become what you desire to me.
And swear against the heavens.


A promise to yourself not to any gods or demons or the world like religions ask you to.

just a promise to your future self to not die. Maybe a promise to your corpse on your deathbed.

remeber the next line it's practical
Use Multiple Choice Questions and a analog clock if you are into STEM. keep getting your dopamine boost from concrete goals.

don't accept that you are going to stay perpetually miserable. You can do something.
oh also question banks are pretty good. use fill in the blanks if your subject needs it.
I know that I have already said this a while back but holy mackerel of cheese, you are the wisest man that I have ever seen.


Game Lead Programmer x WebAppSoft
Jun 24, 2020
Did you just ask him to kill himself?...
bro i am not stressed at all. The thing is I go in a state of so much inner peace and calm that you would tell me i would literally fail every exam tomorrow and i won't care at all.
It's really really easy for me to calm myself down. It's instinctive. Like even worse case scenario don't really scare me. Seriously it's a level of chill unseen before.
I kid you not i literally stopped giving a math exam and took a break of 10 minutes and started looking at memes when there were online classes.
I wrote all that cause that won't really work in real life if you have go for competitive exam.

So i must expel some bullshit to get me motivated or i would end up getting a job which people get in japan. 9 hour work day of busy work.

sacrifice humanity and chill like jojo.
become monke

Deleted member 45782

⬆️ there an actual soul in there ?

bro i am not stressed at all. The thing is I go in a state of so much inner peace and calm that you would tell me i would literally fail every exam tomorrow and i won't care at all.
It's really really easy for me to calm myself down. It's instinctive. Like even worse case scenario don't really scare me. Seriously it's a level of chill unseen before.
I kid you not i literally stopped giving a math exam and took a break of 10 minutes and started looking at memes when there were online classes.
I wrote all that cause that won't really work in real life if you have go for competitive exam.

So i must expel some bullshit to get me motivated or i would end up getting a job. 9 hour work day of busy work.
Actually relatable. Awhile ago it was pretty hard for me to focus in college. It got to the point where there were couple hours away or had time to cram in for a study and...I just couldn't focus or really give a care. There's no dread or fear of the's just calm blankness in your mind, like maybe something slightly intangible (closest thing I can describe it is maybe a very opaque gray fog or brick wall). For me though, I think its not so much about calming, but its just moving into a state of idgaf stage. That can happen when you are stressed out to the point that you feel numb about it, it can also happen like you mentioned when you just want to avoid that unseen stress (if its not right now, then its invisible is what our minds tell us).

But yes, I do agree, getting out of self-procrastination and doing self-discipline is hard. It takes awhile, and many are still stuck in not being able to get out of that. I for one, am trying to find more motivation to propel myself to do more productive things that I need to do, besides writing. I think we all have to find ourselves eventually and pick ourselves back up. Its hard, but no gain without some struggle.

I don't necessarily agree with everything in your OP post, but I do agree with the main basis: by doing something, you get a sense of achievement or accomplishment and now that sense of feeling can give you a rush that something hopeful and successful is waiting out there for you. Similar to like how one gets into the state of feeling like everything is useless, its opposite side is feeling achieved and successful which many have tried don't really stick to it for a good amount of time for it to work.

So once you finished something you feel you achieved, continued doing it and don't stop. You don't just start a car, you start a car and drive it to places. The initial start with that kick booster of feeling doing something achieved helps to go a long way down the road. And eventually after awhile, you'll see that you have come a long way and some successes start to sprout in the steps you have taken and will take.

I think we need motivation beyond just the job part. Jobs irl don't always concide with our dreams and hobbies and our passions (and many jobs here are 8hrs..there's probably some 9 hr ones as well), but we need that sense of motivation to continue so it can push ourselves beyond that to find living meaningful instead of just surviving.


Level 34 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
My baby is screaming too loud for me to succeed.