What did you learn today?


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
1) How people know about users birthday easily (beside checking all users one by one)
There is a subsection on the left called : "Today's birthdays"
in "Members" section

2) (Context)
During my ban, there was AC trailer, so BADLY "something", that it shut the mouths of the defenders/spectator-players. EVEN THEY couldn't defend the trailer, that it wasn't "something".

What i learned :
Assassin creed shadows, did something never done before.
It banded CHINA, JAPAN, KOREA, together.
which are the old logics (already known) :
The enemy of my enemy is my ally
A external big enemy is often the best solution to internal fighting


Jun 18, 2024
I learned that "ghosts" are possibly not just ghosts, they could be future time travelers trying to communicate with us in most visited places like haunted houses, asylums, and abandoned places all on a certain date because that's possibly when it was rumored to be most haunted.
so like when we think it's a ghost talking to us through a spirit box or touching things that can only go off when touched, it could just be a time traveler. (Some parts of this might not make sense and there are so many other things that come into play with it but it makes sense in my head)

Another interesting thing I never seemed to notice before, but ghosts/shadows/demons or whatever the thing is, they always tend to be darker than the dark itself

Sorry...I watch way too much horror and Sam and Colby...


New member
Jun 22, 2024
I learned that time is the ultimate key to wisdom.
(get ready for some philosophy, peeps)
Think about it. Wisdom is learning from your past mistakes and basing that knowledge on what you do currently, as well has having knowledge, right? We gain knowledge over time.
Except, I also learned that some people don't "have the time" to gain knowledge. i.e., people with busy lives or busy jobs. Their life, their job, takes up so much time and importance that they don't have the time to reflect on mistakes or knowledge that they have gained that day. However, I am NOT saying that having a busy job is a bad thing, just that sometimes people need to settle down and think.
But consider elderly, retired people. We often view them as wise, because of their experience and the knowledge they have gained over their lifetime. But also, retired people have all the time in the world to gain knowledge and wisdom, because they are not limited by jobs and events.
Just going to put this out there for those who want to read it. :)


🌻Currently Hibernating🌹
Jun 13, 2024
Today I learned that while lizard people theory might not be true, crabs might be the next best thing to that.

Also, that some cultures oddly believed that vampires were weirdly into counting stuff. Thus, they claimed if you were ever being chased by a vampire, you could just throw some rice at it, which should stop the vampire, then it will count each rice grain for some reason. Count Dracula has “Count” in his name too, maybe that's a clever word-play. Or maybe that's just his noble title and I'm overthinking this.


What is a custom title?
May 2, 2021
I was listening to a sermon on Isaiah and one of the things that brought judgement on Israel was consolidation of land. People were buying up land and and increasing their wealth. God saw this as bad because it got certain people rich at the expense of others. In an agrarian society excluding people from having land to farm or ranch was really cruel, enough so to judge a whole nation.

I didn't think that the bible talked about anti-trust, but it actually does condemn it. So that is what I learned today.


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
Today i learned that CHAD Envy :blob_aww: has a secret youtube channel :

PS : This is what happens when a girl/woman have brainz and no brainrot/social-addiction :blob_shade:
PSS : No fking wonder why Envy-chan get all the girlz (badass x smart girl is endeed attractive)
PSSS: The video also took the words out of my mouth (and envy's mouth, very pointy teeth vampire mouth)
I learned that time is the ultimate key to wisdom.
(get ready for some philosophy, peeps)
Think about it. Wisdom is learning from your past mistakes and basing that knowledge on what you do currently, as well has having knowledge, right? We gain knowledge over time.
Except, I also learned that some people don't "have the time" to gain knowledge. i.e., people with busy lives or busy jobs. Their life, their job, takes up so much time and importance that they don't have the time to reflect on mistakes or knowledge that they have gained that day. However, I am NOT saying that having a busy job is a bad thing, just that sometimes people need to settle down and think.
But consider elderly, retired people. We often view them as wise, because of their experience and the knowledge they have gained over their lifetime. But also, retired people have all the time in the world to gain knowledge and wisdom, because they are not limited by jobs and events.
Just going to put this out there for those who want to read it. :)
lot of people, despite having the key
dont use it.

"What humans learned from history, is that they never learn"

Also in china, lot of old men, do car accident scam.
"Its not that old men turned bad, but villains became old"

And "efficiency" is also important.
Tiktok/socials time cause brainrot, compared to reading books.
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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019

Its so cursed

here is a video



Active member
Dec 23, 2023
That my D&D group will adopt/kidnap literally anything to be a part of their adventuring party. It does not matter what it is. They will try. And they will be very upset if I say no. The list so far:
Random Sentient Skeleton (In the party)
Goblin (they have declared they will try when they find one)
Cave Rat (It didn't work, but the attempt was made)
The Cart Driver (Twice. It didn't work either time)