What do you think about suicide?

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2021
I know it's not a place to ask, but I couldn't help it. Like the title, I want to know your thoughts and beliefs on suicide.

Please don't say I am seeking attention (I am SICK of it) , I damn don't want that.

The more scary it is, the better.

Thank you


Severe autist
Dec 19, 2021
A way out of suffering for those who have nothing to live for. A practice with a far too negative stigma, and overused by attention seekers.
Though a more specific question would be nice.


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2021
A way out of suffering for those who have nothing to live for. A practice with a far too negative stigma, and overused by attention seekers.
Though a more specific question would be nice.
I also want to ask for advice from depression survivors. But I held back.
reminds me of watching platinum end, but yeah talk to parents and friends in free time
The facade I built for years, my cheerful personality won't allow that. Infact, this truth is only known to me clearly. I am also bad with expressing feelings. When too restless, I will just asks in websites for advice. It had worked out several times.


Queen of Yuri Devourer of Traps
Dec 23, 2018
I know it's not a place to ask, but I couldn't help it. Like the title, I want to know your thoughts and beliefs on suicide.

Please don't say I am seeking attention (I am SICK of it) , I damn don't want that.

The more scary it is, the better.

Thank you

It's delicious. People may not know this, but the souls of suicide victims have a certain tinge of despair etched into it. Not only the despair from when they were alive, but also despair from the time they are dead. Those who commit suicide are destined to repeat it until their souls lose substance. That is, for as well as they are aware, they will be aware that they are going through the same day over and over again to the point of the suicide. At which point they will return to the starting point and do it again.

Such souls are no good fresh, no good rotten either. The sweet spot is when they have passed the point of the 1000th suicide, though this also depends on the integrity of the soul. Some souls rot shortly after the 1000th suicide and that's no good. For the sake of making ruhikuri, you need a regretful soul that has not yet rot. The taste of the resulting ruhikuri can be described as something like a little bitter with a hint of sourness.

Scary enough?


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2020
It is something I still have complex and jealous feelings about, after beautifying and fetishizing it during my angsty teenage years. In the end, suicide is unnecessary because humans are perfectly mortal already. As a grownup, I have found the patience to wait my turn with dignity.


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
Suicide is awful and will send you straight to hell but also kinda funny
Jan 15, 2019
when i think of suicide, it's not simply about the act of consciously doing so. we might be slowly and unconsciously killing ourselves by the way we live, so there's that.


Friendly Saurian Neighbor
Dec 9, 2020
According to Romans, it's a noble death. The Japanese consider it an honorable death, and/or a way to regain/preserve one's family honor.


Feb 24, 2021
I am personally against suicide since I would prefer to unleash my pent up anger and spite against whatever kills me. So if truck-chan forcibly reincarnates me into the fantasy equivalent of England then I'm making sure I get as much spit on that grille as I can.


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2021
It's delicious. People may not know this, but the souls of suicide victims have a certain tinge of despair etched into it. Not only the despair from when they were alive, but also despair from the time they are dead. Those who commit suicide are destined to repeat it until their souls lose substance. That is, for as well as they are aware, they will be aware that they are going through the same day over and over again to the point of the suicide. At which point they will return to the starting point and do it again.

Such souls are no good fresh, no good rotten either. The sweet spot is when they have passed the point of the 1000th suicide, though this also depends on the integrity of the soul. Some souls rot shortly after the 1000th suicide and that's no good. For the sake of making ruhikuri, you need a regretful soul that has not yet rot. The taste of the resulting ruhikuri can be described as something like a little bitter with a hint of sourness.

Scary enough?
Ya ya a little scary.
It is something I still have complex and jealous feelings about, after beautifying and fetishizing it during my angsty teenage years. In the end, suicide is unnecessary because humans are perfectly mortal already. As a grownup, I have found the patience to wait my turn with dignity.
I wish I could do that
when i think of suicide, it's not simply about the act of consciously doing so. we might be slowly and unconsciously killing ourselves by the way we live, so there's that.
Yay that makes sense
I am personally against suicide since I would prefer to unleash my pent up anger and spite against whatever kills me. So if truck-chan forcibly reincarnates me into the fantasy equivalent of England then I'm making sure I get as much spit on that grille as I can.
Dying only to find yourself reincarnated? No, that will be awful.


Ultimate Wankmaster, Jizzer of Universes
Nov 27, 2020
A way to run out if reality. Too escape the reality which is painful. A way to relief yourself and to escape from the pain you will feel the rest of your life. But for me suicide is for cowards
So a lot of people say when they don't know how much courage and determination it takes to actually decide that they should be dead. Not that I can speak for that, i sure as hell don't understand it either, but I've just never liked the cowardice argument. Frankly, I find it idiotic. Though there is the potential for it to be case by case. Whatever.


I'm a Lazy Writer, So What?
Dec 23, 2018
Can't relate. I usually talk about suicide like how I talk about anime and stuff but its just honestly baffling at how much depression could lead a man to suicide.

I'm the type who even has the worst life most people have experience but I never reach the point where suicide is an option and mostly go through with life like its just another tuesday.

Hell, even rape women in my country handles suicide more than most people think which I don't even know how can a person would reach that boiling point of killing themselves.

But I consider that its because most people who live in a comfortable life just can't handle being at their lowest which is considerable since they never experience a life being at their lowest all the time.

Parents expectation of you being the lowest, being compared to garbage all the time? Yup. Its common here.

Poverty and wishing to live a middle-class life or to at least have enough money to send kids to school? Yup. Common.

Your mental state is weird? Yup. How about sending you to a mental institute rather than asking for professional help.

Depression is the least likely occurrence to the livelihood over the fact that no one would really care if you die on the street here. We can give you a funeral and cry about it but at the end of the day, you'll just be part of the graveyard which will just be forgotten in the sands of time.

So suicide is the least likelihood to happen to here compared to how much bothersome you'll be if you act like a suicidal person. Which in any case, even talking about suicide here just causes you be an annoyance to people here than anything.


Queen of Yuri Devourer of Traps
Dec 23, 2018
According to Romans, it's a noble death. The Japanese consider it an honorable death, and/or a way to regain/preserve one's family honor.
The concept of honourable death has been misunderstood often, though. Seppuku is the act of final defiance. It basically says, "I would rather die than to serve my master's enemy". In many cases, they would commit seppuku even before a demand was given when they realize that victory is not going to be achieved. When this happens, they do it so that they won't be shamed through torture or public humiliation, as the people back then was known to do.

In some cases, the lord would ask them to commit seppuku to spare their family from execution, in a sentiment that symbolized the person's willingness to take responsibility, to repent and to take up the burden that would be on his family unto himself. Even to this day, we have people committing seppuku, but not through the sword. Japanese politicians caught with a scandal would always give their resignation letter as a way to take responsibility, and they would never become politician again as penance for the scandal, effectively killing their political career.

Similarly, modern-day honourable seppuku is also performed not out of selfishness, but out of responsibility. You do not commit suicide because life has been bad for you. You commit suicide when you rake up a large debt, been mooching off your aging parents, have no prospects and no future. In this way, you commit suicide so that your parents can disown you, and thus refuse to inherit your debts, no longer need to take care of you and no need to worry over you anymore. Similarly, there are parents who commit suicide when, in their minds, they think their children and spouse would be better off without them.

So it's a different kind of suicide compared to what people of other cultures perform. In Japanese culture, an honourable suicide is done for others, not for yourself. You do not commit suicide because life is hard, but because life would be harder for your family with you around.
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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2021
It's the first step of achieving transcendence and escape from the bureaucracy of death by abandoning your mortal body, descending to Great Darkness.

If your goal is to relief yourself from the pain of existence, you shouldn't even think about suicide. Death is inevitable and is always a heartbeat away. Committing suicide immortalizes your soul, preventing it from ascending to Heaven.
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