What inspired you to write?


Learning about this writing stuff
Mar 10, 2020
Sharing my message and creating an impact in the life of others.
The writers of the series Wa Yuusha de Aru.
No changes, I'm just applying the knowledge I got from trying to be a musician and an artist.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
That depends on whether you're talking about when I first started seriously writing, or what inspired me to write the series I'm writing now. I get the feeling you're talking about the former rather than the latter. It's actually a little bit of a heavy story, but I do feel it's worth sharing.

So, it starts on a slightly more positive note. It was in a college level English class. Up until this point, writing had been a very weak subject for me. But, my instructor for this college level class finally gave me the advice every serious writer needs to hear before they will be any good as a writer at all, and I can't believe nobody had ever put it to me like this before that day. It's such a simple piece of advice, but it seems like everyone takes it for granted and the people who really need to hear it never do.

His advice was that a good writer does not just sit down and write an excellent piece of writing. A good writer writes a rough draft, and then they edit it, and then they get someone to read over it and critique it, and then they edit it again, and then they repeat the whole process again, and then they keep editing until they finally settle on a good presentable piece of writing. Following this advice, I wound up managing to write something good for the first time in my life, and it finally made writing a little bit fun.

That's only the thing that got me primed to start writing though. The thing that REALLY got me invested in it is the part that gets a bit heavy. You see, before I had even taken the class I just mentioned, I lost my mother to an illness. It was actually pretty shortly before that class. Eventually, I managed to get into an ultra-competitive medical course in my school, and the fact I hadn't worked through my emotions over losing my mother yet started catching up with me as the stress of this high difficulty course started piling up and triggering the things I'd been repressing. So, I needed to go seek therapy.

While I was working with my therapist, they suggested I start keeping a diary in the form of letters to my deceased mother. This wound up being very theraputic, and it also got me behind a word document writing a lot more often. This triggered something in me that found writing very liberating and an excellent stress relief, and I started writing other things aside from just those letters to my mom. Eventually, I started writing creatively, and started on my first failed manuscript for a novel.

Over the years after that, I kept writing several more things and getting practice as writing was just something I enjoyed for stress relief, and all the while I continued to hone the craft. Eventually, 8 years later, I got an inspiration for the series I am writing now and posting to Scribble Hub.


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
A lot of little things inspired me to write. I used to write many years ago, but I stopped for a few years after my boyfriend died in 2015.

My present burst of inspiration came about a year after I got married in 2018. However, it was also spurred by something that happened about a year before I got married. My husband (not sure if we were officially boyfriend-girlfriend yet or still just friends with benefits, but this was after he moved in with me and before we got engaged for sure) went to a book festival with my managing director, his wife, and two of our press's authors. At the festival, they had a talk on sex work, and since I had actually done some sex work, I wanted to go check it out. So, one of our authors manned our table while the rest of us went to go see the talk on sex work. Basically, they said pretty much everything I already knew and believed in my heart, but my husband was super impressed and decided to buy their book:

Here's the talk happening in a different venue if you want to see it:

Seeing the courage of these people in speaking out gave me the courage to write about sex work.


Tentacle, Merchant, and Telekinesis Expert
Feb 9, 2020
Honestly, the reason that I started writing isn't anything special. I'm not a fan of books and I only read when I have to for college. However, I wanted to have my own Manga or Anime since I usually felt an overwhelming amount of creativity. My imagination is still strong, despite being 20 years old. I initially began writing a satire called OP Paladin to make fun of the Isekai genre, which I expected no one to read. The motto I chose to go with?

"Books shouldn't take themselves so seriously. Mine don't!"

Somehow, feeling empowered by that phrase, I wrote the first few chapters of Paladin and posted them on the internet. I just wrote whatever seemed funny to me and posted them. It was my first novel so I didn't know what I know now. However, the novel somehow did well, despite it not being so good in hindsight. That's probably what made me want to continue writing. The fact that people actually cared about what I wrote and were willing to see what came next. After Paladin rose and fall, I decided to see what else people wanted to see. And here I am. Still not taking things too seriously but equipped with the knowledge I learned from my failures.


Messiah of Alternate Accounts.
May 21, 2020
My motivation is simple, write as a medium of communication with readers not with the intent to convince them of something but instead to entertain them as I entertained myself while writing the story and maybe discuss it. Unfortunately, I don't remember if I even had someone to inspire me to write, I'd assume so, given that I like to see how other people have started in writing and found success in the industry. I'm honestly happier as a writer even if it never gains a following over never writing and believing that all the stories I make in my head aren't worth writing or being expressed in any way, shape, or form, so the biggest change is my overall attitude and drive in storytelling.


Imprisoned Soul Seeking Isekai
Dec 25, 2019
My own entertainment or interest in seeing what I'll make. Something to that effect.

karami92's World Keeper series largely. Mostly because the limitless array of worlds he could build within the framework of his story, because it got me started thinking about what systems and stories I could craft.

Kind of? I still enjoy reading his series for sure.

Lastly, I'd say I'm much the same, only now I'm imagining my own things instead of doing self insert daydreams into various other stories/anime/whatever. Sometimes though I get into thinking up new worlds instead of building the stories for the worlds I'm already working with. That's a bit of a hassle. Like, I want to think about my next chapter in one of my two ongoing stories, but instead I think up the basic outline of an entire other story.


Mar 18, 2020
× I will be honest, at the start, my only motivation for writing at the start was because I couldn't find an isekai that I could read, this is after I have read most isekai on NU, it was simply to entertain me.

× Other than that, another reason that motivates me to write is that I know some, not all but some, enjoys what I am writing, despite my writing actually being bad.

÷ My last motivation for writing is because I just love to write, after all, writing is to express your thoughts and emotions. :blob_cookie:


Drunken Australian
May 21, 2020
Boredom. Really, that's about it.

Being stuck inside the house so much, I figured I'd try to do something with my time. I understand it's probably not an insightful or particularly inspiring answer like some of the others in this thread. However, I enjoyed writing, and I had nothing better to do with my time - so I decided to jump on here.
the reason above make me feel small

Agreed, man. Agreed.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Nothing that extraordinary tbh. I always loved creating stories, but I never wrote them down... But I always had the dream of one day making a living from the stories within my head.

Then I started roleplaying and some friends really praised me for what I wrote (which is kinda hilarious to me, as I look at those writing nowadays and thing "OMG! Those are terrible! How was I praised for that!?"), which gave me some much needed confidence boost to try start writing more seriously.

... Then I tried making a novel for NaNoWriMo and I failed at around 14k words... And I also started translating some things, and I kept roleplaying as well, all of which got me some writing experience.

And then at one point I just decided "Yanno, what? I'm gonna make this dream of making a living from writing come true." So I started writing a novel.

And that's basically it, I wanna make writing my career and I wanna make a living from it, so I'm writing~


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
What's your motivation to write? Did someone inspire you to write? Are they still your inspiration? What changes have you experienced when comparing the you prior to writing than to the current you now?
I just wanted to write about a MC who tells people off with zero fucks given how OP they are and eventually fucks his cute sister cuz fetish.

I don't think people really need an "inspiration" to write. I feel sometimes its even just an urge. Not that there isnt a reason for you to write, but i dont think you need an outside influence for it. Like me, sometimes people just have fetishes or want certain things in a story. So they write their own scenes or stories.
Jan 15, 2019
it all began while i was in grade school.

what inspired me to start writing was breath of fire iv. it made me wanna write stories for video games.

but for now, i'm fine as long i'm having fun.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
I was enjoying a lot of very badly written translated works. This made me realize: If I set my bar that low, I might actually reach it, and it's clearly enough for people to enjoy, since I was enjoying it, and someone else enjoyed it enough to bother translating it. So, I started writing, and enjoyed doing it, and have continued to do it. Though most of my early works all ended in Eternal Hiatus, so a lot of my efforts and practice have been pointed towards figuring out how to write a story that I won't end up dropping.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2019
I haven't posted anything yet, but I guess my motivation is seeing the fun ideas of other authors and their artistic way of implementing ideas to bring about a laugh or to give the reader the feels if you get my drift. I am still muddling with ideas as I am not the most creative, but that is why I am trying to write and I probably will suck at it for a good amount of stuff I posts. But this will all be a learning experience, and I am still trying to increase my vocabulary, so I see writing as a fun way to increase that and also give back to the community when I do get to the writing part lol.


Catgirl Alchemist
May 12, 2019
I can pinpoint the exact person that inspired me to write in Alex Zandra Van Chestein, author of western GB light novels for trans women.

I can also definitely say she is no longer my inspiration.

Yes, I changed in small and big ways since I first picked up the pen, but I wouldn't say it was all related or a direct consequence of my writing. I just grew as a person because that's kinda what people do, I couldn't put a single point of origin on all the things I do better now than two years ago.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2019
I wanted to draw comics at first until I realized I have neither the patience nor the skill so I decided to write them out.

I can assure you half of us are art college rejects.
i am with you on that one lol, I have try to improve my art skills, but it require patience of a monk and the endurance of a whale to get good and keep practicing no matter how shitty your art may look at the moment.


discord-less mudblood
Apr 25, 2020
guilty pleasure: I can read what I wrote.

copycat's pride: I can write what I read.

stubborn witness: I read what I read.

hopeless has-been: I write what I write.

"People have different motives for doing things in life." -Mizuno Takahiro (Walkure Romanze e8)