What kind of reader are you?


New member
Jul 10, 2019
What types of novels do you usually read? Are you the type to binge read, comment or favorite chapters? What makes you like or drop a novel?

Ok, first of, I am an avid reader. I read almost everything but I particularly enjoy hardcore comedy or hardcore drama. Maybe, a fine mix of two is fine. And ofcourse, I faken love isekai. I'm the type who comments, favorites and leave reviews if I'm pleasantly surprised or terribly disappointed. I can binge vote something I binge read, too. I drop novels that has become too ridiculous or poorly executed characters.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2019
I'm a picky reader. The premise has to be what I'm currently interested in, the main characters have to be intriguing, the writing style has to be smooth and easy to follow, the editing has to be decent, the plot shouldn't be too angsty or dramatic, and certainly no tragedies. I love escapist type of novels, with some adventure and a nice cheat (can be anything: system, stats, space, rebirth...) My favorite is a zombie apocalypse theme. Second favorite - quick transmigration/world hopping.

If I like a story, I turn into a stalker. Heart every chapter, write comments, review. I may end up stockpiling chapters at some point tho. I'll drop a novel if I see the author has lost direction, inspiration, or their enthusiasm for their own work. If I notice low effort lazy writing just to push out the next chapter like it's a chore, I'm out.
Jan 15, 2019
i don't really read novels much nowadays, it's really hard to find ones to my liking. even ones that i used to like, i kinda just drop it when it's no longer to my taste.

currently i'm looking for a relaxing story that travel intriguing, surreal worlds. maybe something like made in abyss.

stories about NEETs in positive light, like Hatarakanai Futari, is also nice.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
I'm more of a unique type of reader. I'm also extremely picky about my choice of fictions. If it was brain-dead novels that required nothing except reading skill, then it would be out of my book.

I needed a complex world, overarching plot, mysteries regarding world-building, plot-driven narrative, and good foreshadowing and tragedies.

I hated wish-fulfilment, comedy-focused story, and Mary Sue protagonist.


Active member
Jan 1, 2019
I can actually like wish fulfilment novels, if only they are written well. I hate magic types if only because most of the authors never bother to explain the phenomena behind them.

As for the plot, I've read too much wuxia to bother with them. I don't care wherever the book brings me as long as the scenarios made sense.

Personally, I gravitate towards adventure and high fantasy but the novel that will leave me craving for more the most are probably that deals with a very good worldbuiling, like universe creation novels.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
I mostly read psychological action and fantasy novels. Its not like I hate litrpg. It's just I don't like when I got slapped by a bunch of stats in the first few chapters only to end up irrelevant or suffer from a major change in the later chapters. Shrugs*

Please if you ever write an isekai make the civilians minor characters and small stuff that mostly don't appear have some brains. rawr~


Learning about this writing stuff
Mar 10, 2020
I'm an addict reader, if I'm really liking the novel I read it all day and even sacrifice hours of sleep, getting to the point where I only sleep two hours until I caught up. I read yuri, fantasy and action, sometimes comedy too.
I favorite the chapters if they're good, and comment when I love the chapter or I'm excited about the story.
What I search for in a novel are good characters, because I get bored easily.

What I hate the most and ruins a novel for me is the characters becoming a device for the plot. I hate it when the characters suddenly become stupid or act out of character so the story can continue.
I find that disrespectful to the characters, the story and therefore to the readers.
That's why I write panzer style and modify elements of the plot to fit the characters and not the other way around.
Other novels I drop them because I lose interest or the plot isn't moving forward. That happens a lot in smut stories where I'm waiting to know what happened to certain characters and I only get three chapters of pointless sex with characters that are irrelevant.

Also grammar, if the basics are bad, no matter how good it is, I can't do it. Mistakes such as "you're" instead of "your", a "his" out of nowhere when in the sentence was previously used "her" and everyone in the scene is woman, etc. It pisses me off and disrupts my immersion in the story, so I drop it.

I forgot that I also drop the novel if the MC is trash.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
I don't read much nowadays, but in all honesty I'm a pretty easy to please person. give me a premise I like and a MC I don't hate and I'll probably keep reading the novel... Though if some drastic change happens in the novel, I might drop it. (Like the Child MC becoming a teenager, or the fluffy slice of life becoming about a war)

I primarily read stuff with female protagonists, GL is preferred, but not necessary. And I shy away from ruthless characters, revenge plots, rape and other stuff like that.

I usually prefer binge reading over readings as stuff is released because... Well, it's easier to go through in one go, but if I catch up to the releases of a novel, I try to stay caught up.

Favoriting for me is a like button, if I like what was written, I favorite it.

As for comments, I try to always drop a comment in novels I like, but I only drop comments on the latest chapter... Like, I dunno, I feel weird dropping comments in old stuff.


Villainess Yorda the Virtuous Flower of Evil
Aug 9, 2019
Somehow I fell from grace and became obsessed with villainess novels. However, I like any kind of evil woman or girl! Age doesn't matter. Actually, they don't even have to be evil as long as they are prideful. Whether the villainess' story is serious or comedy I don't mind at all! I even read the poorly written stories with relish.

Other elements that I like in stories are isekai, gender bend, psychological, horror, love comedy, romance, dark secrets, and magic. Sometimes gag stories and wish fulfillment stories are okay too. I really love serious, climactic bittersweet moments.

If a story decides on being positive and goes the route of comedy I have preferences. I love hilarious misunderstandings between characters. I love boke type characters that are cute or charming, but if they are only irritating then it's a no go. I love it when a serious character is placed into unfair and humorous situation that they unfortunately have to deal with.

If a story decides on being grave and serious I have preferences. Bad things need to happen to the characters. There needs to be sacrifice. Expectations on the author are greatly raised. It's hard to write a serious story.

I don't shun other types of stories, but they catch my eyes much less frequently.

Every now and then my anger and hatred flares up and I just want to read stories about vengeance and people getting wrecked.

The stories that are the absolute most terrifying to me are the ones that trash their main character in physically/psychologically horrifying ways too suddenly, especially when there is little to no hope of improving. For example if a princess that I really liked was raped and then transformed into a hideous grotesque undead chimera mishmash of flesh and lost her memories I would be a little perturbed.

Edit: Ah. What kind of reader am I? Not, "What do you like reading?"

I've been known to binge on various things. Reading is no different. If there was something that caught my attention after a long dry spell I could very well spend over 24 hours in one sitting reading until my body is worn out and I go to bed feeling strange and ill. I try not to read like that anymore. The most important thing for me is forcing myself to go to bed at the same time every day to reinforce good habits and health.

I drop a novel when I get worn out from it. A bad filler arc can kill me off in the middle of a story, but I can usually push through them. However, if I find myself unengaged with the story after several arcs then I can get worn out and stop reading.
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This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Still at typical power fantasy reader, even when the plot is so dumb that I should stop, but I don't and now the two stories I have been writing are shitty versions of the stories I read. Mostly humping on that xianxia BS (but will try to avoid the nationalism BS like mad) and now am reading some porns from Literotica and JP tentacle porn in NU, cuz I am also reviewing on the porns that I wrote before and they are god awful, like SAO 16.5 awful.

Have been reading and dropping some fantasy works in SH and NU too, or just has been skimming through because sometimes I just lose interest and it will probable take me months to get interested again.


ฅ/ᐠ ̳ .ᆺ. ̳ ᐟ\ฅ ~~ᴺʸᵃᵃ
Jan 15, 2019
I'm a picky reader. The premise has to be what I'm currently interested in, the main characters have to be intriguing, the writing style has to be smooth and easy to follow, the editing has to be decent, the plot shouldn't be too angsty or dramatic, and certainly no tragedies. I love escapist type of novels, with some adventure and a nice cheat (can be anything: system, stats, space, rebirth...) My favorite is a zombie apocalypse theme.
Basically this. Plus, I don't read incomplete works. I've been burned one too many times with dropped projects. I also don't like novels that come in a series. Basically, 8 volume types until the story is completed kind of stories. Last one I read that was a series was Harry Potter and have stopped going for those since waiting is a pain. I don't mind a series of books with different characters in each new novel but under one universe. As long as their story ends in one book, it's all good.


Syro - Aphex Twin
Jul 14, 2019
I'm an anything reader. I read anything. Literally anything. Though I prefer more grounded and conventional works if given the choice I generally don't give a shit about what you give me.

John Green novels, bad Sonic fanfiction, oneshots, continuing series, continuing series but with self contained narrations in each entry, Chicken Soup for the Romantic Soul, Chicken Soup for the Masochistic Soul, suicide notes, bad isekai, good isekai, mediocre isekai, The Adventures of Lesbian John and Sister Penis Shelia, Alex Cross/Jack Reacher type shit, Mein Kampf, The Panama Files, undisclosed Edward Snowden files, scientific papers, the Al Quran, the fucking Bible translated into Chinese, communist propoganda, KKK propoganda, Chinese government propoganda, your webseries, my sister's diary, your father's sex journal, all the Deus Ex emails, all the Oblivion books, Game of thrones lore...

Anything the light touches, I will sit down and read em', if I have the time and the motivation, which is anytime other than my afternoon nap, or anytime where I don't have my phone with me.
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Deleted member 22388

The type of reader I am could be
-Reasoning to read is because boredom
-the one who corrects author's mispelling
-Reads in quiet places
-From morning to night I read if I have lots of free time.
-I want some excitement and new concepts!
-Whenever I read
I would love to create simulations~!
-I uh... avoid reading mainstream novels, simply because a popular novel does not always be a good thing
-I never even complete a novel
-I would chuckle or laugh despite people near me when I read that comedic novel

Or did I not answer the question?
=Imagination reader, simply begone from this world and enter my thought world.
Freely able to see what the character does through naration and enjoy the process slowly... an observer k.


tђє ฬคภ๔єгเภﻮ ฬเtςђ
Dec 23, 2018
I'm not a picky reader and aside from those tragic ones, I read all of the genres out there. But I usually read those that are comedy.


Active member
Jan 25, 2020
I'm the type who completely forgets about everything. Like one my mom was screaming right next to me and I was too immersed in some high fantasy novel...
For the type of novel, I always prefer fantasy with a great world-building and of course some drama and slice of life elements. Action is mostly optional. If I find something with hundreds of chapters, I will binge read the hell out of it as soon as possible.
One thing I hate the most is poor character development.
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Feb 24, 2020
I love Isekai!!!!! Business management types... Tragedy! Crimes! Couples that seperated and gets back together!
If I like a book I will finish it in a day! I would drop everything to read the book. As for wanting to engage with the authors... I try to like every chapter! I try to comment but most of them requires me to make an account or leave my email so I don't do that.


Actual reason behind demographic problems
Feb 13, 2019
For me it's:
World building > characters > plot.
That is why I usually read fantasy (sci-fi breaks my suspension of disbelief 6/10 times and non-fantasy like modern world rarely gives anything interesting in terms of world building). I hate harem (those novels don't have believable characters 9/10 times) and am generally disappointed with romance, lest it's gl (I myself don't know why, gl gets a passing grade for me much more than other genres). I don't care about plot much, many of my favorites are slice of life kinds of stories. But a good plot keeping you on the edge of the seat is always welcome for me. A bad plot... Well, as long as the above two are good enough, I'll close my eyes on the flaws


New member
May 3, 2019
I am picky, yet at the same time not. i have things that I like and things that may set me off (Normally i dop novels randomly) may instantly make me drop the novel or lose all interest. The genres that i hate I tend to stay away from, but occassionally i may read a story I debated on reading. for me there really isn't a genre i don't like with cultivation novels and boyslove/yaoi being exceptions. I'm basically the type to keep reading until I either lose interest or something sets me off.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2019
I am a binge reader, once i start to read a novel, I usualy only read it until I chought up with it. I can spend days upon days in a row reading just that story, if it's good, there are times when I discover that I have, read +50 chapters, without noticing and it's already morning.
Can stop reading a novel if the writing gets bad, or the story is boring/copypaste, or in one chase where I just hated the MC (MC felt like a robot).
I am not so picky, but the synopsis/reviews have to make it appealing for me.
Saddly I am extreamly bad at writing reviews so I usualy don't write them. As for rating and favoriting, that I can do, but I usualy dont favourite chapters while I binge read (only the latest when I remember).