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Protip #36: Don't take the simple things for granted, like your eyesight. Life sucks when such things are taken from you.
I know you won't tell me what I want to hear, which makes you perfect for this. You respond to almost every post I make. If there is anyone who can answer my question based on unbiased observation, then you. My question is:
Addictions came in all shapes or forms, and it is not good. Even addiction to something healthy, like exercising or dieting, will turn those healthy things into unhealthy.
@doravg You don't have to answer publicaly. You should have a conversation with yourself. You don't have to do it in one day, but try to be more honest with yourself gradually. Also, do not mistake cause and effect. I'm not saying you are mistaken btw. I'm just saying that you should look into it.
Well it should be remembered that true honesty and self awareness can show aspects of your self that are more disliked by you.
Do you read Xianxia?
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Though in the aggregator sites, the quality of xianxia is not good.

More of a xuanhuan guy myself.
Most of the time, I find non-stop fighting tiring after a certain point. Unless there is this sense of going towards an end goal somewhere.

I’m thinking of writing a Xuanhuan with fanfic powers, mostly about creating and crafting ‘magic cards’ to reach the top. I just haven’t been able to think of any normal Xuanhuan tropes that might seem obvious to others (don’t have good memory).
Or more like a can’t think of a reason someone would genuinely want to go through that kind of life those protagonists live.
Hey, do you ever feel as if you haven't written enough, even after your word count for the day ends up being almost 11k? I am trying to understand my hamster brain. A little help here?
I can't relate on a spiritual level. lol
Word count really doesn't stress me out since it's pseudo-productivity. I've been reading Slow Productivity by Cal Newport recently, and it's helped me put into words the issue I've always had with word count as a means of measurement. I plan to turn my thoughts into a script soon; it's just that I have a lot of thoughts daily and only so many scripts I write at one time.