Thoughts on Gina Carano.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
Yeah....thats not racist mate. Thats simply someone's opinion. You may like it or simply loathe it, but its an opinion that people are entitled to have. The definition of racist has been twisted a lot. If someone takes harmful actions based on those opinions, then its racism. Just saying you dont like some country or some race or blah blah is not racism; its called freedom to say what you want and have an opinion. Its actually very entitled of you to say that people shouldnt even think or say something bad about any race and should like every race.
I agree. In an effort to blanket many things as racist, the term itself has ultimately become shallow from all the reaching and stretching. People unironically don't care anymore whether they get labelled as a racist or not due to how easy it is to twist the word.

Here's a quick little fact: criticizing a minority race or making a joke about a stereotype isn't racist, that is until you make a blanket statement and deem it as fact


Active member
Aug 22, 2020
Yeah....thats not racist mate. Thats simply someone's opinion. You may like it or simply loathe it, but its an opinion that people are entitled to have. The definition of racist has been twisted a lot. If someone takes harmful actions based on those opinions, then its racism. Just saying you dont like some country or some race or blah blah is not racism; its called freedom to say what you want and have an opinion. Its actually very entitled of you to say that people shouldnt even think or say something bad about any race and should like every race.

There's a very toxic mentality that people have where, they justify their prejudices as soon as they realize they have them.

You see it everywhere. "It's okay to judge this person because of their race/gender in this circumstance because of this scientific study," or "Well, look, that's just my opinion. Freedom of speech," or "Well, ifbyou think about it, maybe YOU'RE the real racist one."

However, the core of it is very simple. Judging someone by their race is racism, judging someone by their gender is sexism. Making it more complicated than that is how we get these debates and arguments.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
There's a very toxic mentality that people have where, they justify their prejudices as soon as they realize they have them.

You see it everywhere. "It's okay to judge this person because of their race/gender in this circumstance because of this scientific study," or "Well, look, that's just my opinion. Freedom of speech," or "Well, ifbyou think about it, maybe YOU'RE the real racist one."

However, the core of it is very simple. Judging someone by their race is racism, judging someone by their gender is sexism. Making it more complicated than that is how we get these debates and arguments.
As I said, its their right to make judgments. If they act on those judgments, then its racism; its an action, not a thought or an opinion. Forcing someone to not even have likes and dislikes when it comes to race is just being an a-hole mate.


Active member
Aug 22, 2020
As I said, its their right to make judgments. If they act on those judgments, then its racism; its an action, not a thought or an opinion. Forcing someone to not even have likes and dislikes when it comes to race is just being an a-hole mate.

Yes, it is correct that everyone has an opinion, however, sometimes those opinions are racist, and that isn't okay.

Are you really going to tell me that it's perfectly fine for someone to have the opinion that every Indian man is a terrible person? That every white man is racist? That every trans person is a pedophile?

It's fine to have likes and dislikes, but not when those are rooted in dangerous prejudices. If you're going to claim otherwise, then maybe you're the type of person who defends MAPS for their likes/dislikes in regards to people.

Like, what if you couldn't get the job you wanted because your employer judged you based on your race? Would you still defend him for having an opinion on your race, or would you claim "I'm not like them! Don't judge me based on my race!"
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Active member
Jul 3, 2020
As I said, its their right to make judgments. If they act on those judgments, then its racism; its an action, not a thought or an opinion. Forcing someone to not even have likes and dislikes when it comes to race is just being an a-hole mate.

Also, just because I feel like being pedantic, Race, as a concept, isn't applicable to human beings, point blank period. From an anthropological standpoint, we all belong to the same species, same race. Therefore, being racist against one another based on differing cultures, ethnic backgrounds, and (most commonly) differing skin colors is a completely moot point if you're trying to be a bigot. Being bigoted and prejudiced in concerns to things like race, gender identity, sexuality, and so on, are the terms we actually should be using just because the concept of human beings belonging to separate races is fucking stupid. We could have been racist if elves or dwarves or orcs existed, but no other sentient, intelligent race exists for us to be racist against. Unless we're talking about animals, then we're most definitely raging racists since we seem to think we hold some kind of dominion over other living beings.

I don't know why I'm commenting, maybe it's because the concept of us, as humans, belonging to different "races" annoys the shit out of me and is such a smooth brain way of thinking.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
Yes, it is correct that everyone has an opinion, however, sometimes those opinions are racist, and that isn't okay.

Are you really going to tell me that it's perfectly fine for someone to have the opinion that ever Indian man is a terrible person? That every white man is racist? That every trans person is a pedophile?

It's fine to have likes and dislikes, but not when those are rooted in dangerous prejudices. If you're going to claim otherwise, then maybe you're the type of person who defends MAPS for their likes/dislikes in regards to people.
Action is what counts man. Are you saying we should force people to not even have any bad thoughts, do you think thats possible. And being an Indian myself, I can tell you with guarantee that I dont take offense if someone says all Indian men are terrible; I'm not that fragile. Its because its their right to have such opinion. And I dont have any right to make them change that forcefully. Sure, if given a chance, I can have a debate why we're not terrible, if he understands, then all is well, if he doesnt, then to each their own.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
Also, just because I feel like being pedantic, Race, as a concept, isn't applicable to human beings, point blank period. From an anthropological standpoint, we all belong to the same species, same race. Therefore, being racist against one another based on differing cultures, ethnic backgrounds, and (most commonly) differing skin colors is a completely moot point if you're trying to be a bigot. Being bigoted and prejudiced in concerns to things like race, gender identity, sexuality, and so on, are the terms we actually should be using just because the concept of human beings belonging to separate races is fucking stupid. We could have been racist if elves or dwarves or orcs existed, but no other sentient, intelligent race exists for us to be racist against. Unless we're talking about animals, then we're most definitely raging racists since we seem to think we hold some kind of dominion over other living beings.

I don't know why I'm commenting, maybe it's because the concept of us, as humans, belonging to different "races" annoys the shit out of me and is such a smooth brain way of thinking.
I might not add much to the conversation, but we humans thrive as groups. We, as a majority, would much rather be in a community than to be alone. In order to effectively form a community and be part of it, we start to gravitate towards visual and physical similarities between one another to feel comfort within. I think that's where the concept of race, gender identity and sexuality comes from. It's the easiest to identify and is the most open, so that's where people tend to relate to.
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Active member
Aug 22, 2020
Action is what counts man. Are you saying we should force people to not even have any bad thoughts, do you think thats possible. And being an Indian myself, I can tell you with guarantee that I dont take offense if someone says all Indian men are terrible; I'm not that fragile. Its because its their right to have such opinion. And I dont have any right to make them change that forcefully. Sure, if given a chance, I can have a debate why we're not terrible, if he understands, then all is well, if he doesnt, then to each their own.

Except, thought leads to action. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have bad thoughts, that's impossible. But, what I am saying is that if we can help it, if we can recognize that certain thoughts are bad, we should call them out, we should help the person see that those thoughts are bad, that those prejudices are bad.

Unless you think that everyone with bad thoughts has the mentality of a child, and just can't help themselves from having racist thoughts. Honestly, on this forum, or at least this thread, I wouldn't blame you for thinking that.

But, I genuinely believe that we CAN and SHOULD strive to be better, not accept that we'll always be assholes, not accept that we can't improve. That mentality has hurt me so many times, but, I don't want to give up on it. I want everyone to be better, to strive for improvement in any way they can.

Do you really want to fight against that?


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
Except, thought leads to action. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have bad thoughts, that's impossible. But, what I am saying is that if we can help it, if we can recognize that certain thoughts are bad, we should call them out, we should help the person see that those thoughts are bad, that those prejudices are bad.

Unless you think that everyone with bad thoughts has the mentality of a child, and just can't help themselves from having racist thoughts. Honestly, on this forum, or at least this thread, I wouldn't blame you for thinking that.

But, I genuinely believe that we CAN and SHOULD strive to be better, not accept that we'll always be assholes, not accept that we can't improve. That mentality has hurt me so many times, but, I don't want to give up on it. I want everyone to be better, to strive for improvement in any way they can.

Do you really want to fight against that?
Except, such thought is similar to 'stopping the crime even before it happened'; and thats not possible unless you start destroying people's rights. You can argue against people who have such thoughts and can try to change their mind, but dont label them as racist just becuz of it. Thats similar to calling someone a criminal just cuz they have a higher chance or committing a crime. You can try to change the circumstance that lead to a person having a higher chance of becoming a criminal, but until they havent committed a crime, you cant label them as such.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Except, thought leads to action. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have bad thoughts, that's impossible. But, what I am saying is that if we can help it, if we can recognize that certain thoughts are bad, we should call them out, we should help the person see that those thoughts are bad, that those prejudices are bad.

Unless you think that everyone with bad thoughts has the mentality of a child, and just can't help themselves from having racist thoughts. Honestly, on this forum, or at least this thread, I wouldn't blame you for thinking that.

But, I genuinely believe that we CAN and SHOULD strive to be better, not accept that we'll always be assholes, not accept that we can't improve. That mentality has hurt me so many times, but, I don't want to give up on it. I want everyone to be better, to strive for improvement in any way they can.

Do you really want to fight against that?
You know, you sound kind of strange. I've read your messages and they are fool of loopholes. And the biggest one is how you are forcing to everyone your, own, vision on what being racist is. As I don't live in an English speaking country, the definition of the word "racism" didn't change in my native language, basically, it is the same as when it was first used. So it's the first big problem here. English speaking people don't know what is racism, because the meaning is always changing, please correct me if I'm wrong.
And that leads to a question I want to ask you. WHO, defines what racism is and what isn't? Is it the majority? The minority? The one who thought of this term first? The scientists? I mean you say we should strive for the better, but WHAT IS better? Who defines it?
I mean, I've never seen or talked to black people and I'm genuinely curious about them, their culture, and so on. And of course, some questions may sound rude, but I have no ill intention, only curiosity. Because I will sound rude towards the people of other skin colors and home countries because I'm curious. And do understand one more thing, I will be curious about a black person only if he is from a different country. Because someone who was born and raised here is the same citizen like me. He was raised in the same country, by the came laws, with the same mentality, and so on, and that means I'm not interested in him. Unless he is an interesting person and I want to make friends with him. I do have a friend who is a Tatar, and I don't give a shit, we are friends because I'm interesting to him and he is to me. And what I'm trying to say is, the race isn't the defining factor. So is curiosity racism?
The people from the post-soviet union countries know what it's like to be forced to expel racism, to bring out equality and equity, and so on. As I live in one such country, I can tell you, that the moment you stop FORCING people, they would start hating each other openly. Not because they suddenly became racist, but because the can do it openly, and those who WERE racist, can go open now. You can't change a person with a snap of your finger. And you can't force him to do something unless it's brainwashing. And do, believe me, USSR, tried to brainwash people, to the point that it still makes our life here unbearable.
Sure defeating racism is good, but only when you stop using it. I heard those notorious news from the USA, how basically they are using racism to fight against racism. And it will only bring more hate. You can't stop racism unless the whole society changes, and you can't do it by forcing everyone. By the way, by whole society I mean not a few countries like everyone else does but the whole world. It's a gradual process. The best thing you can do is keep level headed and stop being a jerk yourself, have two or three kids and teach them that racism isn't good. That's how slowly but surely the population would change, and better people would be raised. But you shouldn't interrogate grown-up men and women if they had a wrong thought or looked at someone differently. Forcing someone would only bring more hate from the passive people while fanning the flames of those ones that were already haters.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2020
Also, just because I feel like being pedantic, Race, as a concept, isn't applicable to human beings, point blank period. From an anthropological standpoint, we all belong to the same species, same race. Therefore, being racist against one another based on differing cultures, ethnic backgrounds, and (most commonly) differing skin colors is a completely moot point if you're trying to be a bigot. Being bigoted and prejudiced in concerns to things like race, gender identity, sexuality, and so on, are the terms we actually should be using just because the concept of human beings belonging to separate races is fucking stupid. We could have been racist if elves or dwarves or orcs existed, but no other sentient, intelligent race exists for us to be racist against. Unless we're talking about animals, then we're most definitely raging racists since we seem to think we hold some kind of dominion over other living beings.

I don't know why I'm commenting, maybe it's because the concept of us, as humans, belonging to different "races" annoys the shit out of me and is such a smooth brain way of thinking.
You do know there a races of dogs right? Even if every dog is of the same species they're not the same. Why are humans any different?


Active member
Jul 3, 2020
You do know there a races of dogs right? Even if every dog is of the same species they're not the same. Why are humans any different?

Species and race are not interchangeable. Species is a biological term that refers to a genus. Race is a made up concept that's been assigned, by humans, to try to differentiate themselves from one another. We can classify ourselves by cultural diversity, ethnicity, hell even eye and hair color, but we do not, in any way, shape, or form, belong to a different species(race as it is misunderstood) from one another. If I, a brown person, were a completely different race, and thus a subspecies/different species (as the term is the common misuse/misunderstanding of what a race is), then I would create sterile offspring with anyone who is not of the same race(in this case species) as myself. In even simpler terms, a black woman and a white man, if you're willing to hold onto the outmoded and outdated "race" theory, would not be able to have children who can reproduce and would most likely have various health problems due to species incompatibility.

So, for dogs, you're talking about the different "breeds" of dogs that have evolved, over time and through forced breeding. That doesn't make them a different "race" from one another because dogs still belong to the same "species." If different "breeds" of dogs truly belonged to different "races"(species, just to be clear is the proper term) then you wouldn't be able to interbreed and have the all mighty Corgi mixes that look like a Corgi cosplaying as a different dog.

So, the 'race' theory doesn't work for any species, animal or human. Inter-species breeding results in things like mules and hinnies, which are offspring of horses and donkeys. They can exist but they can't reproduce naturally. This can't be said for humans, any homo sapiens can reproduce with any other homo sapiens that exists on Earth because we belong to the same species. We may have fucked up gene defects that may arise but that's a natural part of the biological process.

Again, Race and Species are not interchangeable terms. Race is a made up social construct that's completely misunderstood and, depending on where you look for research, was made up by actual racist white dudes who were trying to prove why white people were better than everyone else. The answer to that is this; they're not. Everyone is just as fucked as everyone else and none of us belong to a separate race or species from one another.
Jan 9, 2019
Species and race are not interchangeable. Species is a biological term that refers to a genus. Race is a made up concept that's been assigned, by humans, to try to differentiate themselves from one another. We can classify ourselves by cultural diversity, ethnicity, hell even eye and hair color, but we do not, in any way, shape, or form, belong to a different species(race as it is misunderstood) from one another. If I, a brown person, were a completely different race, and thus a subspecies/different species (as the term is the common misuse/misunderstanding of what a race is), then I would create sterile offspring with anyone who is not of the same race(in this case species) as myself. In even simpler terms, a black woman and a white man, if you're willing to hold onto the outmoded and outdated "race" theory, would not be able to have children who can reproduce and would most likely have various health problems due to species incompatibility.

So, for dogs, you're talking about the different "breeds" of dogs that have evolved, over time and through forced breeding. That doesn't make them a different "race" from one another because dogs still belong to the same "species." If different "breeds" of dogs truly belonged to different "races"(species, just to be clear is the proper term) then you wouldn't be able to interbreed and have the all mighty Corgi mixes that look like a Corgi cosplaying as a different dog.

So, the 'race' theory doesn't work for any species, animal or human. Inter-species breeding results in things like mules and hinnies, which are offspring of horses and donkeys. They can exist but they can't reproduce naturally. This can't be said for humans, any homo sapiens can reproduce with any other homo sapiens that exists on Earth because we belong to the same species. We may have fucked up gene defects that may arise but that's a natural part of the biological process.

Again, Race and Species are not interchangeable terms. Race is a made up social construct that's completely misunderstood and, depending on where you look for research, was made up by actual racist white dudes who were trying to prove why white people were better than everyone else. The answer to that is this; they're not. Everyone is just as fucked as everyone else and none of us belong to a separate race or species from one another.
oh~ Anthro 101, assignment essay #1, "Does race exist?"
remember leaving the lecture, and for afew weeks telling people, 'no friend, there is only... the human race'
or people going 'Stop being racist ! Race is a lie! Race is a lie!'
:blobrofl: :blobrofl:
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Active member
Jul 3, 2020
oh~ Anthro 101, assignment essay #1, "Does race exist?"
remember leaving the lecture, and for afew weeks telling people, 'no friend, there is only... the human race'
or people going 'Stop being racist ! Race is a lie! Race is a lie!'
:blobrofl: :blobrofl:

Answer? Hell no lol.

I honestly enjoyed Anthro and cringe at the thought of how stupid I sounded back when I first took it. But jaded years of experience have made me a nihilist and I believe, even more so now, that race theory is the stupidest fucking thing human beings have ever come up with.