Thoughts on Gina Carano.


Active member
Aug 22, 2020
Let's just say that my feelings of the 'Representation Wars' are very complicated. I feel as though more representation is great, but I feel as though it isn't handled well for a number of reasons.

What I really hate is that the culture seems to be about, on some level, pushing aside talented creators/writers so that less-talented creators/writers create inferior media that we are expected to consume without criticizing them for fear of backlash. This, ironically, results in pushback by the kinds of people who lurk on places like 4Chan and love posting lengthy rants about how much better things were in the 90s when 'talented' writers wrote things like Biker Mice From Mars, and Street Sharks.

The problem is that, well, they're right. So, by agreeing with their racist/sexist beliefs we've empowered them, and that isn't a good thing. However, the silver lining is that as these newer creators get more experience, they'll start making better content. Which will be cool, but how long will that take if they don't want to get better because critics are showering them with praise for their ideas alone, not the execution?

But, anyways, Gina recently garnered some controversy for doing... something. Whatever she did isn't really important because it's, honestly kinda dumb. However, she claimed that the reason she did what she did is because she was being harassed for months on end by activists pressuring her to show solidarity with the trans community.

It says a lot that the trans community pounced on her like wolves after she made that mistake. Saying the usual things like: "We just want you to understand how you're making them feel," or whatever. Look, trans people aren't defenceless puppies who need defending, and no one wants to be dehumanized by a group speaking for them. Trans people probably have bigger things to worry about than whether or not some actress shows their support for them on Twitter.

I feel like this whole situation just makes trans people look bad, and that sucks. The fact that Gina is probably going to used as a symbol for the 'right' as they say "See, a woman agrees with us," is depressing.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Let's just say that my feelings of the 'Representation Wars' are very complicated. I feel as though more representation is great, but I feel as though it isn't handled well for a number of reasons.

What I really hate is that the culture seems to be about, on some level, pushing aside talented creators/writers so that less-talented creators/writers create inferior media that we are expected to consume without criticizing them for fear of backlash. This, ironically, results in pushback by the kinds of people who lurk on places like 4Chan and love posting lengthy rants about how much better things were in the 90s when 'talented' writers wrote things like Biker Mice From Mars, and Street Sharks.

The problem is that, well, they're right. So, by agreeing with their racist/sexist beliefs we've empowered them, and that isn't a good thing. However, the silver lining is that as these newer creators get more experience, they'll start making better content. Which will be cool, but how long will that take if they don't want to get better because critics are showering them with praise for their ideas alone, not the execution?

But, anyways, Gina recently garnered some controversy for doing... something. Whatever she did isn't really important because it's, honestly kinda dumb. However, she claimed that the reason she did what she did is because she was being harassed for months on end by activists pressuring her to show solidarity with the trans community.

It says a lot that the trans community pounced on her like wolves after she made that mistake. Saying the usual things like: "We just want you to understand how you're making them feel," or whatever. Look, trans people aren't defenceless puppies who need defending, and no one wants to be dehumanized by a group speaking for them. Trans people probably have bigger things to worry about than whether or not some actress shows their support for them on Twitter.

I feel like this whole situation just makes trans people look bad, and that sucks. The fact that Gina is probably going to used as a symbol for the 'right' as they say "See, a woman agrees with us," is depressing.

You mean this? Yup, total fucking landmine.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
for anyone wondering, Gina Carano, an actor in "The Mandalorian", as far as i can tell, made a tweet where she used words like Beep/Boop/Bop in place of pronouns when refering to trans people.

And personally i dont think thats even a mistake. Like fuck you. Just because you have some kinda mental illness and think you're some other gender...fine, be whatever gender you want. But how much do I have to play into this little fantasy of yours? Personally i dont care who you think you are. Be whatever gender you damn well please just dont ask me to get involved because i sure as hell aint going to change up my whole pronoun game just for you, bud. So you get the Beep and the Boop whenever i feel cheeky.

I care about one thing and one thing only: How cute are you?

Cuz a hole is a hole, man or not. But i aint looking for no Bruce Jenners. Nuh-uh.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
Personally speaking, even if you don't agree with their identity, least you could do is respect it.

I have my own opinions on the subject, and I'd rather step on an actual landmine than discussing it on public in here. But the bottom line is; it's just pronouns. No matter what your thoughts are, just saying the pronouns really just makes things better for both them and you.

I'm not saying you're not entitled to your own thought, I'm just confused as to why you'd shoot yourself in the foot and garner irrational attention.


Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
Let's just say that my feelings of the 'Representation Wars' are very complicated. I feel as though more representation is great, but I feel as though it isn't handled well for a number of reasons.

What I really hate is that the culture seems to be about, on some level, pushing aside talented creators/writers so that less-talented creators/writers create inferior media that we are expected to consume without criticizing them for fear of backlash. This, ironically, results in pushback by the kinds of people who lurk on places like 4Chan and love posting lengthy rants about how much better things were in the 90s when 'talented' writers wrote things like Biker Mice From Mars, and Street Sharks.

The problem is that, well, they're right. So, by agreeing with their racist/sexist beliefs we've empowered them, and that isn't a good thing. However, the silver lining is that as these newer creators get more experience, they'll start making better content. Which will be cool, but how long will that take if they don't want to get better because critics are showering them with praise for their ideas alone, not the execution?

But, anyways, Gina recently garnered some controversy for doing... something. Whatever she did isn't really important because it's, honestly kinda dumb. However, she claimed that the reason she did what she did is because she was being harassed for months on end by activists pressuring her to show solidarity with the trans community.

It says a lot that the trans community pounced on her like wolves after she made that mistake. Saying the usual things like: "We just want you to understand how you're making them feel," or whatever. Look, trans people aren't defenceless puppies who need defending, and no one wants to be dehumanized by a group speaking for them. Trans people probably have bigger things to worry about than whether or not some actress shows their support for them on Twitter.

I feel like this whole situation just makes trans people look bad, and that sucks. The fact that Gina is probably going to used as a symbol for the 'right' as they say "See, a woman agrees with us," is depressing.

Interesting, but who is Gina Carano? :blob_evil_two:


Active member
Aug 22, 2020
Interesting, but who is Gina Carano? :blob_evil_two:

An actress on The Mandalorian. She's a Mixed Martial Artist, which was why she played the badass bounty hunter.

I really liked her on the show, it'd be a shame if she was fired because of this. She isn't the best actress, but I don't watch The Mandalorian expecting top-tier acting, just good writing, good action scenes, and some light-hearted fun. In that regard, the fact that she is a decent actor who can convincingly portray a badass bounty hunter in fight scenes with a bit of weight to them, means that she is perfect for the role.


Active member
Aug 22, 2020
Personally speaking, even if you don't agree with their identity, least you could do is respect it.

I have my own opinions on the subject, and I'd rather step on an actual landmine than discussing it on public in here. But the bottom line is; it's just pronouns. No matter what your thoughts are, just saying the pronouns really just makes things better for both them and you.

I'm not saying you're not entitled to your own thought, I'm just confused as to why you'd shoot yourself in the foot and garner irrational attention.

I figure, as writers we should always feel free to voice our opinions through our works, as well as among our peers. Artists and writers should be the most tolerant of all beliefs and forms of expression, even if we don't agree with them, we should still respect their right to exist.

I also feel like if we can discuss these things in a rational way, and encourage others to do the same, we can set a good example that could inspire others to do the same, if only on this site. Avoiding these conversations paints us as being afraid of them, facing these conversations with screams and rash condemnation has the same effect.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
Avoiding these conversations paints us as being afraid of them, facing these conversations with screams and rash condemnation has the same effect.
My fear comes less from the topic but the opposition itself. Too many times it's just devolved into name-calling at the end when presenting an edgier-than-expected opinion to nail in the point.


Active member
Aug 22, 2020
My fear comes less from the topic but the opposition itself. Too many times it's just devolved into name-calling at the end when presenting an edgier-than-expected opinion to nail in the point.

Yes, that's what I was saying.

Are you only reading my comments if they're bite-sized?


I am back
Aug 29, 2020
Well, it is as Gigguk says:
It takes a man to be the best girl...

Or something like that.
(as if I am gay for 3D people.)
(As if astolfo stole my heterosexuality)


I am back
Aug 29, 2020
Wait, did I just typed a message that is not related to the topic, sorry but I suppose you get the point.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
There's going to be backlash on the trans community with how insanely prickly and touchy they are at some point. Outside of the twitter bubble people like and respect people like J.K Rowling and Gina Carano and all they see is two people getting unjustly attacked.


A Historical Bastard
Apr 7, 2019
for anyone wondering, Gina Carano, an actor in "The Mandalorian", as far as i can tell, made a tweet where she used words like Beep/Boop/Bop in place of pronouns when refering to trans people.

And personally i dont think thats even a mistake. Like fuck you. Just because you have some kinda mental illness and think you're some other gender...fine, be whatever gender you want. But how much do I have to play into this little fantasy of yours? Personally i dont care who you think you are. Be whatever gender you damn well please just dont ask me to get involved because i sure as hell aint going to change up my whole pronoun game just for you, bud. So you get the Beep and the Boop whenever i feel cheeky.

I care about one thing and one thing only: How cute are you?

Cuz a hole is a hole, man or not. But i aint looking for no Bruce Jenners. Nuh-uh.
This. You can be a half male half grasshopper wookie she-he-she-me or whatever fusion....but don't expect me to agree with you. I can respect you being able to choose which one you wish to be, but there is still only two genders. And you should also tell any and all partners if you picked other than what you were born as. I don't have any sympathy for people's whose relationships turn sour because they withheld that information beforehand. This trans thing just doesn't make sense. He or She. Nothing else. You can claim to be something else and that is you're right, but don't demand I compromise my beliefs and agree, and let's he honest, it's not a compromise. It's submission. Because compromise implies a choice. Agreeing or compromising just to get along is submission and cowardly because nowadays everyone seems to do it for everything and are scare of upsetting someone. It's sad really that you're barely allowed to have an opinion lol. And l thought bruce became someone else?
Last edited:


A Historical Bastard
Apr 7, 2019
Let's just say that my feelings of the 'Representation Wars' are very complicated. I feel as though more representation is great, but I feel as though it isn't handled well for a number of reasons.

What I really hate is that the culture seems to be about, on some level, pushing aside talented creators/writers so that less-talented creators/writers create inferior media that we are expected to consume without criticizing them for fear of backlash. This, ironically, results in pushback by the kinds of people who lurk on places like 4Chan and love posting lengthy rants about how much better things were in the 90s when 'talented' writers wrote things like Biker Mice From Mars, and Street Sharks.

The problem is that, well, they're right. So, by agreeing with their racist/sexist beliefs we've empowered them, and that isn't a good thing. However, the silver lining is that as these newer creators get more experience, they'll start making better content. Which will be cool, but how long will that take if they don't want to get better because critics are showering them with praise for their ideas alone, not the execution?

But, anyways, Gina recently garnered some controversy for doing... something. Whatever she did isn't really important because it's, honestly kinda dumb. However, she claimed that the reason she did what she did is because she was being harassed for months on end by activists pressuring her to show solidarity with the trans community.

It says a lot that the trans community pounced on her like wolves after she made that mistake. Saying the usual things like: "We just want you to understand how you're making them feel," or whatever. Look, trans people aren't defenceless puppies who need defending, and no one wants to be dehumanized by a group speaking for them. Trans people probably have bigger things to worry about than whether or not some actress shows their support for them on Twitter.

I feel like this whole situation just makes trans people look bad, and that sucks. The fact that Gina is probably going to used as a symbol for the 'right' as they say "See, a woman agrees with us," is depressing.
(Shrugs) Better than the "left"


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
This. You can be a half male half grasshopper wookie she-he-she-me or whatever fusion....but don't expect me to agree with you. I can respect you being able to choose which one you wish to be, but there is still only two genders. And you should also tell any and all partners if you picked other than what you were born as. I don't have any sympathy for people's whose relationships turn sour because they withheld that information beforehand. This trans thing just doesn't make sense. He or She. Nothing else. You can claim to be something else and that is you're right, but don't demand I compromise my beliefs and agree, and let's he honest, it's not a compromise. It's submission. Because compromise implies a choice. Agreeing or compromising just to get along is submission and cowardly because nowadays everyone seems to do it for everything and are scare of upsetting someone. It's sad really that you're barely allowed to have an opinion lol. And l thought bruce became someone else?
Yeah Bruce became Caitlyn but I mean he still got the bone structure of Bruce. Anyway yeah. Worst part is these days you can even get into legal trouble if you dont give into these Beep Boop motherfuckers. I mean I think most of them are okay people. But it's the Karen's among them that are gonna cause you a headache.


A Historical Bastard
Apr 7, 2019
Yeah Bruce became Caitlyn but I mean he still got the bone structure of Bruce. Anyway yeah. Worst part is these days you can even get into legal trouble if you dont give into these Beep Boop motherfuckers. I mean I think most of them are okay people. But it's the Karen's among them that are gonna cause you a headache.

It blows my mind that they DEMAND you agree with them irregardless of how you feel in the matter. And we're the assholes if we say no? Sorry, I wasn't aware we couldn't have an opinion contrary to yours. My mistake.

Fortunately I'm not interested in changing my stance, or concerned about "backlash" or being "shunned". None of them pay my bills or has helped me anywhere in life so to hell with that crap.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2020
When a community has a 40% suicide rate that community is not healthy. Transgender people should be called what they are, sexual dysphoria. The idea of change the world to accept you instead of changing yourself is doing more harm than good.

Culture can't change biology, men can't become women and vice versa just like men and women aren't equal.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
When a community has a 40% suicide rate that community is not healthy. Transgender people should be called what they are, sexual dysphoria. The idea of change the world to accept you instead of changing yourself is doing more harm than good.

Culture can't change biology, men can't become women and vice versa just like men and women aren't equal.
You know the comedian Joe Rogan? Well he's been doing podcasts for some years now. DOing interviews with all kinds of people on a wide variety of topics, and on one of those podcasts they talk about how humanity seems to be going closer and closer towards things like gender not even having any meaning. Apparently we're evolving, or through the use of technology, sublimating the restrictions of what gender we were born with or even sublimating need for our physical bodies at all. Just something i found interesting at the time.

So many people feel they werent born in the right body. I like to think that someday that wont be a problem simply for the fact that either we truly could become whatever sex we want or lose the need for a physical body in itself.

Its probably end up being a similar case to Altered Carbon where you can literally just pay to have your consciousness placed into whatever female or male body you want


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
It blows my mind that they DEMAND you agree with them irregardless of how you feel in the matter. And we're the assholes if we say no? Sorry, I wasn't aware we couldn't have an opinion contrary to yours. My mistake.

Fortunately I'm not interested in changing my stance, or concerned about "backlash" or being "shunned". None of them pay my bills or has helped me anywhere in life so to hell with that crap.
damn straight brother. i mean im a reasonable guy. I'll humor them if they're cool about it. Nice, polite. Like, "hey cup im sorry if this comes off as pushy, but if its okay with you could you refer to me as Loli_Slayer42069?" Then i'll respect their wished and call them Apache Helicopter or whatever the hell they want.

But now any of them whi get all up in my grill and say i HAVE to respect their prefered pronouns...well those people are told to go suck big hairy turtle eggs.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
So many people feel they werent born in the right body. I like to think that someday that wont be a problem simply for the fact that either we truly could become whatever sex we want or lose the need for a physical body in itself.

Its probably end up being a similar case to Altered Carbon where you can literally just pay to have your consciousness placed into whatever female or male body you want

There's going to come a point when elves, dwarves, furries, vampires, tenctacle monsters etc become a real thing because we have the ability to give people any body they could possibly want. Simple human transsexualism seems kinda quaint in comparison to that.