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  • I had an idea of ultraviolence novel.

    I suck at executing it. Fine.

    I recently read one. It is mid.

    Ultraviolence in plain words is shit, especially without the foreplay.
    My first thought of accidentally stumbling onto Y: the last man makes me think about the need of men in World End Harem (or if I get name wrong, it is the one with men being precious to a world with only women) . Dildos, turkey baster, dildos with ejaculation mechanism, sperm banks, making Gayloli's wet dream come true.

    Are men required?
    Ok, slight happy that Sevenger released drawings with scenario* similar to the porn one off (still trying to expand, lazy) that I wrote a couple of years ago.

    *Inspired by Victim Girls 7, #190615, pg 24

    To the reader who commented and waited for a continuation in AO3, it is not happening, soon.
    I do miss the days when my pener can hard on a moment's notice for me to start pumping.

    Nowadays, the damn thing needs cooing and rubbing to coax it to erect, and I need to rev it constantly or else the engine might die.
    Writing porn is imho, a low bar to clear. So it is frustrating for me to see the common JP technique of "❤❤❤", "iya iya iya", "ah ah ah❤".

    Filling the text wall with this kind of dialogue is shit, I am not reading a well drawn doujinshi and even if I can hear it, it is still shit.

    Describe how the tentacles are wrapping around the clit and stroking it like a throbbing dick, not the copy paste text spam.
    One thing to learn today; never think that luck is with you all the time, especially on a predetermined crash course.

    Not having hopes in things helps.

    Have a fun thought for the modding community, since giant dragonfly is mountable and they are wicked fast, can't the pvp includes a sky battle with a shrinkng arena? Maybe melees only, but can also be just magic users only as well.
    Waking up and pondering to myself; why did I write? The question then turns into thinking about my passion and hobbies and then some.

    Q: Why did I write?
    A: Arrogance and shortsightedness.

    Q: Passion and hobbies?
    A: I have none.

    Q: Why are we still here, just to suffer?
    A: Because I don't want to die.

    *Sigh* Being poor sucks.
    Zooming too much inside yourself hide the border of the self, so it can feel like it's trivial and mundane. But zooming out and seeing the countless possibilities outside reveal the differences between the self and the others. Once you understand the strengths and limits of the hand you were dealt, the initial arrogance and shortsightedness evolve into confidence and self-esteem.
    Indeed, you're no longer tied to results, but to the process itself. Moreover, if you see the intrinsic flaws of identity, it's slightly easier to accept not only your own flaws but other's too.

    *goes back to zoning out on the bed*

    fuck the 420 character limit
    Lol, so many notification seconds by seconds.

    Ffs currently I am listening to a bunch of guys (Trash Taste) younger than me in YT talking about anime.

    I feel old.
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