Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The hunter once again blends into the forest. It has become his habit to just stay still while sitting on top of a big tree. For him, it was the best spot to scout for his next game. Usually, some rabbits or just some pheasant would be enough for him. But this time, he had his eyes on something big due to his job. “…nice to meet you,” he whispered to himself as he spotted his next target. A group of deer, just minding their own business, unaware of the predator on top of the tree.

After watching them silently, he had picked a good target. Once again, one of the smaller deer. An adult one. Good size, not too big, something he could definitely bring back home easily. He then nocked his arrow and aimed at the deer. As he steadied his breath, he then realized the herd turned rather cautious. That made him pulled back his arrow again and steadied his breath, worried that his bloodlust leaked too much.

But then he realized the reason behind it. Soon after that, the sound of growling came onto the air. As he shifted his eyes toward the source of the sound, the figure of a wolf came into his eyes, then more of them appeared. It seemed that he was not the only predator that is present that day. Feeling slightly annoyed, he then just readied his weapon and watch the scene. True to his expectation, the wolves attacked the herd, breaking the calm and tranquil atmosphere.

As some of the bigger deer tried to defend the herd and keep them safe, the wolves managed to separate two of them away from the herd. Clearly desperate for their life, the two separated deer ran away in a panic with two wolves followed them. After letting out an annoyed sigh, the hunter climbed down silently and followed the runaway deer and wolves.

After a few minutes of running, the deer was trapped behind a large rock. The cornered deer tried to attack back, only to get pounced by the wolves. In the midst of chaos, the other deer tried to run away, but it stopped on its track before falling sideways with a loud thump. The wolves were surprised and they looked around. One of them dodged to the side as a single arrow landed near its previous spot. Warry of the invisible attacker, the wolves looked around. And another arrow landed near them, startling them, making them escape for their life. As the two wolves left the fallen deer, the figure of Michuema appeared with a knife on hand. He quickly approached the fallen dear and stabbed its throat, killing it for good. Without wasting any time, he picked it up and slung it over his shoulder before glancing at the one that was downed by the wolves. “…damn it, they got it first,” he mumbled before he ran back to the city before the wolves came back with the rest of the pack.

Meiko looked at the guideline. The meat was freshly caught, check. The size was right, check. Edible, she was sure the chef could do something with it, so check.

She stamped the quest report with "COMPLETED" stamp, marking it as completed.

  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: 5 jerky

OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Quest Report (25)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 6 (4120/4200) (Rank E)
Quest: Carnivorous Flower "Carn Flower" Subjugation
  • Collected a small bag of ''Carn Flower'' thorns
  • Exterminated a large overgrown carnivorous flower plant hidden in the treetops
  • Killed a couple of goblins whilst patrolling the forest trails
Felicia once again found herself wandering the familiar Northern Scribel Forests, looking out for any potential danger that she needed to exterminate, in particular, carnivorous flowers. Unlike the camouflaged ones in the marshland south of here, these plants weren't as meticulous or tricky to deal with. As she cleaned up a few goblins who attempted to ambush her, she suddenly heard a sharp whizzing sound. A vine, lined with vicious thorns, suddenly struck the ground she was just standing on as she leapt away, trusting her instincts.

As much as she was surprised by the sudden attack, she quickly trailed the long vine back to its source and lifted her head up high. There it was, an overgrown carnivorous plant lay nestled high in the treetops, somehow parasitically absorbing nutrients from the ground through the trees it laid in. Its flowers were dull and well-hidden, inconspicuously matching the leaves of the trees around it, whilst its main body could be seen as part of the tree if viewed at from the right angle. How horrifying, she never would have expected such a plant to exist in these often peaceful forests. No wonder the missing persons' rate in these northern forests were so high.

Still, since it had failed its ambush, Felicia felt she would be able to deal with the plant swiftly. Afterall, she had its natural enemy in her hands, fire. To avoid the plant from potentially hiding seeds or parts of itself in the trees it hid in, she decided to burn the entire group of trees surrounding it. Wow, lately she's been doing some large-scale deforestation huh? She could only hope that the guild would understand her reasoning, that is unless they wanted more of these ambushing plants to show up.

As if sensing her motives, just as she summoned a fireball, the plant detached itself from the trees it hid in and launched itself at her from above. Felicia, who was caught completely unprepared, and due to the fact that the plant was so large and overgrown that she wouldn't be able to dodge in time, quickly shifted the fire in her hands into natural mana again and poured it into her enchanted sword. Quickly, the blade lit up with an icy blue glow, as she swung it decisively at the plant about to bodyslam her.

The plant, who had no real defences as it was one that preferred to ambush others, was split into two halves with her strike, splattering her with gross plant juices. Although super annoyed with the way her plan suddenly fell apart and her current condition, Felicia felt a bit better at the fact that it was much easier to collect its nectar this way. Simply walking over to its green flowers, she squeezed every last drop of the flower's nectar into the bottle. Since the plant was so large, she didn't even need more than a third of the nectar the plant corpse had to offer to fill the bottle.

After burning away the trees surrounding the area, and cutting off some thorns off the vine that had attacked her, she headed to Scribel River to wash herself before making her way back to the guild.

The quest report set up a warning in her mind. She had to notify the other guild worker to send a party to check the forest fire status. While she could see that the objective had been completed, the forest fire would spread if left unchecked, therefore it was left to the guild to do some damage assessment.

The nectar she brought was interesting, since it could be used as sample of the carnivorous plant's smell. She would give suggestion to the higher ups for this quest to be amended with nectar gathering for future request. As it was, she decided to withhold the money remuneration, until the damage assessment was done.

Stamping the quest report with "COMPLETED", she gave the report copy to the adventurer. She also made note on the copy for the deduction, citing collateral damage as the reason.

Points: 300 EXP

OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Once again the humble hunter came into the sight of the orphanage. But unlike last time, he didn’t come empty-handed. The hunter opened the fence to the orphanage with one hand while the other hand was carrying the present for them. The first thing that he noticed was the sound of children shouting and cheering. He peeked around the corner of the rickety building and saw that the sound came from the many children that were playing on the side of the orphanage. That made him smile a bit. Worried that he might scare them, he quickly returned to the front door and knocked on it.

Just like before, the face of the tired caretaker appeared to greet him. Her tired smile pained him a bit. “I have gifts,” he said to her without waiting for her to say anything. As he pulled up the wrapped present, he looked at her. Just as he expected, a confused expression appeared on her face. “Meat, boar meat,” he said shortly to her. “Can I prepare it now?” he asked her. What came after that was a series of nodding, which worried the hunter whether her head would fall off due to that.

After being shown to the kitchen, he then started preparing the meat, cleaning the meat, cutting it up into small chunks, and then just boil them up. For him, he never really one that really knows how to cook. In fact, the last job in the guild’s kitchen, he learned a few tricks. Mostly, making sure that his hands are clean before preparing anything.

In the middle of preparing the meat, the caretaker came into the kitchen bringing with her a jar of pickled food. “It might be good to add this to the stew,” she said to him with a now more relaxed smile. “Did you buy it?” he asked her. The answer came in the form of a shake of her head. “The temple staff and another girl came bringing these.” He nodded at that, feeling slightly happier that someone else was kind enough to still support this orphanage. With the help of the caretaker and also some of the older girls, they prepare the food. It was something he missed. Preparing food together, and then enjoying the food. But he won’t eat it with them. They will have less if the hunter eats with them.

With such thought in his mind, he then quickly helped the other preparing the food and then at the end of it, he quickly exited the kitchen. Just before the door, he was stopped by the caretaker. “You don’t want to eat with them?” she asked with a slightly sad tone. He shook his head. “Eating with a stranger will make them uncomfortable.” Before she could argue more, the sound of them calling her echoed in the hallway. “Go on,” the hunter said, “I will be back occasionally,” he added. Without waiting for her answer, he opened the door and then slipped out of the house, walking toward the street with a slightly happy expression.

OOC Note : @LazyLonduf for just using part of their quest story. Thanks.
She wished she could give the adventure the full reward for this. She felt that the adventurer had done their share of giving happiness to others, and should be fully rewarded. Though, the logic of doing charity to be rewarded was strange to her, she would never knew what laid inside someone's heart. Whether it was for altruistic reason or not, all she could do was evaluating it.

There was one part of the quest that the adventurer forgot to do. Since this was a guild issued quest, she was sure the guild had done analysis about the civilians of Scribel City to make this kind of requirement. It felt like taxation, honestly, when the adventurer must gather things from civilians for charity purpose (even though it was voluntary). She'd deduct point from the adventurer for now.

With that, she marked the quest as completed.
  • Points: 20 EXP
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
The quest wasn't that eventful, harvested some healing herbs, killed some goblins on the way. The Vine Whip I made handled pretty nicely before it broke, but luckily the mole claw knife didn't. I left the slimes alone though. They were too cute. I also kept some healing herb to myself.
Items Gained: <Goblin Ears> x 6, <Healing Herb> x 20 ( 1 sacks worth i think.)
As expected of experienced adventurer, the level 1 quest were easily done. Finding the requirement of healing herb fulfilled, she marked the quest as "COMPLETED".

  • Points: 45 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
> > >

Charity Work
Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
Visit a local temple or orphanage.
Collect donations, food, and medical supplies from civilians.
Volunteer your time to help the needy.
Living in a frontier city has its tough moments.
Scribel City has high numbers of orphans and disabled veterans,
and the places that support them are overcrowded.
There simply isn't enough government money to help them all.
Will you step in to lend a hand?

Points: 30 EXP
Money: n/a
Other: n/a
> > >

Name: Oam Lola
Level: 1 (175/200)
Quest: Charity
Summary: - Cleaned and removed an abandoned altar in the temple.
- Did simple counting chores.
- Helped carry cooked food and ingredients to a small cooking tent.
- Reported a brief report on a murder scene... I'm not good with these kinds of things.

It was evening when I started my charity work. I'm mostly in or around the temple in any case, so having access to the guild's resources and library is really a bonus.

Anyways, I will try to go into more detail with my conversations because the receptionist mentioned that it was rare for a priestess to become an adventurer. "Maybe it could help out other adventurers too," so fine, it's not too much work for me either. But I won't be able to pay for the extra paper and ink.

When I arrived at the temple, there was some cleaning work being done in the outer side of the temple. It seemed like they were uprooting slabs of stone and carrying statues somewhere. I recognized one of the people doing the work, a kind nun who often came and shared some of her meals with me, a priestess from the Church of Old Life named Zana. She was dressed in black and had her working pants on instead of her usual outfit.
I promptly helped her carry the stones since she seemed to be struggling.

"Where are we carrying these things?" I asked.
"To the dump,"

Dumping the statues and altars? Isn't this heresy? That was what I was thinking.

"Nothing like that" she waved her hand, "There will probably be countless other altars coming in to replace the ones we are carrying... in a few days time."

I thought for a bit, before solemnly asking, "What happened to this one then...?"

Zana scoffed, "He told me he came to this world as a dark mage worshipping an evil god."

"An evil god..."
"Yes, but the funny thing is he still helped around the temple and donated to charity." Zana chuckled, before heaving a sigh.

"So... what happened to him?"
"The gods know, a few days ago he told me 'My Demonic Majesty is useless now. I will search for my Truth elsewhere'. He was the only worshipper on his own altar, so when he disappeared, the altar became abandoned."

"...Some people don't really care for their original gods, do they?"
"You get used to it." Zana said, picking up the stone up by her shoulder again with a hefty heave.

"It's such a shame..."
"You don't have to worry about that Sister Lola, there are people buying these stones outside, moreover, we're only carrying these to the storeroom. Maybe he might come back."

"I see..." I said, "But are people really interested in buying these things?"
"I have no idea, I don't usually do the selling" she shrugged, "But we do get funds from the seller. I think the finances are managed by the main church."

After a few rounds back and forth, the original altar was already an empty space. A few priests came to check on it. "Begone Foul Demon!" they said, while splashing water--most probably holy water--onto the empty spot. I could guess it was because it was an altar for an evil god that they were doing that.

Since the stones were so heavy, we opted to rest after carrying just one set. We were literally drenched in sweat outside of the storeroom. But alas, I was asked for help immediately after sitting down (Zana looked the other way and pretended not to hear their call... but I can only give in, she's weaker than me).
The job was simple, counting cents and copper coins from the donation boxes into small sacks of one hundred. There were a lot of coins coming in from various places and they had a room full of people dedicated just for counting. Since it wasn't heavy work and I thought that this could hone my counting skills, I accepted.
It was strange to be sitting across otherworldly demonic worshippers while counting coins... but we got the job done somehow.
Scribel is a strange place isn't it...? Are they actually demon worshippers?

Some time later in the night, it was time for dinner.

"There's enough food for everyone today" Zana said.
"I'm glad," I groaned in relief, "I really don't want to buy meals in the Tavern again."
"Your true thoughts are showing." she laughed.
"...I'm not cheap, I'm just dirt poor."

Zana had her priestess outfit on along with an apron. We helped around in the kitchen. I didn't know much about cooking, so I mainly helped by passing on ingredients from the table to the chefs. The cooking made a lot of smoke and everything was sizzling. Some of them also cooked spicy meals which caused everyone to cough and cry. Myself included. It was a little annoying.

But the resulting food was very good, though! We had a big meal in a tent outside of the temple.

Honestly, this tastes much better than ordering anything in the tavern. Discounted prices for food? How is 10 G discounted!
I am veering offtopic.

We were going to sleep soon, but we heard a loud scream followed by a crash. Zana was too tired, so she chose to sleep through it instead of getting up.
A lot of people were also awake. I heard details from the commotion that something had happened in one of the storerooms.

I went to check out of curiosity, but only saw... I mean... there was a lot of blood. I don't think I can describe it.

Many started praying. Others retreated and became anxious and vigilante... I can't say I wasn't scared.

There was a circle of blood inside the room, and there was also someone in the center of the circle. I think the corpse's chest was opened up... but I was getting nauseous, so I went to my tent earlier than the other devouts on the scene.


... I collected some testimonies the next morning. Maybe the Guild can look into it.

"I knew her, I think she was a local. Went here often to pray and donate, it's horrible. But I didn't expect something like this to happen inside the temple."

"I think her name was Dei, or Deet or something kinda like that, poor girl just came to pray. She comes here regularly, but stopped coming a few weeks ago. I thought she just got bored... but no... not like this..."

"She visited the altar of the God of Wind everyday. It wasn't the only cult, but she was able use wind magic, so she joined it. The priests are devastated. What about me? I think they might be involved. I don't trust them one bit."

"It's the Demons, no doubt about it. This place is filled with heretics. They're all demon worshippers. I have no idea why the main church would even let these cultists live."

"I don't want to talk too much about it. The thing that killed her might still be out there, and if it came this close to our altars, then there really isn't much we can do, can we?"
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Repairing Damage
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit your boss in the engineering department.
  • Spend a day repairing damaged structures.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
With all the monster attacks and bad weather we get every week...
It's surprising that the city hasn't fallen down yet.
The engineering department gets work orders from all over the Scribel Region.
Pothole in the sewers? Goblins burned downed your barn?
Rock slide on the road? If it's broken, we come fix it!
  • Points: 50 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
Quest Report (26)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 7 (4420/5600) Rank E
Quest: Repairing Damage
  • Was accompanied by her little companion, Sable
  • Repaired a farmer's torn fence on the farmlands west of Scribel City
  • Cleaned some rock rubble on the road east of Scribel City
Today was the day. Finally, after a couple of months, Felicia would be bringing Sable out on a quest! It felt like only yesterday when she was just a giant fuzzy ball, but now she struts around with her little feathers, though still constantly destroying her room when she's out and about or sleeping...

Erm, anyway, perhaps Sable could sense that she would be going on a day trip soon because she suddenly became super well-behaved over the last couple of days. It was funny to see her acting so mature for once, but as soon as they went outside, her little beady crystal-like eyes shone with an innocent curiosity. Although reluctant to stray too far from the creature that had raised her all this time, aka Felicia, she still explored and ran about within a 5m radius of her.

Since she was a giant chick and was quite eye-catching, the passerby's all looked at her curiously, even going as far as to ask Felicia what was going on, and what kind of creature the giant chick was. Although she did greet and chat with the inquirers, she never kept her eyes off Sable. Afterall, the main reason Felicia didn't bring her out all this time was for her safety. More than the monsters in the nearby forests, she was afraid that someone more skillful than her would steal her from right under her nose. Still, she couldn't keep Sable inside forever. She was getting pretty big too, it would be cruel of her to keep her imprisoned within the tavern.

Perhaps due to this thought re-appearing in her head, Felicia hurried on over to the engineering department, ushering Sable along the way. After receiving her tasks for the day, she leisurely headed over to the western farmlands for her first one, which was to repair a farmer's torn fence. He explained that this happened when a bear chased him all the way over here, ramming through the fence during the process.

Whilst Felicia worked on the fence, keeping Sable within her main line of sight, her little giant chick walked around the farmlands, gobbling up any giant bugs she saw along the way. Sable was a carnivorous bird, which might've been a bit hard to tell based on her cute appearance at the moment. Felicia still had no idea what kind of species she was, but she was fine with discovering that as she grew. Since Sable had occasionally zapped her after being scolded or when she was found trying to steal her food, she assumed that she had an attunement with the thunder/lightning element.

After finishing up the fence, even painting it so that it matched the older parts of the fence perfectly, she walked with Sable to the tall grass plains on the other side of Scribel City. Here, Felicia was tasked with cleaning up some fallen rocks on the road, potentially caused by a cart malfunction on the way back from the quarry found nearby. Sable's little head just peeked out from the tall grass, hence she chose to stay a bit closer to Felicia this time round.

Somehow though, whilst she was finishing up the task and had moved her eyes away from her companion for just a second, Sable had caught a snake hidden in the grass! She viciously pecked and clawed at it to death, where she then proceeded to tear its flesh and gobble it up... perhaps Sable needed less protecting than she thought?

Anyway, after cleaning up the last few rocks that could cause a cart to stumble, the pair made their way back to Scribel City to report back to both the engineering department and the guild.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Collecting stuff is not that much different from his usual job, which made him quite happy. But the thought that his pay will be cut because of his request to make him a hunting axe really made him a bit dispirited. “…it’s for my job,” he whispered to himself before he let out a sigh. Money is tight for him, thus he needs to know when to spend his money and also spend his money only for the most necessary stuff. And, to his own disappointment, a new hunting axe is what he really needs. The current one is just waiting to break, and he needs to have a replacement ready if that time comes. Once again, a sigh escaped his mouth as he entered the forest area.

Finding large rock was easy enough for him. There are plenty of rocks around. But he only picked the larger ones since that was what was requested. There was no need to mine them or anything. All he needed to do was to find the right size. But since carrying them around would just slow him down, he ended up just putting the stack in a secluded place that he remembered.

The string was also quite easy, seeing that he can just forage some of the plants there which could be made into a string. Yes, it was not the best string money could buy since it was just a simple fiber that were wrapped around each other until it resembled some strings. He looked at the nearby tree and found that he could use the bark of such tree for that strings too. But the thing is, he is worried that his hatchet will not be strong enough to chop the main tree. In the end, he opted to just chop the branches, peel them off, and use them to make more strings while using the branches as extra wood the client might want. Of course, he also chopped some of the tree, the smaller parts, into usable logs.

Then came the last part, the leather. It was hunting time, something he is excelled at. He then pulled out his weapon and then climbed on top of a tree, waiting for a prey to come nearby. Some animals kept passing, but they were either too small or too fast for him. “…here it comes,” he whispered to himself as he looked at his prey, a juvenile boar. It was small, but perfect for him. If it has become larger, he might need more than just a few arrows.

He then pulled a single arrow from his quiver and then nocked it ready, pulling the string as far as he could. Holding his breath, he kept his aim steady. “…come, come,” he whispered to himself before releasing his breath slowly. Then he waited for the boar to just ignored his existence. Then the moment the boar turned around, Michuema held his breath and then released the arrow. The arrow flew in a straight path and it hit the beast, straight on its neck, forcing a painful squeal from it. Not wanting to waste the chance, he quickly pulled out another arrow, nocked it, aimed, and released it. This time, the boar noticed the killing intent came from the hunter, but it was too late. The arrow has embedded itself onto the boar’s temple, making it fell on its side. A few twitches came from the fallen beast before it ceased to move. The forest was quiet and then Michuema jumped down from the tree, approaching the boar with his rope ready. After confirming that it has been killed, he tied the rope on its leg and then hung it from the nearby tree and slit its throat to drain the blood. He himself also started to skin the boar, taking the skin for later processing into leather. What comes next was to cut up the meat neatly. It took up quite some time and he managed to get a lot from the boar, including the tusk. “…this is gonna be a chore to bring back.” He then reminded that he needed to bring back not only the meat, tusk, and skin, but also the big rocks. “…the thing I do for money.” After one last sigh, he wrapped up everything with some leaves and then returned to the stack of rocks, bringing them back to the city, while grumbling.

OOC Note: @Epsil for the quest.

Good job, seeing as you also did my optional request. I've decided to lessen the charge of the axe from 20G to 5G (using my optional reward).
I'll give you the hunting axe in the tavern.

  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 30 G


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Quest Report (26)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 7 (4420/5600) Rank E
Quest: Repairing Damage
  • Was accompanied by her little companion, Sable
  • Repaired a farmer's torn fence on the farmlands west of Scribel City
  • Cleaned some rock rubble on the road east of Scribel City
Today was the day. Finally, after a couple of months, Felicia would be bringing Sable out on a quest! It felt like only yesterday when she was just a giant fuzzy ball, but now she struts around with her little feathers, though still constantly destroying her room when she's out and about or sleeping...

Erm, anyway, perhaps Sable could sense that she would be going on a day trip soon because she suddenly became super well-behaved over the last couple of days. It was funny to see her acting so mature for once, but as soon as they went outside, her little beady crystal-like eyes shone with an innocent curiosity. Although reluctant to stray too far from the creature that had raised her all this time, aka Felicia, she still explored and ran about within a 5m radius of her.

Since she was a giant chick and was quite eye-catching, the passerby's all looked at her curiously, even going as far as to ask Felicia what was going on, and what kind of creature the giant chick was. Although she did greet and chat with the inquirers, she never kept her eyes off Sable. Afterall, the main reason Felicia didn't bring her out all this time was for her safety. More than the monsters in the nearby forests, she was afraid that someone more skillful than her would steal her from right under her nose. Still, she couldn't keep Sable inside forever. She was getting pretty big too, it would be cruel of her to keep her imprisoned within the tavern.

Perhaps due to this thought re-appearing in her head, Felicia hurried on over to the engineering department, ushering Sable along the way. After receiving her tasks for the day, she leisurely headed over to the western farmlands for her first one, which was to repair a farmer's torn fence. He explained that this happened when a bear chased him all the way over here, ramming through the fence during the process.

Whilst Felicia worked on the fence, keeping Sable within her main line of sight, her little giant chick walked around the farmlands, gobbling up any giant bugs she saw along the way. Sable was a carnivorous bird, which might've been a bit hard to tell based on her cute appearance at the moment. Felicia still had no idea what kind of species she was, but she was fine with discovering that as she grew. Since Sable had occasionally zapped her after being scolded or when she was found trying to steal her food, she assumed that she had an attunement with the thunder/lightning element.

After finishing up the fence, even painting it so that it matched the older parts of the fence perfectly, she walked with Sable to the tall grass plains on the other side of Scribel City. Here, Felicia was tasked with cleaning up some fallen rocks on the road, potentially caused by a cart malfunction on the way back from the quarry found nearby. Sable's little head just peeked out from the tall grass, hence she chose to stay a bit closer to Felicia this time round.

Somehow though, whilst she was finishing up the task and had moved her eyes away from her companion for just a second, Sable had caught a snake hidden in the grass! She viciously pecked and clawed at it to death, where she then proceeded to tear its flesh and gobble it up... perhaps Sable needed less protecting than she thought?

Anyway, after cleaning up the last few rocks that could cause a cart to stumble, the pair made their way back to Scribel City to report back to both the engineering department and the guild.

Meiko was working in the clerk room, verifying the quest report. Inter-organization quest like these seemed to be a messy affair. The main jurisdiction was held by the engineering department of scribel city while we provided cheap labor.

'Anyway, the request has been responded, meimei. It is the Form A46 number 00645 and 00646. The farmer had been very satisfied with the job, see? As for 00646, they said that the job is okay. So I guess we could mark this well done.'

She checked the relevant document, and made a copy as attachment. Then after she marked them as completed, she gave those document for renumeration department and the receptionist.

OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.

  • Points: 50 EXP
  • Money: 10 G


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Name: Oam Lola
Level: 1 (175/200)
Quest: Charity
Summary: - Cleaned and removed an abandoned altar in the temple.
- Did simple counting chores.
- Helped carry cooked food and ingredients to a small cooking tent.
- Reported a brief report on a murder scene... I'm not good with these kinds of things.

It was evening when I started my charity work. I'm mostly in or around the temple in any case, so having access to the guild's resources and library is really a bonus.

Anyways, I will try to go into more detail with my conversations because the receptionist mentioned that it was rare for a priestess to become an adventurer. "Maybe it could help out other adventurers too," so fine, it's not too much work for me either. But I won't be able to pay for the extra paper and ink.

When I arrived at the temple, there was some cleaning work being done in the outer side of the temple. It seemed like they were uprooting slabs of stone and carrying statues somewhere. I recognized one of the people doing the work, a kind nun who often came and shared some of her meals with me, a priestess from the Church of Old Life named Zana. She was dressed in black and had her working pants on instead of her usual outfit.
I promptly helped her carry the stones since she seemed to be struggling.

"Where are we carrying these things?" I asked.
"To the dump,"

Dumping the statues and altars? Isn't this heresy? That was what I was thinking.

"Nothing like that" she waved her hand, "There will probably be countless other altars coming in to replace the ones we are carrying... in a few days time."

I thought for a bit, before solemnly asking, "What happened to this one then...?"

Zana scoffed, "He told me he came to this world as a dark mage worshipping an evil god."

"An evil god..."
"Yes, but the funny thing is he still helped around the temple and donated to charity." Zana chuckled, before heaving a sigh.

"So... what happened to him?"
"The gods know, a few days ago he told me 'My Demonic Majesty is useless now. I will search for my Truth elsewhere'. He was the only worshipper on his own altar, so when he disappeared, the altar became abandoned."

"...Some people don't really care for their original gods, do they?"
"You get used to it." Zana said, picking up the stone up by her shoulder again with a hefty heave.

"It's such a shame..."
"You don't have to worry about that Sister Lola, there are people buying these stones outside, moreover, we're only carrying these to the storeroom. Maybe he might come back."

"I see..." I said, "But are people really interested in buying these things?"
"I have no idea, I don't usually do the selling" she shrugged, "But we do get funds from the seller. I think the finances are managed by the main church."

After a few rounds back and forth, the original altar was already an empty space. A few priests came to check on it. "Begone Foul Demon!" they said, while splashing water--most probably holy water--onto the empty spot. I could guess it was because it was an altar for an evil god that they were doing that.

Since the stones were so heavy, we opted to rest after carrying just one set. We were literally drenched in sweat outside of the storeroom. But alas, I was asked for help immediately after sitting down (Zana looked the other way and pretended not to hear their call... but I can only give in, she's weaker than me).
The job was simple, counting cents and copper coins from the donation boxes into small sacks of one hundred. There were a lot of coins coming in from various places and they had a room full of people dedicated just for counting. Since it wasn't heavy work and I thought that this could hone my counting skills, I accepted.
It was strange to be sitting across otherworldly demonic worshippers while counting coins... but we got the job done somehow.
Scribel is a strange place isn't it...? Are they actually demon worshippers?

Some time later in the night, it was time for dinner.

"There's enough food for everyone today" Zana said.
"I'm glad," I groaned in relief, "I really don't want to buy meals in the Tavern again."
"Your true thoughts are showing." she laughed.
"...I'm not cheap, I'm just dirt poor."

Zana had her priestess outfit on along with an apron. We helped around in the kitchen. I didn't know much about cooking, so I mainly helped by passing on ingredients from the table to the chefs. The cooking made a lot of smoke and everything was sizzling. Some of them also cooked spicy meals which caused everyone to cough and cry. Myself included. It was a little annoying.

But the resulting food was very good, though! We had a big meal in a tent outside of the temple.

Honestly, this tastes much better than ordering anything in the tavern. Discounted prices for food? How is 10 G discounted!
I am veering offtopic.

We were going to sleep soon, but we heard a loud scream followed by a crash. Zana was too tired, so she chose to sleep through it instead of getting up.
A lot of people were also awake. I heard details from the commotion that something had happened in one of the storerooms.

I went to check out of curiosity, but only saw... I mean... there was a lot of blood. I don't think I can describe it.

Many started praying. Others retreated and became anxious and vigilante... I can't say I wasn't scared.

There was a circle of blood inside the room, and there was also someone in the center of the circle. I think the corpse's chest was opened up... but I was getting nauseous, so I went to my tent earlier than the other devouts on the scene.


... I collected some testimonies the next morning. Maybe the Guild can look into it.

"I knew her, I think she was a local. Went here often to pray and donate, it's horrible. But I didn't expect something like this to happen inside the temple."

"I think her name was Dei, or Deet or something kinda like that, poor girl just came to pray. She comes here regularly, but stopped coming a few weeks ago. I thought she just got bored... but no... not like this..."

"She visited the altar of the God of Wind everyday. It wasn't the only cult, but she was able use wind magic, so she joined it. The priests are devastated. What about me? I think they might be involved. I don't trust them one bit."

"It's the Demons, no doubt about it. This place is filled with heretics. They're all demon worshippers. I have no idea why the main church would even let these cultists live."

"I don't want to talk too much about it. The thing that killed her might still be out there, and if it came this close to our altars, then there really isn't much we can do, can we?"

She felt annoyed again. The charity quest did make one wonder about what the guild intended, to ask the adventurer to collect donations, food and medical supplies from the civilians. She briefly wondered if that was to differentiate volunteers and questers.

She could only helplessly mark this quest as complete. Since the adventurer did not do the request as it was specified, She wondered if the adventurer would get the full experience for their growth.

'What would you do for the murder case, anyway?'

It was interesting, she thought. Assuming that each testimonial was true, the murderer had to have access to the storeroom, since it was discovered there. She did not know the layout of the temple, but if each deity has their own storeroom, it was likely that the culprit were among the wind priests, like that one accused. She could think of few possibilities. But unless she or someone directly investigated (and she likely wouldn't), she didn't want to make conclusion.

As interesting as it was, she went and classified the murder as requiring further investigation. Preferably for level 5 or above as the murderer was able to kill a wind mage. She made a note to get the guards to investigate these too.

She stamped and filed the quest as completed.

Points: 20 EXP

OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Bridge Materials: Boulders
: The Adventurer's Guild
Location: Quarry Site (East of Scribel)
Required Level: 2
  • Search for 5 large boulders.
  • Extract them without damaging the stone.
  • Bring them to the bridge construction site.
  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 10G
Quest Report (8)
: Zombo
Level: 2 (345/600)
Quest: Bridge Materials: Boulders
  • Hauled 5 large boulders to the bridge construction site using an ox and cart + a pickaxe
After borrowing a pickaxe alongside an ox and cart for the task, Zombo set out for his next quest. He was looking forward to having the bridge built, as it would unlock access to new lands for him to explore. With a slight smile hidden beneath all his bark and vines, he used his vines to pull the cart behind him as he walked. It would've been easier and quicker if he just used his arms, but he wanted to train up the strength of his vines. After his revelation at the outpost near Asteria, he had become used to a certain mindset. If possible, he would always choose the harder way out in order to train himself. It was a bit of a harsh mindset, but he stuck to it regardless. Afterall, he wasn't human anymore, it's not like it would hurt him even if his muscles tore apart.

Finally reaching the quarry site hidden in the tall grass plains, Zombo set to work looking for large boulders. Since the rock formation was quite large, it wasn't too difficult locating suitable ones, if anything he was spoilt for choice, hence he chose the ones that seemed the least damaged to bring back. After carefully extracting the boulders by using a pickaxe to mine around the bits where it was connected, he hauled/rolled them back towards the cart he brought.

Frankly, the hardest part was getting the boulders on to the cart itself. Although he lowered the cart as much as possible and opened the gate at the back, it was still extremely taxing trying to go against gravity to haul these giant things forward. Still, after ripping apart some of his vines and ruining the bark on his arms, he managed to somehow get them onto the wagon. After bringing them to the bridge construction site, which seemed to be near finished, he returned to the guild to hand in his report.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
> > >

Office Work
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

'Desk working? I've never seen you saying a word to anyone except that girl receptionist. You sure you want to take up that?'

She was reasonably sure. Being a clerk did not mean that she had to be a receptionist and deal with the adventurer. She could just work on sorting the files, processing the papers, everything except interacting with the adventurer. As it was, she took the Office Work form and submit it to the receptionist.

"Eh... Meiko want to be a receptionist today?" The receptionist said with a surprised face.

She could feel the doubt from the receptionist already. She began to regret her decision. Feeling that there was no way to escape, she nodded hestitantly.

"Meiko seemed to be a shy type though. But don't worry, this big sister will totally guide you today."

She wanted to escape.


"Meiko, I need you to file this quest report. I've marked this quest as completed, but we need a follow up from one of these church of light. Make sure to check up the chart for undead infestation, okay?"

'Hmm... with how many request asking for graveyard cleansing, the undead infestation are getting worse, aren't they?'

There were probably a necromancer raising those undead. But, since undead could rise on their own on a graveyard that was not maintained properly, she had to do confirmation on these. She looked at the undead infestation chart.

'It is still normal, within one standard deviation, though it was a bit worrying with it always increasing. Better safe than sorry, I think.'

She filled the follow-up form to the church of light, requesting their priest to control the level of undead. With that done, she returned to the receptionist.

"Done? alright, next I want you to make a note to the guard office, since we think this quest is in their jurisdiction. A report of theft from a house in the residential district marked it as the seventh house for this month. This report actually should go directly to the guard office, not to us. But since the issuer asked us directly and gave us the reward, we had to do it. I'll write the quest for now. So, make a note to the guard office and ask for their cooperation for this quest. Understand?"

She nodded, and get to the task.


"Hmm... that's the end of that huh."

It was already afternoon, entering dusk. There was no other activity, other than guild worker like us finishing our job of managing these documents. A few workers had already gone home, saying a few by to the receptionist. As everything was properly filed, that girl gave her a slip.

"Well... The quest is done for today. I'm feeling very satisfied for your help today, so that's a full mark for you. Give this slip to the receptionist tomorrow morning, okay?"

Accepting the slip, she bowed at the receptionist, and muttered word of gratitude to her.


"You're welcome."


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Quest Report (8)
: Zombo
Level: 2 (345/600)
Quest: Bridge Materials: Boulders
  • Hauled 5 large boulders to the bridge construction site using an ox and cart + a pickaxe
After borrowing a pickaxe alongside an ox and cart for the task, Zombo set out for his next quest. He was looking forward to having the bridge built, as it would unlock access to new lands for him to explore. With a slight smile hidden beneath all his bark and vines, he used his vines to pull the cart behind him as he walked. It would've been easier and quicker if he just used his arms, but he wanted to train up the strength of his vines. After his revelation at the outpost near Asteria, he had become used to a certain mindset. If possible, he would always choose the harder way out in order to train himself. It was a bit of a harsh mindset, but he stuck to it regardless. Afterall, he wasn't human anymore, it's not like it would hurt him even if his muscles tore apart.

Finally reaching the quarry site hidden in the tall grass plains, Zombo set to work looking for large boulders. Since the rock formation was quite large, it wasn't too difficult locating suitable ones, if anything he was spoilt for choice, hence he chose the ones that seemed the least damaged to bring back. After carefully extracting the boulders by using a pickaxe to mine around the bits where it was connected, he hauled/rolled them back towards the cart he brought.

Frankly, the hardest part was getting the boulders on to the cart itself. Although he lowered the cart as much as possible and opened the gate at the back, it was still extremely taxing trying to go against gravity to haul these giant things forward. Still, after ripping apart some of his vines and ruining the bark on his arms, he managed to somehow get them onto the wagon. After bringing them to the bridge construction site, which seemed to be near finished, he returned to the guild to hand in his report.

'Meimei, a new stack of documents has arrived.' The voice said.

She stopped working on her current document, and raise her head. As she raised her head, she saw a clerk bringing the documents to her desk. Thanking the clerk, she began to inspect the document.

'Hmm... that one is from the overseer of the bridge construction project. It seem to be the follow up for our request. Alright, we can mark the quest as completed since we got the confirmation from them. Full reward too. I think it is the quest #00611, on the left drawer second from the top.'

She stamped the quest as complete, and send the copies to the relevant department.


  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 10G
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Following the group of people, Liana saw them stop at a notice board before one of them - a man - slammed his hand down on a piece of paper and yelled out: "This one! We'll do this one!"

One of the other men face-palmed at his companion's over-enthusiastic action, before saying: "Sure, sure, we'll do this rat culling quest." He sighed as he read through the quest again, "Looks like we're gonna need someone to help us carry the loot bags again, the number of rat corpses isn't going to be fun to lug around."

"I agree. Then, how about her?" The loud man pointed at Liana while openly staring at her full chest - a slight blush on his cheeks.
One of the women in the group slapped him on the back of the head with a look of disgust clear on her face at her horny companion.

"Ahem. Hey! You look like you have nothing to do!" He threw his empty rucksack at Liana as he continued, "How about helping us carry some stuff while we do a quest?" He put on his most charming(?) smile as he approached her.


"..." He continued to smile at her as he stood in front of her.


"..." He deepened his smile while trying to appear even more charming(?).

"...What do I get out of it, foolish looking man?"

Stevie's smile cracked a little at the foolish man remark, before laughing awkwardly while taking out a bag of money, "Of course, we'll be sure to pay you for the trouble."

"...Very well but you aren't allowed to touch me with your filthy hands."

Stevie immediately paused his roaming hand that was trying to make its way to Liana's shoulder.
"Hahaha, of course! Of course! Of course! Ren! Joss! Vix! We've got a bag carrier!"

The group cheered, before introducing themselves to her and vice versa, then headed down to the sewers.
Bag Carrier: Scribel City Sewers
: Stevie's Wardens
Location: Scribel City Sewers
Required Level: 1
  • Carry the loot bags.
  • Don't run away before the mission is over.
  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 20
Upon entering the place, Stevie and his team immediately took out a mud-stained map of the sewers and chose a route they were familiar with. Liana stayed at the back, carrying a large rucksack on her back, with three other bags hanging off her shoulders - her face was blank and detached; her eyes glowing red in the dim tunnel.

After roughly an hour of walking through the sewers, the group came across some large rats and unhesitatingly took out their weapons and charged towards their quarry.

"Yaaaaaaaargh!" Shouted Stevie as he ran at the forefront with his sword raised above his head, leaving himself wide open to attacks without realising it.

Watching from the back, Liana stood still as she observed their actions - the sweet scent coming from her companions pulsating stronger as their hearts pumped faster with adrenaline.


Licking her bleeding lip, Liana realised that two of her teeth had grown longer and sharper - thus puncturing her lower lip. Enjoying the sweet taste on her tongue, she noticed a similar alluring scent in the air ahead of her and she honed in on the source. Ahead of her, Stevie had a few bleeding claw marks on his arms and chest - left behind by his most recent opponent. Suddenly finding it harder to breathe, Liana slowly moved towards him before noticing a heavier smell wafting from several dead rats. Remembering that her task was supposed to be to collect these bodies, she nonchalantly went up to them and dragged them away from the fight.

Seeing that their hired help was doing their job and not squealing in fear from the sight of blood and gore, Stevie did a rallying cry and ordered his group to go further into the rat group. Whilst this was happening, Liana couldn't stop staring at the dripping red liquid pouring out of the slash and stab wounds on the rat bodies - her throat feeling particularly parched as she tried to take a gulp. Taking a quick glance at the situation in front of her, she saw no one paying attention to her actions and so brought one of the rat bodies to her lips and lapped at the sweet smelling liquid.

The moment it touched her tongue, her whole body heated up and shivered before she subconsciously sucked deeply on the wound and gulped hard and fast. With every gulp she felt her body feel more alive. With every drop of liquid sliding down her throat she felt her thirst becoming sated. After fully draining the 10 rats before her, Liana finally came out of her euphoric daze and saw the desiccated corpses lying on the ground.


Hearing the sounds of fighting slowing down, she realised her mouth was covered in rat blood and that her dress also did not escape the mess. Quickly wiping her mouth on a dry patch of fur from a rat, she hastily placed the corpses in her rucksack before getting up and moving over to collect the remaining rat corpses.


"Ahhhh! That was a good haul!" Stevie exclaimed as he and the group exited the sewers; Liana's bags full of rat corpses to prove they'd done the task. "You surprised me, Liana. I didn't think a delicate-looking girl like you would be able to handle it. Colour me impressed, hahaha!"

"Heehee, it was nothing, Stevie." Liana beamed a gentle smile as her gold eyes revealed a soothing softness. "After all, I wasn't going to run away when you'd hired me now was I?"

", hahaha...." Blushing even harder at the change in his companion's mood, he couldn't help perking up even more and inadvertently wrapped an arm around her shoulders in happiness. "Ah! I'm sorry!" He immediately let go and closed his eyes in readiness for a beating that did not come. "Eh?" Opening his eyes, he saw Liana still smiling sweetly - not seeming to care that he'd touched her.

"What's wrong?" She looked somewhat confused at the man's actions, wondering why he was suddenly apologising.

"Ah, it's nothing! Never mind!"

"I see."

"Let me help you take those bags off. I bet they're really heavy."

"Thank you."

Taking the bags off, Stevie's group then parted ways with Liana, promising to pay her once they got their rewards for their own quest and evaluating amongst themselves whether she had done a good job, or not.

[OOC: Do tell me if I've done anything wrong with how I wrote it
Verified by ohko]
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
It was already quite late when I got to the guild's office today. I was feeling pretty tired and honestly wanted to just rest, but... The Goddess does not approve of laziness.

So I forced myself to at least help out a bit in what I could in my current state.
Recovering the Dead Body
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 3
  • Search for the dead body.
  • Verify the identity of the body.
  • Recover the body and bring it back to the city.
A few days ago, there was another casualty out in the wilderness.
The guild has not yet had a chance to recover the body yet.
The family is urgently demanding for a proper burial.
We've provided you with a photo and their last known location...
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
Report - Solet' Luna
After verifying the truth from the family side, I could finally confirm that the man who died that day was really Donald the Apothecary. To the general public, Donald had been missing since that day, and many had claimed that the last time they saw him was when he went out to gather some material. It was speculated that he died in the wildness by either the monsters or the bandits.

Although he was a man with bad intention, he was also a tragic character, full of contradictions. In short, because of the low-pay of the apothecary jobs, which was overshadowed by the like of alchemists, Donald lived between the line of poverty. Coupled with the sudden collapse of their father, his ordinary job alone was not enough to cover the expense anymore.

His mother told me that he was taking extra side-jobs and had almost no time left to visit. So, she had to spend her day caring for her husband alone. Their poor background did not allow them to have a second descendant, so Donald was their only hope. Now that he was gone— There is no need to mention anything...

"Why did he deserve any of this?!—" This sentence echoed within my mind the entire way I walked to his dead site. Because he did bad things? I don't know. Maybe it was predestinated... Was he really a bad guy? Or is he left with no choice? If given a second chance, would he still choose the same choice?

Not only him, but many other apothecaries were also reported missing. Surely, they also fell victims to the crutch of the Golden Rose organization. What was it that they were hiding? I don't really know, but was it worth it? To silence all witnesses...

And here I am, standing before the unknown corpse, so messy I couldn't even determine the identity of it anymore. I wondered: How many people are like this? To live under constant pressure and left with no choice other than the bads— How many corpses are like this? Left rotten in the wildness, never to get a proper burial...

Once arrived at the graveyard, I saw an old man struggled to walk towards the coffin. And there she was, Donald's mother was helping her husband walked to their lovely, eternally-sleeping, child. Besides the two, many children and a young lady also came to pay a visit to his corpse.

Did you know, that Donald had been donating a part of his salary to an orphanage since he started working for his 'extra side-jobs'? After learning the confirmation of his death, the orphanage's owner, the young lady, rushed to this place with the orphans.

"I'm sorry."— This sentence was said multiple times, by multiples people, in multiple tones. However, despite their differences, they conveyed the same emotions, meaning, and grief.

Ahh— Before long a cry burst out from one of the children, and it sent a reaction to all others. Some was asking where Mister Donald is, while others remained in silent, knowing full well of the implication.

Maybe we shouldn't be doing any of this... Maybe, there might be some way, to make it all a happy ending.

I left the funeral before it ended. There were drops of warm water on my face. Is it the rain? Or is it something else? I really couldn't tell.

Name of the deceased: Donald the Apothecary. Rest in peace.
"I'm really sorry to hear of the circumstances surrounding mister Donald's death. I am unable to judge if what he did was good or bad, but he certainly had the best of intentions when acting the way he did.

"... Thank you for reporting about it, mister Solet. It is appreciated... Let's pray for his safe parting at the very least.

"May the gods give you the strength to carry on even during harsh times."

Final Reward:
: 100
Money: 10G

OOC: Remember to tag it as appraised please~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Report for Quest: Alchemist's Assistant
: Alchemist's Guild

Name: Randell Stephenson
Method of completion: Once more, I went to Dyeheart's Potion Brewery. Today, Dyeheart had a couple errands that he wanted me to run. I needed to collect glow moss, wolfram, and a wolf tooth.
First, I sought out the glow moss. It was known to grow in the sewers, and after searching for a time while avoiding the residents, I was able to find an adequate amount.
The wolfram was annoying but not difficult. I found a blacksmith, haggled with him for a time, and eventually settled on a price that I was not too happy with.
From there, I went to the house of a hunter that Dyeheart pointed me to. He isn't a part of the guild, but he does leave the city and kill monsters. I was able to buy a couple teeth from him at a reasonable price.
Afterwards, I returned to the potion brewery. Dyeheart asked me to assist him in the creation of another potion. I did so. It was a strong sleeping drug meant to used before going to bed at night. Partway through the whole thing, the potion blew up in my face. Luckily, my poison resistance was enough to negate it, though Dyeheart wasn't happy with me for wasting the potion. We redid the potion again afterwards.
Once we were done, I returned to the adventurer's guild.
"Seems like you did everything you were requested of this time, mister Randell.

"A pity you failed one of the potions, but mister Dyeheart issued no complaint about it, so I assume it was fine for him.

"May the gods keep teaching you great lessons."

Final Reward:
Items: Weak Healing Potion.

OOC: Remember to tag it as appraised please.
And was this the 3rd time? If it was, gz on your permission~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Character name: Akasha
Level: 1 (90 exp)
Class: Brawler
Quest name: Slime subjugation

After taking some rest, I went to the guild early in the morning & accepted Slime Subjugation quest. Then I went my way immediately.

Unlike usual I felt more cautious than my earlier quest. Perhaps the memories of the "Night Watch Quest" still lingers in me or perhaps something change in me that night.

Anyway, since the Quest info said its within the city walls, I don't need to go out my way & leave the city this time either.

Hmmmm~ sewers, abandoned house, dark places, & perhaps the Red light district area.. those we're my candidate on where a bunch of slimes might be gathering.

"Hand of Solus Battle gloves" I learn how inconvenience it is not being able to use its special skills, last time due to its restrictions of ability which is "day time only accessible". So I make sure not finish this before nightfalls.

In the end I went to the place where My first quest takes place.. "that particular Abandoned house" entering it I noticed details I miss out last time... This house is still intact despite being so old?

Anyway I reach the most likely area Slimes might he present in a house.... The bathroom~

Making sure to check if both of my weapon is charged by energy "Hand of Solus Battle glove" & "Heavenly Gauntlet" I proceed towards the place.

I open the door of the bathroom slowly.

Looking inside I felt shiver down to my spine... My former CR room in earth is not this bad at least. The room is quite big,... well its a big abandoned house after all.

There is one big bathtub & 2 toilet bowl & a large broken mirror. The air is pungent & smells really awful. The ambience is really dim inside, but My "Mind eye skill" skill did not let me be deceived, I perceive many alerted motion inside.

Stepping inside the eerie bathroom pretending to be clueless. A bunch of slime suddenly came out & attacks me, only to melt almost Immediately leaving nothing but their cores.
As soon as they attack I readied My right hand where "Hand of solus Battle glove" is equipped, swinging my entire arm releasing the energy stored inside & manifest as a burst of flame whirlwind. setting the entire bathroom in flames in which I immediately stops by absording the energy with my left Gauntlet to avoid a ackward scenario of starting a fire.... I can't perceive any motion any more

I collected 16 slime core & went back to make my report.

Signed: "lvl 1 Brawler" Akasha
"It seems like everything went well, miss Akasha, nicely done.

"And while I can see that you can absorb the flames, please do be careful to not cause too much destruction, alright?

"May the gods help you always keep your guard up."

Final Reward:
: 75
Money: 10G

OOC: Remember to tag your report as appraised in some way.
Also, just a small poke, but Akasha seems a bit strong for her level right now. You don't need to nerf her or anything, but be careful with her growth, alright?


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
> > >

Cooking Rations | Previous Quest: #564
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 items
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

'This again? It was just this morning you got up after spending the night in the kitchen. You just submitted your quest report!'

She didn't understand his complain. The quest said that she would have access to the kitchen if she completed three of them. Isn't more access the better? Not to mention she did get free food from the kitchen.

She did not know what to do with the access yet, but she prefer to have her options open.

'You were so sleepy at the end yersterday. Who was in the bad mood yesterday because it took 16 hours of work?'

She really wanted to laze around, therefore she should accomplish her task as fast as possible, didn't the voice know that? If she delay them right then, she would suffer in the future. Therefore, she would take this quest once again.

'Well... don't say that I didn't warn you.'


"You again? wait there." The man said as he opened the door to the kitchen. The man went outside and left her in front of the kitchen. After five minutes passed, the man returned.

"I've secured permission from the guild for using the employee's shower. Wash yourself now."

He went and shown her the shower, and left her there. She didn't understand human's need for cleanliness so much, but if that was what it takes, she would follow.

As it was, after she was done with the shower, she went out and found her equipment yesterday. Her fur was so wet and she didn't know any way to dry them except by going outside under the sun.

She shook her head and body rapidly. Still, that action only sent a few droplets, nothing significant. She felt that the fur was really sticky. She then remembered that human used towel to dry their body.

Her head was in pain once again. She remembered that there was a human who used towel to dry her. As she couldn't remember the human's face, she somehow felt sadness inside of her heart.

'Meimei? What's wrong?'

At that voice's concern, she shook her head. It wouldn't do to feel like this when she was going to work, she thought. With no solution, she wore those equipments just as it was, and went to the kitchen.


"You done? like yesterday, prepare 40 batch of rations."

She psyched herself, getting into the mindset of doing the long work. She prepared each step in her mind, and began to prepare 7 batch of ingredients like yesterday.

As she became more proficient with her task, her mind began to wander. She looked at the batch and started to analyze which part she could do more efficiently. She wished that she could have something to note her ideas.

'Hmm? I could do that, if you want meimei. Though I think it was already the most efficient method.'

She thought on increasing the quantity of ingredients twice of it was currently. If she could create more batches, then she could shave the time needed up to half of it was.

'Will that work? First, how does increasing the amount of ingredients affect the cooking time? We don't understand the reason why we actually need to knead the dough. Well... you could ask, if you want.'

She thought about it. In the end, she preferred to rely on herself as she usually did. She thought on the process, looking on where she could shave the time needed. She knead the dough, then then took the freshly baked bread from the oven. After she was done shelving the bread, she put the next batch to the oven, then continue to prepare the dough in first fermentation phase to the second phase, then she repeated it again.

She could probably shave some time by making use of the kitchen layout to minimize movement. Though the improvement would be minimal when she thought about it. As for the improvement in the dough making itself, she would need to read more about making bread to understand each step, before making any experiment.

In the end, she made 40 batch of bread in less time than yesterday, before the midnight for that day. She was able to shave three hours, but it was caused by her mistake yesterday that she was able to improve. After showing the man her work, he gave her similar slip as she was given yesterday and the five ration she was allotted.

She felt bad holding the man there to watch her work. Promising to improve, she left the kitchen.
"The old man may be a bit rude, but he has a soft heart, doesn't he?

"It's a bit sad that you needed to take so long, but I'm sure you will improve in due time. Nobody becomes a master in one day after all.

"Just keep trying your hardest and I'm sure the gods will guide you through the right path. And may they always protect your through whichever path you choose."

Final Reward:
: 40
Money: 10G
Items: 5 Rations

OOC: Remember to tag your report as appraised in some way~
... And the Quest Board is listing the reward as 5 items? o.0
That is a mistake... Time to poke the GM about it~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
She thought this was the last day she would be visiting the kitchen, at least until she consumed all of her rations. At six in the morning, she visited the guild, both to give the confirmation slip and to take the kitchen work once again.

> > >

Cooking Rations | Previous Quest: #564, #598
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 items
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

It was too early, she was the first one in the kitchen. She would like to do food preparation right then, yet since she did not actually have kitchen access, a part of her prevented her from starting.

It was seven past one minute when the man arrived. At seeing her already prepared with all the work equipment, the man just raised an eyebrow. He looked at her just for at most 2 second before he went inside the pantry, preparing his own apron and other equipment.

Since she resigned herself with her lack of knowledge, she projected that she could finish today's batch at 8 o'clock for that night. The man just motioned to her to do her preparation and left her to his own task.


It was the last five batch, when she get inspired to experiment. She thought that she could compare the dough between one with 1.5 times the ingredient and the one she used as control. When he saw that, he snorted.

"Heh. Took you long enough to do something like that. batch number 115 and 116? Other adventurers I've seen had done that earlier to make their work easier. Can't say that I hate the preseverance and meticulousness though." He commented.

It was the first time she saw a slight smile on him, that she momentarily forgot to knead. Seeing that there was no correction whatsoever, she thought she was getting his approval to do it. She began to knead the modified dough with her hand.

It was strange. The dough was not forming properly. She thought she only need more time with more ingredients, but something was wrong.

The man, seeing her in predicament, smiled slightly wider. It was a smile that mocked her, she thought. She thought the man was having fun seeing her getting flustered. With not knowing what she should do, she discard the batch, and decided to make another one.

"Hmm... you sure you want to make another right now?" He said.

She was confused. why wouldn't she want to do it? seeing her confusion, the man pointed out at the clock, and then the oven with his eyes.

As she realized what he hinted, she looked at the one in the oven. It was overcooked by ten minutes. As she took it out, it was darker compared to the others.

Would she have to discard the others? What was the effect of adding more time to ferment by ten minutes? She panicked. It was possible that she ruined up to seven batches of bread.

She took a deep breath. What she could do right then was to create additional six batches. Since that was what it took, she refocused her mind and followed the instructions once again.

11 o'clock. One of her mistake caused her estimation of time to diverge by 3 hours. It was too costly, since her mistake affected that man's too. After it was done, the man checked her work, and said.

"40 loaves of bread confirmed. Later, don't experiment when you are on a tight schedule. As for now, take this slip for the guild receptionist, to confirm that the job is completed successfully."

She properly reflected her mistake.
"And that's the third time you have finished the job, miss Meiko, congratulations on obtaining your permission to use the kitchen.

"I can't say I am an expert in cooking rations, but I believe there is no harm in experimenting in order to try improving your craft... The chef was right in that it is better to experiment when you have more time to spare though.

"Nonetheless, you completed it just fine. Your efforts are much appreciated.

"May the gods always reward people that work as hard as you do."

Final Reward:
: 40
Money: 10G
Items: 5 Rations
Permission to use the Kitchen.

OOC: Remember to tag your report as appraised in some way~


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
My my, why were there so many reports from miss Meiko that were in need of appraisal? Was there any bias against here among the receptionists?

That is no good, The Goddess does not approve of such behavior. I'll have to speak to them and make sure they do their job properly and appraise the quests as they come.
> > >

Office Work
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

'Desk working? I've never seen you saying a word to anyone except that girl receptionist. You sure you want to take up that?'

She was reasonably sure. Being a clerk did not mean that she had to be a receptionist and deal with the adventurer. She could just work on sorting the files, processing the papers, everything except interacting with the adventurer. As it was, she took the Office Work form and submit it to the receptionist.

"Eh... Meiko want to be a receptionist today?" The receptionist said with a surprised face.

She could feel the doubt from the receptionist already. She began to regret her decision. Feeling that there was no way to escape, she nodded hestitantly.

"Meiko seemed to be a shy type though. But don't worry, this big sister will totally guide you today."

She wanted to escape.


"Meiko, I need you to file this quest report. I've marked this quest as completed, but we need a follow up from one of these church of light. Make sure to check up the chart for undead infestation, okay?"

'Hmm... with how many request asking for graveyard cleansing, the undead infestation are getting worse, aren't they?'

There were probably a necromancer raising those undead. But, since undead could rise on their own on a graveyard that was not maintained properly, she had to do confirmation on these. She looked at the undead infestation chart.

'It is still normal, within one standard deviation, though it was a bit worrying with it always increasing. Better safe than sorry, I think.'

She filled the follow-up form to the church of light, requesting their priest to control the level of undead. With that done, she returned to the receptionist.

"Done? alright, next I want you to make a note to the guard office, since we think this quest is in their jurisdiction. A report of theft from a house in the residential district marked it as the seventh house for this month. This report actually should go directly to the guard office, not to us. But since the issuer asked us directly and gave us the reward, we had to do it. I'll write the quest for now. So, make a note to the guard office and ask for their cooperation for this quest. Understand?"

She nodded, and get to the task.


"Hmm... that's the end of that huh."

It was already afternoon, entering dusk. There was no other activity, other than guild worker like us finishing our job of managing these documents. A few workers had already gone home, saying a few by to the receptionist. As everything was properly filed, that girl gave her a slip.

"Well... The quest is done for today. I'm feeling very satisfied for your help today, so that's a full mark for you. Give this slip to the receptionist tomorrow morning, okay?"

Accepting the slip, she bowed at the receptionist, and muttered word of gratitude to her.


"You're welcome."
"Seems like you worked a lot, miss Meiko, good work.

"And I'm glad to see that the work conditions seem to have improved a bit since the last time I saw someone picking this quest... Perhaps the guild master finally hired some other people to ease the workload... Let's hope so at least.

"May the gods keep giving you the strength to do that which nobody else wishes to do."

Final Reward:
: 35
Money: 10G

OOC: Remember to tag your report as appraised in some way~


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Following the group of people, Liana saw them stop at a notice board before one of them - a man - slammed his hand down on a piece of paper and yelled out: "This one! We'll do this one!"

One of the other men face-palmed at his companion's over-enthusiastic action, before saying: "Sure, sure, we'll do this rat culling quest." He sighed as he read through the quest again, "Looks like we're gonna need someone to help us carry the loot bags again, the number of rat corpses isn't going to be fun to lug around."

"I agree. Then, how about her?" The loud man pointed at Liana while openly staring at her full chest - a slight blush on his cheeks.
One of the women in the group slapped him on the back of the head with a look of disgust clear on her face at her horny companion.

"Ahem. Hey! You look like you have nothing to do!" He threw his empty rucksack at Liana as he continued, "How about helping us carry some stuff while we do a quest?" He put on his most charming(?) smile as he approached her.


"..." He continued to smile at her as he stood in front of her.


"..." He deepened his smile while trying to appear even more charming(?).

"...What do I get out of it, foolish looking man?"

Stevie's smile cracked a little at the foolish man remark, before laughing awkwardly while taking out a bag of money, "Of course, we'll be sure to pay you for the trouble."

"...Very well but you aren't allowed to touch me with your filthy hands."

Stevie immediately paused his roaming hand that was trying to make its way to Liana's shoulder.
"Hahaha, of course! Of course! Of course! Ren! Joss! Vix! We've got a bag carrier!"

The group cheered, before introducing themselves to her and vice versa, then headed down to the sewers.

Upon entering the place, Stevie and his team immediately took out a mud-stained map of the sewers and chose a route they were familiar with. Liana stayed at the back, carrying a large rucksack on her back, with three other bags hanging off her shoulders - her face was blank and detached; her eyes glowing red in the dim tunnel.

After roughly an hour of walking through the sewers, the group came across some large rats and unhesitatingly took out their weapons and charged towards their quarry.

"Yaaaaaaaargh!" Shouted Stevie as he ran at the forefront with his sword raised above his head, leaving himself wide open to attacks without realising it.

Watching from the back, Liana stood still as she observed their actions - the sweet scent coming from her companions pulsating stronger as their hearts pumped faster with adrenaline.


Licking her bleeding lip, Liana realised that two of her teeth had grown longer and sharper - thus puncturing her lower lip. Enjoying the sweet taste on her tongue, she noticed a similar alluring scent in the air ahead of her and she honed in on the source. Ahead of her, Stevie had a few bleeding claw marks on his arms and chest - left behind by his most recent opponent. Suddenly finding it harder to breathe, Liana slowly moved towards him before noticing a heavier smell wafting from several dead rats. Remembering that her task was supposed to be to collect these bodies, she nonchalantly went up to them and dragged them away from the fight.

Seeing that their hired help was doing their job and not squealing in fear from the sight of blood and gore, Stevie did a rallying cry and ordered his group to go further into the rat group. Whilst this was happening, Liana couldn't stop staring at the dripping red liquid pouring out of the slash and stab wounds on the rat bodies - her throat feeling particularly parched as she tried to take a gulp. Taking a quick glance at the situation in front of her, she saw no one paying attention to her actions and so brought one of the rat bodies to her lips and lapped at the sweet smelling liquid.

The moment it touched her tongue, her whole body heated up and shivered before she subconsciously sucked deeply on the wound and gulped hard and fast. With every gulp she felt her body feel more alive. With every drop of liquid sliding down her throat she felt her thirst becoming sated. After fully draining the 10 rats before her, Liana finally came out of her euphoric daze and saw the desiccated corpses lying on the ground.


Hearing the sounds of fighting slowing down, she realised her mouth was covered in rat blood and that her dress also did not escape the mess. Quickly wiping her mouth on a dry patch of fur from a rat, she hastily placed the corpses in her rucksack before getting up and moving over to collect the remaining rat corpses.


"Ahhhh! That was a good haul!" Stevie exclaimed as he and the group exited the sewers; Liana's bags full of rat corpses to prove they'd done the task. "You surprised me, Liana. I didn't think a delicate-looking girl like you would be able to handle it. Colour me impressed, hahaha!"

"Heehee, it was nothing, Stevie." Liana beamed a gentle smile as her gold eyes revealed a soothing softness. "After all, I wasn't going to run away when you'd hired me now was I?"

", hahaha...." Blushing even harder at the change in his companion's mood, he couldn't help perking up even more and inadvertently wrapped an arm around her shoulders in happiness. "Ah! I'm sorry!" He immediately let go and closed his eyes in readiness for a beating that did not come. "Eh?" Opening his eyes, he saw Liana still smiling sweetly - not seeming to care that he'd touched her.

"What's wrong?" She looked somewhat confused at the man's actions, wondering why he was suddenly apologising.

"Ah, it's nothing! Never mind!"

"I see."

"Let me help you take those bags off. I bet they're really heavy."

"Thank you."

Taking the bags off, Stevie's group then parted ways with Liana, promising to pay her once they got their rewards for their own quest and evaluating amongst themselves whether she had done a good job, or not.

[OOC: Do tell me if I've done anything wrong with how I wrote it]
This report is from someone new! :blob_happy:


Miss Liana, you shouldn’t let those adventurers bully you! :blob_hmph: That’s so rude! We should file a complaint together!

And um... I’m not sure how good it is for you to eat rats! Maybe you can find a nice person who will let you eat them! Wouldn’t that be so much nicer?:blob_uwu::blob_uwu:

Anyhow, it seems like you did a good job!


  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 20