Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2020
> > >

Alchemist's Assistant [SC307]
  • Sponsor: Alchemist's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 3
  • Visit an alchemist from the Alchemist's Guild.
  • Bring 5 slime cores and 5 healing herbs as payment.
  • Spend the day collecting ingredients for the alchemist.
    • Note: Use a random item generator (A) (B) (C).
    • Pick some ingredients and look for them.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Are you interested in alchemy? Pharmacy? Witchcraft? Ahem.
Thank you for the slime cores and healing herbs.
We can use that to brew a weak healing potion.
Meanwhile, here's a list of more ingredients I want you to find.
Let's see... eye of newt... nightshade... bat guano... hmm...
Come back when you've found them! :blob_evil:
  • Points: 110 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: 1 weak healing potion
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use Alchemist Guild cauldrons and equipment
> > >
BigGreen's Quest Report
~~~~Today me and Gobo were able to accomplish our quota of 5 weaker healing potions and helped with Ms. Rudy's experiments. I naturally went out today to gather Ms.Rudy's ingredient's, that were 5 River Slime Cores and another couple of horned rabbit horns. Ms.Rudy was quite adamant that the slime cores must come from River Slimes, so me and Gobo left towards the northern forest to gather the ingredients. We were eventually able to acquire all the ingredients and go back in turn in the ingredients.

After acquiring today's ingredients, Gobo and I started making our weaker healing potions. Nothing out of the usual with my potions, except with the shining part of my potions. Only thing we had to do for the day was help with Ms.Rudy's own experiments and it looked like things came out successful. Gobo and I still had no idea what Ms.Rudy was making but it seemed important because before we left we heard Ms.Rudy telling herself she was going to be rich.~~~~
Today's Inventory
-10g Room and Board
-5x Slime cores
-5x Twin flower herb pouch

OOC: Still no story for now :blob_upset:
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Character: Reciful the Innocent malice
Level: 4 (2035/2000)
Job class: Chaos bringer
Race: Eldritch Abomination

Quest name: Rank E promotion Exam.

Quest Report:

Inside the guild hall... In a certain room~

" Here, take this knife & I'll confiscate your Beloved Cleave & Axe... So come on hand it over"

"..Eh!?.....*sways her head sideways saying No!*.... "

" Don't be like that.... Give it to me, I know very well that you're storing stuff in your shadow. "

"....Nooo!! Don't wanna!.." The little girl gives a heart aching shout!

" OI!.. don't make me look like I'm the bad guy here! Your form is really unfair in this scenario!! luckily there's no bystanders! What will you do if rumors That the Adventurer Guild Master is Bullying a little Girl came out of the public! Never mind the damage to my image!... The merchant guild will sure come here to roast me alive!! "

"Uuuuuh~.." the little pouted her cheeks, as she eye tears up.

" Come on.... I'm actually doing you a favor here.... actually... your very existence is already a foul play to this exam.. to the point that, taking your weapon is actually pointless. But well, rules is rules *sigh* just consider this as a safekeeping will you? You might break your weapon or lost it, if you wield it in there, you know? "

"...............Ok.." Reciful pass her beloved Cleave & Axe to the guild master, with trembling hands

" Well.. good luck! To your Exam! & Be sure to not break the Egg or Eat it.. ok! Seriously DON'T!!"

The guild master exclaimed & watch Reciful small back as Reciful go towards her Promotion Exam.

".....somehow, I felt a Bad Omen about this.." the guild master muttered in worry

Reciful will do a Rank E exam.... They take My cleave & My Axe... From Reciful....tsk.

I must travel to a place called "Gem's Ravine" to go towards a mountain called "Bighorn Mountain" & collect an Egg from a Kuukuu??

Reciful don't get it, Reciful read in the library & asked people... I still don't get it..... Why steal Egg thats bad right?.... So why??... Steal egg from a kidnappers............ Ok it's not bad!

Reciful went towards the stable to ask for a horse for traveling... Since Reciful must act like humans, Horse is a must for playing pretend.... But---

"Sorry 'little miss Adventurer' we're really sorry! " Said by a old man

".......not, really, possible?." I ask

" We really don't know, just a moment ago they are all fine & in perfect condition, But suddenly, they gone really wild, trembling, as if scared, the wont let anyone ride them suddenly at all... Some of the horse even fainted.... We really don't know why... Sorry"

"...ok.." I reply glancing at the horses one last time.... Who is in tears refusing to look at me no matter what.

Apparently those horses is scared to death.... Animals six sense, really is amazing! aren't they?

No choice I must hitchhike a carriage... I think but Reciful is naive because----

" Hoooh-hoooooooh calm down!! Calm down!! " The Coach-man of the caravan is busy trying to calm his horse who went crazy in fear when it see me.

"...its fine, I just walk, towards, the Ravine" I said to the Coachman who is busy struggling to get ahold of the horse to even response to me.

I walk away & went towards Northwest in bare foot.

And one thing for sure, Reciful now despise all horse is existence.


I keep walking.... Sometimes Jogging... Sometimes I practice Sprinting.. one day past with me just continuously walking without any particular happening.... Its peaceful here in the road today.

Second day.... Horned Rabbit spotted, I pounce on it, but missed, I tried to slash at it with the knife.... Miss again... It runs away... Reciful hate this knife... Its nothing like My Cleave at all!!

Third day... With continuous walking... eventually A Elk with Crystal horns spotted in the trees, I tried to stab it while I sneak in the shadow.... But somehow a blue colored wolf tried to attack the Crystal horned Elk before me. I end up killing the Wolf by stealthy Stabbing it the shadows in its neck, slashing it open. When I shift back My attention to the Elk.... its looking at me with eye as if I'm its saviour, then it actually offered me a ride......... Now Reciful can't kill it... It became a friend after all.

The Crystal horned Elk... Is really fast Reciful reach the Gem's Ravine from 2 days to one day only!!.. unlike horses, Elk's were amazing... Elk's were better than stupid coward horses.

4th day.... Reciful can't enter the shadow... why?...

The Elk still follows Reciful, the Elk cannot follow inside the shadow..... so Reciful is forced to do actually camping, Reciful & the Elk....& the new members the Two Black Fairies. They Helped in gathering tree branches or some dead leaves for the fire.

This black Fairies have been following us when We entered the Ravine sneaking, & watching me... Eventually before I notice it, they are beside me acting as if they are part of the group. Unlike other fairies Reciful often saw, black Fairies we're not afraid of me.... Black Fairies likes Reciful... A lot.

Since I cannot use fire neither the Elk or the two black Fairies..... They captured a fire fairy somewhere... The three of them the Elk & the two fairies.

"*Hick*... *Hick**sobs*.. please release me...Hiiiiih!! pleash don't eat meee Evil girl!!" The fire fairy pleaded,

The two Black fairies threatened the fire fairy for fire... Having no choice the fire fairy complied.

Thus I have a normal camp fire... For the first time.... 3 blue wolfs tried to attack but the two black Fairies is very good at illusion they Deceived the blue wolfs sense, as I killed them with the knife peircing their eye until brain. stealthy in the shadows one by one.


7th day Following the river... Finally I spotted a weird shaped Mountain... The Bighorn Mountain. While riding the Crystal horned elk & the two black Fairies in my shoulder.

The Elk... Its really good at claimbing mountain... Really good, much better than running if you ask me.

When We reach the peak... There I found the nest the Kuukuu nest!.... But just when I was about to grab its Egg. A large gust of wind blows me throwing me into the air.

There are big birds they tackle me in mid air, as I tried to reposition myself, I transform My Arms into Tendrils & grabs a rock, but the Kukuu bird slash my tendrils with its claws cutting it.

The Elk & the Fairies tried to Help me. But a Bird tried to attack them, I immediately Throw My knife with all my might, as I fall in the cliff aiming towards the Kukuu birds eyes blinding the attackers eyes... Saving the Elk & the Fairies.... In return I received full blown attacks of the Kukuu birds & fell down in the cliff..

In the bottom of the cliff I fall.... It hurts.... So much I can't move for the entire day.

I lessen the impact By transforming back to a Semi Humanoid form(The tentacle girl form) Reshaping myself to a black ball.. But its still hurts a lots I got a lot of wounds.

Now... I'm all alone... The Elk & the Fairies have run from the birds nest safely... unfortunately We got separated, But I prefer this... Now I can have unrestrained Revenge on that birds.

So I developed a plan....

First I search & found some group of blue wolf's, & Mountain Goblins.... No not just them, but many other beasts, animals & monster also.

I spent 6 days whispering in the shadows to them, day & night none stop, inside their minds fanning the flames of hate towards the Kukuu birds & planting a fake seed of Vengeance on their hearts.

6 days past... The time has come.. an army of single minded beast, wild animal, & monster gathered, filled by a false wrath I induced all directed towards the kukuu birds..... Time for Revenge~

The Mountains peak is in utter chaos the Kukuu birds cannot understand, why they all band together & have guts to attack them in their own territory....

...Yes.....its suicide for the army blinded by fake hatred. a hopeless struggle... but thats alright, they are diversions only after all. My disposable chess pieces.

As their battle occurred. I am on the cliff side crawling the mountain. with my Black insect Appendages I produce in my Entire body. Stealthy, I quickly crawl towards the nest without any sounds.

While the chaos of carnage happens, I steals the eggs right under their nose unnoticed! Like a centipede, Putting the eggs in my shadow & When nothing is left I immediately retreated from the mountain fast.
After all soon the fabricated wrath of those Army of beast, animal, & monster shall be over written by true fear against the Kukuu's... & They will return to sanity scattering everywhere creating a massive confusion & even more chaos! In the mountain.

Anyway Eggs get! I giggled.


I reunite with the Crystal horned Elk & the Two Black Fairies outside the Gem Ravine... They escaped the chaos... Good.

I ordered them to bring back the stoled Eggs(that Reciful steal back) to their own respective homes... Apparently the Fairies knew each type of egg amazingly.

The two black fairy push to me a pure black Egg with pink vine line on it for me to take, with pleading look & Mischievousness in their eye... I accepted.

After saying farewell to them as I watch the Elk Cry As we part ways again... I journeys back to Scrible... Alone again with the egg with me...

But this time I did not travel with human feet....but instead I Reshaped my Lower body to a black spider with 20 legs, & run back to the city..... 2 week past already after all.

Egg found & retrieved

Signed: Reciful 'the innocent malice'

OCC: it became long than Expected... And for sure many, if not everyone will find this absurd again...always~ ahahahaha. :blobrofl: :blob_happy::blob_evil:

*Stamps for completion*

Giving half credit (reasons see OOC below):
  • EXP: 200
  • Money: 15 G
  • Items: Rank E Certificate, Random Egg (it might hatch!)



I've sent a PM, so we'll continue to discuss this there, but I wanted to grab this quest evaluation first.

Power levels are a regulated part of the rules of this game, and as the @GM, I will intervene if it reaches an excessive level. It is only fair to other players, and it important for the staff to demonstrate that we take the power levels seriously.

I believe that Reciful has repeatedly demonstrated a certain degree of excessive OP-ness across multiple quest reports, and it's necessary for me to step in at some point. Consider this a warning.

Regarding this particular quest:

actually... your very existence is already a foul play to this exam..
(A) You seem to recognize that your character is overpowered.

6 days past... The time has come.. an army of single minded beast, wild animal, & monster gathered, filled by a false wrath I induced all directed towards the kukuu birds..... Time for Revenge~
B) Under any degree of common sense, a level 5 character summoning an army of monsters is overpowered.

Never mind a long list of other things have occurred in prior quest reports.

There are two things I would like for us to do.

A. Create a plan for exactly what powers and abilities your character has from now until Level 40.
We will do this over PM, and we will discuss whether this is fair according to the level system.​
B. Write some quests in which Reciful will fail.
Currently, Reciful is Level 5. I would like you to go to the Quest Board and choose any Level 6+ quest. I want you to write the quest report and explain how your Level 5 character fails to defeat a carnivorous flower or a tunnel worm. We will do this a few times until I'm convinced that your character is indeed Level 5 and not secretly Rank SSS x1000.​
Please let me know if you have any questions, and we'll work together further over PM! Thanks! ^^
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Menace of the Roads [SR0603]
  • Sponsor: Pirate Captain
  • Location: Spire Reef Region
  • Required Level: 6
  • Prerequisite: The Captain’s Test
  • Form a party of >4 pirates.
  • Wander the roads for unsuspecting victims.
  • Rob them of their possessions.
Just because we’re pirates doesn’t mean we don’t rule the land!
Since the ship is still docked, let’s blow some steam!
I’m sure there’s some tasty sheep walking around.
Or better yet, wealthy merchants! Ooh, I’m drooling already!
  • Points: 260 EXP
  • Money: 40 G
  • Other: N/A
Quest Report (46)
: Felicia El Freliti Ari Fiel
Level: 9 (9035/9000) 1
Quest: Menace of the Roads
  • Highly successful - much loot gained, alongside 'free' medical supplies!
Roughly three months had passed since Ari arrived at Spire Reef. She vaguely remembered how uncomfortable the salty sea breeze was for her at first, though now it feels like the most natural thing to breathe in the world. With a vague smile, she looked at the crimson tattoo embedded on her left shoulder, its serpentine form fierce and frightening to all those who lay their eyes on it. Ari had no idea she accidentally joined one of the most powerful pirate crews in Spire Reef, the Red Serpents, famed for their previous captain's unstoppable strength. After he went missing a couple of years ago, his younger sister Raeliana took over the helm, securely backed up by the rest of the crew despite being one of the weakest members.

Even just as a newbie outsider, it was clear as day how close the crew was to each other, most likely having been together even before becoming pirates. At first, Ari thought it'd be hard to meld together with such a close-knit group, but since she was so quickly accepted and befriended by Rae, the rest similarly accepted her too. It seemed that as long as their captain was happy, they were happy. It was hard to imagine such a warm family slaughtering, murdering and selling off people like property, until she watched it happen bitterly before her own eyes.

"Whatcha thinkin' about Ari?" A child's sounded beside her, knocking her out of her thoughts. Yes, a child. The same little fellow Ari was once worried about falling off the railing of the ship. To her great surprise, he was not only a member of the pirate crew but one of their most formidable fighters. Known as the Demon Child, with his crimson eyes and blond hair, there was not a single creature that could escape Luca's arrows. Truly, a master sniper.

"Just wondering how long it'll take for Kian to get ready." Ari replied with a warm smile, ruffling his messy hair.

"He always takes forever." Luca whined with a pout. "I'm looking forward to going out though! I really want to see your sword dancing again~" His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, as Ari was left a little unsettled by the insinuation of his words.


Forming a group of 10 pirates, basically the only crew members relatively uninjured from their previous expedition, they set off for Spire Reef and the roads surrounding it. Since there were so many of them willing to partake in this 'activity', they decided to split into two teams of 5 and have a little competition. Basically, whoever managed to bring back the most loot wins, with the losers taking over the others' lookout duty for a month. A simple wager really, just to add a little competitive spirit to the gang. Ari was teamed with Luca and a few other veterans, whilst Rae, Kian, the stoic fellow who caught Luca off the railing previously and a few others were on the other team.

Ari's team's first victim appeared to be a simple construction worker, either just finishing or starting his shift since he was still in his work clothing. Although quite muscular, once he was scared out of his wits by their ambush and surrounded, he quickly surrendered everything of worth on his being. Since he was just a labour worker, he didn't have much of worth, but it was nice to have such an easy success on their first robbery. Luca complained about how boring the fellow was, but Ari was secretly relieved she didn't have to threaten and/or injure a poor innocent citizen.

The rest of the day continued to be rather successful, following on with the ease of the first robbery. There were some who underestimated Luca, who was just a child, or Ari, who looked like a weak sickly youth and tried to burst through their defences. But they unfortunately just made things much worse for themselves, taking on gruesome injuries whilst having all of their belongings stolen. Ari's team didn't manage to find many wealthy citizens to rob, but due to the sheer quantity of robberies they committed, it was basically as if they had done. Due to their luckiness this time round, they managed to beat the other team by quite a long shot, much to their annoyance since they thought they had done quite well as well.

Whilst on their way back to the ship as a gang of 10 with all their loot, they were fortunate to find another couple of unsuspecting victims. What was most lucky about this encounter, was that they were doctors! Potentially, with the help of the new medical supplies they had 'borrowed', they'd be able to set out to sea again sooner than they had hoped!
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Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Quest Report - verified

Waking up once the sun set, Liana got out of bed and put her dried dress on. Heading to the kitchen, she began cooking the food for Hejlikka and Julrik when the female elf entered in a huff before hugging the new-born vampire from behind.

"You never told the city guards what you were doing!" She rested her forehead against Liana's neck, "But you managed to stop the stalker so...thank you, Liana. Although the name of him was redacted due to Freja's wishes, I know who it was from the location of residence you noted in the report." She released her arms from Liana and sat at the table with a wry smile.

"...To be honest...I kind of forgot about informing the guards. Sorry about that." She plated up the food and set it in front of the female elf. "Oh, before I forget another thing...Since I've fixed, and am wearing, my original dress again, I'd like to return the one I borrowed from you."

Hejlikka waved her hand in the air as she started eating her evening breakfast. "No, you can keep it. Consider it a housewarming gift." She blushed a little before shoving a mouthful of food in her mouth.

"Oh, if you say so." Liana smiled gently in thanks, before seeing Julrik come in from the front door.

"Ah~! My shining goddess of the night has blessed me with delicious food, yet again~!" Julrik ran over and hugged Liana, kissed her cheek, then let go to sit down and start scarfing down the food.

Liana had shivered involuntarily from the male elf's actions before forcing a gentle smile. "It's the least I can do for living here without paying anything." She then turned to Hejlikka, "I've decided to help clean at the barracks again, so I might not be back by the time your shift ends. Bye!" With that, she left the house and headed for the quest board to get another slip for Harrison's quest.
Clean our image!
Sponsor: Night Watch Guard Captain, HarrisonLocation: City Guard Barracks, Scribel CityRequired Level: 1-2
  • Clean at least 10 City Guards' armour in a day.
  • (optional) Clean the sleeping quarters in the barracks.
  • (optional) Wash the bedding.
  • (optional) Clean the weapons.
  • (optional) Sharpen the dull weapons.
For the past few weeks I've noticed a severe lack of care over hygiene and cleanliness in the city guard barracks. I will not stand for such lack of discipline!
Their armour is especially filthy, so clean it! Clean it all!
Exp: 10(20)(30)(40)(50)Money:10G(20G)(30G)(40G)(50G)Miscellaneous: Improved relationship with Harrison and city guards.
After getting the signed note to show she was taking the quest from the guild receptionist, Liana headed to the city guard barracks.

"Cleaning, Watch Duty, or Training?" Harrison asked as soon as Liana reached him - his face blank with a clipboard in his hands for assigning guard positions for a specific area of the city.

Liana smiled brightly, "Cleaning again!"

Harrison looked up with a glint of happiness in his eyes, "I see. I'll assign a guard to supervise you, then. Head to the previous place and the guard will take you to a new armoury full of dirty armour." He motioned for a guard to come, gave him his orders, then waved him and Liana away.

"Thank you, sir!" Liana responded brightly, before being led to the armouries for her quest.

Reaching the building where armour was stored, the guard opened the door to a different room from her previous quest and motioned for her to go in. "This is the room guard captain assigned for you, Miss. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!" He then positioned himself outside the room and stood at attention. Getting into the zone of cleaning, Liana gave a brief thanks to the guard before picking up the nearest set of armour.

After three hours of cleaning and scrubbing, Liana managed to finish the room of fifteen armour sets. She'd managed to do it a lot faster than before due to managing to come up with a more efficient way of cleaning them. Going to the door, she peered at the guard and told him she'd finished the room before asking where the weapons room was so she could clean those while she was in the armoury. Surprised at how fast the young woman had managed to clean the armour sets, the guard fumbled over his words before closing his mouth and leading her to the room where weapons were stored.

Being led into the room, there were a lot more weapons to clean than there had been armour. The guard smiled wryly before saying there had been a training exercise in the nearby forest where the guards ended up needing to dig using their weapons as makeshift spades to simulate war situations. It was also to allow them to try and delay the slime horde that kept creeping closer and closer to the city - hence causing a few of the weapons to become dull and blunt.

However, Liana only came to clean the weapons since she did not possess the skills or knowledge to appropriately sharpen them. Nodding her head at the guard's explanation for the state of the weapons, she grabbed a sword and began the mind-numbing task of cleaning - although she tended to find it relaxing.

After another three hours of cleaning weapons, Liana heard the bells ring for midnight and looked at how much she had done. Considering the size of the weapons being a lot smaller than armour sets were, she managed to clean considerably more in the same length of time - thus she put down the lance she'd finished cleaning onto the weapon rack and noted that thirty-two of the weapons had been done. Deciding to change her task to cleaning the sleeping quarters and bedding, Liana went to the guard and explained her wishes. He glanced inside the room and saw the amount of work she'd done and nodded, before guiding her to the sleeping quarters where the rooms of guards on duty were.

Reaching the empty sleeping quarters, the guard shyly opened the door and felt embarrassed as the stench hit them like a wave. Before the guard could say anything, Liana walked past him and got into the routine she had established from the previous quest: opening the window to air out the room before stripping the beds and heading to the laundry room to soak the bedding; then dusting and sweeping the room before washing the floor with a mop; then re-soaking the bedding in fresh warm soapy water before scrubbing, rinsing and wringing out to dry on a rack. During this process, she went to some of the other empty rooms and did the same thing - making the beds with fresh bedding after the floor had been mopped and dried.

Dawn approached and Liana heard the bells ring to signify it was time for another shift change, as well as to wake any sleeping guards up for a new day. Beginning to feel tired, she wrung out the last few sheets that she'd been rinsing and hung them on the drying rack. Thinking that she'd done enough for now, Liana turned around to inform the supervising guard she was finishing for the night when she noticed Harrison standing at the door.

"Mr Bridger...Did I do something wrong?" Liana asked uncertainly as she was worried she'd disappointed him again in some way.

"...Marry me...Ahem, I saw the work you did in the armoury and came over to thank you for the hard work." He looked at the room full of drying linens and blushed a little at his accidental proposal, hoping no one had heard it.

Oblivious to the man's dilemma, Liana smiled brightly, "Thank you, sir! It wasn't a big matter. I saw the dire situation of the barracks and I couldn't help myself from getting involved." She looked a little embarrassed.

"Well, it may be no matter for you, but for the guards it is a big deal. They've been living in filth for weeks and it was beginning to affect their health. I'm sure they will be more than thankful towards having habitable rooms once again." Harrison eyed the guard beside him, who had hung his head in shame at allowing the barracks to become so dirty. "Anyway, I've already sent a report to the guild about your work, so you're free to leave." He turned and began to walk away but paused as he said over his shoulder, "If only you could put half as much effort into your combat training, then you'd be a somewhat decent adventurer...for a woman."

Liana smiled at the veiled praise and encouragement and bowed at him in thanks, "Thank you, sir! I'll be sure to try training again soon!"

Harrison responded in the distance with an off-handed wave as he exited the building. Feeling a bit energised from the conversation with the guard captain, Liana bowed at the supervising guard in thanks for his hard work before rushing back to the guild to write up her report.
Reaching the receptionist desk, she wrote out her report and handed it in. As she waited for the receptionist to read and evaluate her report, Liana thought about whether it was time to start training at the barracks with a personal trainer - instead of as part of the City Guard Training quest.

- Cleaned 15 sets of armour
- Cleaned 32 weapons
- Cleaned 3 rooms in the sleeping quarters
- Washed 36 bedding

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
Tag: Ms Rudy, River Slime, Horned Rabbit


BigGreen's Quest Report
~~~~Today me and Gobo were able to accomplish our quota of 5 weaker healing potions and helped with Ms. Rudy's experiments. I naturally went out today to gather Ms.Rudy's ingredient's, that were 5 River Slime Cores and another couple of horned rabbit horns. Ms.Rudy was quite adamant that the slime cores must come from River Slimes, so me and Gobo left towards the northern forest to gather the ingredients. We were eventually able to acquire all the ingredients and go back in turn in the ingredients.

After acquiring today's ingredients, Gobo and I started making our weaker healing potions. Nothing out of the usual with my potions, except with the shining part of my potions. Only thing we had to do for the day was help with Ms.Rudy's own experiments and it looked like things came out successful. Gobo and I still had no idea what Ms.Rudy was making but it seemed important because before we left we heard Ms.Rudy telling herself she was going to be rich.~~~~
Today's Inventory
-10g Room and Board
-5x Slime cores
-5x Twin flower herb pouch

OOC: Still no story for now :blob_upset:

Ms. Ruddy is going to get a bit of a windfall you say... good to know

Seems fine. your report


Full Reward
  • Points: 110 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: 1 weak healing potion
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use Alchemist Guild cauldrons and equipment

OOC: Please mark report Appraised or evaluated


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
Tag: Hejlikka, Julrik, Harrison,

Quest Report

Waking up once the sun set, Liana got out of bed and put her dried dress on. Heading to the kitchen, she began cooking the food for Hejlikka and Julrik when the female elf entered in a huff before hugging the new-born vampire from behind.

"You never told the city guards what you were doing!" She rested her forehead against Liana's neck, "But you managed to stop the stalker so...thank you, Liana. Although the name of him was redacted due to Freja's wishes, I know who it was from the location of residence you noted in the report." She released her arms from Liana and sat at the table with a wry smile.

"...To be honest...I kind of forgot about informing the guards. Sorry about that." She plated up the food and set it in front of the female elf. "Oh, before I forget another thing...Since I've fixed, and am wearing, my original dress again, I'd like to return the one I borrowed from you."

Hejlikka waved her hand in the air as she started eating her evening breakfast. "No, you can keep it. Consider it a housewarming gift." She blushed a little before shoving a mouthful of food in her mouth.

"Oh, if you say so." Liana smiled gently in thanks, before seeing Julrik come in from the front door.

"Ah~! My shining goddess of the night has blessed me with delicious food, yet again~!" Julrik ran over and hugged Liana, kissed her cheek, then let go to sit down and start scarfing down the food.

Liana had shivered involuntarily from the male elf's actions before forcing a gentle smile. "It's the least I can do for living here without paying anything." She then turned to Hejlikka, "I've decided to help clean at the barracks again, so I might not be back by the time your shift ends. Bye!" With that, she left the house and headed for the quest board to get another slip for Harrison's quest.

After getting the signed note to show she was taking the quest from the guild receptionist, Liana headed to the city guard barracks.

"Cleaning, Watch Duty, or Training?" Harrison asked as soon as Liana reached him - his face blank with a clipboard in his hands for assigning guard positions for a specific area of the city.

Liana smiled brightly, "Cleaning again!"

Harrison looked up with a glint of happiness in his eyes, "I see. I'll assign a guard to supervise you, then. Head to the previous place and the guard will take you to a new armoury full of dirty armour." He motioned for a guard to come, gave him his orders, then waved him and Liana away.

"Thank you, sir!" Liana responded brightly, before being led to the armouries for her quest.

Reaching the building where armour was stored, the guard opened the door to a different room from her previous quest and motioned for her to go in. "This is the room guard captain assigned for you, Miss. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!" He then positioned himself outside the room and stood at attention. Getting into the zone of cleaning, Liana gave a brief thanks to the guard before picking up the nearest set of armour.

After three hours of cleaning and scrubbing, Liana managed to finish the room of fifteen armour sets. She'd managed to do it a lot faster than before due to managing to come up with a more efficient way of cleaning them. Going to the door, she peered at the guard and told him she'd finished the room before asking where the weapons room was so she could clean those while she was in the armoury. Surprised at how fast the young woman had managed to clean the armour sets, the guard fumbled over his words before closing his mouth and leading her to the room where weapons were stored.

Being led into the room, there were a lot more weapons to clean than there had been armour. The guard smiled wryly before saying there had been a training exercise in the nearby forest where the guards ended up needing to dig using their weapons as makeshift spades to simulate war situations. It was also to allow them to try and delay the slime horde that kept creeping closer and closer to the city - hence causing a few of the weapons to become dull and blunt.

However, Liana only came to clean the weapons since she did not possess the skills or knowledge to appropriately sharpen them. Nodding her head at the guard's explanation for the state of the weapons, she grabbed a sword and began the mind-numbing task of cleaning - although she tended to find it relaxing.

After another three hours of cleaning weapons, Liana heard the bells ring for midnight and looked at how much she had done. Considering the size of the weapons being a lot smaller than armour sets were, she managed to clean considerably more in the same length of time - thus she put down the lance she'd finished cleaning onto the weapon rack and noted that thirty-two of the weapons had been done. Deciding to change her task to cleaning the sleeping quarters and bedding, Liana went to the guard and explained her wishes. He glanced inside the room and saw the amount of work she'd done and nodded, before guiding her to the sleeping quarters where the rooms of guards on duty were.

Reaching the empty sleeping quarters, the guard shyly opened the door and felt embarrassed as the stench hit them like a wave. Before the guard could say anything, Liana walked past him and got into the routine she had established from the previous quest: opening the window to air out the room before stripping the beds and heading to the laundry room to soak the bedding; then dusting and sweeping the room before washing the floor with a mop; then re-soaking the bedding in fresh warm soapy water before scrubbing, rinsing and wringing out to dry on a rack. During this process, she went to some of the other empty rooms and did the same thing - making the beds with fresh bedding after the floor had been mopped and dried.

Dawn approached and Liana heard the bells ring to signify it was time for another shift change, as well as to wake any sleeping guards up for a new day. Beginning to feel tired, she wrung out the last few sheets that she'd been rinsing and hung them on the drying rack. Thinking that she'd done enough for now, Liana turned around to inform the supervising guard she was finishing for the night when she noticed Harrison standing at the door.

"Mr Bridger...Did I do something wrong?" Liana asked uncertainly as she was worried she'd disappointed him again in some way.

"...Marry me...Ahem, I saw the work you did in the armoury and came over to thank you for the hard work." He looked at the room full of drying linens and blushed a little at his accidental proposal, hoping no one had heard it.

Oblivious to the man's dilemma, Liana smiled brightly, "Thank you, sir! It wasn't a big matter. I saw the dire situation of the barracks and I couldn't help myself from getting involved." She looked a little embarrassed.

"Well, it may be no matter for you, but for the guards it is a big deal. They've been living in filth for weeks and it was beginning to affect their health. I'm sure they will be more than thankful towards having habitable rooms once again." Harrison eyed the guard beside him, who had hung his head in shame at allowing the barracks to become so dirty. "Anyway, I've already sent a report to the guild about your work, so you're free to leave." He turned and began to walk away but paused as he said over his shoulder, "If only you could put half as much effort into your combat training, then you'd be a somewhat decent adventurer...for a woman."

Liana smiled at the veiled praise and encouragement and bowed at him in thanks, "Thank you, sir! I'll be sure to try training again soon!"

Harrison responded in the distance with an off-handed wave as he exited the building. Feeling a bit energised from the conversation with the guard captain, Liana bowed at the supervising guard in thanks for his hard work before rushing back to the guild to write up her report.
Reaching the receptionist desk, she wrote out her report and handed it in. As she waited for the receptionist to read and evaluate her report, Liana thought about whether it was time to start training at the barracks with a personal trainer - instead of as part of the City Guard Training quest.

- Cleaned 15 sets of armour
- Cleaned 32 weapons
- Cleaned 3 rooms in the sleeping quarters
- Washed 36 bedding


Hehhh~ seems fine.... gave ya a bit of bonus for cleaning so much, but not more money tho.

Bring a whetstone nextime, or borrow one from Harrison, coz all them blades still need a sharpenin. If you don't know how to use one, I am sure he'd be happy to show ya. *wink*


Exp: 70Money:40Miscellaneous: Improved relationship with Harrison and city guards.

OOC: Please mark report Appraised or evaluated


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019
Tag: Spire Reef, Red Serpents, Raeliana, Luca, Kian,

Quest Report (46)
: Felicia El Freliti Ari Fiel
Level: 9 (9035/9000) 1
Quest: Menace of the Roads
  • Highly successful - much loot gained, alongside 'free' medical supplies!
Roughly three months had passed since Ari arrived at Spire Reef. She vaguely remembered how uncomfortable the salty sea breeze was for her at first, though now it feels like the most natural thing to breathe in the world. With a vague smile, she looked at the crimson tattoo embedded on her left shoulder, its serpentine form fierce and frightening to all those who lay their eyes on it. Ari had no idea she accidentally joined one of the most powerful pirate crews in Spire Reef, the Red Serpents, famed for their previous captain's unstoppable strength. After he went missing a couple of years ago, his younger sister Raeliana took over the helm, securely backed up by the rest of the crew despite being one of the weakest members.

Even just as a newbie outsider, it was clear as day how close the crew was to each other, most likely having been together even before becoming pirates. At first, Ari thought it'd be hard to meld together with such a close-knit group, but since she was so quickly accepted and befriended by Rae, the rest similarly accepted her too. It seemed that as long as their captain was happy, they were happy. It was hard to imagine such a warm family slaughtering, murdering and selling off people like property, until she watched it happen bitterly before her own eyes.

"Whatcha thinkin' about Ari?" A child's sounded beside her, knocking her out of her thoughts. Yes, a child. The same little fellow Ari was once worried about falling off the railing of the ship. To her great surprise, he was not only a member of the pirate crew but one of their most formidable fighters. Known as the Demon Child, with his crimson eyes and blond hair, there was not a single creature that could escape Luca's arrows. Truly, a master sniper.

"Just wondering how long it'll take for Kian to get ready." Ari replied with a warm smile, ruffling his messy hair.

"He always takes forever." Luca whined with a pout. "I'm looking forward to going out though! I really want to see your sword dancing again~" His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, as Ari was left a little unsettled by the insinuation of his words.


Forming a group of 10 pirates, basically the only crew members relatively uninjured from their previous expedition, they set off for Spire Reef and the roads surrounding it. Since there were so many of them willing to partake in this 'activity', they decided to split into two teams of 5 and have a little competition. Basically, whoever managed to bring back the most loot wins, with the losers taking over the others' lookout duty for a month. A simple wager really, just to add a little competitive spirit to the gang. Ari was teamed with Luca and a few other veterans, whilst Rae, Kian, the stoic fellow who caught Luca off the railing previously and a few others were on the other team.

Ari's team's first victim appeared to be a simple construction worker, either just finishing or starting his shift since he was still in his work clothing. Although quite muscular, once he was scared out of his wits by their ambush and surrounded, he quickly surrendered everything of worth on his being. Since he was just a labour worker, he didn't have much of worth, but it was nice to have such an easy success on their first robbery. Luca complained about how boring the fellow was, but Ari was secretly relieved she didn't have to threaten and/or injure a poor innocent citizen.

The rest of the day continued to be rather successful, following on with the ease of the first robbery. There were some who underestimated Luca, who was just a child, or Ari, who looked like a weak sickly youth and tried to burst through their defences. But they unfortunately just made things much worse for themselves, taking on gruesome injuries whilst having all of their belongings stolen. Ari's team didn't manage to find many wealthy citizens to rob, but due to the sheer quantity of robberies they committed, it was basically as if they had done. Due to their luckiness this time round, they managed to beat the other team by quite a long shot, much to their annoyance since they thought they had done quite well as well.

Whilst on their way back to the ship as a gang of 10 with all their loot, they were fortunate to find another couple of unsuspecting victims. What was most lucky about this encounter, was that they were doctors! Potentially, with the help of the new medical supplies they had 'borrowed', they'd be able to set out to sea again sooner than they had hoped!

"Ari" is it? I hope you are not enjoying yourself too much, and just end up being a pirate for the rest of yo live, yeah?


  • Points: 260 EXP
  • Money: 40 G
  • Other: N/A

OOC: Please mark report Appraised or evaluated


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report - Appraised
Hanging from the Gallows [SR0803]
  • Sponsor: (Variable)
  • Location: Spire Reef
  • Required Level: 8
  • Prerequisite: Freedom Fighters or Fragments of a Torn Map
  • Infiltrate the enemy's execution.
  • Rescue your companion from the gallows.
  • Fight your way to safety and escape together!
We’ve been tricked! It was a trap! Our best fighter...!
They’ve been captured! The enemy has them!
There was an announcement that they would be hanged.
We have… eight hours… before they execute them...!
  • Points: 265 EXP
  • Money: 30 G
  • Other: N/A
Report - Solet' Luna
"One of our Quartermasters got captured?" The Captain frowned as he spoke to his crews, revealing his domineering and unquestionable presence. Although he usually was a soft-spoken person, when he was furious, even the most rebellious pirates would shut up and let him walk over them.

"Cap'n, we can e'plain this!" One of the crews spoke up, before getting hit by a force that sent him back a few steps before kneeling on the floorboard, vomiting out boozes and blood.

"... The Spectre Plunderer..." The Captain looked at me, so I smiled at him. Although I did not think that they would strike this fast, it was still within my expectation that they would play some tricks in the end.

"Don't worry, Sir Borik. Let me handle this... The price would be— How about the First Mate title?" I asked him while smiling, revealing my mysterious vibe. The Second Mate was simply a title with almost nonexistence authority. If possible, I would like to become the First Mate, to prepare for the upcoming chaos, and for the higher likelihood of the succession of my plan.

"We'll talk rewards once you came back." The Captain wasn't so sure about my succession, and he didn't want to promise me anything yet. Understandable.

In the Spire Reef, a group of pirates started shouting and cheering, causing commotion to attract the attention of the other pirates.

"Look at this scum! Today, we, the Spectre Plunderer, will nail his gut up the high spike of Spire Reef! Let the scum Puppeteer knows that they are mere trash!" A public execution to provoke the dignity of the Captain... Classic move.

Time passed, and once seeing that no Misty puppeteer appeared to save him, the Quartermaster laughed crazily while the other pirates rained insults and spits on him. His neck was locked by a strongman as the other raised his axe up high. At this point, he had already closed his eyes.

A scream echoed the platform, however, it was not the Quartermaster's, but the strongmen's. The man dropped the axe as they jumped out from the platform, which was infested by many flesh-eating maggots.

"Come out, Slivery Witch." A feminine voice echoed as greenery overflowed from the ground and combatted against the swamp of worms.

A sound of footstep echoed as I appeared behind the Quartermaster, staring into the crowds of frightened pirates. The greenery began to freeze as they broke into millions of pieces. Two sorcery battled in an instant, determining the victory and the loss of respective side.

"Lady of Green, I'll pay you a visit later, if you're still alive by then." My voice slowly faded as the worms engulfed both me and the Quartermaster. Although I could not fight against the Lady of Green without going all-out, she also could not stop me from leaving either.

I could feel the gaze of the Lady of Green stared intently at me as I disappeared along with the sudden death of the worms and maggots. They were rooted in place by the weeds and plants overgrew from the ground.

It was not time yet for us to crash. The time would be very soon...
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report - Appraised
First Mate [SR0901]
  • Sponsor: Pirate Captain
  • Location: Spire Reef
  • Required Level: 9
  • Prerequisite: Hanging from the Gallows and >5 Pirate Quests
  • Tell the captain what you think it means to be a pirate.
  • Have a practice duel with the captain.
  • Listen to the captain’s criticisms of your weaknesses.
Come, have a drink with me. Let’s have a chat.What qualities do you think make a good pirate?What is your creed? What do you stand for?Why do you seek this way of life? Rewards:
  • Points: 280 EXP
  • Money: N/A
  • Other: Promotion to First Mate
Report - Solet' Luna
"Captain, have you ever wondered about the top of the world?" The wind of the sea blew across me as the sound of the sailing ship roared at the waves, threatening them to submit. The smell of boozes lingered in the floorboard, as a result of the spilling of the drunk crews.

"The Seven Scourges? They were strong, and impossible to fight against. Although I had never seen them in person, their minion crews were still way better than mine." The Captain spoke as if he was reminiscing about the past. After all, which pirates never wanted to become strong and infamous?

"... Captain, what about your dream? Your greatest ambition?" I urged him to speak again after he finished his next bottle.

"You know me... If possible, I wished to go back and repay all the debt I owed. Either with blood or tears." His voice turned a little hoarse as he lowered his face, hiding the anger and frustration he had with both his weak self and his enemies.

"Then, Captain, what would you do if you have a chance to exact your ambition?" My voice resounded softly as the Captain paused for a moment before looking up to me.

"— What do you want, Miss Luna?" He frowned as his hand stopped reaching out for the boozes. Confusion emerged from his expression, and he tried to ask me out for my intention.

"Just asking to confirm something, Sir Borik..."

"... You already know my answer. Actually, the position of the Quartermaster is open, would you like that or still the First Mate?" Trying to change the topic, the Captain brought out the topic of my rewards.

Well, the late Quartermaster, despite getting rescued from the execution, remained in spiralling health condition. Without the specialist to help him, his body started to talk a hit, and he went down a while ago. As we spoke, his body could be seen floating among the waves, becoming the feast of the fish.

I suspected that my easy rescue might be because he was really dying, but I had no evidence or energy to pursue such a trivial matter.

"The First Mate is still my main objective. According to the tradition, I must defeat you to gain the title of the First Mate, right?" Silent remained after my speech. The atmosphere seemed to freeze as Sir Borik closed his eyes to think.

"Ah— True. However, it's a waste of time for you to be fighting me. I know for a fact that I could not do anything to you, so just take the title. It's your rewards after all." The Captain finally spoke up after a while. In the end, he still couldn't understand why I remained within his crew, even though I could easily go to join a stronger crew.

Well, all of this wouldn't matter in the end... All would fade, and the only thing survived would be me, and me alone...

"Captain, do you trust me? Whole-heartedly?" Before I went out, I asked him softly, facing my back at him.

"... I don't think that you would hurt me. After all, our path hadn't crossed..." The word 'yet' was left unsaid. Sir Borik wasn't willing to imagine the consequence...

In silent, I disappeared into my room, isolated from the outer world.
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report (Appraised)
Rank E Promotion Exam [SC501]

Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Gem's Ravine (Northwest of Scribel)
  • Survive for two weeks without any weapon except a knife.
  • Travel through Gem's Ravine and climb Bighorn Mountain.
  • Retrieve an egg from a Giant Kukuu Bird Nest.
  • Return to Scribel City with the egg intact.
So you think you're strong enough to be Rank E? Pfft~ Don't get too cocky just because you've beaten up a few goblins with a fancy sword!

If you want to be Rank E, prove to me that you can survive in the wilderness without your precious weapons. I'll be confiscating those for safekeeping~ You can have a knife instead. Much of the world is wilderness and filled with monsters, so you won't survive for long if you can't handle a simple camping trip~! Of course, there will be monsters as you make your journey through Gem's Ravine. How will you handle them?
At the end of the canyon, please climb Bighorn Mountain. A colony of Giant Kukuu Birds make their nests close to the peak. Kukuu Birds are known to kidnap eggs from other species and raise them as their own, so you'll find all sorts of random creatures wandering the mountain. Please retrieve an egg from a Giant Kukuu Nest and escape with it. You better keep it intact, or else you fail!

Feeling confident yet? If you're not ready, come back and talk to me another day!
30 G
Rank E Certificate
Random Egg (it might hatch!)
References: (1.1); (1.2); (1.3); (1.4); (1.5); (1.6); (2); (3)

After mister Gem granted me my request of changing the requirements of stealing an egg to delivering the egg back to a Kukuu nest, I was going to buy some rations to spend at least a few days without worrying about food, but miss Letianna gave me some, so I didn't need to worry about that anymore, which I was very thankful for.

I did however, have some leftover jerky from my last quest that I didn't have anything to do with, so I dropped by the nearby orphanage and donated it, which was much appreciated by miss Tabea.

Following that, I went to the receptionist and told them that I wanted to do the rank up quest and explained my circumstances while showing the note that mister Gem gave me. The lady that was working at the reception at the time then asked for my weapons, though I carry none of those, so she just provided me with a knife and wished me a safe travel, which I thanked her for.

Immediately after, I visited Lady Janine Borcroft and asked for the egg under her care while explaining my circumstances. Once she heard of them, she gladly gave it to me and wished me good luck, which I thanked her for too.

After putting the large egg in a backpack, I moved to the tavern and asked for the adventurer that got this egg in the first place. It was hard to walk with it in my back, so I'll probably need to take plenty of breaks while walking with it on the Ravine... This might be a real issue once I start climbing the mountain, but hopefully it will be fine.

Regardless, it didn't take too long to find said adventurer, he was drinking and celebrating his recent promotion and spending his money in a carefree manner. It was a bit hard to talk to him because he was drunk, but he eventually told me that the nest that he took the egg from was in the right side of the mountains and was decorated with some colorful feathers. He said it was quite different from most other nests, so it should be easily recognizable... I wondered if the Kukuu birds were really the type to decorate their nests with feathers of other birds, but I decided I had no reason to doubt his claims, so I thanked him for his time and left the tavern.

Then I started the travel to the Gem's Ravine. Our maps weren't updated with it yet, but after asking around I discovered it was to the Northwest, and that it was near the road to Gelderholm. In that case, I asked for a ride to a merchant caravan that was going to Gelderholm as the distance was a bit too much for me to go by myself. They asked what would they gain from it, and I said I could provide The Goddess' protection to them, and they accepted the offer.

After some time traveling, we reached my destination, so we parted ways and I entered the ravine. Inside it, I walked near the river for a while, moving without much to worry about. From time to time some of the wild animals came nearby to drink from its water, but there seemed to be a fair amount of food available in the region, so they were not aggressive, which made the first day quite safe.

I also spent some time foraging some berries and drank from the river's water myself. I'd like to avoid eating miss Letianna's meal for as long as possible, as it would probably be necessary once I was in the mountains. Nonetheless, I did need to take quite a few pauses to rest throughout the day as the egg really was too heavy for me, but regardless of that, nothing noteworthy happened.

When night fell I set up a small barrier with a few talismans and lied on the grass. It was hard to sleep though, too many memories started entering my head... It was easier when I was with mister Garrett as having someone nearby helped distract me, but now that I was alone... I thought the times I ran from Luminous' devouts were behind me, but it seems like I only needed a vaguely similar situation to get agitated again...

But it was alright now, The Goddess protects, I'm safe here, she won't let me get endangered me, I can sleep without worrying about anything... It should be alright, everything should be alright...

Eventually I fell asleep, though I did not rest well. I couldn't quite remember what I dreamt of, but it certainly wasn't anything good... Probably some bad memories. I also felt tired from keeping a barrier up all night, but there was no other way around it, so I got up, ate, and started moving again.

This pattern was repeated throughout my stay in the ravines, walking, resting, foraging, finding wild animals from time to time, and sleeping without resting much.

After four days though, I reached the mountain, so it was now time to climb... I also got a small stockpile of fruits and berries to keep with me during my stay, which would hopefully last a few days to keep me energized in this harsher biome.

The first day wasn't too bad, there was a clear path to follow that moved up the mountain, though climbing up certainly took its toll on me, and I had to take a lot more breaks than I took in the ravine.

Things got worse in the second and third days, it felt hard to breath, I wasn't sure why, but I prayed The Goddess would give me the strength to continue.

By the fourth day I was getting closer to the top, but ended up finding a goat blocking my path... It looked considerably less nourished than the animals in the ravine, probably because there was less food available up here... In addition, it seemed adamantly against me passing, it was probably defending its territory...

I looked around for a small while, but there was really no other path around, and climbing the walls wasn't really an option, so I had no choice but to go past that goat... So I prayed, I prayed The Goddess would help it understand that I meant no harm and that it did not need to protect its territory from me.

I slowly walked towards it, and seemed to try scaring me from moving any further... Yet I moved one more step... Getting a bit closer... Slowly...

And then the goat moved, rushed towards me... It surprised me, I usually did not have trouble with wild animals. And yet, I did not try to dodge, I'd be unable to, and I believed The Goddess did not send me here to die to a goat's charge. There is a reason it was put here in front of me.

So instead, I opened my arms in an embrace, trying to show the goat that it was alright, that it did not need to fear me, for I did not fear it, and I prayed my intentions would be conveyed properly... And they seemed to be, for the goat stopped its charge a bit before connecting... I thanked The Goddess for her help, and then watched as the goat turned around and started moving up... I followed it, slowly, making sure to make my steps loud enough to be heard by it, I did not want to look like I was hiding myself.

After a very small while, the goat entered a creak, and it let to a small cave where a baby goat lied on. Though it seemed to be extremely weak, and sick perhaps... That was worrisome.

I looked at what food I had left, and there were basically the rations that miss Letianna prepared for me, the water was also running out by now... It couldn't be helped.

I prayed that The Goddess would help me cure this baby, and my will aligned with hers, manifesting a healing magic that slowly stabilized the baby's breathing. I felt quite tired after it, but that was okay... I also helped it eat a bit of the dried fruits and gave it the last bit of remaining water I had. Which also seemed to help improve its condition... I smiled at seeing the baby look better, and then got up and prepared to leave.

The parent goat nudged me a bit though, it seemed to be thanking me, so I gently caressed its fur a bit and prayed it would have no further issues in the future... And then, I left the cave and started climbing again.

It was near nightfall when I saw the colorful Kukuu bird nest. The parents were already at the nest by now, so it would probably be unwise to approach right now... However, I was already quite hungry, thirsty and tired, and I doubted I'd be able to set up a barrier tonight... It was better to finish this as soon as possible.

So I took the egg out of my backpack and started slowly carrying it forward. It was hard to walk with it as I could hardly see what was in front of me due to how big the egg was, but I at least made sure I was moving in the right direction.

It didn't take long for them to notice me. They started making loud noises and seemed to be angry, they probably recognized the egg somehow, which might be a good thing... Or not. I wasn't sure.

They approached me while flapping their wings up and down, the wind provoked by that was almost enough to throw me off balance, and I had to be careful to not fall down just by that... I wished to put the egg down and let them take it, but there was no place I could safely put it without it rolling down and possibly break, so I kept holding it while they approached.

Eventually, one of them got close enough to reach me with its talons, so I slowly lifted the egg up and tried to make it as easy as I could for the bird to take it from my hands... I'm unsure if it noticed my intentions or if it felt it as a chance, but the Kukuu snatched the egg from me and held it between its talons, I sighed in relief by seeing the child being returned to its proper parents.

... Only, the bird then flapped its wings a lot harder than before and from this really close range, which made a gust of wind that was far too strong for me, and pushed me off balance, making me fall. I thought that by itself would be too bad for as long as the birds didn't try attacking me right after, but it seems like I underestimated the strength of the wind's push.

After I fell and hit my back in the hard ground, I was actually rolled down and fell through one of the many slopes of the mountain... That was a real danger.

I prayed The Goddess would protect me and made a makeshift barrier on the spot, it wasn't very strong as I didn't have the time to take out my talismans, but it would have to do. As I rolled down and kept kicking in numerous parts of the mountain, the barrier constantly broke and had to be repaired anew, which quickly drained my energies... I also suffered a fair amount of wounds and my body started bleeding and hurting all over.

... Nonetheless, I arrived at the bottom of the mountain and back into the Ravine due to that. Pained, with a few bones broken for sure, and bleeding quite a bit, while also feeling very tired, but alive. Perhaps that was the way The Goddess chose for me to avoid starvation while going down the mountain... It was definitely not an ideal method of doing so, but that was certainly one less worry I had to handle.

First things first, I tried sitting down to better take care of myself... It hurt more than I imagined, but I managed it. Judging from what parts ached more and what parts I could move, I guessed I had a broken arm and a few broken ribs, that much was manageable, I could move like this. The bleeding was a bigger issue though, it would attract hungry wild animals, that wouldn't do.

I forced myself to once again pray for The Goddess to aid me and help me heal my wounds. To at least stop the bleeding and close the superficial wounds to some extent... I almost fainted during the process due to overexerting myself, but I handled this immediate problem.

Next, I needed to get rid of the blood on my clothes and body, so I forced myself to get up. The pain made my vision fuzzy, and a few black spots appeared in front of my eyes, but I managed to stand and slowly walk towards the river. It's a good thing the river passed near the mountain, so it didn't take too long for me to reach it, for I was certainly unable to walk a big distance right now.

I took off my clothes and washed my body first, to take the sticky blood out from me first. Luckily enough this part of the ravine wasn't very steep, so the flow of the river was not too fast, so I did not have to worry about it pushing me too far from my clothes or backpack while I washed myself... Though swimming with a broken arm and broken ribs was not a pleasant experience regardless... Even if it did not last long as the blood was washed away quickly.

Following that I washed my clothes in the river with my good arm. It took longer than I'd like to take the blood stains away, but The Goddess blessed me with no wild animals getting any closer while I worked on that. Once I was done and finally no longer in danger of attracting anyone with the smell of blood, I put my backpack on my back again and carried my clothes in my good arm and walked a bit away from the river... By now it was already night.

Ideally I'd make a fire to dry myself and my clothes to prevent a cold, but I did not have the means to make a fire, not to mention I was too tired to be actually able to do so.

Instead, I hanged my clothes in a tree branch I could reach, and then slowly and carefully rolled around the floor to try drying myself quickly. It dirtied me again even though I had just bathed, but that was a necessary measure to avoid getting sick. Unfortunately there was no way I could dry neither my hair nor my tail in a timely manner, so I would just need to wait for them to dry naturally.

I then made a small bed of leaves and slept on the ground. I had no strength to make a barrier tonight, so I just prayed things would be alright.

Morning came and I was still in one piece, which was a good sign. The Goddess certainly protected me tonight.

I felt extremely dirty and wanted to take another bath, but that would make me run into the same problem as yesterday of not having a good way of drying myself, so I refrained from doing so. Instead I slowly put on my now-dry clothes on and looked around to see what could be done about my arm. It was still hurting a lot and I couldn't have a broken arm hanging like that, it needed to be put in proper position...

The first alternative would be to tear up a part of my robes to make a cast, but my robes were already looking like rags after the fall from the mountain, so I'd rather refrain from doing that, instead I looked around to see if anything could substitute the clothes to make a cast... And I found some vines and thin branches. It looked functional enough.

Taking out the knife out of my backpack from the first time, I cut some vines and tied them together with some branches around my arm to put it in proper position and to not get any worse... It took much longer than what I thought it would though. Even though I knew that self-medicating was a lot harder than taking care of others, the time I spent in the temple still pervaded my thoughts it seems... I prayed to The Goddess for some peace of mind and for help in focusing on my task at hand.

The next thing I did was to go to the river again to drink some water, I met with a deer there, but it did not seem to mind me, so we went our separate ways. Following that, I moved around while trying to find some berries or fruits to eat.

Everything was painful and slow though, I couldn't walk very fast with broken ribs, so I had no choice but to take my time walking and searching, not to mention I still felt quite weak... I did find some food eventually though. And I used the time searching to also slowly move towards the general direction of Scribel, as I would probably take quite a while to leave the Ravine at this pace.

When night fell, I prayed to The Goddess to help my arm heal quicker, so I had no stamina remaining to make a barrier... So once again, I prayed for a safe night, and fell asleep unprotected.

... At some point during the night I woke up though, I heard noises around me, a fair amount of them... Slowly approaching, and all around me.

I didn't know what they were, but I could understand they were probably dangerous. However, I was in no condition to run, so I instead took some talismans from my backpack and positioned then around me. Then I sat down and waited.

Eventually I saw a wolf nearby... And that was pretty much all confirmation I needed to know that this was a pack of wolves surrounding me. They did not seem starved though, so I wondered why they chose me as their prey, I doubted I'd offer enough food for a whole pack... Perhaps I just looked like easy food.

Nonetheless, I had to do something about it, so I closed my eyes and prayed for The Goddess' protection, which slowly activated my barrier.

Some Moments passed with them closing the encirclement, I could slowly hear their steps getting nearer with each second. I kept my eyes closed though, The Goddess would protect me, I just needed to pray.

Eventually, one of them lunged at me. Its attack hit the barrier head on, and I felt the impact, but the barrier was still up. Some stamina was definitely taken away from that blow, but I could endure this much.

Another one, and yet another. Each time the wolves lunged, they were met with The Goddess' protection that stopped them from moving any closer. I was close to fainting and knew I would not be able to maintain the barrier for more than a few blows, but I kept praying. It would be alright, The Goddess would protect me.

I heard louder sounds, heavier steps moved closer to me... Perhaps it was the alpha of the pack. It took a few careful steps, and then lunged at my barrier as well... It almost cracked, but it stayed firm... The blow was certainly stronger than what the other wolves made so far. I doubt I'd be able to endure another of those.

However, my prayers paid off. The wolves' started moving again, and I could hear their steps moving farther from me. It seems they gave up after noticing they could not get any closer... I thanked The Goddess for protecting me until the end, and then fell asleep while still sitting down, no longer resisting the tiredness that was taking me over.

The next day was a harsh one. Using enough magic to both start healing my broken arm and then protect me in the night took a big toll on me, even after a whole night's sleep, I had basically no strength and wanted nothing more than a soft bed to sleep on... I forced myself to forage food and drink water though, and that was basically all I did the entire day. During the night I had no strength to even consider work on healing my arm, so I just slept as is. Once again praying The Goddess would protect me tonight.

The following days were better, I was slowly recovering my strength as I ate, and I made sure to heal my arm during the nights. The dirty feeling that permeated my body was horrible though, and I had a harder time dealing with it than with the pain from my still recovering wounds... At the very least, they were mostly internal, as I had healed the external parts before, so no infection came out of this.

About a week passed before I could properly move my arm again. My ribs were still broken though, and I decided to leave them like that until I reached Scribel. They could wait. Having two arms to do things and not needing to spend energy in the night healing it did wonders for me though, as I had to take less rests during the day and forage more food to feed myself better and recover energy properly. I thanked The Goddess for guiding my thoughts in the right direction once more.

Three days later I finally got near the edge of the Ravine, so I bathed in the river to finally get rid of all that dirt that was bothering me to no end. The river was stronger in this area though, which hurt my ribs considerably, but I endured this much for the sake of cleaning myself. After cleaning my clothes as well, I dressed myself while them were still dripping wet and moved out of the Ravine and towards the road. My pace was still slow though, so I only got halfway there before I had to stop for the day... I also had a headache troubling me and was feeling weaker than before, which means I probably got sick... Unsurprisingly though, after spending a day wearing dripping wet clothes, I would be amazed if I did not catch a cold. It was fine though, I could endure this sickness for a small while.

When I woke up in the next day, I was shivering, it was very very cold... Though that was probably my own body's reaction to the sickness and not actually the weather's fault. I ate some berries I stocked before leaving the ravine and drank water from my canteen before forcing myself to get up and move towards the road... I felt dizzy and wobbled most of the way there, so my pace was even slower than before, but I arrived it by noon.

Then, I sat down and waited, I would not move all the way back to Scribel in this condition, so I needed a ride... I prayed to The Goddess that one would soon arrive... But slowly, I had a hard time keeping my eyes open, and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I felt everything shaking and that made my sick feeling worse... I somehow ended up not puking though, instead I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was in the road right now, moving... Probably on top of a cart.

I was not tied up in any way, so the people carrying me must not be bandits. I looked around and saw a man and a boy nearby, with the man guiding the horses that were moving the cart, and the boy just looking at the surrounding scenery, seemingly absent-minded. There were also a wide variety of things within the cart, so I assumed this was a merchant's wagon or something similar.

When I tried readjusting my position, the boy noticed me and eagerly talked to his father about how I just woke up. They both reprimanded me about how dangerous it was for me to sleep like that in the road, and how I could have been killed... They also explained I had a really strong fever, and that I was lucky they found me before it got any worse. It seems like I underestimated my sickness a bit.

I apologized for my carelessness and thanked them for their help, and The Goddess for guiding them to me. I then explained my circumstances and why I was alone in the wilds like that, they seemed to be pretty surprised about a priestess working as an adventurer instead of the temple, which was... Understandable, it would certainly not be my first choice of job as well. But I felt it was the right thing to do to follow The Goddess' teachings.

And per The Goddess' blessings, they were moving from Gelderholm to Scribel and not the other way around, so I arrived at the city before long. Moreover, they did not even ask for payment even though they did the kindness of both taking me here and also treating my sickness... They said they could never accept money from one that served the gods, and instead only prayed that I would use this opportunity to help as many people that needed my aid as I could.

I deeply thanked them for their kindness and prayed for their safety and success as well. I'm sure their acts will not be overlooked by The Goddess. Then, we said our goodbyes and they went to the merchant's district, while I returned to the guild to deliver my report... Then I'll need to work on resting to recover from this sickness, and healing those broken ribs of mine.
  • After mister Gem gave me the permission to clear the request by delivering an egg back to its nest as opposed to stealing an egg. I obtained information on the location of the Kukuu nest that the egg was from, got the egg in question from a noble lady that was safekeeping it, and then headed towards the ravine.
  • Took a ride to the Ravine by offering prayers to traveling merchants.
  • Time in the ravine was mostly peaceful as the animals were well-fed in didn't see much reason in attacking a human. I used that time to forage a small stockpile of fruits and berries to last the mountain climb, while staying near the river to have an easily available source of water.
  • The mountain climb was harsh, but not particularly eventful, the main issue was how tiring it was to move up with such a heavy egg in my backpack.
  • Safely delivered the egg to the Kukuu birds, but ended up being pushed down the mountain by them. Barely survived the fall by rolling the way down while constantly making and remaking a barrier that protected me from the more severe wounds.
  • Used magic to heal the more superficial parts of the wounds to stop the bleeding, then went to the river to wash the blood away from both body and clothes, had a hard time doing that because of a few broken ribs and a broken arm. Then dried myself up by rolling in the dirty ground and letting the clothes hanging.
  • Spent a week foraging and slowly moving towards Scribel while trying to heal my arm.
  • When I reached the edge of the Ravine, I took another bath at the river to clean all the dirt away. I didn't have any good way of drying myself available though, so I ended up getting sick.
  • Found a merchant's wagon in the road back to Scribel that kindly treated my sickness to some extent while also giving me a ride to the city. I offered them my prayers and wished them success and safety.
  • Now still sick and with some broken ribs to take care of.
  • Entire trip took roughly 3 weeks. About 2 and a half spend in the ravine and mountains.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report - Appraised
Be my champion~! Sponsor: Julrik, Supervisor Leader of AG Offices and Customer Service DepartmentLocation: Scribel City and outskirtsLevel: 5 Objectives
  • Can only defeat one per quest:
    • Defeat Eugene Sanders - a human wizard who has a penchant for lightning magic.
  • (optional) Don't kill them.
  • (optional) Humiliate them.
I like women. I mean, what kind of man doesn't? Right?
Women also really like me. They practically beg me to bed them with their coquettish eyes!
Anyway, it seems some people are jealous of my popularity and have thus sent me seven challenges to duels!
Since I am a man of intellect and the arts, and despise physical conflict, I have decided that I shall hire a champion to take my place!
A word of warning, my dear defender of my handsome self, these men have all achieved E rank...I even gave them their badges myself when they passed...
As such, I will leave this quest open for each challenger.
Best of luck, my beloved champion~! Mwah~!

Exp: 300(400)(500)
Money: 50G (75G)(100G)
Report - Solet' Luna
"Solet' Luna?" Eugene spoke as he frowned, looking over at me. After all, a strong E-ranked would almost always take note of their fellow adventurers.

The news of me being the Slivery Witch would have already come back to here, making the others looked at me in a strange way when they saw me. The blood in my hands was thick, and even more so when the pirates and witches exaggerated my rumours.

Slaughtering the entire fleet because they dared to look at me with their lustful gaze? Single-handedly froze a part of the Black Sea? Killing an entire crew? Well, the last one was real, but that didn't mean that the former two was legit. I wouldn't be here doing this quest if I could really do something like that.

"Let us get this over with." Without any hesitation, I channelled my Ice Magic and began to solidify the air around me. A cold, white mist formed around me, and spread across the arena, making its way to Eugene.

The man chanted something, and speck of lightning flashed past his figure, moving towards my direction. However, once the lightning entered my domain of fog, its direction twisted and turned, moving strangely before finally missing its target.

My domain of fog was under my precise control over Mana, and I could manipulate them so that the lightning would follow my desired direction. As a result, any magic-users that lacked control over their fired spells would never be able to fight against me. Of course, there were exceptions, like those that attack in the area of effect, or too fast and too exotic for me to comprehend their trajectory.

His hand continued to move, despite the previous failed attempt. This was the quality of the magic-user, the pursuers of truth. No matter how they failed, they would never give up, and continued to relentlessly grind their way to their peak. Although Eugene was a little silly to issue a challenge to something as petty as this, deep down, he just wanted to test his skills and pride.

A shiny geometrical shape floated above his head, creating and shooting out lightning continuously. he tried many different tactics, including manually controlling his lightning spells. However, his power paled in comparison to my mastery, which reigned supreme over the domain of fog.

In the end, he conceded as his Mana was running out, and he hadn't been able to move me even once.

"Great Magic-User, please, show me the extent of your power." His voice, although tired and soft, carried a hint of unyielding determination. it reminded me of myself.

"Watch carefully—" My sentence echoed around the fog as they span around me, forming a gigantic whirlpool that disrupted everything within the diameter of the arena.

The sky dimmed as rain manifested and fell around Eugene, creating cold winds and icy snowflakes. Little by little, the aged bricks and building turned bluish in shade, and icicles emerged from the solidified air, forming a frozen maze that trapped Eugene within its majesty.

"Ah— So close, yet so far away..." Overwhelmed and impressed by the display, Eugene finally let go and fainted due to his excessive usage of Mana.

After carrying him up to rest properly, I went to report this completion. I never bothered to humiliate him, as a respect to his determination as a fellow magic-user.
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
unevaluated > > >

Goblin Subjugation [SC303]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 3
  • Exterminate stray goblins.
  • Collect 3 pairs of goblin ears.
  • Warning: Do not overestimate yourself.
    • Report large goblin tribes/clans to the guild.
    • Do not pick fights you cannot handle.
Goblins are one of the weakest monsters.
However, they can be extremely dangerous in numbers.
They have been known to kill travelers and overconfident adventurers.
Do not underestimate the goblins. They are a deadly threat.
It is ill-advised to taken on more than a few at once.
  • Points: 150 EXP
  • Money: 14 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

It was frustating. She felt stuffed. It felt like she would burst at any moment.

How would she not underestimate those goblins? Those things were weak. Just three pairs? It was trivial for her to gather more. After all, how would they reach her when she was on the sky? It was not even the blue sky that she was on, but in the sea of trees. Weaving through the trees, she killed them one by one.

Even seeing their head bursting when she threw the stones did not let her frustation go. Should she go for close combat? Nah. It was better to let them crawl on the ground instead of personally go there.

It felt like she hadn't been able to make progress at all. She threw her head, her body on the problem but it refused to move.

Goblin? what a joke. It was harder to search for them instead of killing them. Seeing their corpses around her, she took three pairs before leaving.

There should be a settlement of the goblins on the eastern part of the forest, if they were not exterminated yet. Yet, killing those goblins did not give her the satisfaction at all. It was utterly boring.

She left, and returned to the adventurer guild.
AIEO pulls out a hidden map from somewhere. "Do you have any clue as to where the goblins are exactly? I like to add sighting places to this map any area at all other than just forest would be nice you know. You seem to be quiet agile and have a really strong throwing arm huh. Also you do realise goblins can have bows and other weaponry on them so they completely could have hit you. So stop overestimating yourself."
Points: 150 EXP
Money: 14 G


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Be my champion~!
Sponsor: Julrik, Supervisor Leader of AG Offices and Customer Service DepartmentLocation: Scribel City and outskirtsLevel: 5
  • Can only defeat one per quest:
    • Defeat David Fralden - a human who loves wielding a bo.
    • Defeat Ku'Jahal - an orc who loves using a poleaxe.
    • Defeat Eugene Sanders - a human wizard who has a penchant for lightning magic.
    • Defeat Jakob Hilljkoff - an elf who is skilled with a bow and arrow.
    • Defeat Boris Tinkler - a human who has some skill with a sword and shield.
    • Defeat Henrik Jueller - an elf who knows a lot of plant-based spells (be careful of poison)
    • Defeat Junji Ishikabe - a human who uses a katana, as well as a bow and arrow
  • (optional) Don't kill them.
  • (optional) Humiliate them.
I like women. I mean, what kind of man doesn't? Right?
Women also really like me. They practically beg me to bed them with their coquettish eyes!
Anyway, it seems some people are jealous of my popularity and have thus sent me seven challenges to duels!
Since I am a man of intellect and the arts, and despise physical conflict, I have decided that I shall hire a champion to take my place!
A word of warning, my dear defender of my handsome self, these men have all achieved E rank...I even gave them their badges myself when they passed...
As such, I will leave this quest open for each challenger.
Best of luck, my beloved champion~! Mwah~!
Exp: 300(400)(500)Money: 50G (75G)(100G)

It was a rather fine night, and Vicious was taking a walk around Scribel city. Okay, to be honest it was around two in the morning according to her body clock and the city was mostly asleep save the night guards, but she'd decided to get some night air, and passed by the gates earlier to wave hello to the lookouts on duty. She even walked a couple of streets with two of the patrolling guards, engaging in superficial conversation, before splitting up at a junction.

She'd then visited the slums to check up on a few acquaintances, but there was one more objective; she'd checked with some of her homeless contacts regarding a boy with orange-coloured eyes, following what Felicia had told her in a tavern conversation a few days prior. They came up empty, but Vicious was not disappointed and bade farewell after dropping off some things for the kids. She then hummed quietly as she continued with her walk.

At some point, she turned into a sector of the city which she'd never been to before, and her ears picked up on a faint scratching sound. It didn't sound like a stray animal, so she followed the noise and came to a rather large house. Hanging onto one side like a koala bear was a man dressed all in black, a bandanna pulled over his head.

She watched, somewhat bemused, as the man tried to find purchase on the brickwork in order to climb up and reach the window. Which was closed. He was fiddling with it, not really paying attention to his surroundings, so the amused Liberi spoke in a low and even tone, as if she'd met someone taking their pet out for a walk.

"Forgot your keys?"

She didn't think she'd deliberately tried to scare him, but the man lost his grip on the brick instantly and fell onto the ground. He laid there for a few moments, blinking, before jumping back onto his feet. Idly, she noted the thin, bent piece of metal wire in his hand, the way the black-attired man was glaring at her, and Vicious nodded. It started to make sense now.

"Ah. Up to no good, are we? So who's the unfortunate victim being mugged tonight?"

The words seemed to have poked a sore spot for the man. He growled, but not so loudly as to wake the neighbourhood.

"Victim? I'm the victim here! If it were not for him, I would have been living the good life!"

Vicious raised an eyebrow. She'd noticed the man's bloodshot eyes under the faint moonlight.

"Ah, so it's a grudge. Well, have fun then. See you."

She'd turned to leave, taking three steps before ducking down. The bo passed over her head harmlessly. Sighing, she turned back to look at the man, who was now in a fighting stance.

"I can't let you leave, now that you've seen me."

"You should really think twice, you know. I won't bother you if you don't bother me."

Saying thus, she sidestepped another strike. The mysterious man growled as he leapt forward, still talking.

"You'll warn the guards! I know you will! That's all bitches like you know to do! Find the richer bastard, then hide behind them!"

"'Scuse me?"

Vicious frowned, but the man continued, giving a coarse laugh.

"I won't give you the chance, you filthy bitch! You'll come home with me today!"

He brought the striking end of the wooden staff down at Vicious with all the force he could muster---

"You should mind really your words. A loose mouth brings much disaster."


The upper half of the bo fell onto the ground, rolling away slowly. What remained was in the hands of the man, trembling as he brought the broken bo closer to his face to examine it.


Then she closed the distance in two steps and her knee found him right in the family jewels at the same time her palm caught him in the temple. The man dropped like a sack of bricks.

"Alright, now it's off to the guards with you...Hmm...?"

Whilst digging through the unconscious man's personal effects, she found some forms of identification on his person. The Liberi racked her brain, trying to remember the requests posted on the board, before going through all of them again just to double check.

"David Fralden...if memory serves, there was a request for this guy, wasn't there? Hmm. Well, I'll go and check. If there isn't, he's going to the guards. If there is...well, he's going to the guards anyway. Assault is a crime after all."

Saying thus she tied him up, left him there, and popped over to the guild.


There would be a small commotion in the city's markets the next morning. Apparently, the first few stall owners to arrive had discovered---none too delightedly, one might add---that a man had been left tied securely to a tree's trunk wearing nothing but bound ropes and a loincloth. There was a piece of paper nailed into the wood next to him, along with his clothing fluttering in the early breeze.

He was still sneezing in the morning chill and shivering when the a few of the guards on the morning shift arrived to get him down, with a sizeable small crowd looking on, and even when he was finally freed the man stayed sitting on the floor which he'd immediately collapsed onto, rubbing his wrists and ankles which were still sore from being bound for so long. One of the guards was reading the piece of paper ripped off the tree trunk.

"Bring him back. We'll sort this out back in the barracks."

According to the paper, he had attempted to break into a house, which would later be identified as the house of a certain Julrik, and attacked a passer by who witnessed the act. The paper was signed with nothing except the initials V.

Far away, sitting on a rooftop and observing the event with a smile on her face was Vicious, flipping David Fralden's adventurer identification card in her hands. She'd need it to turn in her report, after all.
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Quest - Evaluation Needed
> > >
Dire Wolf Subjugation [SC403]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 4
  • Eliminate dire wolves.
  • Collect 3 dire wolf pelts.
Dire wolves are fearsome creatures known to attack humans.
They are larger and more vicious than ordinary wolves.
Hunt them to make the forest a safer place.
  • Points: 180 EXP
  • Money: 16 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Receiving the evaluation report, I felt a dissatisfaction for having my rewards halved but I did get the one that I need. I must either be getting lazy or sloppy, either way I need to fix that. I don't want our record getting tainted.

Seeing Iris support me from our mock gave quite a faith in her. I'm still a bit nervous having her in a fight, but as long as she can support me from the back, I won't let anymore pass me to get to her.

This time I decided we would hunt for direwolves instead of goblins. Just hearing the name wolf makes me think they're gonna be quick on their feet. I ready my equipment along with Iris' and we head out to the northern forest. Heading a bit deeper into the forest we happened to meet other adventurers, I nod at their direction and they nod back. We press on deeper into the forest to locate any direwolves.

After wandering a bit, I hear a sudden howl. I signal Iris to stop and get ready. That howl either means they're somewhere nearby or they've found us instead. Waiting a bit, a wolf comes out from the shadow and howls. Two more come out and all three; bigger than than the size of a common dog, snarl at us. It seems it was the latter huh... Saves us the trouble though.

Without any warning all three charge at me, they're fast but I'm quick enough to all three with my tower shield. Some were scratching the shield in order to occupy me. A wolf goes to my and lunges at me. I block its bite with my arm and it goes feral at trying to tug me. Since I'm wearing armor, my vambraces are suffering scratch marks from its teeth. I struggle to keep the other at bay with my shield while my other arm was being tugged. Iris took the opportunity to shoot out ice shards at the biting wolf, I heard it whimper and backed off. It seems it was severely injured in the legs and could only limp away. The other two backed off when they heard one of their own was whimpering. I took this chance to slash at the injured dog, since it couldn't dodge quick enough it took the full brunt and laid on the grass motionless.

One down, two to go. The other two didn't seem to care one of their own died, and slowly separated from each other to make a pincer move on us. Both attacked at the same time and I noticed that one of them was heading towards Iris. I tossed the tower shield to the wolf charging at me, it was surprised seeing a giant mass of metal coming at it but reacted quick enough to dodge of the way. I rushed towards the other wolf and tackled it, but it dodge towards Iris while facing. Good... while it was distracted by me, it noticed that it's feet were slowly being frozen. Now stuck in place it can't move anymore. With a quick slash to the neck, the wolf died.

The last wolf saw it companion died and made a run for it.

"Iris don't let it get away!"

Heeding my command, Iris formed a large translucent clear crystal towards where the wold was running. It bumped into it head first, with a loud thump it staggered from its concussion. I wielded my long steel lance and prepared for a javelin throw. It's length doubled when I force extended it to the side. Been a while since I used this, better make it count. I threw it with all my might at the wolf. Not noticing what's coming at it, the lance cleanly pierce through it and through the crystal. Cracks could be seen forming from the originating from the penetrated point. With this all three direwolves have been slain.

I gather all three and started skinning them. I wasn't really a hunter so their pelt was skinned of really poorly. Iris just watched me work on the side. I wonder if I should bring these back as meat as well? But I killed them in an uncleanly way and I already removed the pelt. I doubt any butcher would them. Guess I'll just them here.

Skinning them with my spare sword made it dull, and it seems it had been chipped multiple times before. It's on the verge of breaking seeing as cracks are starting to form. I repair its durability but I already made the longsword on my back. After thinking about it, I toss it aside since there's not much I can do with it and I don't have the money to buy materials for it.

We head back to the guild to file a report and call it a day.

Greetings to you Guild

As requested we have slain three direwolves in the northern forest, and returned with their pelts as proof. I apologize for the shoddy quality of such as I am not adept in the ways of hunting game. I sincerely hope you accept them as deemable for success.

At service to you, Lancer Reival and Lady Iris.
AIEO pulls out a map it has goblins mostly all over it but in the forest there are a few wolves in it and of those a very small amount had crossed out eyes. and slams it down on the table. "Could you be a bit more specific about where exactly you found them in the quest report? Well the quality isn't that good but it doesn't seem to have any alterations to it for being worn or such. So I guess that is a pass. But I will punish you if you don't be a bit more specific it's not like there is an infinite number of dire wolves out there for you guys to hunt!"
Points: 180 exp
Money: 16 G


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Quest - Evaluation Needed
> > >
Streel Patrol [SC405]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 4
  • Prerequisite: City Guard Training
  • Patrol the streets as a City Guard for a day.
  • Protect justice, law, and order.
Help keep the city streets safe. Is there much else to say?
  • Points: 150 EXP
  • Money: 15 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
With the remaining day, it was fine to get a simple job after hunting some monsters. Me and Iris patrolled the city while taking leisure walks. Some people would be intimidated by me whenever we happen to pass by. It's probably because I'm donning me armor and I look like a massive hunk of metal walking around. Not many glanced at Iris since she seemed the most normal between us, if not for her emotionless eyes.

Occasionally we would pass by a tavern with some of the customers fighting. I would intervene and their faces would pale in nervousness as soon as I got near. I guess being a heavy suited lancer has its perks.

Moving on ahead with the rest of our patrol was uneventful. That was understandable since the sun was still up, and I doubt crooks would come out in the middle of the day.

The days were really peaceful, when suddenly I heard something nearby.


I look at the source and see Iris staring at her stomach while poking at it.

"Iris weird sound....."

Huh... That's right, we haven't eaten yet. And that's weird also, is this the first time she heard her stomach grumble? I was pretty sure she would know since she was severely skinny when I met her. I wonder if her body forgot the sensation that it stopped growling altogether. How deep was rabbit hole on her mind then? It's best not think much about it since she's here now.


Guess I'm getting hungry as well.... Night was almost approaching and it seems our shift would be done soon. Sorry Iris, but endure it till our shift ends.

Night finally falls and we head over to the guild and file a report. Meanwhile, I hope some stores are still open for us to dine in. I really don't want to us to eat tavern food.

Greetings to you Guild

Securing the streets has been rather uneventful, excluding the occasional rough housing of local tavern fights that is. Nonetheless, boring is good as peace is in the boundaries of boring.

At service to you, Lancer Reival and Lady Iris
"Run off to get your food." AIEO throws the money at him.
Points: 150 exp
Money: 15 G


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Quest Report - Not Yet Appraised
Hanging from the Gallows [SR0803]
  • Sponsor: (Variable)
  • Location: Spire Reef
  • Required Level: 8
  • Prerequisite: Freedom Fighters or Fragments of a Torn Map
  • Infiltrate the enemy's execution.
  • Rescue your companion from the gallows.
  • Fight your way to safety and escape together!
We’ve been tricked! It was a trap! Our best fighter...!
They’ve been captured! The enemy has them!
There was an announcement that they would be hanged.
We have… eight hours… before they execute them...!
  • Points: 265 EXP
  • Money: 30 G
  • Other: N/A
Report - Solet' Luna
"One of our Quartermasters got captured?" The Captain frowned as he spoke to his crews, revealing his domineering and unquestionable presence. Although he usually was a soft-spoken person, when he was furious, even the most rebellious pirates would shut up and let him walk over them.

"Cap'n, we can e'plain this!" One of the crews spoke up, before getting hit by a force that sent him back a few steps before kneeling on the floorboard, vomiting out boozes and blood.

"... The Spectre Plunderer..." The Captain looked at me, so I smiled at him. Although I did not think that they would strike this fast, it was still within my expectation that they would play some tricks in the end.

"Don't worry, Sir Borik. Let me handle this... The price would be— How about the First Mate title?" I asked him while smiling, revealing my mysterious vibe. The Second Mate was simply a title with almost nonexistence authority. If possible, I would like to become the First Mate, to prepare for the upcoming chaos, and for the higher likelihood of the succession of my plan.

"We'll talk rewards once you came back." The Captain wasn't so sure about my succession, and he didn't want to promise me anything yet. Understandable.

In the Spire Reef, a group of pirates started shouting and cheering, causing commotion to attract the attention of the other pirates.

"Look at this scum! Today, we, the Spectre Plunderer, will nail his gut up the high spike of Spire Reef! Let the scum Puppeteer knows that they are mere trash!" A public execution to provoke the dignity of the Captain... Classic move.

Time passed, and once seeing that no Misty puppeteer appeared to save him, the Quartermaster laughed crazily while the other pirates rained insults and spits on him. His neck was locked by a strongman as the other raised his axe up high. At this point, he had already closed his eyes.

A scream echoed the platform, however, it was not the Quartermaster's, but the strongmen's. The man dropped the axe as they jumped out from the platform, which was infested by many flesh-eating maggots.

"Come out, Slivery Witch." A feminine voice echoed as greenery overflowed from the ground and combatted against the swamp of worms.

A sound of footstep echoed as I appeared behind the Quartermaster, staring into the crowds of frightened pirates. The greenery began to freeze as they broke into millions of pieces. Two sorcery battled in an instant, determining the victory and the loss of respective side.

"Lady of Green, I'll pay you a visit later, if you're still alive by then." My voice slowly faded as the worms engulfed both me and the Quartermaster. Although I could not fight against the Lady of Green without going all-out, she also could not stop me from leaving either.

I could feel the gaze of the Lady of Green stared intently at me as I disappeared along with the sudden death of the worms and maggots. They were rooted in place by the weeds and plants overgrew from the ground.

It was not time yet for us to crash. The time would be very soon...
From the fact I received this report I can draw to a conclusion that you have escaped well done I guess but no one tried to stop you from rescuing the man from the gallows other than the Lady of Green what... No arrows no bolts fired... I can't believe that for a second... Oh they had already planned for his execution it seems from your follow up report glad I read that. - AIEO
Rewards: delayed for edits.
Points: 265 exp
Money: 30 G
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Quest Report - Not Yet Appraised

Report - Solet' Luna

"Captain, have you ever wondered about the top of the world?" The wind of the sea blew across me as the sound of the sailing ship roared at the waves, threatening them to submit. The smell of boozes lingered in the floorboard, as a result of the spilling of the drunk crews.

"The Seven Scourges? They were strong, and impossible to fight against. Although I had never seen them in person, their minion crews were still way better than mine." The Captain spoke as if he was reminiscing about the past. After all, which pirates never wanted to become strong and infamous?

"... Captain, what about your dream? Your greatest ambition?" I urged him to speak again after he finished his next bottle.

"You know me... If possible, I wished to go back and repay all the debt I owed. Either with blood or tears." His voice turned a little hoarse as he lowered his face, hiding the anger and frustration he had with both his weak self and his enemies.

"Then, Captain, what would you do if you have a chance to exact your ambition?" My voice resounded softly as the Captain paused for a moment before looking up to me.

"— What do you want, Miss Luna?" He frowned as his hand stopped reaching out for the boozes. Confusion emerged from his expression, and he tried to ask me out for my intention.

"Just asking to confirm something, Sir Borik..."

"... You already know my answer. Actually, the position of a Quartermaster is open, would you like that or still the First Mate?" Trying to change the topic, the Captain brought out the topic of my rewards.

"The First Mate is still my main objective. According to the tradition, I must defeat you to gain the title of the First Mate, right?" Silent remained after my speech. The atmosphere seemed to freeze as Sir Borik closed his eyes to think.

"Ah— True. However, it's a waste of time for you to be fighting me. I know for a fact that I could not do anything to you, so just take the title. It's your rewards after all." The Captain finally spoke up after a while. In the end, he still couldn't understand why I remained within his crew, even though I could easily go to join a stronger crew.

Well, all of this wouldn't matter in the end... All would fade, and the only thing survived would be me, and me alone...

"Captain, do you trust me? Whole-heartedly?" Before I went out, I asked him softly, facing my back at him.

"... I don't think that you would hurt me. After all, our path hadn't crossed..." The word 'yet' was left unsaid. Sir Borik wasn't willing to imagine the consequence...

In silent, I disappeared into my room, isolated from the outer world.
"Seems he was a bit to stressed and worried about his own situation to figure out that clearly this girl wanted something more from being his first mate? Anyway now let us write this letter up."
I guess you got first mate congratulations I wonder what your ambitions are around this. - AIEO
Points: 280 exp
other: First Mate
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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2020
FAILED Due Exceeding Time Limit
(Fantasy tale's #1) Find me a fairy!
Sponsor: Little Girl MarthaLocation: Scribel CityLevel: N/A
  • Find Some fairy's in the Biome Forest.
  • Take evidence of their existence.
  • Tell Martha about the fairies you saw.
  • (Optional) Deceive the little girl.
You see, My grandma always tell me stories!

Heroes, Dragons, princess, Witch's, & Even Demon lords!

But, what I like the most! Are the fairies!! Grandma says, that they are ruled by the Great Fairy Queen! The Strongest Fairy in the whole world!!

They are cute, small & brings luck! Grandma said to me!

Soooo please!!! Find me a Fairy & tell Martha! Also please don't hurt them!!
Exp: 35Money: 20Other: a basket of pretty flowers

BigGreen's Quest Report

I wake up and notice the rising sun. "Looks like it's time wake up Gobo" I yawned. I poke Gobo with my Light Whip, until he wakes up.

"Gobo time to get breakfast!

"Breakfast? Food?" Gobo mumbled

"Yes yes. Let's go get breakfast Gobo"

Gobo grab our supplies for the day and we head towards the Tavern Hall. Gobo and I sat in our usual seats, up on the bar counter. We greet Pierre and ask for today's breakfast for Gobo and a glass of water for me. While we wait for our food to arrive , we make small talk with Pierre about the Slime Horde and other news. Our food finally arrives and Gobo and I start eating. After a bit, with both of our stomach's satisfied, we say our goodbye's to Pierre and head off towards the Adventurer's Guild Hall.

We enter the Adventurer's Guild hall and line up towards Hejlikka counter. As we were in line, Gobo and I were talking about which quest to choose for today. I've already talked to Gobo about how we should start collecting ingredients and not go straight to potion-making, even though we now had permission to use the Alchemist Facilities. We finally just thought of grabbing Healing Herb quest again, to collect some herbs for the Guild and grab some for ourselves as well. We finally get in front of Hejlikka's counter , say hello and ask to buy 20 small empty herb bags for 10g. She comes back with our empty herb bags and we also tell her we will be grabbing the Healing Herb quest.

"Hmm... I thought you two would be potion-making today, since you have access to the facilities now" she questioned

"(Yes we do, but I think we should stock-pile some ingredients before Gobo and I start our potion making sessions)"

"(So we thought we would just take a quest and collect our ingredients at the same time)"

"Oh is it that...Umm.." she murmered


"I was wondering if you would talk another quest then. It is also in the vicinity of the herbs you are going to pick" Hejlikka asked.

"(What is the quest asking for?)"

"Here take a look" she says, as she hand me a guild quest paper.
(Fantasy tale's #1) Find me a fairy!
Sponsor: Little Girl MarthaLocation: Scribel CityLevel: N/A
  • Find Some fairy's in the Biome Forest.
  • Take evidence of their existence.
  • Tell Martha about the fairies you saw.
  • (Optional) Deceive the little girl.
You see, My grandma always tell me stories!

Heroes, Dragons, princess, Witch's, & Even Demon lords!

But, what I like the most! Are the fairies!! Grandma says, that they are ruled by the Great Fairy Queen! The Strongest Fairy in the whole world!!

They are cute, small & brings luck! Grandma said to me!

Soooo please!!! Find me a Fairy & tell Martha! Also please don't hurt them!!
Exp: 35Money: 20Other: a basket of pretty flowers
"(Hmm... it is near where Gobo and I usually grab our herbs from, but finding Fairies?)"

"(Where would I even go about finding a fairy?)"

"Well from what little info I know, is that fairies usually are attracted to Mana and so your best chance is to find a place that has large amount of Mana." she explains.

"(.....Well I guess it won't hurt to look I guess)"

"Great! Let me mark on the map where little Martha lives at" she smiled as she marked on the map where Martha lived at.

Gobo and I accept the Finding Fairies quest. Hejlikka thanks us for accepting the quest and before we could leave, she also gives us a last little bit of info.

"You should try also to look in the Southern Forest. A couple of new Mana Glowstone veins were founded , let me also mark it on your map." she tells and marks my map.

"(Thank you for the help again Hejlikka, Gobo and I will try to find the fairies for the Martha)"

We exited the Adventurer's Guild and set off towards Martha to tell her we accepted the quest.

Gobo and I eventually see little Martha's house and see a little girl playing outside of the house, who I presume is Martha. As she looks up and looks at Gobo, I can see a look of surprise and dread. She runs back, as we stand a little ways from the house and we hear a clattering of things in the house. I prepare my things....... A man eventually comes out of the house wielding a gardening hoe facing towards us.

"(Hello, My name is BigGreen and this is my Pet monster Gobo. We are from the Adventurer's Guild here to inform Martha, who I presume is your daughter, that we have accepted her quest. Here is my Adventurer Guild Badge and the Quest report)"

The man takes a look at my badge and the report and finally breathes a sigh of relief.

"Please come inside the house, but could your Goblin friend stay outside please"

"(Okay that is fine, but please, Gobo is a good goblin and I hope you can see that in future as well)"

Gobo stay's a little bit away from the house,while I use Light to carry myself inside the house. As I entered I saw the little girl hiding behind her father back, sometimes stealing glances towards me.

"(Hello little girl, my name is BigGreen. I am here to report that I have accepted your quest)"

I couldn't help but chuckle, how i didn't know if the little girl was more interested of the bright light of my Light Words or if how I've accepted her quest.

*Little gasp* "Your going to find me fairies :blob_aww:" she muttered

"(Yes, at very least try too)"

"Yes, I get to meet a fairy!" she shouted

"Did you know that fairies are all beautiful and graceful!"

"(No I did no..)"

"DID you know that fairies are all kind and can use magic!!"


"DID you know that the Fairy queen is the most beautiful and powerful and amazing and perfect and..."

"Okay, okay honey I think Mr.BigGreen gets it" he laughed

"(I will try my best and try to find a fairy for you Martha)"

"Thank you Mr.BigGreen" she smiled

"(You should also thank my friend Gobo. My goblin friend outside)"

"Okay...." as she looked down

So I exited from their house and while I went to go get Gobo, Martha said her thanks to Gobo and we head off towards the Northern Forest.
As Gobo walked towards our usual herb collecting area, I had too think of way to find a fairy. The only thing I could think to try was try to attract one using my Light magic and if they didn't work, Gobo and I we head towards the South Forest later. We eventually arrive at our herb collecting area and start forging for Twin Flowers and a few Tri-Flowers. While Gobo and I collect the herbs, I cast Light and create little balls of light all around the surrounding area. It was quite a beautiful scene, it would probably better at night though. Me and Gobo continued with our foraging until we thought we had enough.

"Okay Gobo that should be enough for now. Don't harvest all of them now okay"

"Okay Gobo no more take" he agreed

Just as we were about to head out we heard a little *thump* next to a nearby tree and then a small but loud "HEY! Whats the big idea here. With all these floating lights around!" someone shouted

Gobo and I looked around to find the little noise, until we heard the little voice again.

"It was you wasn't it!. You hurt Deedee's nose didn't you" she said as she rubbed her nose

Me and Gobo were just silently look at the fairy, still lost in thought that we actually found a fairy.

" don't ignore Deedee! she says, as she forms a ball a water and throws it at us.

I form a Light Barrier around Gobo and I and the ball of water hits and splashes on the barrier.

"Your both big meanies" she pouted

I cancel my Light Barrier and Light Orbs illuminating the area.

"(I'm sorry you got hurt due to my magic. I was just trying to get one of your kind's attention a little bit)"

She stares at me for a bit before asking "Why don't you just talk normally?"

I look at her confusingly and try to talk "Hello?"

"See now your talking" she smiles

"I'm sorry, your one of the first people I'm able to talk too normally, other then my pet's like Gobo."

"Also I forgot to introduce ourselves. I am BigGreen and this is my pet Gobo"

"Why is your name BigGreen?" she asks.

I was quite off-guard when she questioned me about my name. "I... well because my founder named me it"

"Your name should be LittleGreen because your so little!" she laughed.

"You...You... I'm not LittleGreen, I'm BigGreen"

"LittleGreen LittleGreen LittleGreen" she kept on saying over and over.

"Well at least I'm small for now and I'm going to grow big later. Your just as small as me right now and your going to stay that way"

She abruptly her taunting and said *Hmph* "You really are big meanie, now you owe me 2 favors!"

"What did I owe you a favor?"

"You hurt my nose remember! And now you made fun of me, now it's 2!" she smirked

*Sigh* "Okay, but at least in return can you do me a favor"

"Hmmm... What does Deedee have to do?" she asked

"A little girl want's to meet a fairy that's all"

"Nope no meeting with humans. Big sister always tell me to stay away from the big human cities!" she told me

"Please the little girl really want's to meet one of you fairies and they live near the outskirts of the town, so no one else will see you"

"I'm not afraid of regular people, they won't even be able to see me anyways. Big sister tells me to stay away from the special people who can see us." Deedee explains.

"Please it will only be for a few minutes at most. What do I have to do too change your mind?"

She quickly responds "You can owe me another favor" her eyes shining

"I.. but... okay another favor it is then"

"Hehe Deedee gets to play around the city" she smirked

Looks like she was planning to play around the city someday anyways and it looks like I got suckered in giving her a favor.

"Well ok let's start with your first favor. What do you need me to do?"

"Hmmmmmm... well...." she said as she thought.

"oh OH!.... find Deedee a big pretty diamond!" she yelled

"I don't think were going to able to find any diamonds around here. Sorry."

"Oh well. Then how about you help me get this big Mana Glowstone Deedee found!" she asks.

"That we might be able to do"

Deedee leads us upriver and finally towards the spot she found the Mana Glowstone.

"Yes that one! Deedee is to small to get it, but may be your Goblin friend can get it!" she says

"Hehe. Just wait until my sisters see me with a big Mana Glowstone" she smirk

The Mana Glowstone was in a precarious spot, plopped right in deepest part of the river between to rocks.

Gobo looked at me and said "Gobo no can get"

I turned to Deedee "Gobo might get hurt if trying to get the Mana Glowstone, let me try with my Light Magic instead"

With my Light Whip I was able to touch the Mana Glowstone, but was unable to pull it all the way out successfully. However it was still coming out, even though bit by bit. 1 minute, 2 minutes, 10 minutes ,30 minutes and finally an hour passed. Deedee was laying under my leaves as shade while Gobo decided to go fishing again, until i started yelling.

"Okay! I think it's going to come out after this final pull!"

"Faster faster faster!" Deedee shouted.

With my final pull of my Light Whip I was finally able to get the Mana Glowstone out of the river. I held up the Mana Glowstone and noticed that It really was a beautiful Mana Glowstone.

"Kyahhh :blob_uwu: my Mana Glowstone is so pretty" Deedee shrieked, as she grabbed the Mana Glowstone.

"I think the Mana Glowstone might be a little to big for you to carry though"

*Hmph*"What do you mean. Of course I can carry it!" she said, as she fails trying to carry it

"Ok how about Gobo carries it for now?"

"Ok let your goblin carry it for now. Instead let me think of your 2nd favor you owe me" she exclaimed

As Deedee was thinking, she finally shouted "I've thought of the 2nd favor you can do for me! I will let you send the beautiful Deedee back home"

"And where is your home"

"That... that Deedee doesn't know the place specifically..." she murmered

"Do you remember what path you took today ?"

"Umm... Deedee was exploring all today for a big Mana Glowstone and didn't look where she was going..." she stuttered

"So all in all you are lost"

"Deedee is not lost! Merely just explored somewhere she has explored before" she explains

"Well do you know what your home looks like or what is nearby your home?"

"Yes Deedee's home is near a river just like this, but has lots of more Mana Glowstones. Lots lots and lots more!" she gushed

"Oh also we sometimes see the big lizard people as well!" she said

I started to piece together the clues that she gave me and I thought of a few places where her home would be near. Mostly the the Mana Glowstone veins in the Southern Forest.

"Okay I think I might know where your home might be at, but you have to come meet Martha the little girl first ok?"

"Hmm...okay Deedee will go play with the little girl first, then go home" she accepted

"Alright then, Gobo let's head back to Martha's house"

We eventually exit from the Northern Forest and Gobo walks back to Martha's house for Deedee and Martha's little meet-up. We spot little Martha's house and her playing outside in the yard. As she spot's Gobo and I, she starts running towards us.

"Mr.BigGreen did you find the fairy yet!" she yelled

I confusingly told her "(Hello Martha. We did find a fairy today)"

"Did she come with you two? Where is she!?" she smiled

Gobo points to me and my pot.

"What? But Mr.BigGreen isn't a fairy?" she questioned

As Deedee fly off the rim of my pot she giggles "Deedee's already told you that normal people can't see Deedee remember?"

"But Deedee has a way to show myself to normal people. Here" she explains as she blows some sort of magic dust in front of Martha's eyes.

Martha coughs a bit and rubs her eyes and when she opens her eye's again she breathes in and comments "A fairy...."

"Hello little one. My name is DeeDee. The most beautiful,elegant, and graceful of my sisters and also the smartest." she says

"Wowwww" Martha gasp as her eyes widen.

Gobo (And I, if I had hand) looked away and palm his head in disappointment.

"My LittleGreen friend here told me you wanted to see Deedee" she smiled

"Yes yes yes I did. My grandma would tell me stories about hero's and princesses, but I loved stories about pixies the most!" she told Deedee

"Yes Deedee is better then hero's and princesses, but Deedee has never left her home. How about you show me around your home Martha" she says

"Okay lets go, I have lots to show you!" she smiled.

"But Martha you have to promise me something. You have to promise me that you won't tell your mommy or daddy or anyone else that you met me. okay?" Deedee declared.

"But why can't I tell my mommy or daddy?" Martha asked

"Well... if you tell someone that you met me today. Deedee might disappear and you wouldn't want Deedee to disappaer right? she said

"No..No I wouldn't want a fairy to disappear!" Martha blurted

"Well here take my hand and promise me you won't tell anyone that you met Deedee today. Okay" she smiled

Martha took Deedee's tiny hand promises that she wouldn't speak about Deedee's visit. A bright light shines unto Martha's hand and creates a marking. Martha then took Deedee to visit around her farm and show her things in the house. Most importantly showed her the storybooks that her grandma showed her of pixies.

"Fairy bad?" Gobo grunted

"No...Well I don't think so Gobo"
As Martha exciting day comes to an end and she falls asleep. Her dad comes and talks to us one final time before we leave.

"Thank you for today. Even though you couldn't find any fairies you at least kept my daughter happy and that's all I could ask for" he smiled

We departed towards the Southern Forest, taking a detour around the town but Deedee wanted to go through the town. She eventually relented when we commented on how what her Sister might do if she found out about her going into a human town. As we were just about to the Southern Forest I asked Deedee.

"That mark on Martha wasn't just a promise about not telling other about you right?"

Deedee gave a soft smile and chuckle " was a mark of forgotten. Martha will wake up not knowing about today's little adventure with a Fairy"

"But why though"

"Their are many, many reasons, but I guess the most important one is to protect me, Martha, and even you"
"The regular seal if I had put it on her would only be able to last 1 year, but after that year she would surely tell of our little meeting"
"And eventually her parent's will tell other and those other will tell another and another. Until it gets revealed to someone it should be revealed too"
"That person will eventually backtrack all the way till he finds Little Martha and make her tell her my whereabouts, Your Whereabouts"
"And that person will do everything in his powers to get me, my sisters."
"Just why do you think Pixies are the way we are today?"

"Then why even go through the troubles of today. Meeting with Martha?" I asked

Deedee sighed "I truly wished to feel what it felt like when pixies could go out, fly freely among the other creatures and not care if other's wanted to trap me. Just today I wished to have a friend, who also wanted to meet me, a Pixie and today was that day. It was amazing."

"I'm sure things will change in the future. Just as how other are little afraid of Gobo, I will change how others look at him"

Deedee looked up into the orange sun stained clouds"Hopefully BigGreen... Hopefully"

We walked silently into the Southern Forest and too the first Mana Glowstone area. I casted my Light Orbs around the area, to if I could attract another fairy, like Deedee. Luckily after a while we all hear a little *thump* and a voice alike Deedee.

"OW, what is this dumb light doing here!"

"Ah! CeeCee!" Deedee fly up and hugged the fairy rubbing it's nose

"Deedee where have you been! Big sister has been telling us to look for you all over, for the whole day!" CeeCee explained

"Uhhh Deedee was out exploring, but Deedee found such a pretty Mana Glowstone.Goblin show her!" Deedee asked

Gobo took out her Mana Glowstone and showed Ceecee

"Wow that is a pretty Mana Glowstone where did you fi...." Ceecee said, but before she finished another voice came in.

"THAT IS A PRETTY MANA GLOWSTONE. Now where did Little Dee go to find it today. It surely wasn't near home since I've had all the sister's looking for her" said the bigger fairy angrily

"Uhh... Big sister ZeeZee... Deedee found it near home Deedee really did. Deedee probably just accidentally missed the sister searching for me. hehe" she chuckled cautiously.

"Ohhhhhhh is that so. So I guess you wouldn't mind if I take it right." she says as she grabs the Mana Glowstone out of Gobo's hand

"WuhWuh :blob_teary: Big sister ZeeZee don't do this it took Deedee so long to get it" she cried

"YeeYee TeeTee, bring back Deedee back home and lock her up in her room until I get back" she said

Two fairies appear almost out of thin air and grab Deedee by each arm and drag her back home.

"Wait wait Big Sister ZeeZee my Mana Glowstone, MY MANA GLOWSTONE" Deedee yelled.

I could see the bigger fairy ZeeZee rub her temple with her fingers.

"And you little plant and Goblin.... Thank you for all you have done to help my little sister, but I must not let you two go. Please Forgive Me" she says as she glares at us with menacing eyes.

She readies her Magic, but before she could initiate we hear a loud "Big Sister ZeeZee WAIT!"

Deedee appears next to Zeezee stopping her from casting

"Deedee you of all people should know that we can't let other's know of us" Zeezee says glaring at Deedee

"I know but BigGreen is different he knows about our markings!" Deedee explains

Zeezee quite shocked "Little plant how do you know of the markings?"

"I truly do not know myself. I only recognize bits and pieces of when Deedee used one of the markings."
The only thing I have used the markings for, is it incorporated into my pets, such as Gobo"
"Gobo show them your marking"

Gobo show's them the marking on his back.

"Different...but similar at the same time. How?" Zeezee commented

"See sister BigGreen is good!" Deedee smiled

It looks like the quarrel we had, had turned into quite a light fest as many more fairies were coming to see what the commotion was about. You could hear the little whisper and talking about what should happened to Gobo and I, getting louder and louder. Zeezee still in thought of what to do to us until she finally spoke.

"EVERYONE QUIET" Zeezee spoke

The place suddenly as it was loud, was silent.

"I will let you go!" she said

"YES!" Deedee yelled

"UNDER one condition. Swear upon a Mark of Death that you will do everything in your power to not cause danger or harm, to our fairy way of life, until your own end of life.

"No sister, this is cruel beyond usual!" Deedee gasped

"What is the Mark of Death"

"If you ever go against the promise of your Mark of Death, you will experience my painful death one imaginable. You yourself will wish to tear yourself apart, wishing for your own death. As you hear you own screams of your flesh decaying and rotting. You soul will be ever devoured by the reaper forever to part from all worlds.
"That. That is the Mark of Death"
"Now will you accept it Little Green One"

I stare at Zeezee and try to make thought of what I just learned... and it seems my only way of leaving here alive with Gobo will be taking this Mark.

"Can't we just use the Mark of Forgotten instead on me?"

"HA! to use such a weak mark on person like you. You would eventually notice and de-spell the mark yourself in time. No Only the Death Mark is suitable!" she remarks

"NOW AGAIN. Do you Accept!" she yells

"I..I accept the mark"

"Good choice Little Green One" Zeezee says as she grabs one of my stems.

She starts speaks chants differently language until a slightly ghostly white appears out of the void. I try focused on the white specter as it furiously starts to circle me and Zeezee, until I suddenly hear Zeezee speak.

"Do you accept"she says

"I accept"

Just as I accepted the ghostly specter jumps into me and I lose control of body. I couldn't feel where i was, see what was in front of me, and couldn't even feel the connection between me and Gobo. I felt as though I was nothing. Just existing.
I awoke.

I saw Gobo's crying face.

I moved my mouth and asked "Gobo what happened"

"Master's body gone" Gobo stuttered

"What do you mean I.." I try to say as I try lift my arm.

"What happened to me" I mummbled, as start looking at myself.

"With every great mark come's with it great power" Zeezee mutters as she herself is barely standing.

"It seems the power of the mark was to great for your body, so destroying your old one and in turn granting you this one" Zeezee explains.

"Wait what do you mea..." I try to speak as I faint.

"Sisters teleport our dear sleeping friend and his Goblin to our home to rest"Zeezee said.

*Next morning*

I wake up to the loud noises of giggles. I try to look at what it was, but a voice calls out to me.

"Looks like your finally awake from yesterday's little incident" Zeezee smiled

Looks like they got me sitting up on a tree to sleep. I start to look at my new body.

"Looks like yesterday wasn't a dream..."

"Far from it. Later try to get used to your new body okay" Zeezee commented before leaving tending to here sisters needs.

While I was still immersed in my new body, I then thought about Gobo.

"Gobo, where is Gobo!?"

"Gobo here Master!" he shouted

*Sigh* Okay good it looks like Gobo is fine. However... the real problem is now what to do about my situation. I don't know if I should go back to the city or try to stay away from it. If I decided to go back to the city, their will be serious question on how I acquired this body and I can't just say "Yes I found the pixies and I got this body from making a death promise with them". I tell Gobo to hand me my Guild Badge, he hand it to me. I look at it intently on what to do, as a voice talks to me.

"Umm here is you or.. um your pot BigGreen" Ceecee says.

I look at my old home.... It's still in one piece. Dr.Fern did say that my pot was quite indestructible, seems like he was correct.

Dr.Fern just what do I do now...
Today's Inventory
+ 20 Small empty Herb bags

+10x Small bag of Tri Flowers
+15x Small bag of Twin flowers

I do attend to write more stories about my character, but would would it be allowed to write my stories of how I get back into the Adventurer's Guild on the "Tavern" thread. I dunno any thoughts? :sweating_profusely: :sweating_profusely: :sweating_profusely:

Also on another. Please @ me if you think I should change any part of the story because it might cause problems in conjunction with others and their characters story. :sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely:


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
Unattended graveyard
Sponsor: GuildLocation: Scribel CityLevel: None
  • Find out the damage that has been done to the cemetery
  • Find out if any remains have been stolen
  • Find out if any buildings have been damaged recently by animated corpses
  • (Bonus) Help bury the dead that have been left unburied after yesterday.
Recently a certain rank 7 adventurer went to the cemetery for a quest
When they reported to the guild it turned out that they had cleared
The cemetery out of all it's guards and than had lost concentration
We need reports on the damage to the cemetery and the city stat.
Otherwise we can't punish the perpetrator properly~
Exp: variableMoney: variable

This quest will last for a week real time as of this edit. Multiple people can complete it!
@GDLiZy and @Vanus must be tagged on each report~
Let the games commence
@GDLiZy It seems that no one has reported on the status of the graveyard and it's surroundings so there doesn't seem to have been any damage done to it from your lapse in attention so no further punishments will be taken against you for now. - AIEO


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
I want to see the beauty of the Scribel City region!
Sponsor: Lord Eugene RosenthalLocation: Scribel City and outskirtsLevel: N/ARank: N/A
  • Only do 1 painting per quest.
  • Enter Scribel City and its outskirts
    • Paint a portrait of the Adventurer Guild Master
  • Deliver the paintings intact.
Lately, I've been wanting to see how the city and its outskirts look from different perspectives.
As a patron of the arts, I wish to see the beauty of the city and the nearby region in all its glory!
Of course, I'm not going to be stingy with the rewards, I'll even provide the art materials!
Exp: 100Money: 35G
Alias wanted to know more about this mysterious Guild Master. From the rumours he's heard, the Guild Master is a very lazy and but overworked being, often dumping his paperwork on fellow guild workers or sometimes adventurers. There were even some saying that the Guild Master has eyes all around the city, but was too lazy to do anything about it.

As he was pondering about a reason to stalk shadow the Guild Master, he noticed a quest.

Painting a picture of the Guild Master. Seems like a good enough excuse.
Finding and Painting the Guild Master was not an easy task. Due to the Guild Master's nature of randomly popping up from random places like out of the floorboard or from a loose ceiling tile, it was very hard to track him. To track him down Alias needed to go to the most likely places he'd be.The places where office work gets done came to mind as they were all places where the Guild Master could easily pawn his work onto others.

Alias decided to loiter around one of those areas, with permission of course. After an hour, there was no sign of the Guild Master. I tried another office, but I couldn't find him. Alias tried the tavern, but I couldn't find him there either. He began to lose hope. However; there was something I could do. A last ditch effort to draw out the Guild Master.

"Hey @GM if you let me shadow you, I'll do all your paperwork for a month.", Alias yelled.
"No take backs.", a voice quickly responded.
Emerging from a nearby sewer grate was a boy with extremely short with a pair of cute curly horns and long ears.
"We've got work to do.", the Guild Master said as he pulled Alias by the hand and dragged him.

It seems that the rumours were true about the Guild Master. He was constantly working, travelling all around Scribel: solving disputes, negotiating with the merchant's guild, and reading all the quest reports. Just from the travelling alone, Alias was deadbeat tired. He was sitting in the corner of an office, and watching the GM happily distribute his workload onto the workers. Suddenly, he remembered the quest. He quickly got out a canvas, some painting tools, and was ready to paint the Guild Master, but he disappeared.

"Painting's going to cost extra. 2 months of paperwork should do.", whispered the Guild Master who suddenly appeared behind Alias.

"AIYA.", Alias screamed.

"Okay I get it, 2 months. Since I'm now painting you, can you get in a pose?"

"Nope", the Guild Master quickly responded.

Eventually, Alias finished the painting even-though the Guild Master kept moving locations. It wasn't that accurate since he had to use bits of his memory and imagination to create the pose, but it turned out nicely.

He had covered the painting with a blanket, and carried it to Lord Eugene Rosenthal's House. It was in the wealthier district of Scribel. His house was covered in expensive decorations, there was even a water fountain in his house's front garden. He rapped the door, and was greeted by a man in an expensive suit.

A Butler.

"Hello, how may I be of service to you.", the man asked.

"I'm here to deliver this painting for the quest.", Alias responded.

"Ah yes, Lord Eugene's request. Master's a bit busy right now, so please come in and have a seat."

"Oh. Thank you."

Alias was lead through a number of hallways, decorated with various paintings, and trinkets. They all looked very expensive. Eventually he was lead to the living room, and took a seat on a nearby leather couch.

"Can I get you some tea while you wait?", the man asked.

"No thank you."

"Alright. I'll go tell master that you're here."

"Thank you."

Alias was uncomfortable with most of this formal speak, but he'd have to get used to it sooner or later. After-all a private investigator was more likely to get hired by the upper class.

"Why hello there young man.", a loud voice boomed.

A blonde haired man came walking in followed by the butler from before, and sat on the couch opposite to Alias.

"I am Lord Eugene of the Rosenthal house, and you are?"

"I am Alias. An adventurer."

"Nice to meet you Alias, Bertram tells me you have a painting for me."

"Yes, I do. It's of the Guild Master."

"May I see it?", Eugene enthusiastically asked.

"Yes you may.", Alias said, as he took the cloth off of the painting.


"It looks good. Consider this request finished", Eugene commented.

"Thank you."

"Bertram, escort the young man out of here."

"If you will follow me sir."

I quickly left the house afterwards.

When I returned to the Adventurer's Guild to file my report, I was pushed into the offices and sat into a chair and desk.

The GM then appeared with a mountain of paperwork and promptly dropped it all on the table in front of me.

"Have Fun~", the GM said.
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