Adventurer's Guild [AGSA] Adventurer's Guild Sky Archipelago - OOC Room


Wearer of Dozen Facades
Aug 11, 2020
Hmmm... I think that, given how autonomous a lot of the areas of the empire are, probably each region has a different take on it.
I wouldn't mind having criminal slaves in the setting, but If I have to choose, I'd be against it.
I see.... Should there be a empire-wide law about slavery, or should that be in the hand of the governors of each region?

In my opinion, having criminal slaves is reasonable. Maybe that will be reserve for moderate crime that dont warrant death penalties....

Also @Bochi , does ya cult do sacrifices? I may not be able to join the quest, but I can use some of that in my own story if there is some sacrifices involve as a way to introduce my cast......which is long overdue....


A lazy cat pretending to be human
Aug 26, 2020
I see.... Should there be a empire-wide law about slavery, or should that be in the hand of the governors of each region?

In my opinion, having criminal slaves is reasonable. Maybe that will be reserve for moderate crime that dont warrant death penalties....

Also @Bochi , does ya cult do sacrifices? I may not be able to join the quest, but I can used some of that in my own stories if there is some sacrifices involve as a way to introduce my cast......which is long overdue....
Nah, for criminal sl*ves you could have them do stuff like work in a government run paper mill, but privately owned criminal slaves could cause some problems, especially female ones *stares at kamui*


Onee-san Smut Enjoyer
Mar 14, 2021
Nah, for criminal sl*ves you could have them do stuff like work in a government run paper mill, but privately owned criminal slaves could cause some problems, especially female ones *stares at kamui*
What? I feel really insulted that you would think that from me! :blob_catflip: :blob_catflip: :blob_catflip: *Walks away with slave harem behind me*


Wearer of Dozen Facades
Aug 11, 2020
Nah, for criminal sl*ves you could have them do stuff like work in a government run paper mill, but privately owned criminal slaves could cause some problems, especially female ones *stares at kamui*
So, a state sponsor work camp, got it!
Yea, I was think along those like, with criminal, depended on their experity can work in laborious task like farm or ship building in instead of longer sentences


Onee-san Smut Enjoyer
Mar 14, 2021
So, a state sponsor work camp, got it!
Yea, I was think along those like, with criminal, depended on their experity can work in laborious task like farm or ship building in instead of longer sentences
We don't call it that. We call them either "Totally Voluntary Work Camps" or "Gulags." You can choose the one you like the most. :blobthumbsup:


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Nice! But how can I do that, if I may ask?
I dunno! It's up to you! I don't really think the "Adventurer's Guild" as a concept belongs to anyone in particular, so if you want to adapt it into something else or start something similar, it would be entirely up to you!
My god.... The stamina!

This is why I dont read/watch harem anymore. I feel like most of the time, the MC is being pull by the plot instead of developing his own character.

Side question, what is ya collective opinions on slavery for SA? Should it be a thing?
Should it be legal? Illegal and highly enforced? Illegal but no one bat an eye?
If it is legal, what kind of salves should exist? Like, the usual? Or just debt slave and criminal slave? Is there any right for slave? How most people view slavery on SA?
All of the above! :blob_evil: I do like the idea that some islands have different interpretations on the subject.

I'm actually not quite sure if there are any "empire-wide" laws on SA, given that in my headcanon the Queen herself doesn't legislate. To use the United States as a comparison, for my headcanon SA has almost no federal government. Each state has their own things and they try to bully/pressure each other into passing various laws, but ultimately each island decides their own laws.
@ohko how do you feel about Yew starting to beat up gawrgaru with a cane for keeping ume as a slave
I would be okay with it if you want to be mean to Gawrgaru! :blob_evil:

My main request would be to please not release Ume. My current plan is to keep her with him for a while.

The other thing to keep in mind that Gawrgaru isn't framed as an antagonist in my story. If you're too mean to him, your character might end up described as a bully. :blob_evil: