Would it offend you if i write a novel featuring hitler in it?


Deleted member 54065

Nope. It's fiction, and anyone who understands it's fiction can tolerate. And I'm not even a Neo-Nazi.

@Anon2023 have you watched 'Der Untergang'? It depicts Hitler's final days in sympathetic light.
Hitler most likely had an untreated case of syphilis, which at the later stages basically drives you insane as it turns your brain into Swiss cheese.

To be honest, before the syphilis, by all accounts he was. He actually originally didn't want to kill all the jews, mostly because he believed he had Jewish blood in him.in the later years, he was obsessed with being clean because he was afraid that people could smell it on him.

Originally, if the British hadn't closed off the suez canal, the plan was to just deport all the jews to Madagascar.

There us reasonto believe he didn't even believe his own BS, given by how many jews he had working for him. He was, before WW1, a rather kind hearted man with love and protective Ness of children. One might argue everything he did was to protect German children and give them a brighter future than what the treaty at the end of ww1 allowed.

He is the very definition of the road to hell is paved with good intentions. With his deteriorating mind and increasingly desperate circumstances, he was surrounded by people who's power depended on Hitler being in control. So no matter how nutty he got, he was never being removed from power.

No one would tell him no, while they all robbed their own country blind. The nazis are everything wrong with socialism combined with nationalism. Socialism seeks to enslave everyone save the elite.

National socialism seeks to enslave every other country to make one country prosper. In fact, one could argue the USSR had turned from being globalist socialists into national socialists, but I feel that it is only a surface similarity.
I've read several theories on the part of his 'final solution', which was one of the topics of the Wansee Conference.

One of its participants (I forgot his name) claimed that Hitler never intended to kill Jews, only to have them deported. However, the more militant members of the Nazi movement gave new 'interpretation' to the Fuhrer's directive, which eventually led to the tragedy of the Holocaust.
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Jan 9, 2019
The tragedy of nietzsche



Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
The tragedy of nietzsche
There is no tragedy, Nietzche was an Anti-Christian Anti-semite, different from the more common Christian anti-semitism of the late 1800s

Book is The-Siege by Conor O’brein. Read pages 56 to 64 if you feel like taking it out of the library, those explain Nietzsche’s contribution to the rise of Nazism
Jan 9, 2019
There is no tragedy, Nietzche was an Anti-Christian Anti-semite, different from the more common Christian anti-semitism of the late 1800s
View attachment 18224
Book is The-Siege by Conor O’brein
Iirc it was later revealed that his sister edited and re-interpreted his manuscripts after his death. His sister was anti semitic.



Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
Iirc it was later revealed that his sister edited and re-interpreted his manuscripts after his death. His sister was anti semitic.

Okay but The Antichrist was published 5 years before he died, there are still plenty of first editions of it. Two anti-semites don’t make a right


Funny Guy :)
Jun 2, 2020
I don't get the hatred towards Jews. In fact, I don't get the hatred towards any race.
Historically, most anti-Semitism is because of the Jews own actions. A lot of people don't know, but their holy book called the Talmud basically says that Jews are God's chosen people and superior to everyone else. They are allowed to do a lot of horrible things to non-Jews.


Fuel Atomization Enjoyer
Jan 27, 2022
Iirc it was later revealed that his sister edited and re-interpreted his manuscripts after his death. His sister was anti semitic.

“Holub criticizes earlier scholars like Karl Schlecta and Walter Kaufmann, who claimed that Nietzsche’s reputation as an anti-semite was due to the editorial meddling of his proto-Nazi sister Elizabeth. There is little doubt she did selectively edit her brother’s writings for publication, but Holub argues that “her motivation in doctoring the correspondence was primarily personal, not ideological; simply stated, she falsified letters to make it appear that she was as close to her brother in the 1880s, as she was during the previous decade” (20). And when Elizabeth excluded passages from her editions of Nietzsche’s books, “almost all of the passages…excluded…could plausibly have served, in her mind at least, to damage Nietzsche’s reputation because they contain direct assaults on Jesus and the Christian religion, or on the Prussian monarchy” (26). Holub is persuasive in his exoneration of Elizabeth: Baeumler and the Nazis did far more damage to Nietzsche’s reputation than she.” By Brian Letter
Jan 9, 2019
“Holub criticizes earlier scholars like Karl Schlecta and Walter Kaufmann, who claimed that Nietzsche’s reputation as an anti-semite was due to the editorial meddling of his proto-Nazi sister Elizabeth. There is little doubt she did selectively edit her brother’s writings for publication, but Holub argues that “her motivation in doctoring the correspondence was primarily personal, not ideological; simply stated, she falsified letters to make it appear that she was as close to her brother in the 1880s, as she was during the previous decade” (20). And when Elizabeth excluded passages from her editions of Nietzsche’s books, “almost all of the passages…excluded…could plausibly have served, in her mind at least, to damage Nietzsche’s reputation because they contain direct assaults on Jesus and the Christian religion, or on the Prussian monarchy” (26). Holub is persuasive in his exoneration of Elizabeth: Baeumler and the Nazis did far more damage to Nietzsche’s reputation than she.” By Brian Letter
View attachment 18226
Sorry I am confused. Are you saying nietzsche was a nazi or is he not a nazi?
Nietzsche’s reputation because they contain direct assaults on Jesus and the Christian religion, or on the Prussian monarchy”
Tho I'd say.

Because my reading of the anitchrist was one against the human reliance in religion for fullfilment, and the problems with religion, granted it been ages since I read it.

But for me it was not really anti-semitic. but was against religion. All religion.

I mean I could be wrong.

So I would call it a tragedy, because if someone wrote a concept and another took the wrong lesson and in turn I am made an icon of something I was not in support of. Is that not kind of sad?

I mean you @CarburetorThompson can read antichrist and unironicly say that it's about anti-semitism and Anti-Christian. And thus think that it ok for nazi to co-op that philosophy, and for him to be remembered as such.

On the other hand i think it's sad.

There is not much more else to say.


Reminds me of Schrödinger :sweat_smile:
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????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
I much rather people use the ignore function than leave the forum forever.

So far there are double digits worth of users, 20? 30? That I know of that just left the forum because of 1 or 2 louder more active people being... "true to their nature"

Which is sad.
I wonder if I’m on ignore.
@Hans.Trondheim i have not seen the movie.

I’m not at all sympathetic to Hitler in any way, I was just thinking about all the offended reactions which are entertaining while I sit on the sidelines.

Honestly, I see Hitler the same as I see Stalin, Mousolini, Justin Trudeau and Ghengis Kahn, they’re all authoritarians who don’t care for anyone but themselves.
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ゞ(シㅇ3ㅇ)っ•♥•Speak fishy, read BL.•♥•
May 29, 2019
It already exists. It's called "Mein Kampf" and you can already tell by the author that the narrator is quite unreliable.