Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018

And this is the last one for the pile, from... Miss Eustania? I hope she stopped worrying the cooks by now...
Quest report: Not appraised yet

My cat, Karyl, recently has been restless, and she's just getting fat, chilling at home and eating.
Sorry, you're not fat! I swear!

Anyhow, I saw this quest about giant rat subjugation, and thought this is a perfect opportunity for Karyl to get some exercise and work for once. And all they want is the giant rat tails, and they never specified how they want us to dispose of the corpses, so 20 giant rat corpses should be enough to feed both of us for a while.

We descended to the sewers, with Karyl clinging tightly to me. Luckily, it seemed that she could sense them so she guided me toward where the rats were hiding. Unfortunately, the rats sensed me before I could get close enough to slice them up, and began running. I chased after them, but they are rather fast. Why does my dinner always run away from me....

To close the gap (and make Karyl work), I plucked her off me and threw her at the giant rats. She howled and hissed as she sped at the rats. My aim was good and she landed right on one of them. Instead of clawing and biting the rat to death though, she just gave me a nasty glare and gave me a look as if asking me what to do. Well, the extra weight from the fat Karyl clinging onto the rat, I mean, completely normal weighted Karyl, slowed down the giant rat enough for me to run up and decapitate it though.

While cleaning up the corpse, I told Karyl, "Come on, you used to be good at killing monsters, blasting them off with your magic, casting shadowbolt or whatever it was. Just do the same here... Oh wait, you don't have a grimoire with you huh."
Karyl gave me that look and mimed grabbing something with her paws.
"Oh right, you wouldn't be able to hold one as you are either... Well, now you're a cat so just do what cats do and claw and bite them to death! They're rats. They're your natural prey!"
Karyl rolled her eyes at me.

The second time I threw her, she tried to bite the giant rat, and immediately started spitting out the blood and giving me a dirty look. Guess she doesn't like the taste of giant rat blood.

For the other 18 times, she just acted as a paperweight, and occasionally clawed a few of the rats. So much for making her exercise. Oh well, at least her weight is useful here. Maybe it's fine if she becomes nice and chubby?

After cleaning and gutting the giant rats, I made sure I collected the tails in a bag, burned the excess corpses, and took the rest of the meat with me. I wonder which one of the new cooking appliances at the guild kitchen should I try to use? Hopefully Rordon Gamsey could give me tips. I just need to wear a disguise, and he'll never recognize me, right?

Now I wonder if they sell any spellbooks that a cat can use....

Anyhow, attached are the 20 giant rat tails.
"Great work, miss Eustania. I'm glad to see you were able to clear the task without causing much issue.

"... I'm not sure if mister Rordon will look fondly upon you bringing dead rats to his kitchen though, so I would suggest cooking them with your own appliances, in a place away from the city if possible.

"Nonetheless, you did a good job, please keep it up like that.

"May the gods help you learn more about common sense."

Final Reward:
Money: 10G

OOC: Remember to tag your report as appraised in some way~


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report - EVALUATED
Let's Go... West!
: Scribel City Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Explore West of Scribel City
  • Update: Traveling west seems to be mostly farmland. And existing road leads to Asteria Village (source)
  • EXP: 100
  • Money: 30
Also referencing: (1) (2)

Quest Report: Okarin

A few days after that unpleasant hunting experience, Okarin decided to take another trip away from the city. They didn't seem to be getting along with the humans, and the fox lady in the tavern didn't seem to like slimes very much. Okarin wondered if there was any place in this world where slimes might be accepted for who they were?

In either case, Okarin started walking west — following the road.

+ + +​

For three days, Okarin walked west to the Village of Asteria. They did not enter the village limits because Okarin was getting increasingly distrustful of humans. To some extent, they were afraid to find out what what the locals thought about slimes. Since Okarin was carrying Green Slime with them, they didn't want to risk putting the oversized herb slime at danger.

Instead, Okarin continued to sleep outside under the stars and beneath the open rain.

It rained on the fifth day, and the roads were extremely muddy. Okarin was drenched, but they continued to walk on the lonely road.

+ + +​

On the seventh day, Okarin followed the west road to a huge set of Crossroads.

It was remarkable because it was like a ball of spaghetti. There were at least 7 - 11 different roads that intersected at the same place in the middle of nowhere, and they squiggled nonsensically as if somebody had taken a bunch of string and knotted it all together. Okarin struggled to figure out which way to go, but the roads were poorly marked.

There was a single tavern on the side of the road. It had a sign that said: "Crossroads Tavern".

Cautious, Okarin walked in through the front entrance.

Today, the lobby was deserted. It was slightly spooky. There was a receptionist at the front counter.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"I'd like to ask for directions, if that's okay?" Okarin asked.

"Are you buying anything?"

"Well... to be honest, I don't have any money."

There was a slight twitch in the receptionist's eyebrow. The receptionist slowly walked out from behind the desk and put a hand on Okarin's shoulders. She smiled warmly at Okarin.

Suddenly, there was a powerful shove and Okarin was sent flying out of the tavern! The door slammed shut, and Okarin ended up as a lump on the road. The receptionist was deceptively strong!

...Well, that didn't seem to work.

+ + +​

Ultimately, Okarin picked a random direction and chose to walk that way. Out of the many paths, Okarin choose the southwest road.

Another week passed on the road, and eventually the terrain became hilly and rocky. There were very few trees, and most of the terrain was shrubs and hardy plants. The soil was crumbly and poor. It was harder to find nice patches of grass the further Okarin traveled, which gave them a little hesitation. Was it possible for anyone to live here?

Apparently, these were the foothills. Further to the west, Okarin could see a black mountain range to the distance.

+ + +​

Out of nowhere, an arrow zipped past in front of Okarin's face.

A small band of warriors decorated in war paint jumped out from behind a boulder.

"It's a human! Get her!" One of the warriors hissed.

"No wait! She's carrying a slime! She might not be from the Empire."

"She could be a spy!"

"We can't risk any spies! If a single one gets through, the rebellion is in danger!"

Okarin slowly raised their hands up above their head.

There was a band of warriors — at least twelve — surrounding them. They had a line of archers further back behind the rock. All of the warriors were wearing masks, so it was difficult fo Okarin to identify their appearances. Evidently, they were extremely jumpy and wary about her presence.

"Identify yourself, human!" One of the warriors barked.

Okarin attempted to tread carefully with their speech.

"I'm Okarin," they said. "I'm a traveler. I come from the East. From Scribel City."

A few whispers arose among the crowd. Although they tried to be discreet, Okarin had sensitive hearing.

("I've never heard of Scribel City. Where is that?")

("I think the girl is lying. A spy always claims that they're just a traveler.")

("Why would a human girl want to come here? All alone? It's suspicious however you look at it.")

One of the warriors with a deeper voice barked another question:

"What's up with the slime?" He sounded wary and on guard.

Okarin answered honestly to the best of their ability.

"It's my friend. It's very friendly. It won't hurt anyone."

As if to prove Okarin's point, Green Slime wiggled in Okarin's arm like a large blob of jello. It was kind of like a cat.

However, Okarin's assailants seemed unimpressed.

"Tie the girl up! We're taking her back to camp! I want three guards on her at all times! We're not taking any chances!"

+ + +​

Okarin spent the next few days as the captive of this rebel (?) group.

It was a somewhat pleasant surprise, but they treated them rather politely. They placed Okarin inside a tent and Green Slime in a separate tent, but there were no cages or shackles. They fed Okarin food and gave them water when Okarin asked, and overall there wasn't any mistreatment. Okarin was worried that wouldn't feed Green Slime properly, but the guards were surprisingly competent at getting the herb slime fresh grass to munch on all day.

The only frustrating point was that they refused to answer Okarin's questions. They also always wore their masks in Okarin's presence.

Dying of curiosity, Okarin debated transforming into a different form simply to escape and get a look around for themself. However, Okarin did not know this territory that well, and they weren't confident they could run very far in an unfamiliar land. Beside, the Masked Rebels (?) did not seem to be overtly bad people. Even from inside the tent, Okarin could hear children laughing outside and playing.

+ + +​

More time passed, and the Masked Rebels eventually started sending someone in to interrogate Okarin.

All they did was ask questions. They gave Okarin some nice tea and cookies. Where was Scribel City? Who ruled Scribel City? Who sent Okarin here? What kind of army does Scribel City have? Was Scribel City planning on attacking them?

Okarin didn't know the answer to many of these questions. However, Okarin attempted to answer the questions to the best of their ability.

Okarin wasn't sure if they were satisfied with Okarin's answers.

Nonetheless, Okarin tried to ask as many questions back. The Masked Rebels were evasive, but Okarin slowly assembled the following pieces of information over many days and weeks:

A. These foothills are the last homeland of the Halfwing Federation.
The Halfwing Federation is a collection of small villages and tribes who have been exiled to the foothills of the Black Mountains. Many kinds of non-human species and halflings are part of the Halfwing Federation, including half-trolls, tengu, beastkin, werewolves, hobogoblins, and more. In the past, there were many of their kind who lived all across the continent, but many human kingdoms led crusades to "purify" their lands of other species. Eventually, the halflings were forced into a small territory with poor soil and harsh conditions.

B. The other side of the Black Mountains is the territory of the Holy Human Empire.
The mountain range to the west is called the Black Mountains. On the opposite side, the powerful Holy Human Empire controls a vast territory where beastkin and other non-human species are terribly mistreated. The Holy Human Empire is very aggressive and frequently looking to expand. There is a pass through the Black Mountains that connects the Halfwing Federation with the Holy Human Empire.

C. The invasion forces from the Holy Human Empire are occupying the Halfwing Federation.
Several months ago, the Holy Human Empire sent a massive army through the pass and crushed the forces of the Halfwing Federation. They captured the village of the Head Chieftan and swiftly ended the "war". Currently, the Holy Human Empire occupies many of the villages with their knights. Many of the resistance fighters went underground and formed a Rebellion to regain control of their country.

D. Okarin is being held in a hidden rebel camp.
The rebels are careful to make sure that Okarin is not allowed outside, so Okarin can not ascertain the location of this camp. The rebels wear masks to hide their identities because many of them still have family members who are captives of the humans, and they don't want their family members to suffer retribution in case they are identified.

+ + +​

After two (?) three (?) weeks of being held in the Halfwing Rebel Camp, they apparently decided that Okarin was not a threat.

They agreed to release Okarin, but only if Okarin agreed to be accompanied by an escort straight back to Scribel City.

In the end, Okarin agreed, and they made the two week journey back to Scribel City. Okarin was accompanied with a member of Halfwing Rebels — a leprechaun named Sica. The leprechaun wishes to tour Scribel City with her eyes, as many of the Halfwings have never heard of a new frontier city in the East. If the things that she sees pleases her, she may seek audience with the Adventurer's Guild and the Scribel City Council.

  • Okarin traveled west for 3 days to Asteria Village.
  • Okarin continued traveling was for another 4 days to reach the Crossroads, which has a Tavern.
  • Okarin traveled for one week on the southwestern road.
  • Okarin entered this hilly area with poor soil. Black Mountains were visible in the distance.
  • Okarin was captured by locals. Apparently this is land controlled by the Halfwing Federation, which is a collection of halfing and non-human villages who live in the hills. They are not friendly to humans. The Holy Human Empire is on the opposite side of the western mountain range, which can be reached through a mountain pass.
  • The Holy Human Empire is currently invading the Halfwing Federations, and their army is occupying many of their villages. The halflings are trying to fight back with guerrilla covert warfare.
  • The Halfwings released Okarin, but sent them back with a leprechaun escort named Sica.
  • Sica wishes to tour Scribel City.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
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That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
> > >
Night Watch
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.
  • Do not leave your post.
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed.We need people to help keep the city safe. Rewards:
  • Points: 30 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Report for Quest: Night Watch
: Adventurer's Guild

Name: Randell Stephenson
Method of completion: I recently realized that I need to stop trying to speed ahead in things. I have not suited for many of the jobs that I take, but I take them anyways. So, I decided to take a quest that should give me a lot of future options in regards to more suitable quests for myself.
I reported to the guard station this afternoon for an explanation as to what my work for the evening would entail. I was told it would not be difficult, merely that I needed to keep an eye out and warn others if things looked wrong. One key thing was that I was to not leave my post.
I accepted this, and returned that evening for my shift.
For the entirety of the night, things were peaceful. There were a few times where I believed I saw something, but I believe that it may have been a trick of the light. I stayed by my post the entire time.
Appraised and Approved by: Adsall
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Report for Quest: Night Watch
: Adventurer's Guild

Name: Randell Stephenson
Method of completion: I recently realized that I need to stop trying to speed ahead in things. I have not suited for many of the jobs that I take, but I take them anyways. So, I decided to take a quest that should give me a lot of future options in regards to more suitable quests for myself.
I reported to the guard station this afternoon for an explanation as to what my work for the evening would entail. I was told it would not be difficult, merely that I needed to keep an eye out and warn others if things looked wrong. One key thing was that I was to not leave my post.
I accepted this, and returned that evening for my shift.
For the entirety of the night, things were peaceful. There were a few times where I believed I saw something, but I believe that it may have been a trick of the light. I stayed by my post the entire time.

Well done.
  • Points: 30 EXP
  • Money: 10 G


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Quest Report - verified

Waking up as soon as the sun had set, Liana got dressed and washed her face - noting how her skin looked particularly more healthy-looking than it had a few days ago. She pondered over the 'meals' she'd had recently and attributed her body brimming full of vitality to that - licking her lips subconsciously as she recalled the exceptionally sweet flavour of the female elf she'd sipped a little on that morning. Coming back to her senses, she lightly ran her fingers through her hair to make it look neat again before leaving her room and locking the door.

Heading down the stairs towards the tavern bar area, she handed the rent money for that day before deciding to leave the area before she was overcome by the multitude of delicious smells of 'food' mixed in with sweat, urine, disgusting cooked food and alcohol. Exiting the tavern, Liana thought about what she should do for the night and smiled when she remembered how fun working in the customer service department was. She also recalled how Hejlikka had been relegated to the night shift and smiled wryly at the thought of possibly meeting the eccentric elf.

Reaching a decision, she made her way to the guild and told the staff she wished to help work in the Customer Service Department again. Getting a signed note from the receptionist, Liana headed to the CSD section and looked for the supervisor to inform them of her task. After a few minutes of looking, she eventually found a male elf coming out of the back office rooms with an arm wrapped around a woman's waist - whispering something in her ear with a smile on his familiar face. Seeing the woman blushing before nodding in affirmation to whatever the male elf had said, he released her from his arm and tapped her rear cheek before noticing Liana and smiling gently.

Walking up to her, he saw the note in her hand and smiled even more deeply before saying, "And who might your beautiful self be, my sweet~?" His eyes greedily looked up and down her body.

Smiling gently back, Liana responded, "I'm Liana. I came to do the customer service task." She held out the signed note to the male elf, "The task is still available, right?" She showed a look of worry as her gold eyes gazed at the man in front of her.

"Liana, huh? Such a pretty name for such a pretty thing. I'm Julrik, the man in charge of most of the people here, at your service my sweet~" He grabbed her hand and bowed, expertly kissing the back of it before releasing his grip.

"AH! Julrik! Get your hands off her! Stop flirting and get working!!!"

Hejlikka stormed towards them and made sure to stand in-between Liana and Julrik. Seeing the two together, Liana raised her brows as she noticed the resemblance between the two of them, although Hejlikka appeared to seem quite a few years older than him.

"Your brother, Miss Hejlikka?" She tilted her head as she noticed more and more resemblances between the two.

Hearing the question, Hejlikka smiled wryly before answering, "Yes...this is Julrik, my younger brother, and also our boss..."

Julrik smiled delightedly at that, "So you've heard of me, my sweet Liana~? I'm so happy~ Why don't we get to know each other more intimately over-- KUH!" He suddenly bent over as he rubbed his freshly jabbed ribs with a grimace.

"Pay him no mind. He's not even supposed to be working right now." Hejlikka guided Liana to an empty booth in the CSD before continuing, "Since you've already done this job before, I'll let you get straight to work. Also, I hope you'll be willing to leave together again..." A light blush crept onto her cheeks but was masked by the shadows made by the torches and candles in the room to notice.

"Sure!" Liana smiled gently back at the female elf.

Pushing her glasses up, Hejlikka happily smiled before her face turned grim and stern as she went up to her brother and dragged him away by his pointy ear, complaining about how unprofessional he was in the workplace and couldn't understand how he ended up getting promoted faster than her.
Customer Service Department
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Prerequisite Quest: Office Work
  • Report to duty at the guild offices.
  • Resolve at least 5 complaints.
  • Do not upset the customers.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Every workplace has them — the infamous "difficult customer".
In the Customer Service Department, we get the toughest of the tough.
These are the clients that nobody else wants to deal with.
How will you deal with them? Can you handle a rowdy adventurer?
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
Getting a customer a few minutes after sitting down, Liana got into full swing with doing customer service work. Saying that, after the first customer not many other people came to the department for a long time. Since that was the case, she listened in on the conversations her colleagues were having while being idle from lack of customers. One pair talked about how boring the night shift was due to it usually being really slow since most people were already sleeping or had gone drinking. Another pair - two men - discussed how cute some of the receptionists were, with them even starting to rate them on sexiness or cuteness: Nene was given a 78/100 due to how cute her fox ears looked and how diligent she was in trying to help people; another receptionist called Konaha was rated 63/100 on account of how efficiently she evaluated reports but had a no nonsense style to her comments; some Imelda Carson - the half elf mentioned while working last night - was also mentioned, with her receiving an amazing 91/100 due to her having a large chest, provocative clothing and coquettish behaviour whenever they interacted with her; they even gave Hejlikka a rating...23/100...mostly because she was too strict and harsh with them but also because they found her an annoying busybody with no charming qualities except her nice looks. Those men made sure to whisper that last rating while casting fearful glances at the door in case the female elf came through.

As she was listening, she soon heard another group even move closer to one another and talked about how worrying the war in Gelderholm was. One of them mentioned how their cousin went to help but had gotten bitten by a snake and was in critical condition. Another person in the group talked about a strong adventurer called Felicia who was making great gains there - helping the locals fight against the hydra's subordinates and helping them gain a firmer foothold in the area.

After a while, several customers came and were dealt with by Liana without incident. It seemed that she was picked out due to her not talking with the other colleagues - instead sitting quietly at her booth with a gentle smile on her face. Once the end of the shift approached, Liana managed to deal with 13 customers: 3 were invalid complaints, 9 were valid ones to which she compensated them with appropriate measures, and 1 was a scammer trying to cheat the system with stolen goods from another adventurer - that one was dealt with by the guards due to the customer pulling out a dagger and jumping onto Liana's desk in anger from being discovered, which shocked a lot of the other workers who had been busy chatting away.

As the last customer left, Hejlikka came in and noticed the other workers slacking. She shouted at them for not doing what they were paid to do - threatening to reduce their salary for a poor work mentality - before she reached Liana and briefly smiled. "You've worked hard. Sorry that you had to pick up the slack from these incompetent fools." She glared at the two men who'd been sat rating the female workers all night, causing them to straighten their backs and turn stiff out of fear. She then turned to look at Liana and softened her gaze, "Dawn will be in a few minutes, your shift is over now."

"Okay." Liana smiled gently as she stretched out her sore muscles from sitting for so long with not much to do for the past several hours. Getting up from her seat, she went to the receptionist desk, wrote up her report and handed it in for evaluation.

"You ready?" Liana asked.

"Yes!" Hejlikka replied, happy to finally go home with her companion after working all night.

[OOC: Money before - 400G, Money after - 390G]

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Jan 9, 2019

> > >

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >
Amoured and helmed no longer, Zorion entered the guild with the sound of leather rubbing against leather. His face clean shaven and neet with a tinge of red from the kitchen's heat, He approached the receptionist 's counter. Although the man is more or less the same, without his plate-mail he had lost a certain amount of knightliness, and not in his blacksmith garb covered in soot, he was no longer a man out place looking to make something in the wrong place. He was something else.

Dear Guild staff,

Attached is a receipt from the kitchen denoting my completion of forty rations in created in a effecient and timely manner, there were no extra incidents not any out of ordinary events. I remain.

In your care
Zorion Orti
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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Office Work
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a

I followed the man's instructions as I started unstacking the boxes that had piled up and started working as fast as possible. This goes here and that goes there, while this goes here and that goes here, this goes before that while that goes after that. I started copying come records mindlessly not really paying attention to their content, my job was to copy them legibly after all, though I gradually came to know how much some stuff costs from copying invoices.

I finished this time though it took 2 entire hours, It's time to build a foundation of some amount of wealth for myself before I can tour around with senior sister nene in the future. I don't want to be seen as being too poor after all.

"Thanks for the hard work" It seems the man slacked off while I was working and waved me off as he wrote a tiny evaluation note for me to bring to a receptionist.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018

I followed the man's instructions as I started unstacking the boxes that had piled up and started working as fast as possible. This goes here and that goes there, while this goes here and that goes here, this goes before that while that goes after that. I started copying come records mindlessly not really paying attention to their content, my job was to copy them legibly after all, though I gradually came to know how much some stuff costs from copying invoices.

I finished this time though it took 2 entire hours, It's time to build a foundation of some amount of wealth for myself before I can tour around with senior sister nene in the future. I don't want to be seen as being too poor after all.

"Thanks for the hard work" It seems the man slacked off while I was working and waved me off as he wrote a tiny evaluation note for me to bring to a receptionist.
... I don't think that 2 hours is a day through. Guess I'll have to deduct some of your rewards. Next time, please pay attention to the quest's objective!

Rewards 25 EXP, 5 G


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018

> > >

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >
Amoured and helmed no longer, Zorion entered the guild with the sound of leather rubbing against leather. His face clean shaven and neet with a tinge of red from the kitchen's heat, He approached the receptionist 's counter. Although the man is more or less the same, without his plate-mail he had lost a certain amount of knightliness, and not in his blacksmith garb covered in soot, he was no longer a man out place looking to make something in the wrong place. He was something else.

Dear Guild staff,

Attached is a receipt from the kitchen denoting my completion of forty rations in created in a effecient and timely manner, there were no extra incidents not any out of ordinary events. I remain.

In your care
Zorion Orti
... Are you really a knight? I mean, I haven't seen you go out on an adventure to slay any monsters before. Anyway, good job!

Rewards: 40 EXP, 10 G, Permission to use guild kitchens


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens

I followed the chef lady again and started following a relatively simple recipe, all you needed to do was to put this into that then use a rag to absorb the moisture then put it into the fire oven making sure to keep the temperature at a relatively high but not too high temperature.

This was pretty easy-going work, you just have to be careful not to burn the soup stock cubes when they are done, adventurers will use these to make soup in the future so I was extra careful. When I was done with making the soup cubes, 40 portions, I was allowed to leave so I hurried to take the next quest.

Before that though I inspected each and every soup cube, Though I was not expert enough to see if each cube was good enough I was happy to be eating something different from pemmican and water, thinking about how the smell as I boiled it down a few hours ago made me salivate a bit but I kept my composure as I rushed to give the note to the receptionist - 1 more quest today at least, maybe 2!


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report

Waking up as soon as the sun had set, Liana got dressed and washed her face - noting how her skin looked particularly more healthy-looking than it had a few days ago. She pondered over the 'meals' she'd had recently and attributed her body brimming full of vitality to that - licking her lips subconsciously as she recalled the exceptionally sweet flavour of the female elf she'd sipped a little on that morning. Coming back to her senses, she lightly ran her fingers through her hair to make it look neat again before leaving her room and locking the door.

Heading down the stairs towards the tavern bar area, she handed the rent money for that day before deciding to leave the area before she was overcome by the multitude of delicious smells of 'food' mixed in with sweat, urine, disgusting cooked food and alcohol. Exiting the tavern, Liana thought about what she should do for the night and smiled when she remembered how fun working in the customer service department was. She also recalled how Hejlikka had been relegated to the night shift and smiled wryly at the thought of possibly meeting the eccentric elf.

Reaching a decision, she made her way to the guild and told the staff she wished to help work in the Customer Service Department again. Getting a signed note from the receptionist, Liana headed to the CSD section and looked for the supervisor to inform them of her task. After a few minutes of looking, she eventually found a male elf coming out of the back office rooms with an arm wrapped around a woman's waist - whispering something in her ear with a smile on his familiar face. Seeing the woman blushing before nodding in affirmation to whatever the male elf had said, he released her from his arm and tapped her rear cheek before noticing Liana and smiling gently.

Walking up to her, he saw the note in her hand and smiled even more deeply before saying, "And who might your beautiful self be, my sweet~?" His eyes greedily looked up and down her body.

Smiling gently back, Liana responded, "I'm Liana. I came to do the customer service task." She held out the signed note to the male elf, "The task is still available, right?" She showed a look of worry as her gold eyes gazed at the man in front of her.

"Liana, huh? Such a pretty name for such a pretty thing. I'm Julrik, the man in charge of most of the people here, at your service my sweet~" He grabbed her hand and bowed, expertly kissing the back of it before releasing his grip.

"AH! Julrik! Get your hands off her! Stop flirting and get working!!!"

Hejlikka stormed towards them and made sure to stand in-between Liana and Julrik. Seeing the two together, Liana raised her brows as she noticed the resemblance between the two of them, although Hejlikka appeared to seem quite a few years older than him.

"Your brother, Miss Hejlikka?" She tilted her head as she noticed more and more resemblances between the two.

Hearing the question, Hejlikka smiled wryly before answering, "Yes...this is Julrik, my younger brother, and also our boss..."

Julrik smiled delightedly at that, "So you've heard of me, my sweet Liana~? I'm so happy~ Why don't we get to know each other more intimately over-- KUH!" He suddenly bent over as he rubbed his freshly jabbed ribs with a grimace.

"Pay him no mind. He's not even supposed to be working right now." Hejlikka guided Liana to an empty booth in the CSD before continuing, "Since you've already done this job before, I'll let you get straight to work. Also, I hope you'll be willing to leave together again..." A light blush crept onto her cheeks but was masked by the shadows made by the torches and candles in the room to notice.

"Sure!" Liana smiled gently back at the female elf.

Pushing her glasses up, Hejlikka happily smiled before her face turned grim and stern as she went up to her brother and dragged him away by his pointy ear, complaining about how unprofessional he was in the workplace and couldn't understand how he ended up getting promoted faster than her.

Getting a customer a few minutes after sitting down, Liana got into full swing with doing customer service work. Saying that, after the first customer not many other people came to the department for a long time. Since that was the case, she listened in on the conversations her colleagues were having while being idle from lack of customers. One pair talked about how boring the night shift was due to it usually being really slow since most people were already sleeping or had gone drinking. Another pair - two men - discussed how cute some of the receptionists were, with them even starting to rate them on sexiness or cuteness: Nene was given a 78/100 due to how cute her fox ears looked and how diligent she was in trying to help people; another receptionist called Konaha was rated 63/100 on account of how efficiently she evaluated reports but had a no nonsense style to her comments; some Imelda Carson - the half elf mentioned while working last night - was also mentioned, with her receiving an amazing 91/100 due to her having a large chest, provocative clothing and coquettish behaviour whenever they interacted with her; they even gave Hejlikka a rating...23/100...mostly because she was too strict and harsh with them but also because they found her an annoying busybody with no charming qualities except her nice looks. Those men made sure to whisper that last rating while casting fearful glances at the door in case the female elf came through.

As she was listening, she soon heard another group even move closer to one another and talked about how worrying the war in Gelderholm was. One of them mentioned how their cousin went to help but had gotten bitten by a snake and was in critical condition. Another person in the group talked about a strong adventurer called Felicia who was making great gains there - helping the locals fight against the hydra's subordinates and helping them gain a firmer foothold in the area.

After a while, several customers came and were dealt with by Liana without incident. It seemed that she was picked out due to her not talking with the other colleagues - instead sitting quietly at her booth with a gentle smile on her face. Once the end of the shift approached, Liana managed to deal with 13 customers: 3 were invalid complaints, 9 were valid ones to which she compensated them with appropriate measures, and 1 was a scammer trying to cheat the system with stolen goods from another adventurer - that one was dealt with by the guards due to the customer pulling out a dagger and jumping onto Liana's desk in anger from being discovered, which shocked a lot of the other workers who had been busy chatting away.

As the last customer left, Hejlikka came in and noticed the other workers slacking. She shouted at them for not doing what they were paid to do - threatening to reduce their salary for a poor work mentality - before she reached Liana and briefly smiled. "You've worked hard. Sorry that you had to pick up the slack from these incompetent fools." She glared at the two men who'd been sat rating the female workers all night, causing them to straighten their backs and turn stiff out of fear. She then turned to look at Liana and softened her gaze, "Dawn will be in a few minutes, your shift is over now."

"Okay." Liana smiled gently as she stretched out her sore muscles from sitting for so long with not much to do for the past several hours. Getting up from her seat, she went to the receptionist desk, wrote up her report and handed it in for evaluation.

"You ready?" Liana asked.

"Yes!" Hejlikka replied, happy to finally go home with her companion after working all night.

[OOC: Money before - 400G, Money after - 390G]

Ah, Gelderholm... Guess I'll have to visit that place soon after all.

Rewards: 80 EXP, 10 G


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report - Unevaluated

Also referencing: (1) (2)

Quest Report: Okarin

A few days after that unpleasant hunting experience, Okarin decided to take another trip away from the city. They didn't seem to be getting along with the humans, and the fox lady in the tavern didn't seem to like slimes very much. Okarin wondered if there was any place in this world where slimes might be accepted for who they were?

In either case, Okarin started walking west — following the road.

+ + +​

For three days, Okarin walked west to the Village of Asteria. They did not enter the village limits because Okarin was getting increasingly distrustful of humans. To some extent, they were afraid to find out what what the locals thought about slimes. Since Okarin was carrying Green Slime with them, they didn't want to risk putting the oversized herb slime at danger.

Instead, Okarin continued to sleep outside under the stars and beneath the open rain.

It rained on the fifth day, and the roads were extremely muddy. Okarin was drenched, but they continued to walk on the lonely road.

+ + +​

On the seventh day, Okarin followed the west road to a huge set of Crossroads.

It was remarkable because it was like a ball of spaghetti. There were at least 7 - 11 different roads that intersected at the same place in the middle of nowhere, and they squiggled nonsensically as if somebody had taken a bunch of string and knotted it all together. Okarin struggled to figure out which way to go, but the roads were poorly marked.

There was a single tavern on the side of the road. It had a sign that said: "Crossroads Tavern".

Cautious, Okarin walked in through the front entrance.

Today, the lobby was deserted. It was slightly spooky. There was a receptionist at the front counter.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"I'd like to ask for directions, if that's okay?" Okarin asked.

"Are you buying anything?"

"Well... to be honest, I don't have any money."

There was a slight twitch in the receptionist's eyebrow. The receptionist slowly walked out from behind the desk and put a hand on Okarin's shoulders. She smiled warmly at Okarin.

Suddenly, there was a powerful shove and Okarin was sent flying out of the tavern! The door slammed shut, and Okarin ended up as a lump on the road. The receptionist was deceptively strong!

...Well, that didn't seem to work.

+ + +​

Ultimately, Okarin picked a random direction and chose to walk that way. Out of the many paths, Okarin choose the southwest road.

Another week passed on the road, and eventually the terrain became hilly and rocky. There were very few trees, and most of the terrain was shrubs and hardy plants. The soil was crumbly and poor. It was harder to find nice patches of grass the further Okarin traveled, which gave them a little hesitation. Was it possible for anyone to live here?

Apparently, these were the foothills. Further to the west, Okarin could see a black mountain range to the distance.

+ + +​

Out of nowhere, an arrow zipped past in front of Okarin's face.

A small band of warriors decorated in war paint jumped out from behind a boulder.

"It's a human! Get her!" One of the warriors hissed.

"No wait! She's carrying a slime! She might not be from the Empire."

"She could be a spy!"

"We can't risk any spies! If a single one gets through, the rebellion is in danger!"

Okarin slowly raised their hands up above their head.

There was a band of warriors — at least twelve — surrounding them. They had a line of archers further back behind the rock. All of the warriors were wearing masks, so it was difficult fo Okarin to identify their appearances. Evidently, they were extremely jumpy and wary about her presence.

"Identify yourself, human!" One of the warriors barked.

Okarin attempted to tread carefully with their speech.

"I'm Okarin," they said. "I'm a traveler. I come from the East. From Scribel City."

A few whispers arose among the crowd. Although they tried to be discreet, Okarin had sensitive hearing.

("I've never heard of Scribel City. Where is that?")

("I think the girl is lying. A spy always claims that they're just a traveler.")

("Why would a human girl want to come here? All alone? It's suspicious however you look at it.")

One of the warriors with a deeper voice barked another question:

"What's up with the slime?" He sounded wary and on guard.

Okarin answered honestly to the best of their ability.

"It's my friend. It's very friendly. It won't hurt anyone."

As if to prove Okarin's point, Green Slime wiggled in Okarin's arm like a large blob of jello. It was kind of like a cat.

However, Okarin's assailants seemed unimpressed.

"Tie the girl up! We're taking her back to camp! I want three guards on her at all times! We're not taking any chances!"

+ + +​

Okarin spent the next few days as the captive of this rebel (?) group.

It was a somewhat pleasant surprise, but they treated them rather politely. They placed Okarin inside a tent and Green Slime in a separate tent, but there were no cages or shackles. They fed Okarin food and gave them water when Okarin asked, and overall there wasn't any mistreatment. Okarin was worried that wouldn't feed Green Slime properly, but the guards were surprisingly competent at getting the herb slime fresh grass to munch on all day.

The only frustrating point was that they refused to answer Okarin's questions. They also always wore their masks in Okarin's presence.

Dying of curiosity, Okarin debated transforming into a different form simply to escape and get a look around for themself. However, Okarin did not know this territory that well, and they weren't confident they could run very far in an unfamiliar land. Beside, the Masked Rebels (?) did not seem to be overtly bad people. Even from inside the tent, Okarin could hear children laughing outside and playing.

+ + +​

More time passed, and the Masked Rebels eventually started sending someone in to interrogate Okarin.

All they did was ask questions. They gave Okarin some nice tea and cookies. Where was Scribel City? Who ruled Scribel City? Who sent Okarin here? What kind of army does Scribel City have? Was Scribel City planning on attacking them?

Okarin didn't know the answer to many of these questions. However, Okarin attempted to answer the questions to the best of their ability.

Okarin wasn't sure if they were satisfied with Okarin's answers.

Nonetheless, Okarin tried to ask as many questions back. The Masked Rebels were evasive, but Okarin slowly assembled the following pieces of information over many days and weeks:

A. These foothills are the last homeland of the Halfwing Federation.
The Halfwing Federation is a collection of small villages and tribes who have been exiled to the foothills of the Black Mountains. Many kinds of non-human species and halflings are part of the Halfwing Federation, including half-trolls, tengu, beastkin, werewolves, hobogoblins, and more. In the past, there were many of their kind who lived all across the continent, but many human kingdoms led crusades to "purify" their lands of other species. Eventually, the halflings were forced into a small territory with poor soil and harsh conditions.

B. The other side of the Black Mountains is the territory of the Holy Human Empire.
The mountain range to the west is called the Black Mountains. On the opposite side, the powerful Holy Human Empire controls a vast territory where beastkin and other non-human species are terribly mistreated. The Holy Human Empire is very aggressive and frequently looking to expand. There is a pass through the Black Mountains that connects the Halfwing Federation with the Holy Human Empire.

C. The invasion forces from the Holy Human Empire are occupying the Halfwing Federation.
Several months ago, the Holy Human Empire sent a massive army through the pass and crushed the forces of the Halfwing Federation. They captured the village of the Head Chieftan and swiftly ended the "war". Currently, the Holy Human Empire occupies many of the villages with their knights. Many of the resistance fighters went underground and formed a Rebellion to regain control of their country.

D. Okarin is being held in a hidden rebel camp.
The rebels are careful to make sure that Okarin is not allowed outside, so Okarin can not ascertain the location of this camp. The rebels wear masks to hide their identities because many of them still have family members who are captives of the humans, and they don't want their family members to suffer retribution in case they are identified.

+ + +​

After two (?) three (?) weeks of being held in the Halfwing Rebel Camp, they apparently decided that Okarin was not a threat.

They agreed to release Okarin, but only if Okarin agreed to be accompanied by an escort straight back to Scribel City.

In the end, Okarin agreed, and they made the two week journey back to Scribel City. Okarin was accompanied with a member of Halfwing Rebels — a leprechaun named Sica. The leprechaun wishes to tour Scribel City with her eyes, as many of the Halfwings have never heard of a new frontier city in the East. If the things that she sees pleases her, she may seek audience with the Adventurer's Guild and the Scribel City Council.

  • Okarin traveled west for 3 days to Asteria Village.
  • Okarin continued traveling was for another 4 days to reach the Crossroads, which has a Tavern.
  • Okarin traveled for one week on the southwestern road.
  • Okarin entered this hilly area with poor soil. Black Mountains were visible in the distance.
  • Okarin was captured by locals. Apparently this is land controlled by the Halfwing Federation, which is a collection of halfing and non-human villages who live in the hills. They are not friendly to humans. The Holy Human Empire is on the opposite side of the western mountain range, which can be reached through a mountain pass.
  • The Holy Human Empire is currently invading the Halfwing Federations, and their army is occupying many of their villages. The halflings are trying to fight back with guerrilla covert warfare.
  • The Halfwings released Okarin, but sent them back with a leprechaun escort named Sica.
  • Sica wishes to tour Scribel City.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
The Holy Human Empire— This sounded somewhat familiar to me. It is definitely worth noting. Good work, and nice job coming back alive from the rebel camp.

Rewards: 100 EXP, 30 G


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018

I followed the chef lady again and started following a relatively simple recipe, all you needed to do was to put this into that then use a rag to absorb the moisture then put it into the fire oven making sure to keep the temperature at a relatively high but not too high temperature.

This was pretty easy-going work, you just have to be careful not to burn the soup stock cubes when they are done, adventurers will use these to make soup in the future so I was extra careful. When I was done with making the soup cubes, 40 portions, I was allowed to leave so I hurried to take the next quest.

Before that though I inspected each and every soup cube, Though I was not expert enough to see if each cube was good enough I was happy to be eating something different from pemmican and water, thinking about how the smell as I boiled it down a few hours ago made me salivate a bit but I kept my composure as I rushed to give the note to the receptionist - 1 more quest today at least, maybe 2!
Doing a good job as usual. However, please don't push yourself too hard!

Rewards: 40 EXP, 10 G, 5 Rations, 2/3 Part for Permission to use guild kitchens


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
> > >
Dire Wolf Subjugation
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 4
  • Eliminate dire wolves.
  • Collect 3 dire wolf pelts.
Dire wolves are fearsome creatures known to attack humans.They are larger and more vicious than ordinary wolves.Hunt them to make the forest a safer place. Rewards:
  • Points: 180 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
I was in the middle of the night, chased by dire wolves. Three of them. It seems that these three are not in the same pack and didn’t attack me simultaneously.

I lured them to the area where the trees are less dense so I would detect surprise attack more easier. The first wolf jumped at me from behind. I enhanced my dagger with ‘Electrified’ and threw it. And that dagger pierces into the dire wolf in the rear. It wasn’t enough to fully immobilize the creature but it enough to my it flinched. I rushed before that wolf able to recover for pain. With my ‘Electrified’ activated, it allowed me to move faster and hit harder. I use my sword to finish him off with my sword trusting into the target’s neck.

Then two other dire wolves arrived. I stepped on the face of the dead wolf They become enraged as they see a human underestimated them and so they lunged at me from different angles. I thrust my sword forward to pierce to wolf from the front. The blade penetrated its body and left two holes on the body. Then remaining dire wolf bit my shoulder blade and pinned me down, I was able to tolerate the pain trembling on my left body. I placed my hand on its head and used ‘Lightning Surge’ at point-blank. I kicked the dead wolf aside and treated my wounds before gathering the pelts.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Missing Children
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Check the "Missing Persons" list at the guild.
  • Search for and locate a missing child.
  • If alive, rescue and reunite them with their family.
The streets of Scribel aren't always the safest place.
Children are known to go missing without notice.
What happened to them? Did they get lost? Abducted? Attacked by a monster?
The parents demand that a search party be formed.
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: 30 G
  • Other: n/a

As I headed out into the tavern as I heard a cry "My poor Ryan! He's such a weak innocent little boy! please you must look for him, He's been missing for an entire day now! What if he's been turned into a slave?! Eaten by monsters?! BOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO"

In front of a receptionist that was smiling politely a burly middle aged lady and some of her relatives were gathered around her. I was kind of amazed, you only needed 1 person to report to the guild right? why do they need to being all their family members their if those family members could be searching for the lost child in the first place?

I walked up to the lady and spoke "I'll look for your precious child, what does he look like?" The sobbing lady faced me and started speaking "SOB SOB SBO Ryan's about this high SOB SOB SOB and has red hair SOB SOB SOB has this and that, and a signature droopy nose!" The receptionist had already added the child to the missing child's list, now all I needed to do was search for the child.

"Last seen?" "Oh the boy SOB SOB was last seen playing near the guards at the gate SOB SOB I don't know where to find him!"

I nodded "I'll find your precious angle for you miss!" As if flattered the lady nodded, the cue for me to leave
Agh! Near the gate huh? I wonder where a child would go? as I searched around the gate I noticed the sounds of children playing and went to them. A couple boys and girls were playing tag and the boy who matched the description the lady gave me was right there. "Ahhhhh! it's the king of tag! quick, give him a tribute before he destroys us all! a boy yelled while laughing, a few of the kids gave the boy with a twig hat some fruits and snacks before Ryan accepted and deemed the tributes 'worthy'

"Ryan you need to go home, your mom keeps on crying to my mom and she's super loud!" One of the Ryan's best friends advised. "No! I dont want to go back, that crow monster that forces me to eat bad green things can croak on her own tears!" Seeing that Ryan was upset, the best friend resumed playing tag with him.

No on my watch though, as I walked forward I went near a guard and spoke "I don't think it's good for a lost child to be disobeying their parents, can somebody take care of them?" The guard seemed to know who the child and the child's mother is already before he spoke "It'll be night before I get off my shift, can you tell Ryan to go back for now? Tell him uncle Joe's got something fun planned on the weekend if he obeys his mother" I nodded and left to the child

"Hello? Ryan?" The children stopped playing as ryan looked at me in askance "Uncle Joe said that's he's going to be free on the weekend, something fun if you obey your mother." Ryan seemed hesitant but when uncle joe's name was mentioned he agreed.

While walking back to the guild I had the child lead the way, I had gotten lost a couple times before coming here after all, I had a normal sense of direction but I can't memorize everything in one go! As the boy relaxed and I relaxed my vigilance a random thug-like stereotype ran at ryan.

"What!? A mugger? kidnapper?! Ah lady help!" Panicking I held the boy's hand and started fleeing from the strange man, it took a while and I was out of breath but he had vanished when we looked back "Let's get back to guild quickly then." The kid was faster this time and we arrived at the guild before sun-down.


Oct 21, 2019
I was in the middle of the night, chased by dire wolves. Three of them. It seems that these three are not in the same pack and didn’t attack me simultaneously.

I lured them to the area where the trees are less dense so I would detect surprise attack more easier. The first wolf jumped at me from behind. I enhanced my dagger with ‘Electrified’ and threw it. And that dagger pierces into the dire wolf in the rear. It wasn’t enough to fully immobilize the creature but it enough to my it flinched. I rushed before that wolf able to recover for pain. With my ‘Electrified’ activated, it allowed me to move faster and hit harder. I use my sword to finish him off with my sword trusting into the target’s neck.

Then two other dire wolves arrived. I stepped on the face of the dead wolf They become enraged as they see a human underestimated them and so they lunged at me from different angles. I thrust my sword forward to pierce to wolf from the front. The blade penetrated its body and left two holes on the body. Then remaining dire wolf bit my shoulder blade and pinned me down, I was able to tolerate the pain trembling on my left body. I placed my hand on its head and used ‘Lightning Surge’ at point-blank. I kicked the dead wolf aside and treated my wounds before gathering the pelts.
Well done here's your reward.
  • Points: 180 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate it has been evaluated.


Oct 21, 2019

As I headed out into the tavern as I heard a cry "My poor Ryan! He's such a weak innocent little boy! please you must look for him, He's been missing for an entire day now! What if he's been turned into a slave?! Eaten by monsters?! BOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO"

In front of a receptionist that was smiling politely a burly middle aged lady and some of her relatives were gathered around her. I was kind of amazed, you only needed 1 person to report to the guild right? why do they need to being all their family members their if those family members could be searching for the lost child in the first place?

I walked up to the lady and spoke "I'll look for your precious child, what does he look like?" The sobbing lady faced me and started speaking "SOB SOB SBO Ryan's about this high SOB SOB SOB and has red hair SOB SOB SOB has this and that, and a signature droopy nose!" The receptionist had already added the child to the missing child's list, now all I needed to do was search for the child.

"Last seen?" "Oh the boy SOB SOB was last seen playing near the guards at the gate SOB SOB I don't know where to find him!"

I nodded "I'll find your precious angle for you miss!" As if flattered the lady nodded, the cue for me to leave
Agh! Near the gate huh? I wonder where a child would go? as I searched around the gate I noticed the sounds of children playing and went to them. A couple boys and girls were playing tag and the boy who matched the description the lady gave me was right there. "Ahhhhh! it's the king of tag! quick, give him a tribute before he destroys us all! a boy yelled while laughing, a few of the kids gave the boy with a twig hat some fruits and snacks before Ryan accepted and deemed the tributes 'worthy'

"Ryan you need to go home, your mom keeps on crying to my mom and she's super loud!" One of the Ryan's best friends advised. "No! I dont want to go back, that crow monster that forces me to eat bad green things can croak on her own tears!" Seeing that Ryan was upset, the best friend resumed playing tag with him.

No on my watch though, as I walked forward I went near a guard and spoke "I don't think it's good for a lost child to be disobeying their parents, can somebody take care of them?" The guard seemed to know who the child and the child's mother is already before he spoke "It'll be night before I get off my shift, can you tell Ryan to go back for now? Tell him uncle Joe's got something fun planned on the weekend if he obeys his mother" I nodded and left to the child

"Hello? Ryan?" The children stopped playing as ryan looked at me in askance "Uncle Joe said that's he's going to be free on the weekend, something fun if you obey your mother." Ryan seemed hesitant but when uncle joe's name was mentioned he agreed.

While walking back to the guild I had the child lead the way, I had gotten lost a couple times before coming here after all, I had a normal sense of direction but I can't memorize everything in one go! As the boy relaxed and I relaxed my vigilance a random thug-like stereotype ran at ryan.

"What!? A mugger? kidnapper?! Ah lady help!" Panicking I held the boy's hand and started fleeing from the strange man, it took a while and I was out of breath but he had vanished when we looked back "Let's get back to guild quickly then." The kid was faster this time and we arrived at the guild before sun-down.
Well done here's your reward.
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: 30 G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate it has been evaluated.


Oct 21, 2019

Quest Report - Anja

It was the break of dawn in the City of Scribel, and a blond-haired girl was already up and running.

What for? Her morning run. Ten laps around the city walls. She had started a few hours ago, and her shoulders were drenched with sweat. For some reason, it seemed more difficult than normal, and the girl was gasping for air. Her legs were on fire.

Why was she so out of shape? She hadn't felt like this in years — before she started training for the Olympics.

Perhaps it was something to do with the Gate? She felt weaker; sluggish. Angelina Noir was an ordinary human. She achieved unordinary things, but that was because trained hard. All of her life, she wanted to be a superhero. She didn't have superpowers, so she trained her fists punching trees until her arms were as stiff as lead. She was the best in her civilian sport — a world champion — but almost helpless when it came to real villains with real super powers that rivaled the actual heroes.

It frustrated Anja to feel so weak.

She felt weak now, and it was disgusting. Every athlete knows the sickening feeling when your body felt sluggish and out-of-shape.

The anger motivated Anja to push herself harder.

+ + +​

By the time Anja finished her physical routine, the sun was already a decent way across the morning sky. Running around the city ten times certainly wasn't a trivial task.

It had already been a few days since the girl first arrived in Scribel City, and she immediately proceeded to fit right in. She registered at the Adventurer's Guild immediately, but she was dissatisfied by the selection of quests that were offered. They seemed useless and trivial. Anja was impatient. The journey through the gate had made her weak, and she wanted her body to recover faster.

To do so, Anja knew she needed intensive training. As an Olympian back on Earth, she was used to training for 14 hours a day. She liked training for every single moment she was awake, and she would happily push herself until she died of dehydration if her manager didn't stop her. People called her dumb and muscle-brained, and Anja genuinely liked it.

However, here in this world, it wasn't possible to train 24/7. She needed money and food and water.

It was extremely frustrating that she couldn't spend all her time training, but Anja knew she couldn't always get things her way.

She strolled into the Guild Hall (without changing -- still drenched in sweat) and picked up a Quest Bulletin that seemed suitable.

+ + +​

—Lost cat, huh? I can do this.

It was also a good excuse to explore the city and finish her other errands. Anja pocketed the flyer and made her way over to Market Street. On the way, she stopped by the grocery and picked up three whole loaves of bread and a dozen eggs.

Yes... she ate a lot.

Well, she only ate four eggs, but it was still a lot. As for how? Well, she ate them raw while walking down the street. Anja trusted her stomach. A new world was bound to have a different microbiome than her own, and Anja's philosophy was that her immune system ought to be trained just like her muscles. The sooner that her body acclimated, the better.

Eventually, she made her way to the home address of "Mera", but it seemed like the girl wasn't home.

Regardless, Anja decided to proceed with the quest anyways.

+ + +​

Planning to make use of this situation, Anja chose to multitask.

And moving to a high-trafficked area of the neighborhood, Anja simply put her things down and started to do Tai-chi.

Why Tai-chi? Well, it cleared her mind, and Anja usually practiced it at least one hour a day. The "Internal" (内) disciplines of martial arts were far less violent than the "External" disciplines, but it had many valuable qualities that are beneficial for all kinds of people. Chen-style Taijiquan for instance was famous for its explosive use of power known as Faijin (發勁). Anja admired it for its total emphasis on the refinement of power, which is almost contrary to the technical-emphasis of many other Western martial arts schools.

Chinese Daoists once compared the art of Tai-chi to like moving water.

A single boxer who gave a straight punch did not move water. There was no real power with that kind of motion.

A fighter who is able to comprehend the flow of power like water is better able to work with it. In Japanese Akido, it was called using your opponent's weight against them. In physics, it was essentially the same thing as harmonic resonance. Waves. Water. Through resonance, even something as weak as a sound wave could shatter glass. The better you understood power, the more you realized that there was power in everything that surrounded you. Like gravity.

Anja closed her eyes and felt the flow of water.

And she breathed.

She exhaled.

Time passed.

+ + +​

There was nothing really that mystical about Anja's ability.

She didn't have any magic chakra, cultivation, or special energy of any kind. This absolutely wasn't a wuxia novel.

Periodically, she opened her eyes and scanned the plaza for anything that caught her attention. Anja had excellent focus, and she spotted many cats that wandered through this part of the neighbor. None, however, matched the description of Mera's cat.

So Anja continued with practicing Tai-chi.

+ + +​

It was actually close to evening before Anja finally noticed a new development.

A sliver of white fur.

She spotted it out of the corner of her eye, something small creeping into an alleyway, but it was the best she got.

Wordlessly, Anja lowered her arms and picked up the remaining carton of her eggs.

Immediately, she dashed across the street fast.

The cat must not have seen her coming, because Anja snatched it up immediately. It struggled in the blond-haired girls arms, but Anja had a firm grip. After a good luck, Anja was sure that she had the right one. The description matched.

Frankly, the girl was slightly surprised. Her luck was pretty good, wasn't it?

+ + +​

Later, Anja brought the cat home, and its owner was grateful.

Mera mentioned something about her cat running away every day — so it was nice to see it at least a few times a week.

They had a little bit of small talk, and Anja dropped a shameless question. Specifically, she asked if Mera knew of a place where she could sleep — perhaps slightly hidden from the main streets — since Anja didn't have enough money to pay for rent in the Inn. Anja ate a lot, she would prefer to sleep outdoors rather than go hungry.

The young girl was surprised by Anja's blunt question... especially since most adventurers weren't this shameless.

After some hesitation, Mera ended up offering Anja to sleep with her family goat in their backyard. She even offered an old blanket.

Anja was extremely grateful, and she promised to help out with finding Mera's cat more often in the future.
Well I suppose this answers my question of how often she loses her cat.
  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 10
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Investigate the Source of Slimes in the Sewers
: Scribel City Guild
Location: Scribel City Sewers
Required Level: 4
  • Read this quest report.
  • Confirm the presence of a "Slime Cavern" in the Sewers.
A recent quest report suggested that there may be massive cavern full of slimes in the Sewers. This could potentially be an explanation for the high number of slimes in Scribel City. Please confirm the veracity of this information.

  • EXP: 300
  • Money: 50G
Report - Solet' Luna
Slime Cavern is a place full of slimes... Let's see how my new deadly Decay Potions could flair against them then. Although it could do nothing to the Envoy, that thing is simply just too inhumane. I could not use it as a reference for my potions.

And so, I went into the sewer. This time, I tried controlling my Mana to form a whirlpool of wind around me, pushing the sewer air away from me while keeping my Mana consumption low. The result, it was somewhat exhausting but I took the opportunity to practice my endurance and Mana manipulation. After all, the ordinary slimes, to me, are just no factor at all.

Following the path from the report, I casually froze and collected some of the slimes and their cores. It was somewhat unlucky that I could not find any strange slimes or weird colour slimes. However, I encountered many corpses of Giant Rats and even some Dire Wolves. Maybe something within this sewer could intrigue me.

Standing in front of the gigantic ruin of a former sewer, I could spot a 'sea' of glowy green oozes. Of course, I found no trace of that giant slime. Maybe it was crushed by the collapse of the sewer last time, or just that it had already escaped into the outer world. Well, I didn't come here to fight it. I'm just here to test my potions.

Throwing the potion towards the sea of green, I used my ice dart to shatter the option and watched as the black liquid splashed onto the slimes. Like usual, they tried to devour it, but, instead of them devouring the liquid, their body slowly turned grey after absorbing the liquid, before their cores shivered and cracked open. Naturally, the slimes could not hold onto its own mass and collapse into a pile of acid substance.

However, some of them, through some unknown coincidences, died in a great explosion, scattering even more Decay Potion to the other parts of the sea. The result, the sea quickly reduced in size, but, as the quantity of the potion was not sufficient, they stabilized after a while. Well, it seemed that my expectation was met, and all is well again.

Collecting the shivered cores, I started to make my way out of the sewer and into the adventure guild.
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Jan 9, 2019
*Story Chain: An impossible future - (1) (2) (3)*

As Zorion reached out for the Goblin subjugation request, he saw another

Hmm... a potion with a random buff, huh? might be useful...

The Witch's 'Assistant' Part II (Once Per Person)
: Black Witch Shiori
Location: Scribel City Outskirts, Shiori's House
Required Level: 2
  • Drink one of Shiori's newest homebrews.
Description: Alright, so thanks to a couple of selfless assistants, Shiori has made a lot of improvements in terms of potion making! Yay! Then the other day Shiori looked out the window and thought: Hey, Shiori should explore the mental landscape as well. Therefore, Shiori has made some potions that'll temporarily send the drinker into what Shiori hopes will be your mind. Think of it as having a really really really intense drug trip but without the drugs. Anyway, all you have to do is drink up, explore, then tell Shiori what you saw while under it's effects! Cool, right?

  • Gold: 30 G
  • The Black Witch's Approval (Potion): Random buff! The Black Witch appreciates your assistance, even if she might not show it.

Zorion arrived at the black witch's house, mute as he was, he said nay a word and handed over the docket with quest description over. Amused, the witch reciprocated with the silence as well, and simply pointed to a chair and table, there waiting was a single potion

The potion was in geometric diamond shaped bottle and its contents seem to be a liquid, obsidian in colour and boiling without heat. The smell... it smelled cabbages...

In one swoop Zorion quaffed the potion. unlike the smell it tasted of strawberries. At first nothing happened, then as if a candle was blown out, it was dark. He opened his eyes but did not recall closing them.

He found himself near outskirts of Scribel, as he exited the edge of the forest he saw the city. It was in ruins but it was not recent, it looked to be a long time since the city fell.

To what?

The sound of a war horn could be heard, and cavalry, warriors coved in plate and steel charged across the flat ground outside the city walls. Zorion searched for their target... and there they was, a swarm of slimes! The blobs were size of horses, bouncing and jiggling they rushed rushed to met the horsemen.

The cavalrymen drew their weapons, weapons not made of steel, but made of light. Swords, lances and halberds made of a maleficent red energy. At first the outcome seemed obvious... but after watching a moment Zorion was not so sure. The slimes made whips from their bodies swiped down foes in a deadly arc, and at times, one slime would be bisected only to have two rise in its place.

"Well what do we have here? Enjoying the show?" Zorion turned to find a gang, a troop of fighters.

Zorion started to write a question in the air with light "What-"

"You fool! You can't use magic in a Dead Zone!" The man, the leader of the group moved in quick, too quick for Zorion to see, And his magic casting hand was secured in the leader's grip, "We have to going!"

No magic? then what of the red energy?

The leader looked to another man and put more emphasis on his words, "We have to go NOW!"

Horses were brought forth from the woods, and the gang of fighters mounted. Zorion recalled his chalkboard and wrote, "Adventurers?"

"Aye, that's us, there is only us now, no quests, no Guild master, Just us." The leader offered a hand to Zorion, "Are you coming? Or are you with them?"

Zorion looked at where the leader of the adventurers was pointing, the cavalrymen, they were all dead, he could see the markings on the men, vaguely resembled a golden Rose.

No, Zorion shook his head, he secured his chalk board and took the Leader's hand. And with a pull Zorion mounted the horse the leader was on.

As they trotted, the leaded declared without turning his head, "I am Clive, I used to be a city guard... I think I have seen you before... Well... it don't matter now."

And life changed for Zorion. for two years he lived in a harsh unforgiving world, but he lived he worked hard he learned and he lived, until he didn't. One day he died, he opened a chest that turned out to be a mimic, reacting too slowly he was was killed most of his body bitten off in a single chomp,

That was when he woke up.

He lifted his head off the table with a start, breathing heavily,

That was traumatic

The witch simply sat there watching, still seemed mildly amused, after a moment Zorion took out pen and paper to write down his experience lest he forgets,

As he did so something odd happened, more odd than anything he had experienced so far, which said something, he hear voices, voices from something on the table, Zorion looked over, and saw two apples in a bowl,

"Its over for us, Bryan"

"Oh don't be so grim, Kate. you do this every hour, We'll be fine"

"O'Jean was right, he used say "hold on for dear life. Hold on, don't fall or its all over!' and that's what this is now, Bryan OVER, it all over Bryan!"

"Oh don't be like that Kate, there's a chance, we can still... we can.... Hey, what's that guy look at"

"I think..."

It wasn't sound Zorion was hearing it was thoughts, at that moment both Zorion and the fruit heard each other's voices in their heads, they both thought the words, "I can understand you."

"Hey! Hey! You! You did this! You and your kind!"

Ignoring the fruit's rage, Zorion picked up one of the apples to examine it, to see if there was any gimmick in the fruit, he could sense no magic from it.

"BRYAN!!! NOooo! Y-you monster! Let him GO!!"

"Kate! GOODBye! I... I have always loved you..."

Zorion was not sure what to do, so he placed the apple back down.

"Bryan! Bryan! A-are you alright?"

"I, I am f-fine... no bruises... just a bit shaken up, s'all." Bryan said meekly.

The two apples were silent for a moment then Kate spoke first. "Did... did you mean what you said?"

The two apples then started to speak in a low whisper, Zorion was perplexed by the situation, so he wrote down the side-effect in the report as a postscript, hopeful that this effect would go away eventually.

OOC: Used Random generator for one side-effect of the newest homebrew
OOC: Zorion gained ability "can understand fruits", and some survival skills.
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