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  • Somehow the internet has conditioned the younger generation that when they say something completely wrong but do in an apathetic, ironic way, they're entitled against criticism because lol. If this stays on twitter I don't care but then they start speaking like this in real life and I can't wait to see them interact with actual people other than their classroom hivemind
    Whelp, where's the helpful sock in the face?

    Actually, you know what, since they are denouncing white superiority, I think they might just get a pat on the back.

    Of the head, with a baseball bat, repeatedly until the red, white and pink pops up.

    At this point, they are just parrots for Twitter.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Aaqil
    It isn't that huge a problem. The kids are just used to the fact that they can write literally anything and follow it with lol XD 😂😂😂 and no one will criticise them.

    Just wait till they get to the age where they have to do group projects.
    Agentt the hypocrite
    Since I've started lifting months ago the one thing I've learned is that you can do absolutely anything you want as long as you look strong and big. The difference between a scrawny guy and a big guy driving an anime civic is literally nerd and Chad.
    I always laugh at the teacher's cringe inducing memes on their PowerPoint presentation, even when I'm alone in this, so that when the adult school shooting arc inevitably hits I'll get that chosen "don't come to school tmw" note stapled on my returned quizlet
    I'm looking out the window and seeing the leaves turn colour into a warm orange. God, I love Autism season 😇😇😇
    autism season us every season for me
    im legitimately writing fantasy for the first time, and it's a fucking pain in the ass. gotta remember all these roles and classes and god forbid i misclassify one else some acne ridden nerd is gonna infect me with his cooties through my DMs.
    You can ignore RPG stuff if you want. I do.
    I originally planned on doing the exact same thing! Like add pladins and rogues and all, but...
    Fantasy is just "I'm gonna write whatever I want, however I want, with whatever rules I can think of." Which I think you would thrive doing. What you described sounded like a litrpg.
    So I surprisingly liked Kill Bill Vol. 2 more than the first in case you were curious what I thought of it. I feel vol. 2 would be highly criticized for its themes in this time period though. They flesh out the back story.
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    Reactions: Cipiteca396
    I'm not sure what you mean. Its themes were pretty shallow; Bill tried to merc the Bride and the Bride merc'd him back out of revenge under the thinly veiled disguise of keeping her daughter safe. It wouldn't be highly criticized in today times but rather, forgotten, since it's not as action-packed as Vol. 1 and actually requires viewers to pay attention.
    @BenJepheneT The scene when she found out she was pregnant. Lol. Theme of motherhood changing someone drastically and altering decisions.

    There are no deep themes. Everything is shallow to some extent.
    I feel like only losers whose greatest sphere of influence is their 3000-follower Twitter account would get worked up about that motherhood theme. Which is to say, no one cares lol
    out of all the fetishists out there, the scat fetishists seem to be the most comfortable talking about their tastes. boob guys will go "mommy milkers" and maybe with an emoji spam/tit joke at most but scat degens will go onto a random 5.5/10 selfie and recite an epic poem detailing in excruciating detail how she'll soil herself and sit in her entrails rivalling the likes of Beowulf
    i've went off the grid for a week and forgot how stimulating the internet is. i got glass cutter nipples rn and im only on google's front page.

    what did i miss?
    I feel like judging trans men on their gender's validity based on their genitals is an outdated metric. It's time we pit them, and every existing men on Earth, to a Real Man's Test of Testosterone: whether they can parallel park.
    That's more so a test of superior human intellect and ability, :blob_hmm_two: :blob_cookie:
    In the meantime we've also tested Aaqil's ability to understand a joke. Test results aren't looking to positive.
    • Sad
    Reactions: Aaqil
    The joke was very clear, I just saw the potential it had to be something more! :(
    rare 🤓 moment from yours truly

    i know no one cares, but as an avid fan since 2006, no other game announcement has ever gotten me as excited as this

    New game. Though I'm a bit skeptical since they've gone on to state that they're aiming for new players for this entry
    A new game by EA, yet you are only a BIT skeptical? Mad lad.
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    Reactions: Aaqil
    The devs behind it are Criterion, who've made some NFS titles along with the Burnout franchise. I do have some hope left.
    I had systematically switched my Instagram algorithm to only show me reels of hot babes in skimpy cosplay dancing for use of my "alone time", but the downside is that whenever I'm not horny my fyp is just full of boring trampling whores and I ended up creating a second account just to look at cars and men in gyms.
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