Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Quest: Reduce the power of gangs!
Scribel City Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 3
Reduce city gang control through elimination or arrest. Optional: Reduce a notable gang's power (Crimson Coin Gang, more will be added if found.)

Gangs have been a menace for Scribal City for the longest time. But, with their influence growing and the amount of guards available getting lower and lower. We need people like you to take them down a peg.

150, (200)
Money: 25, (45)
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Reduce the power of gangs!

After taking on this quest, Jack hovered towards the City Guard Barracks to gather help. Since he had already helped out a few times, the city guards there were quite familiar with him and he was able to get an audience from the current captain. When the captain arrived, Jack used some willpower to hover a pen up and write a few words - Crimson...Poison drink...arrest.

The smart captain understood what Jack wanted to convey. Jack will infiltrate a group of the Crimson Coins and poison their drinks. While they lay unconscious, Jack will lead the city guards over and arrest them. After reaching a consensus with the captain, Jack left the barracks and headed towards the Red Light district.

While hovering about one of the more popular locations, Jack caught sight of a few members of the Crimson Coins. The man was hurrying towards a brothel called Blossoming Flowers Inn. The brothel was famous for its dancing girls and its honey mead. Jack followed the Crimson Coins members into a room where at least twenty people were flirting with the girls or drinking and eating.

Sitting at the front of the long table was a middle-aged man with a scar across his right eye. The man was silently enjoying a cup of honey mead while he hugged a busty prostitute. Suddenly, the man roared out to a cowering waiter. "More mead! Now!"

"Yes sir! Right away sir!" The waiter exclaimed as he rushed out the door.

Jack, thinking that the opportunity had come, followed the waiter as they arrived at the kitchen. After grabbing a large jar of honey mead, the waiter was about to head back when Jack possessed him. Jack, with a devilish grin, hurried towards the toilet while carrying the jar and dumped some of honey mead out.

Then, he did the unthinkable. He peed in the jar. To add more insult to a perfect jar of honey mead, Jack scraped out a good helping of poop into the jar as well for good measure. After sloshing the mixture about, Jack brought the jar of 'honey mead' back to the Crimson Coins room. When he arrived, the scarred man roared out. "Serve everyone a cup! I'm about to make a toast!"

Perfect! Jack thought as he served everyone a cup of the mixed drink. Now, at this point, everyone was too drunk to notice anything wrong. They held up their cups as their leader made an inspiring speech about how well they did with the heist earlier and that they will have more rewards to come. When the toast was over, they all downed their...*uweah*...drinks.

"Salty, savory, and sweet! Good mead! Waiter! Continue pouring!" The scarred man exclaimed as he smacked his lips.

Jack continued to serve more of the contaminated alcohol until the last drop was drunk. After that, Jack rushed out of the waiter's body and headed towards the City Guard Barracks. He rounded up the men who were at the ready and they marched into the Blossoming Flowers. Arriving at the room where the Crimson Coins were, they found each and every one of them rolling about on the floor clutching their stomachs and crying bloody murder.

That's right...they have suffered from a severe case of food poisoning. They were too weak to resist as the city guards pounced on them and arrested them one by one. After the whole ordeal was done, Jack headed back to the guild to submit his report.
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Recently missing
Sponsor: Prisoner transporterLocation: Scribel City - sewersLevel: 3
  • I have it on good authority that there are 2 individuals whom have gone missing in the sewers recently.
  • Find out where they are if alive capture them and send them to jail
  • If they are dead please report straight to me and what wounds they have.
  • If they are almost dead and require to much medical attention kill them.
Recently two gang members of the Crimson coins we were arresting disappeared into the sewers we've watched all the exits.
The two gang members are somewhere in the sewers find them quickly.
We can't waste the resources on keeping the sewers guarded from them.
Be cautious they are known to be armed and dangerous.
Attached is a report on their appearances: - Only the appearances of the two are known.
Exp: 130Money: 15G
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Recently missing

After getting his application approved, Jack phased through to the sewers and started searching for a rat. Quickly, he found one and possessed it after a few tries. With the rat's keen sense of smell, Jack sniffed about for any signs of human. After a while, Jack found two sets of footprints leading deeper into the sewers. Jack followed the footprints until his nose twitched at the scent of death. Jack released control of the rat and sensed the aura of death wash over him.

As a ghost, he was more attuned to death and could track a body easier. Jack followed the aura until he found himself next to two bodies. They were the bodies of the Crimson Coins members. At first glance, one would assume that they died to the slimes that were melting away their bodies. However, upon closer inspection, Jack noticed that their throats were torn out as if by a medium-sized animal. But other than rats, what animal could live in the sewers? Could it be the ratman he had found earlier?

Jack rushed back to the guild to report his findings.
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Forest Ranger [SC0301]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 3
  • Prerequisite Quest: Hunting Mission
  • Serve as a guide for civilians in the forest.
  • Protect civilians from harm.
Many of Scribel's citizens are afraid to enter the forest alone.
It is easy to lose your way if you are unfamiliar with the trails.
As an experienced woodsman, help guide citizens through the woods.
Protect our people from coming to harm.
  • Points: 140 EXP
  • Money: 15 G
  • Other: n/a
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Forest Ranger

After accepting this quest, Jack hovered over to the North Scribel Forest and found that a few civilian merchants wanted to cross the forest but their fear of the forest brought them hesitation. Jack flew past the group while they discussed on what to do and possessed a wandering white deer. The majestic deer with its great antlers emerged from trees, startling the civilians.

As the civilians looked on, Jack controlled the deer to shake its head towards the forest as if telling the civilians to follow behind. After that, Jack strolled a few steps into the forest before turning around to look at the civilians once more. Finally, after a few more minutes of hesitation, one of the braver merchants decided to follow Jack. And like dominoes, the rest followed.

The civilians followed Jack as he guided them through the forest. Initially, there were a few predators trying to attack the civilians, however, Jack's deathly aura permeated through the white deer and affected the predators and scared them away. After a few more encounters, Jack successfully lead the group of civilians out of the forest. The merchants thanked Jack profusely before leaving.

While they left, Jack released control on the deer and was about to leave as well when he noticed something rather peculiar with the white deer, especially the way it looked at him. Wait, it can see him?! This deer...was strange. And it looked to be unusually intelligent. Jack tried talking to it and he could see that it understood him.

Jack had unknowingly developed a bond with this white deer. He asked it to help out any civilians who wanted to cross the forest and it seemed to have agreed. From then on, rumors of a white deer helping people cross the forests from time to time had circulated in the city. Jack believed the white deer could be a potential forest guardian candidate and told the guild about it. Jack hoped that someone more skilled could train it to protect the forests and those who ventured in.
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Slumber Queen Jelly [SC0801]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 8
  • Prerequisite: Forest Ranger
  • Find a Slumber Bee Hive.
  • Acquire a bottle of Slumber Queen Jelly.
  • Note: Please be prepared for pollen.
  • Note: Limit 1 quest per week.
Slumber Bees are a rare species of giant bees found in North Scribel Forest.
Their pollen has powerful sedative properties, and is used to incapacitate prey.
Travelers who accidentally stumble across a hive often... are never heard from again.
Presumably they get stung to death when they're knocked out.
Royal jelly collected from the giant queen's hive has potent regenerative capabilities.
  • Points: 280 EXP
  • Money: 75 G
  • Other: n/a
Quest Report (61)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 12 (13,650/15,600)
Quest: Slumber Queen Jelly
  • Was ambushed by a Slumber Bee within the Northern Scribel Forests and disposed of the attacker accordingly
  • Snuck into the Slumber Bee Hive and collected two bottles of Slumber Queen Jelly without being noticed
It had been a long time since Felicia had taken one of the guild-sponsored quests within Scribel City. After everything that had occurred, both in Gelderholm and Spire Reef, it was strange coming back to the place where all her adventures began. Though, it's not like this place was the same as it once was either. The signs of the recent Slime Raid were everywhere, with countless injured and overworked healers, broken and ruined buildings and a vaguely weary atmosphere suffocating the city. It was strange, since this place wasn't really anything special to her, but she hoped of all places, that this city would stay standing tall forever. Maybe... she was just feeling a little sentimental.

Noticing Sable looking at her expectantly, she rubbed her head with a smile before turning her attention back to the quest she just picked up. She had taken this quest once before, but it seemed like a good idea to take it again. Afterall, she could hire an alchemist to research Slumber Queen Jelly and create incredible healing potions, or sell it for a lot of Guild Currency due to its rarity and great capabilities, or just keep it in-case she was in a dangerous situation. Either way, she planned to do what she did last time, and gather more than one bottle of the jelly so that she could keep some for herself.

Hopping onto Sable's back, they flew into the depths of the Northern Scribel Forests and traversed back to where she vaguely remembered the hive to be. Naturally, since her skills had greatly improved since the last time she was here, she was less cautious than before, perhaps a little reckless even. Due to this, it wasn't much of a surprise when she was ambushed by one of the Slumber Bees from the hive she was searching for. Precisely dodging the giant bee's stinger, as if not startled by the attack at all, she threw a wave of flames towards the bee to ward off its sedative pollen, before striking back with her enchanted sword. Pouring mana into her blade, a silvery-blue glow cut the ambusher in half as Sable clawed its twitching corpse to ensure that it did not survive.

Whilst she was gone, it seemed that Sable had improved in her combat capabilities as well, bringing a slow smile onto her face. Afterall, it would be sad if she had to leave her behind in her future adventures, due to being too weak. After continuing her search for a bit, Felicia finally came across the old hive she remembered being here. It seemed to have grown a bit since last time, with more Slumber Bees constantly entering into and out of the many holes in the odd-looking structure. Deciding to wait till night time again, Felicia did almost exactly what she did last time, aka sneaking into the Queen's Chambers, scooping the jelly using her bottles, and then stealthily returning back to Scribel. Since her stealth capabilities had improved since last time as well, this was, fortunately, not much of a challenge.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Infiltrating the Criminal Network

After coming back from the missing children quest, Jack couldn't help but think back to what he had found. Though bloody and gory, the mess still failed to hide something that maybe one of the criminals had accidentally dropped. It was a badge that, even at a quick glance, Jack could pick out and recognize. The badge had some really familiar symbols on it.

Jack quickly grabbed the "Infiltrating the Criminal Network" quest and had it approved. He needed to go back to the abandoned house before his previous quest was approved and the place gets swarmed with investigators. Jack rushed over once his application was approved and searched around until he found the badge. As he expected, the badge was an adventurer's card.


"This isn't an adventurer's card." Sil replied straightforwardly as he handed the card back to Jack.

"What do you mean? This looks just like the one I have." Jack asked as he compared the card with his card.

"Yea, it may look like it, but there are some subtle differences in appearance and material used. This is clearly a fake card. And the adventurer on here is fake too. Where did you get this?" Sil explained as he searched the membership records.

"Don't worry about it just yet. I'm working on a case." Jack replied.

"Oh? A mission eh? I gotchu, I got chu!" Sil nodded in understanding.

Jack looked at the fake adventurer's card and wondered...if someone left this there, would they come and get it? Jack hovered back to the abandoned house and stayed there on a stake out. And the wait was worth it! After some time into the night, a figure did appear. The figure searched for a while until the person found the fake adventurer's card that Jack planted.

After brushing away at the blood, the figure left hurriedly. Jack followed after the figure...back into the city. Wait! Was that the upper-class district? Jack followed the figure to a mansion. This looked like a rich person's house...maybe even a noble's or government worker's home. Jack phased through the door and followed the figure down to the basement.

There were at least twenty people in the basement. Everyone of them were wearing diabolical masks. Jack followed the figure as they congregated in front of an altar. Since no one had or were able to notice him, Jack decided to listen in on whatever schemes they were cooking up.

"So, how many more til we are done?" The figure, Jack had followed, asked timidly.

"Until the Noble Sir finds it enough! Now stop asking this senseless question again! And put on your damn mask!" A gruff voice responded as the man with the skull mask grunted.

"Y-Yes Skull, right away." The figure mumbled with his head down as he placed a goblin mask over his face.

"Good Goblin." Skull turned over to the others. "The Noble Sir is almost done with summoning a powerful being to help our cause. He just needs five more sacrifices. Just five more and we're done! Understood? Troll, Orc, Imp, and Goblin, the adventurers have been snooping around lately. Don't get caught! Understood?"

"Yes Skull!" The four masked men nodded.

"Alright, no more of the lower-class children. The Noble Sir wants noble blood for the last five." Skull reminded.

"Noble kids? But they're extremely guarded, how should we do that?" Troll asked worriedly.

"Figure it out yourself!" Skull snapped. "Fine, I heard a group of them are going out hunting next week. They won't be bringing a lot of guards so you can nab them then. Got it?"

"Got it." Imp confirmed.

"Good! Dismissed!" Skull waved his hand as he hurried and left.

The others departed as well and Jack felt that it was time for him to leave as well. Jack hurried back to submit his quest report. Time was of the essence!

Other Notes:
Description of the mansion
  • Three-storied
  • White paint
  • Made with oak wood and bricks
Description of Figure's face (Goblin)
  • Droopy eyes
  • White skin
  • Brown hair and beard
  • Pug nose
  • Thin lips
  • Reddened cheeks
"This is some valuable information you have gathered, you even managed to find out when they will next strike, good work adventurer." Felicia smiled at the ghostly apparition before her. It had been a while since she found herself idly evaluating quest reports, it was relaxing, though stressful.

"I will inform the higher-ups of the guild as well as the city guards of this information, we should be able to lay a trap for these cultists and nab these grunts all in one go. Maybe even find out what higher powers are behind this. Nevertheless, here are your rewards Jack, though, try not to get involved in something you can't handle." She warned carefully before handing him the pouch of Guild Currency.
Full Rewards:
  • Points: 150 EXP
  • Money: 14 G
  • Other: n/a


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Slime Core Investigation

After reading the report from a previous adventurer, Jack accepted this quest and hovered over to the 'gray' market to look for the slime core selling potion brewers. After staking out at the center of the market for a few hours, the ghost found a couple of people who met the targets' descriptions. Luckily, the potion brewers did not notice him as they sold their slime cores. Once they were done, Jack followed them back to their base - a house at the edge of the Red Light district.

Inside, Jack saw an open book with the description of how slime cores are formed. Slime cores are nature-made crystalline structures formed by the condensing of magic. Jack glanced over at the potion brewers and found that they were making man-made magic cores like the ones one would use in golems. And the ones that were of inferior quality, they had the audacity to brush them off as slime cores?

Would this be considered counterfeiting? Maybe only the Adventurer's Guild could decide on what to do next. After seeing what he had to see, Jack snuck out a freshly-made 'slime' core and headed back to the guild. Upon arrival, he submitted his quest report and handed in the 'slime' core for reference.
Looking over the fake slime core carefully, Felicia frowned in thought before placing it back on the desk. "Good work Jack, I'll report this to the higher-ups. Golemancy huh... Anyway, here are your rewards." She shook her thoughts away before stamping his quest with approval and handing him the gold.

  • EXP: 150
  • Money: 30


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: The sewer is collapsing

After obtaining quest approval, Jack phased through the ground and into the sewers. Without wasting any time, he started looking around for the exact location of where the collapse occurred. Following with what the previous adventurer had commented about on the location of the collapse, Jack arrived at the general area shortly. He phased upwards just to have a sneak peek of where he was and found that he was in the Residential district.

So the problem stemmed from the Residential district, eh? Now, he needed to find where exactly. Jack phased back to the sewers and started looking around for rotten supports. As he hovered closer to the center of the district, there were more and more sightings of damaged supports. Upon closer look, one could tell that the supports weren't rotting in any way. No, they were eaten away. Something was eating away at the supports, causing them to crack and eventually collapse.

Jack followed the damaged supports until he arrived at the collapse. To his horror, there were thousands of small, gray insects gnawing away at the collapsed support. Jack phased back up to determine where he was and found himself in someone's home. Jack investigated the house for some clues and found that no one has been home for more than a week. Upon closer look, there were even some scratches and brown stains on the wooden floor.

Jack rushed out of the house and observed his surroundings. The house looked like any other house from the district, however, it was the only one with a few evil-warding talismans taped on its door. He found that the surrounding area's grass had dried and blackened. He needed to get out of here. Something was...felt very wrong.

Jack immediately headed back to the guild. He noted that it took him less than an hour, with no twist and turns, to arrive at the market. From there, he found his way back to guild to report his findings.
"Small grey insects huh... can't say I've seen them before. They must not be natural fauna... perhaps someone summoned them? A witch?" Mumbling to herself, Felicia suddenly realized she was talking out loud and hurriedly passed the ghost his rewards. "Good work Jack, you've found out a lot of stuff for the guild recently. Don't overwork yourself!" She reminded before waving him off with a smile, and turning to the next adventurer.
Exp: 130Money: 10G


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Reduce the power of gangs!

After taking on this quest, Jack hovered towards the City Guard Barracks to gather help. Since he had already helped out a few times, the city guards there were quite familiar with him and he was able to get an audience from the current captain. When the captain arrived, Jack used some willpower to hover a pen up and write a few words - Crimson...Poison drink...arrest.

The smart captain understood what Jack wanted to convey. Jack will infiltrate a group of the Crimson Coins and poison their drinks. While they lay unconscious, Jack will lead the city guards over and arrest them. After reaching a consensus with the captain, Jack left the barracks and headed towards the Red Light district.

While hovering about one of the more popular locations, Jack caught sight of a few members of the Crimson Coins. The man was hurrying towards a brothel called Blossoming Flowers Inn. The brothel was famous for its dancing girls and its honey mead. Jack followed the Crimson Coins members into a room where at least twenty people were flirting with the girls or drinking and eating.

Sitting at the front of the long table was a middle-aged man with a scar across his right eye. The man was silently enjoying a cup of honey mead while he hugged a busty prostitute. Suddenly, the man roared out to a cowering waiter. "More mead! Now!"

"Yes sir! Right away sir!" The waiter exclaimed as he rushed out the door.

Jack, thinking that the opportunity had come, followed the waiter as they arrived at the kitchen. After grabbing a large jar of honey mead, the waiter was about to head back when Jack possessed him. Jack, with a devilish grin, hurried towards the toilet while carrying the jar and dumped some of honey mead out.

Then, he did the unthinkable. He peed in the jar. To add more insult to a perfect jar of honey mead, Jack scraped out a good helping of poop into the jar as well for good measure. After sloshing the mixture about, Jack brought the jar of 'honey mead' back to the Crimson Coins room. When he arrived, the scarred man roared out. "Serve everyone a cup! I'm about to make a toast!"

Perfect! Jack thought as he served everyone a cup of the mixed drink. Now, at this point, everyone was too drunk to notice anything wrong. They held up their cups as their leader made an inspiring speech about how well they did with the heist earlier and that they will have more rewards to come. When the toast was over, they all downed their...*uweah*...drinks.

"Salty, savory, and sweet! Good mead! Waiter! Continue pouring!" The scarred man exclaimed as he smacked his lips.

Jack continued to serve more of the contaminated alcohol until the last drop was drunk. After that, Jack rushed out of the waiter's body and headed towards the City Guard Barracks. He rounded up the men who were at the ready and they marched into the Blossoming Flowers. Arriving at the room where the Crimson Coins were, they found each and every one of them rolling about on the floor clutching their stomachs and crying bloody murder.

That's right...they have suffered from a severe case of food poisoning. They were too weak to resist as the city guards pounced on them and arrested them one by one. After the whole ordeal was done, Jack headed back to the guild to submit his report.
Despite finishing reading the report a good minute ago, Felicia was at a loss for words as she slid the rewards over the table. Not wanting to just let him leave without saying a word, she squeezed out a few comments. "Err, well, I can't say I approve of all of your actions but you did succeed afterall, so well done! And good work." She smiled thinly before turning to the next quest report. For someone that was once a princess... actions like that were a bit... intolerable to say the least.

Money: 45


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Recently missing

After getting his application approved, Jack phased through to the sewers and started searching for a rat. Quickly, he found one and possessed it after a few tries. With the rat's keen sense of smell, Jack sniffed about for any signs of human. After a while, Jack found two sets of footprints leading deeper into the sewers. Jack followed the footprints until his nose twitched at the scent of death. Jack released control of the rat and sensed the aura of death wash over him.

As a ghost, he was more attuned to death and could track a body easier. Jack followed the aura until he found himself next to two bodies. They were the bodies of the Crimson Coins members. At first glance, one would assume that they died to the slimes that were melting away their bodies. However, upon closer inspection, Jack noticed that their throats were torn out as if by a medium-sized animal. But other than rats, what animal could live in the sewers? Could it be the ratman he had found earlier?

Jack rushed back to the guild to report his findings.
"Good work on successfully locating the bodies, though I must admit, this news you brought back is quite unsettling. We may need to send out an investigation squad for this, thanks for letting us know. Here are your rewards." Felicia assessed calmly with a smile, before handing him his rewards.
Exp: 130Money: 15G


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Character: Jack
Level: 3
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Forest Ranger

After accepting this quest, Jack hovered over to the North Scribel Forest and found that a few civilian merchants wanted to cross the forest but their fear of the forest brought them hesitation. Jack flew past the group while they discussed on what to do and possessed a wandering white deer. The majestic deer with its great antlers emerged from trees, startling the civilians.

As the civilians looked on, Jack controlled the deer to shake its head towards the forest as if telling the civilians to follow behind. After that, Jack strolled a few steps into the forest before turning around to look at the civilians once more. Finally, after a few more minutes of hesitation, one of the braver merchants decided to follow Jack. And like dominoes, the rest followed.

The civilians followed Jack as he guided them through the forest. Initially, there were a few predators trying to attack the civilians, however, Jack's deathly aura permeated through the white deer and affected the predators and scared them away. After a few more encounters, Jack successfully lead the group of civilians out of the forest. The merchants thanked Jack profusely before leaving.

While they left, Jack released control on the deer and was about to leave as well when he noticed something rather peculiar with the white deer, especially the way it looked at him. Wait, it can see him?! This deer...was strange. And it looked to be unusually intelligent. Jack tried talking to it and he could see that it understood him.

Jack had unknowingly developed a bond with this white deer. He asked it to help out any civilians who wanted to cross the forest and it seemed to have agreed. From then on, rumors of a white deer helping people cross the forests from time to time had circulated in the city. Jack believed the white deer could be a potential forest guardian candidate and told the guild about it. Jack hoped that someone more skilled could train it to protect the forests and those who ventured in.
"How interesting... I've never seen this white deer you reported before. And your suggestion seems like a good idea, hopefully, the higher-ups will put up a quest for this." Felicia smiled briefly, then passed him his rewards and stamped his quest report.
  • Points: 140 EXP
  • Money: 15 G
  • Other: n/a


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Rank E Promotion Exam [SC0501]

Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Gem's Ravine (Northwest of Scribel)
  • Survive for two weeks without any weapon except a knife.
  • Travel through Gem's Ravine and climb Bighorn Mountain.
  • Retrieve an egg from a Giant Kukuu Bird Nest.
  • Return to Scribel City with the egg intact.
So you think you're strong enough to be Rank E? Pfft~ Don't get too cocky just because you've beaten up a few goblins with a fancy sword!

If you want to be Rank E, prove to me that you can survive in the wilderness without your precious weapons. I'll be confiscating those for safekeeping~ You can have a knife instead. Much of the world is wilderness and filled with monsters, so you won't survive for long if you can't handle a simple camping trip~! Of course, there will be monsters as you make your journey through Gem's Ravine. How will you handle them?
At the end of the canyon, please climb Bighorn Mountain. A colony of Giant Kukuu Birds make their nests close to the peak. Kukuu Birds are known to kidnap eggs from other species and raise them as their own, so you'll find all sorts of random creatures wandering the mountain. Please retrieve an egg from a Giant Kukuu Nest and escape with it. You better keep it intact, or else you fail!

Feeling confident yet? If you're not ready, come back and talk to me another day!
30 G
Rank E Certificate
Random Egg (it might hatch!)
Character: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Rank E Promotion Exam

So this was what he had to do for the promotion exam eh? Jack thought as he read through the briefing. Hmph, this might be considered hard for a living being, but for a ghost like was a piece of cake, a walk in the park. After applying for the exam, Jack immediately set out north towards Gem's Ravine. After a week of nonstop hovering, the ghost arrived at the edge of the ravine.

For him to survive two weeks in that ravine, Jack couldn't help but giggle foolishly. Jack waited a day to recover some power and fill his belly with a soul or two before descending to the ravine. After the day was up, the ghost dropped down to the ravine. Jack spent about a week looking around for Bighorn Mountain. Since it wasn't marked on the map, he could only search for it through descriptions of past adventurers.

Over the course of a few days, he had felt the presence of quite a few monsters and every time there was a close encounter, Jack would phase through the ground and wait it out. Luckily, he did not encounter any monster, but then again, even if he did, would the monster notice him? Finally, after a little more than a week had passed, Jack found Bighorn Mountain. He could literally see the number of Giant Kukuu Birds fluttering about at the peak.

Jack phased through the mountain and started hovering to the top. With this method, even if the Giant Kukuu Birds were intelligent species, they would still not be able to find him. And after a day of hovering up, Jack finally reached the peak. His head peeked out just in time to see the back of a Giant Kukuu Bird as it spread its wings and took off.

However, before Jack could snatch an egg away, another Giant Kukuu Bird arrived and perched right next to the nest. It was very close. Jack had no chance of retrieving an egg. He could only wait it out until there were no Giant Kukuu Birds guarding the nest. But when would that be? And so, Jack waited and waited, but after a day and a night, Jack realized that the birds watched the nest in shifts. There was never a time gap in between where he could steal an egg. It was as if they learned from their previous mistakes, that's why they were so cautious.

Jack sighed. How would he complete his promotion exam? The two weeks were almost over. If only he could phase the egg as well. He should be able to right? Jack decided to try. While inside the mountain, Jack positioned himself somewhere under the nest and reached his hand up until his hand was kind of patted on an egg.

Jack began to concentrate. Nothing in the world could disturb him as he focused his entire willpower on phasing the egg through. After an hour or so, Jack felt something. He could feel the egg shimmer and vibrate, going in phase and out of phase. With a boost in motivation, Jack continued to concentrate until he had finally phased an egg through the nest.

Jack held onto the phased egg and couldn't help but pat himself on the back. The egg looked to be the size of an ostrich egg. It had black 'veins' along its smooth and white surface. What kind of egg was this? Maybe the guild could identify it. Without a minute to lose, Jack descended from the mountains and hurried back to the city. Because he knew where the general direction of the city was, Jack could just phase through the ground and continue in that direction at full speed.

However, while he traveled, he couldn't help but wonder about the phased egg. Now that the egg became 'phased', would it affect it in anyway? Would the egg not be able to hatch? Or would a mutation occur within the egg? Jack didn't dwell on it too much as he believed that he would find out sooner or later.

After a few days of traveling underground, Jack arrived at the sewers. Looking through the familiar layout of the sewers, Jack ascended right in the guild. Jack submitted his report and the egg and waited for the results.

Learned new skill - Phasing: Phases/Unphases an object
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Character: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Rank E Promotion Exam

So this was what he had to do for the promotion exam eh? Jack thought as he read through the briefing. Hmph, this might be considered hard for a living being, but for a ghost like was a piece of cake, a walk in the park. After applying for the exam, Jack immediately set out north towards Gem's Ravine. After a week of nonstop hovering, the ghost arrived at the edge of the ravine.

For him to survive two weeks in that ravine, Jack couldn't help but giggle foolishly. Jack waited a day to recover some power and fill his belly with a soul or two before descending to the ravine. After the day was up, the ghost dropped down to the ravine. Jack spent about a week looking around for Bighorn Mountain. Since it wasn't marked on the map, he could only search for it through descriptions of past adventurers.

Over the course of a few days, he had felt the presence of quite a few monsters and every time there was a close encounter, Jack would phase through the ground and wait it out. Luckily, he did not encounter any monster, but then again, even if he did, would the monster notice him? Finally, after a little more than a week had passed, Jack found Bighorn Mountain. He could literally see the number of Giant Kukuu Birds fluttering about at the peak.

Jack phased through the mountain and started hovering to the top. With this method, even if the Giant Kukuu Birds were intelligent species, they would still not be able to find him. And after a day of hovering up, Jack finally reached the peak. His head peeked out just in time to see the back of a Giant Kukuu Bird as it spread its wings and took off.

However, before Jack could snatch an egg away, another Giant Kukuu Bird arrived and perched right next to the nest. It was very close. Jack had no chance of retrieving an egg. He could only wait it out until there were no Giant Kukuu Birds guarding the nest. But when would that be? And so, Jack waited and waited, but after a day and a night, Jack realized that the birds watched the nest in shifts. There was never a time gap in between where he could steal an egg. It was as if they learned from their previous mistakes, that's why they were so cautious.

Jack sighed. How would he complete his promotion exam? The two weeks were almost over. If only he could phase the egg as well. He should be able to right? Jack decided to try. While inside the mountain, Jack positioned himself somewhere under the nest and reached his hand up until his hand was kind of patted on an egg.

Jack began to concentrate. Nothing in the world could disturb him as he focused his entire willpower on phasing the egg through. After an hour or so, Jack felt something. He could feel the egg shimmer and vibrate, going in phase and out of phase. With a boost in motivation, Jack continued to concentrate until he had finally phased an egg through the nest.

Jack held onto the phased egg and couldn't help but pat himself on the back. The egg looked to be the size of an ostrich egg. It had black 'veins' along its smooth and white surface. What kind of egg was this? Maybe the guild could identify it. Without a minute to lose, Jack descended from the mountains and hurried back to the city. Because he knew where the general direction of the city was, Jack could just phase through the ground and continue in that direction at full speed.

However, while he traveled, he couldn't help but wonder about the phased egg. Now that the egg became 'phased', would it affect it in anyway? Would the egg not be able to hatch? Or would a mutation occur within the egg? Jack didn't dwell on it too much as he believed that he would find out sooner or later.

After a few days of traveling underground, Jack arrived at the sewers. Looking through the familiar layout of the sewers, Jack ascended right in the guild. Jack submitted his report and the egg and waited for the results.

Learned new skill - Phasing: Phases/Unphases an object
"Ooo nice work! Looks like we have a new Rank E adventurer in our midst, congratulations on your promotion Jack. I've never quite seen an egg like yours before, but feel free to keep it. Maybe it'll even hatch if you take care of it properly!" Felicia enthused and clapped as she glanced at the giant yellow bird napping by her side meaningfully. Afterall, Sable also hatched from the egg she collected from her Rank E Promotion Exam.

"Here is your Rank E certificate, careful not to lose it!" She smiled again as she passed him his certificate, as well as his gold.
30 G
Rank E Certificate
Random Egg (it might hatch!)


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Tracking the Thieves [SC0406]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 4
  • Prerequisite: Forest Ranger
  • Follow the trail of the thieves.
  • Locate and scout the thieves' hideout.
  • Do not get spotted.
A group of thieves have been terrorizing the countryside again.
We need somebody to locate their hideout.
How good are your tracking skills?
Please be covert, or else the thieves will move their camp.
  • Points: 175 EXP
  • Money: 15 G
  • Other: n/a
Character: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Tracking the Thieves

Apparently, there were some thieves messing about in the countryside. The thieves have been known to target merchant caravans traveling from Scribel City to Asteria Village. Luckily, Jack recalled that a merchant was robbed last night while the caravan was on its way back from Asteria Village.

The tracks shouldn't have disappeared yet. Jack hurried over to the site of the incident and as expected, there were footprints and wheel marks all over the place. Taking the years of scouting into account, Jack began sorting out the thieves footprints from the other prints. It was rather easy eliminating the wheel tracks and animal footprints from the mess, especially when Jack had found out what animal the merchants were using.

After that, it took the ghost a bit of time to discern which tracks led elsewhere, kind of like doing a maze but starting from the end. Once Jack found the thieves' footprints, all he needed to do was to follow the direction they're moving towards. The adventurer followed the tracks north towards the North Scribel Forest.

There, Jack saw what looked to be a cave. The ghost flew in and looked around. He could see some half-rotted goblin corpses as well as bones of various animals...and races? Was this an old goblin cave? Jack continued down the passageway until he saw a large clearing within the caves. Within the clearing, Jack saw the thieves, snoring and raging drunk.

So these were the thieves that robbed the merchants. Now, Jack would do something to them but he wasn't that extra. The mission was to track them down and don't get spotted. That was all. And so, Jack headed back after marking their location on the map.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020

Quest Report (61)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 12 (13,650/15,600)
Quest: Slumber Queen Jelly
  • Was ambushed by a Slumber Bee within the Northern Scribel Forests and disposed of the attacker accordingly
  • Snuck into the Slumber Bee Hive and collected two bottles of Slumber Queen Jelly without being noticed
It had been a long time since Felicia had taken one of the guild-sponsored quests within Scribel City. After everything that had occurred, both in Gelderholm and Spire Reef, it was strange coming back to the place where all her adventures began. Though, it's not like this place was the same as it once was either. The signs of the recent Slime Raid were everywhere, with countless injured and overworked healers, broken and ruined buildings and a vaguely weary atmosphere suffocating the city. It was strange, since this place wasn't really anything special to her, but she hoped of all places, that this city would stay standing tall forever. Maybe... she was just feeling a little sentimental.

Noticing Sable looking at her expectantly, she rubbed her head with a smile before turning her attention back to the quest she just picked up. She had taken this quest once before, but it seemed like a good idea to take it again. Afterall, she could hire an alchemist to research Slumber Queen Jelly and create incredible healing potions, or sell it for a lot of Guild Currency due to its rarity and great capabilities, or just keep it in-case she was in a dangerous situation. Either way, she planned to do what she did last time, and gather more than one bottle of the jelly so that she could keep some for herself.

Hopping onto Sable's back, they flew into the depths of the Northern Scribel Forests and traversed back to where she vaguely remembered the hive to be. Naturally, since her skills had greatly improved since the last time she was here, she was less cautious than before, perhaps a little reckless even. Due to this, it wasn't much of a surprise when she was ambushed by one of the Slumber Bees from the hive she was searching for. Precisely dodging the giant bee's stinger, as if not startled by the attack at all, she threw a wave of flames towards the bee to ward off its sedative pollen, before striking back with her enchanted sword. Pouring mana into her blade, a silvery-blue glow cut the ambusher in half as Sable clawed its twitching corpse to ensure that it did not survive.

Whilst she was gone, it seemed that Sable had improved in her combat capabilities as well, bringing a slow smile onto her face. Afterall, it would be sad if she had to leave her behind in her future adventures, due to being too weak. After continuing her search for a bit, Felicia finally came across the old hive she remembered being here. It seemed to have grown a bit since last time, with more Slumber Bees constantly entering into and out of the many holes in the odd-looking structure. Deciding to wait till night time again, Felicia did almost exactly what she did last time, aka sneaking into the Queen's Chambers, scooping the jelly using her bottles, and then stealthily returning back to Scribel. Since her stealth capabilities had improved since last time as well, this was, fortunately, not much of a challenge.

[ Hi there ] A red Hooded girl who Resembles the fictional fairy tale character Red Riding Hood in clothing greets Felicia on her way to the guild.

The girl seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

[ Oh its you long time no see~] she giggled as she merrily walks around Felicia gazing with Mischievousness while having a silly Grin in her mouth.

[ Here ] she suddenly grabs Felicia hands & put a pouch containing gold coins in her palms.

[ Hm? Why so startled? its your reward for completing the quest you know.... Well then Bye bye~ ]

Before Felicia ask any questions the Red Hooded girl runs away then she suddenly Vanished in the Shadow of a street lamp post.

  • Points: 280 EXP
  • Money: 75 G
  • Other: n/a


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2020
Goblin Subjugation [SC0303]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 3
  • Exterminate stray goblins.
  • Collect 3 pairs of goblin ears.
  • Warning: Do not overestimate yourself.
    • Report large goblin tribes/clans to the guild.
    • Do not pick fights you cannot handle.
Goblins are one of the weakest monsters. However, they can be extremely dangerous in numbers.They have been known to kill travelers and overconfident adventurers.Do not underestimate the goblins. They are a deadly threat.It is ill-advised to taken on more than a few at once. Rewards:
  • Points: 150 EXP
  • Money: 14 G
  • Other: n/a

Niv walks in and places a foul-smelling bag on the counter.

"Went goblin hunting again after having Vila teach me how to use melee weapons properly, nothing really happened besides not getting hurt by them for once."
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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2019
Niv walks in and places a foul-smelling bag on the counter.

Dust looks over the report and the result, wondering if its bad to feel hungry smelling this or not, as dust stamps the quest. "Everything checks out Niv, though hope it wasn't too much trouble to find them." Dust comments in a baritone voice.


  • Points: 150 Exp
  • Money: 14 G
  • Other: n/a


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Investigate the Source of Slimes in the Sewers
: Scribel City Guild
Location: Scribel City Sewers
Required Level: 4
  • Read this quest report.
  • Confirm the presence of a "Slime Cavern" in the Sewers.
  • Update: (source)
A recent quest report suggested that there may be massive cavern full of slimes in the Sewers. This could potentially be an explanation for the high number of slimes in Scribel City. Please confirm the veracity of this information.

  • EXP: 300
  • Money: 50G
Character: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Investigate the Source of Slimes in the Sewers

The quest was to check and confirm the existence of a 'Slime Cavern' in the sewers. What with all the slimes the adventurers have been encountering, Jack was not surprised. After confirming the location of the slime cavern with Ryzen and Solet' Luna, Jack phased through the ground directly to the sewers and headed towards that direction.

Upon arrival, Jack found that the cavern seemed to be bigger than usual. Upon a closer look, he discovered that the walls were eaten away by mud slimes and filth slimes. There were even some noticeable cracks in the walls as if the whole place might collapse in any minute. Jack looked at the sea of slimes and couldn't help but awe at the sight of it.

They seemed to be contained in this cavern as if waiting for something. Were they amassing their numbers for another invasion? Or was something or someone keeping them at bay? Jack ventured deeper into the cavern until something caught his eye. One portion of the slime sea seemed to jiggle and wobble in unison.

Upon closer look, Jack realized that what he was seeing was the birth of a giant slime. Luckily, this giant slime was only a normal slime and not a variation. However, to form a giant slime, that required hundreds if not thousands of slimes to willingly or forcefully merge into one. If willingly, how many weeks or months does that take? However, if forcefully, then who was doing it behind the scenes?

Anyways, Jack had confirmed the location of the slime cavern as well as situation within it. It was time to head back to the guild and report his findings.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020

Protection Racket [SR0401]
  • Sponsor: Gang Boss
  • Location: Spire Reef
  • Required Level: 4
  • Prerequisite: Gang Initiation
  • Visit all the shops and homes on your street.
  • Collect your gang’s monthly protection fee.
  • “Intimidation” may be necessary!
Alrightie, time to kick down some doors!Not all the shops on our street have paid their monthly dues!It’s for their protection, of course! We “protect” them!If they refuse… knock some sense into them! Rewards:
  • Points: 160 EXP
  • Money: 15 G
  • Other: n/a

Character: Reciful 'Innocent Malice'
Level: 9 Rank E
Class: Villainess
Race: Children of Chaos


I Visited Many store, houses & Establishment within Spire Reef Collecting Monthly Protection Fee from them.

I was tasked when there are People who Showed any sign of payment refusals were must be given Friendly Reminder by the gang On My own accord....

......... So I make sure they will never once again attempt evading their Monthly due... Through a bit of Intimidation in Eldricth way But worry not no one is hurt...physically.
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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2020
> > >
Hunting Mission [SC0205]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 2
  • Hunt some medium-large game.
  • Bring it back to the guild.
  • Meat must be edible and fresh.
The chef at the guild wants some ingredients re-stocked!
Of course there needs to be meat! Meat!! Meat!!!!
Bring us some meat!
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 13 G
  • Other: 5 jerky
> > >
Niv walks in again, her head is covered in leaves and she's dragging a deer corpse behind her "Just hunted this thing. the request said to bring it back here so here ya go i guess." the deer has quite a number of stab wounds on its neck
I decided that i couldn't use my fire abilities so i had to sneak around to find it and stab at the vitals. as for where i found it, in a forested area (Me i miss the mapping function...) moving on, found it in the forested area, jumped onto it after climbing a tree, luckily, here i'm as light as i look so that made it easy. then i proceeded to stab it in the neck multiple times.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020

Scollywog Grog [SR0403]
  • Sponsor: Gang Boss
  • Location: Spire Reef Bay
  • Required Level: 4
  • Prerequisite: Gang Initiation
  • Take a small fishing boat into the bay.
  • Fight scollywog monsters!
  • Collect 3 barrels of scollywog tentacles.
  • Don’t die. Seriously, be careful!
You know that famous Scollywog Grog rum that’s sold here?Guess what it’s made from? Scollywog monsters!Imagine the fusion between a tentacle monster and killer jellyfish.During the right season, swarms fill the waters outside of the bay.A single sting and you’ll be paralyzed for hours! Rewards:
  • Points: 200 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a

Character: Reciful 'Innocent Malice'
Level: 9 Rank E
Class: Villainess
Race: Children of Chaos


Today Ordered By the gang boss to go & Collect 3 barrels of Scollywog Tentacles.... A monster apperently.

Storing 3 empty wooden barrel inside My shadow, I take a boat to reach were this Monster can be commonly sighted... The Black Spire Bay.

Due to lack of info given.... I recklessly attacked the Eldritch looking Monsters using Melee with My Cleaver Knife & Chopping Axe Resulting to Me being paralysed as I forgotten that I'm no longer Possessed a pure Eldritch constitution but rather a human body which is weak.

Fortunately despite lying Incapacitated in the sandy beach, but through the use of "Darkness skill" To both Produce shadow Feelers & Black Magic Bullets... I slaughtered those that Attempt to attack me while paralysed.

Puncturing their body with countless holes with Black Bullets.

Mutilating their body with Shadow Feelers which each feelers holding various Stolen goods In Spire reef like Pick Axe, Giant Hook, Hoe, & Shovels.... Killing them.

When I finally regain my body function. Around me is many Dismembered body of Scollywog everywhere... Thus filling 3 empty barrels Completing the quest.

Signed: Reciful
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