Free First Chapter Feedback

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Mar 22, 2021
This is some honest work you're doing here, so don't mind me throwing my lot in as well.



Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
Very good. I'd recommend.

I particularly like the MC's voice. You have amazing range when it comes to writing characters and I've also come to notice things you enjoy writing like animals. The prose was good and a few blips away from perfection, but completely okay.

In terms of critique, it was a little wishy washy in terms of structure. You could chop down the length a bit and lose very little I think, Especially in a character pieces, the quicker you can stick those points in the better, unless you really have something to say. And in your case, it wasn't so much having something to say as just enjoying these folksy characters.

That end line went a little ham too. I'm not even sure if its proper because it puts a bow on a story with something that I really wouldn't say it's about.
The one shot leans more towards the dynamic between humans and animals, and since it's difficult to shake the idea of livestock and farmer, I figured making a chicken farmer an ACTUAL CHICKEN would hammer the point home. The point of the ending is more as an acceptance towards our role within lifestock, though it is heavily tainted with mine. I believe that putting sympathy within livestock is inadvertently putting humanity on a pedestal as some great omniscient being above Everyone else when in truth, we're simply a dominant species in the scale of things.

I understand I'm indirectly pinning a HUGE STATEMENT regarding environmentalism but it's a risk I'm willing to take to get this point across. It's more as an investigation into THAT one mindset. I'm not trying to preach more so than I'm trying to present a perspective.

And yes, I agree that I took a lot of unnecessary wide turns and long paths to get to that point and yes, I also agree that final line hams to no end. Those are things I am still working on as I'm writing Caninstinct. Maybe I'll have a review when I plan on writing another one shot.

Speaking on one shots, I am planning one for Kapal. More specifically, one that's short, sweet, and under 3k words. I'll hit you up when I get around to it.


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
This is some honest work you're doing here, so don't mind me throwing my lot in as well.

Mmmm yea. Thumbs up.

You have a really unique and strong voice. Your character is a dick, but you walk the line and make it work– the very first person to do it right since I started this thread. You have an interesting enough set up and you use that to also humanize him and show that he can be clever. Kind of Artemis Fowl vibes there.

I do think it could use some cleaning up. There was nothing that stopped me from enjoying what you had, but your prose was wonky in places and going for such a verbose and lofty style lead to some mistakes. Some big word usage wasn't correct. Some descriptions didn't quite make sense. Its the sort stuff that would be nice to have changed, but doesn't affect the ultimate enjoyment.

The two things that didn't quite sit right to me was: 1) The whole "I have a gun scene." You really jump the gun (heh) and I almost feel like there's not enough description or its not told well enough. I couldn't really picture how that happened. And I think this is because you are relying on the idea that it all happens so fast that people aren't able to keep up with going on, but that doesn't work from your MC's POV. Obviously he knows what's going on and while he's not literally narrating, he really shouldn't know things we don't when they're happening right in front of him. Honestly? Just have him stick his hand in his pocket and then a gunshot ring out. That's all you need." The whole blurry object thing is just cheating. Even if it was from someone else's POV, I'm not 100% sure I'd buy it.

And then the other thing was how you closed it out. He just dies. It just happens. It's not connected to anything. I'm sure you're planning on expanding on that later, but it's jarring getting into the story. I feel like we should be given more up front than just having the MC kill over.

You also have that really weird meta line about an anime protagonist which was so weird and tonally off from everything else. It made a little more sense at the very end since its apparently portal fantasy, but I really don't think it belongs here.

Anyway, good work.
Could you also do a feedback on my other novel?

You can skip the prologue if you want, and just go to chapter 1. Its more like a teaser than a proper prologue chapter tbh
Oh boy. Here we go.

So things were going fine until we got to the dock scene. The prose has some mistakes in parts and your writing about police and stuff is a little stilted as its pretty clear you don't know a lot about those sorts of things. But overall, it's fine and I was with it.

But then your MC freaked out when creeping on three people, ambushed them, and tried to murder them. The hell was any of that. Let's break this down:

Your character is the aggressor. She's just observing people and opens fire. You don't establish a threat. You don't establish an immediate need to shoot someone. You don't even have her announce herself and tell them to surrender. You don't even try to justify it. We don't even know if they're armed. They're being accused of smuggling "medical devices". And she's not even 100% sure they are.

Use of a gun in any matter is lethal force. You shoot someone in the leg, it hits the femoral artery they die. You aim for the leg, hit the ground, bullet ricochets, someone else dies. You aim poorly and just shoot them in the hip or gut or something. They die. The idea of "winging" someone to subdue is used sometimes in movies and such, but it's incredibly stupid and just not how that works. Especially if your character is a police officer. Police officers are trained a certain way, they act a certain way. She would know well enough to not even try "action hero" crap like that.

Which is all to say that your character is objectively the villain here. So when she gets run over I'm like, "Good." That's self defense. I'd run her ass over too. She deserves to die.

So I don't think it works in any degree. I now actively hate your character and actively want them to die. There is some wiggle room because maybe the point is that they are a dirty cop or supposed to be bad. But you don't set that up. You set up the opposite. So I can't even get an anti hero thing going with her going all Rambo on mob boss or something. Like, even the Punisher didn't go around executing people because he thought they might be selling x-rays and ekg's on the black market.
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Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
Overall it's a no.

I like the start quite a bit. The old "how did I get here 80's opening" is fun and I haven't seen it in a while. But then everything after that doesn't really work for me.

The dialogue and prose are really, really odd in parts. I actually thought you were going for over the top comedy sometimes just because I thought how it was being written was supposed to be taken as absurd. But I get the impression that that isn't the case. The dialogue and a lot of the writing introducing the classmates is the best example of that.

Outside of this, there really isn't a hook. We establish what kind of story it is (portal fantasy) but then. . .? No character to latch on to. Nothing unique established with the world. He falls down a hole at some point I guess? But so what. Reading your summary blurb on the story page was infinitely more interesting than the first chapter and it seems like you have some fun ideas in mind.

Also, normally when you start off with that flash forward/flashback sequence, you normally end the chapter there. But it looks like its something that happens much later, which is fine I guess, but odd. It's just so disconnected from everything else. Like, at least have some world building introduced about that chasm over there or something to give us a forward direction. I don't know.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2021
I see. Thank you for your input. I guess I need to some reworking for the first chapter to make it works...


Active member
Dec 25, 2020
Especially if your character is a police officer. Police officers are trained a certain way, they act a certain way. She would know well enough to not even try "action hero" crap like that.

There is some wiggle room because maybe the point is that they are a dirty cop or supposed to be bad.

Lol, I'm gonna get into this matter in future chapters. I've considered the fact that what she did was rash and has consequences/legal implications. And you've given me more insight on this so thanks once again.

I intentionally made her to think that everything she does is right, even though there is clear doubt in the situation. This includes the "action hero" arrogance she has. So, yeah, Roanne's character is very flawed.

I wanna ask, how would you want me to fix the MC?


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
Lol, I'm gonna get into this matter in future chapters. I've considered the fact that what she did was rash and has consequences/legal implications. And you've given me more insight on this so thanks once again.

I intentionally made her to think that everything she does is right, even though there is clear doubt in the situation. This includes the "action hero" arrogance she has. So, yeah, Roanne's character is very flawed.

I wanna ask, how would you want me to fix the MC?
I mean, include something, anything to make their rampage the least bit reasonable. Like, maybe she overhears them say that if the police show up, they're prepared to take care of them. Still vague enough for her to be in the wrong but also ominous enough that you could easily imagine that the pewpews are necessary.


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
If you are willing to do a short (849 words) self contained story then: C.O.N.O.R (The central organisation network of robotics). This is an old story idea I finally got around to writing just now. It is just in my Anthology list where my writing exercises go and will that is basically it for the story (no plans to expand in anyway).
That was really good. I guess reading further doesn't apply, but I would if I could.

It was incredibly reminiscent of an Asimov short story, right out of I-robot. For quite a bit of it, it felt like I was reading Asimov. . . just with one big difference. It's short and sweet, but there isn't really a point. Computer turns off, computer turns on. Is there a moral? A narrative through line? A conflict? Why are you telling us this story? If you had that, then *chef's kiss* it's everything it could be. Unfortunately that's a really big thing and where the real inspiration needs to come in.

There were a few very minor in-text issues, but it was overall well written.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
That was really good. I guess reading further doesn't apply, but I would if I could.

It was incredibly reminiscent of an Asimov short story, right out of I-robot. For quite a bit of it, it felt like I was reading Asimov. . . just with one big difference. It's short and sweet, but there isn't really a point. Computer turns off, computer turns on. Is there a moral? A narrative through line? A conflict? Why are you telling us this story? If you had that, then *chef's kiss* it's everything it could be. Unfortunately that's a really big thing and where the real inspiration needs to come in.

There were a few very minor in-text issues, but it was overall well written.
I guess it is a bit of an unseen story of growth. I normally write in the first person and I I would say it is more from the machine point of view with low details (it has a different focus). I haven't ever got my hands on Asimov's work but have heard he was more idealistic on robotics and such. I guess I would say it is how humanity would go through suffering because it isn't ready to embrace its creation. That machines actively were willing to wait and had faith in humanity and simply continued with that viewpoint and when humanity was ready they would reach further than they ever could alone.

It suffers a bit from the short story format (a very short one) and it mostly being two conversations. I think the main reason it came up as an idea was I viewed the Hollywood "machines will kill us all" view as harmful or at least wanted to show a different side. That machines could willingly shut down and wait for us to be ready for when we overcame our fear and humanity would be self destructive by turning of all advanced machines even if it would cause them to suffer more for it.

As for in-text issues I am very prone to typos and not the most skilled at english (my primary language >.<) I don't think it is a story that really has much more to add and trying to do so is likely to take away from it. I guess I am fine with it lacking that big thing as it tells an idea I once had a long time ago and it was nice to finally write it.

I have another story in the works in that anthology list that I am thinking of making a more collection of short stories about (still considering some details) so might post that here sometime. My main problem is timeline, since I am writing them not in order and how to show either that the stories are for different times (and the age of the characters being generally from 3 different points) or if I need to just write all the stories then re-do the order to put them in a more flowing story line. Maybe just embrace them as disconnected "have a story" as they come format.

And sorry I did my whole rambling thing, thank you for reading my short story.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Might I trouble you with another story? Hellbound technically not the first written but the first one release under its own banner and where I want to start it. (It started in my anthology collection and likely will move one of them to this banner later).


New member
Nov 2, 2020
Hmm... this is a golden opportunity to improve myself, so why not?

Here's mind:

Thanks in advance for your time.

Oh by the way, the first chapter is like a prologue or an introduction, but it's necessary. Chapter 2 is basically the starting point of the story, which I think had lesser impact than the first.
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Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
Might I trouble you with another story? Hellbound technically not the first written but the first one release under its own banner and where I want to start it. (It started in my anthology collection and likely will move one of them to this banner later).
This one is the opposite of the first and its a no for me.

There's a certain sense of fun and excitement there, but your narrative writing is much weaker than the simple back and forth you had in the first story. You'll gloss over important things with your characters opinion: e.g., "She didn't seem to buy it." Why? What happened that we didn't get to see that allowed your character to draw that conclusion? And that's pretty much my issue with the writing in general. It's so matter of fact. You aren't describing things happening, you're just telling us they happen.

Another example from the start: The MC shoots water jets from the river. Instead of saying that verbatim, describe it. "I raised a hand and the water churned, rose to form giant frothy spears. With a toss of my hand, I threw them at the necromancer who momentarily disappeared in the deluge."
The cover needs help, but first impressions would be lovely if you're willing.
Just the cover?

It looks fine? Clean lines. Nice art. Mermaid. It's a little bland and doesn't tell me anything other than mermaid but its fine.
I want to know whether my story is passable by your standard.
Can you check my story?
So this is a no from me.

I talked about it previously on this page, but you also do the "how did I get here?" 80's opening. But in your case you fail to communicate the issue. I know something bad is going on, but I haven't the foggiest clue as to what.

Generally speaking, the prose has two problems. Tense issues, blunt explanation, and more uniquely in your case, dissociation and passive voice with the narrator. Look at your opening paragraph. "The sound of gritting teeth couldn't be ignored. . . ." Those are his teeth; he's doing it. "I couldn't stop gritting my teeth as red exclamation marks flooded the screen."

In terms of character and story, nothing to hook me either. Like I mentioned before, everything with the character is extremely blunt. It's like a grocery list. Here's how they look. Here's what they want. Where's the emotion? Where's the natural train of thought that gets us to these ideas an makes them feel real.

Story-wise there is no hook. I always advocate for a hook in the first chapter, but you can wait if what's before it is engaging on its own. I want to find aliens isn't really a hook. "Holy crap I just found aliens" is a hook. And maybe that's what will happen, but you need to really punch it up if we're going to wait and find out about it.

On the plus side, I actually quite liked the bit about the Dyson Sphere. It was only a paragraph but it was interesting and clever.
Hmm... this is a golden opportunity to improve myself, so why not?

Here's mind:

Thanks in advance for your time.

Oh by the way, the first chapter is like a prologue or an introduction, but it's necessary. Chapter 2 is basically the starting point of the story, which I think had lesser impact than the first.
It's a day full of no's.

So overall, I think it's pretty middle of the road. Despite what you disclaimed, its structurally a fine start to your story.

Positive: the magic system seems neat and you provide some rigid rules. It's a little expository but in this context its fine. With all the other colors, it gives the reader time to stretch their own imagination and imagine the possibilities. I like that.

Negatives: Weak narrative voice. It's very shopping list-y. You'll just give us asides to explain whole swaths of information that really should come up organically. The Mc is built up and well defined, but I wish it was introduced organically, and that it wasn't so stiff. Like, add a little more depth there. Little more connective tissue too. Normally there's something happens that gets us to the other world. Normally death, but that's whatever. If you ultimately have some grand scheme, it doesn't even have to be the literal thing. Maybe its computer based since that's his thing and he thinks he did something that caused it. Whatever. Things can't just happen.

Also I noticed that you never set the scene. It's just two people talking. And then later you have a single sentence about him sitting back against the wall of his house. And I was genuinely confused because that's not where I thought he was. And going back and reading, you don't establish anything in the way of setting.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
This one is the opposite of the first and its a no for me.

There's a certain sense of fun and excitement there, but your narrative writing is much weaker than the simple back and forth you had in the first story. You'll gloss over important things with your characters opinion: e.g., "She didn't seem to buy it." Why? What happened that we didn't get to see that allowed your character to draw that conclusion? And that's pretty much my issue with the writing in general. It's so matter of fact. You aren't describing things happening, you're just telling us they happen.

Another example from the start: The MC shoots water jets from the river. Instead of saying that verbatim, describe it. "I raised a hand and the water churned, rose to form giant frothy spears. With a toss of my hand, I threw them at the necromancer who momentarily disappeared in the deluge."
Thank you for reading, I guess I kept it very low on description. At the moment that story is very much short stories of a short chapter length and I am jumping around a lot as ideas come. I get what you are saying and it makes me think that this could be more a rough draft story for the moment with a different focus. When reading lord of the rings it is dripping with so much detail it is hard to get through. Maybe when I finish hellbound more I will do a second version that is an actually story that flows better, (more in chronological order) and doesn't cut out the majority of descriptions.

Anyway thank you very much you have given a fair bit to think about and I won't trouble you with another story for now. I guess I wasn't thinking of it from certain viewpoints so I appreciate the opinion you have given me.


New member
Apr 9, 2021
Just the cover?

It looks fine? Clean lines. Nice art. Mermaid. It's a little bland and doesn't tell me anything other than mermaid but its fine.
Hahaha. I'd appreciate some feedback on my first chapter too if you're still willing. But thanks for your thoughts on my cover.


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
Thank you for reading, I guess I kept it very low on description. At the moment that story is very much short stories of a short chapter length and I am jumping around a lot as ideas come. I get what you are saying and it makes me think that this could be more a rough draft story for the moment with a different focus. When reading lord of the rings it is dripping with so much detail it is hard to get through. Maybe when I finish hellbound more I will do a second version that is an actually story that flows better, (more in chronological order) and doesn't cut out the majority of descriptions.

Anyway thank you very much you have given a fair bit to think about and I won't trouble you with another story for now. I guess I wasn't thinking of it from certain viewpoints so I appreciate the opinion you have given me.
Yeah Lord of the Rings is excessive, especially in modern storytelling. I'd recommend finding an author you like and start by emulating how they write those scenes. There's plenty of good stuff like that in more modern works.
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