How to ruin an litrpg in 3 steps


Oct 8, 2020
Obviously, you need to re-read my comment that you were responding to again.

I was not talking about majority human or majority elf populations. I was talking about the MAJORITY OF ALL FANTASY GENRE STORIES WRITTEN portray elves as being held up as higher in position to humans in their world building. As such, the elves are not suffering from racism.

What I am saying is that your comment about slavery has no bearing on my point at all, and is completely out of left field and irrelevant. I did not "forget" about the elves who are sold as slaves. The topic of elves sold as slaves was simply irrelevant to my point completely, and thus it had no place being brought up.
Oops, sorry


Well-known member
May 8, 2021
1. Make them sped based
2. Give them a healing skill
3. Make them half elf

congrats you made a story with one sentence fight sences forced racism and a lot of harem!
Add potential NTR to harem ( some ladies have fiances and etc. you just done lured them away.)
Add power status to Harem ( I bet half woul be princesses, knights, queens, priestesses)
Add immorality and dubcon to that, because congrats. Your character now a pedo followed by underage kidders who want to marry him cause he's OP strong and rock stupid dense. And they can't wait for it while folks cheer them on in the back as comedy.
Me. Should I actually dig a few graves for those loli and shota?


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
I find it hilarious that point 1 has not been discuss at all.

Why is point 1, being SPEED BASED (@lnv )makes the work too OP? Last time I checked from @Jemini , the person in question stated that unless the speed difference is five times, ie normie moves 1m/s while your sigma male MC moves more than 5m/s, the speed factor makes no difference. Second, speedsters might hit hard thanks to F=ma, they might not be strong as you think.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
I find it hilarious that point 1 has not been discuss at all.

Why is point 1, being SPEED BASED (@lnv )makes the work too OP? Last time I checked from @Jemini , the person in question stated that unless the speed difference is five times, ie normie moves 1m/s while your sigma male MC moves more than 5m/s, the speed factor makes no difference. Second, speedsters might hit hard thanks to F=ma, they might not be strong as you think.

This was actually the topic that inspired me to post that thread. I thought of addressing it in here, but it was pointless because the level of detail necessary to explain why speed-based characters are way overrated required... almost exactly the level of detail I went into over on that topic. So, literally a level of detail that you might as well just make it a topic of it's own. So, that's exactly what I did.

As for why I never popped back in here, that's because it was fairly clear that even the people responding were not really taking this topic seriously. So, I decided not to bother.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
This was actually the topic that inspired me to post that thread. I thought of addressing it in here, but it was pointless because the level of detail necessary to explain why speed-based characters are way overrated required... almost exactly the level of detail I went into over on that topic. So, literally a level of detail that you might as well just make it a topic of it's own. So, that's exactly what I did.

As for why I never popped back in here, that's because it was fairly clear that even the people responding were not really taking this topic seriously. So, I decided not to bother.
I see. Well, I suppose that certainly does explain the last-century thinking. Jin Yong (the writer of the series Dugu Qiubai is from) was a writer of the last century.

Yeah, ever since webnovels opened the field to people with real martial arts experience, thoughts on what makes an effective combatant have been evolving fast. For around 10 or so years from the mid 90s to the mid 2000s, people had transitioned from thinking it's all about strength to thinking it's all about speed. This was the way of thinking as manga artists and people of that type were trying to stand out.

It was webnovels and the real broad scope of people that started writing, including people with experience in fighting games as well as people with real martial arts experience, that the true power of predictive forecasting ability (the ability to read your opponent) began to become understood by the fictional world for it's true power as the mightiest skill to have.

Actually, as someone who has been in the martial arts since I was 7 years old, I actually find it kinda strange it took this long for it to become better known. But then, I am a little out of touch with the mind-set of the general populous on the subject. It is just something that has always seemed obvious to me due to actually having a lot of experience in sparing.

Here's the true order of abilities that will determine the winner of a fight in descending order of importance.

1. Reach. The reach of your weapon is the #1 thing that will tilt your advantage in a fight. I am tall and have long legs, it makes me a nightmare to spar against.

2. Ability to read your opponent. This can overcome any other disadvantage you may have in any area, including reach. However, overcoming a reach advantage is the hardest to compensate for by a long shot, thus why this one is below reach in the order of importance.

3. Intuition/Experience. I place these two on the same rank because intuition is something that comes from and is nurtured by experience. In fact, it is the most important skill that comes from experience. It allows you to plan around and adapt to any tactic your opponent may use against you.

4. Initiative/brazenness. To quote your line, "who throws the first punch" actually does make a difference. The truth is though, who throws the first punch has nothing at all to do with speed. It has everything to do with who can take the initiative to actually throw that punch. This is all a matter of mind-set. You do need the intuition, experience, and ability to read your opponent to make certain your "first punch" is not easily parried though.

5. Stamina. If it comes down to a battle of attrition, you are going to want to be the one with more stamina. It DOES come down to a battle of attrition a lot more often than you would think.

6. Parrying or Grapling technique. When you have all the above abilities working for you, there is a good chance you are going to get into a clinch or bind with your opponent. A person who has superior technique or skill in the ability to re-direct force will come out on top in such an encounter.

7. Condition. Everything from whether or not you are in good health, to whether or not your joints move well. You will have a hard time fighting if you are arthritic. However, these things can be compensated for by all the above capabilities. The reason I put this on this exact place on the list is because everything above this can compensate for a body in bad condition. However, everything below this are the things that will fail you first when your body goes bad. Any injury or negative condition will harshly negatively impact the items below this one on the list.

8. Strength. If your parrying or grappling technique is roughly equal to your opponent's, you can simply overpower them if you are stronger.

9. Speed. Yes, in a real martial arts fight, speed is actually the least important. It is not completely unimportant, but you would be surprised at how little difference it actually does make in a real fight. Speed is only any good when the speed difference is extreme and exceeds 5X the speed of the opponent. (Of course, IRL, this kind of speed difference is completely impossible. Video games though have been able to show us it is around a 5X speed difference that the higher items on this list can no longer easily compensate for.) Worse yet, speed demands a LOT more of your precious stamina than simple strength does. Speed is a very bad thing to rely on if it comes down to a battle of attrition, and should only be your method if you really feel you have the ability to finish the fight immediately.
And this is why I gave my MC the ability to yeet boulders like the Beast Titan.

Ok I lied, I just like how Zeke pwned the survey corps so I shamelessly copied it in, though my MC started with yeeting people and monsters into other people.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019

And this is why I gave my MC the ability to yeet boulders like the Beast Titan.

Ok I lied, I just like how Zeke pwned the survey corps so I shamelessly copied it in, though my MC started with yeeting people and monsters into other people.
Lol. Leave it to the internet to remind you that you have covered this topic before. I completely forgot about this post.

Yes, I very recently started another topic along a similar vein after having seen this topic. This one ranks some items differently, removes or packages some of the items, or just removes some items from the list. However, speed still came out at #9.

This new thread was speaking strictly in real life terms Vs the one there that brings up speed advantage in video game terms, but the idea is still the same.


✪ Well-Known Hypocrite
Dec 24, 2018
I find it hilarious that point 1 has not been discuss at all.

Why is point 1, being SPEED BASED (@lnv )makes the work too OP? Last time I checked from @Jemini , the person in question stated that unless the speed difference is five times, ie normie moves 1m/s while your sigma male MC moves more than 5m/s, the speed factor makes no difference. Second, speedsters might hit hard thanks to F=ma, they might not be strong as you think.

Probably cause most people couldn't understand what "sped" was originally? lol

Speed is one of the strongest when in terms of 1v1. If you are fast enough, you just aim at their weak-points faster than they can respond. Thus ending fights quickly is probably what they think. But in reality things tend to be more complex as not only do in many works MCs fight those higher level then them, speed has its own weaknesses. The obvious one is you need the perception and accuracy to make it work. You can be the fastest in the world but if you can't react fast enough. Then there is the aspect of stamina. And obvious weaknesses to things like AOE (due to poor defense) and reflect type abilities.

Any min-max spec is pretty much all about rock paper scissors.

The real benefit that makes a speed class OP is the ability to run away. It might sound weird, but the longer you live, especially in a litrpg, the stronger you can come back and fight another day.


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2020
1. Make them sped based
2. Give them a healing skill
3. Make them half elf

congrats you made a story with one sentence fight sences forced racism and a lot of harem!
Based, that sounds like something that will sell well


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
1. Make them sped based
2. Give them a healing skill
3. Make them half elf

congrats you made a story with one sentence fight sences forced racism and a lot of harem!
Jan 15, 2019
litrpg is already ruined for me, when the stat cards are longer than the actual chapters itself.

it's also even worse with grinding, especially if the MC is korean. ironically, them complaining about not eating kimchi jjigae every few chapters is actually more entertaining than the number increments.