New Years Battle: Humans vs Vampires (Humans Win)

Who is better?

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Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
Humans will always lost the battle, but in the end, they will emerge victorious in war.

Humans have already proven they are weak, but because of this weakness, they learn how to adapt. And evolve.

Even it will take a hundred years, the next generation will use history as a basis to overcome their failures.

Failures becomes experience. Experience becomes the strength. The strength will become the power.
Power will overcome your failure.

If you vote for the vampires, I will take the human side. Because humanity is without a doubt an unstoppable force.

Like demons, they will manipulate us, divide us, but in the end, a hero will unite us as one.

Humans will win the war in the end! ❤️
But vampires are humans but better, they could do the same but better.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2023
Vampires, because I'm basically already one with how I never open blinds in the morning, don't go out in the daylight ever without total body coverage, and can see better in the dark than in the light. Also holding my silver coins hurts my hands and makes them sting. I'm also unable to see my reflection in the mirror properly, it looks kind of blurry and gaseous. (none of this is a joke, I don't like to joke about myself unless it's self deprecating jokes while in a state of depression)


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
Vampires, because I'm basically already one with how I never open blinds in the morning, don't go out in the daylight ever without total body coverage, and can see better in the dark than in the light. Also holding my silver coins hurts my hands and makes them sting. I'm also unable to see my reflection in the mirror properly, it looks kind of blurry and gaseous. (none of this is a joke, I don't like to joke about myself unless it's self deprecating jokes while in a state of depression)
Well I can feel your joy.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Humans will always emerge victorious in the end. Millions of years of evolution have taken us from being prey to being at the top of the food chain. We are war machines and tools of annihilation. We have created weapons that can destroy planets. We will extinguish all species that oppose us as we have already done, and we will destroy anyone who opposes us. The only valid enemy for humans is humans themselves.
When we find unity, the galaxies will fear us.


Kaleidoscope of Harmonious Contradiction
Apr 20, 2021
Humans will always lost the battle, but in the end, they will emerge victorious in war.

Humans have already proven they are weak, but because of this weakness, they learn how to adapt. And evolve.

Even it will take a hundred years, the next generation will use history as a basis to overcome their failures.

Failures becomes experience. Experience becomes the strength. The strength will become the power.
Power will overcome your failure.

If you vote for the vampires, I will take the human side. Because humanity is without a doubt an unstoppable force.

Like demons, they will manipulate us, divide us, but in the end, a hero will unite us as one.

Humans will win the war in the end! ❤️
Spoken like a human who's read too many fairytales, humans are already on the path to destroying themselves, they need not any help. The humans will destroy themselves in their greed, endless growth is unsustainable, they will fall. And Mother Nature will reclaim the Earth, as it has done countless times through numerous extinctions since the dawn of life. Humanity is a mere blip on it's surface. A candle, that burns bright and hot, and far, far too fast for it's own good. Not even a blink, on the cosmic scale.
Humans will always emerge victorious in the end. Millions of years of evolution have taken us from being prey to being at the top of the food chain. We are war machines and tools of annihilation. We have created weapons that can destroy planets. We will extinguish all species that oppose us as we have already done, and we will destroy anyone who opposes us. The only valid enemy for humans is humans themselves.
When we find unity, the galaxies will fear us.
Galaxies? Fear humans? Laughable, they are too limited by the laws of physics, the chances are infinitesimal that any technology will ever exist that could enable galactic dominance. And, weapons that could destroy planets? Please. Not yet. At best, they could destroy themselves, save a lot of trouble. Humanity's arrogance is their downfall, just as much as their greed. The concept that humans are somehow special amongst all the beings in the multiverse, that they hold a unique will to survive and adapt, is laughable. That is just a basic trait of all living things. Humanity is but one iteration of many, in the endless cycle of life. They will rise, and they will fall, as any other mortal species.

Vampires, because I'm basically already one with how I never open blinds in the morning, don't go out in the daylight ever without total body coverage, and can see better in the dark than in the light. Also holding my silver coins hurts my hands and makes them sting. I'm also unable to see my reflection in the mirror properly, it looks kind of blurry and gaseous. (none of this is a joke, I don't like to joke about myself unless it's self deprecating jokes while in a state of depression)
Sounds like you need glasses.
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King of the birds and the fish.
Nov 5, 2019
Neither, Dwarves.



Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Galaxies? Fear humans? Laughable, they are too limited by the laws of physics, the chances are infinitesimal that any technology will ever exist that could enable galactic dominance. And, weapons that could destroy planets? Please. Not yet. At best, they could destroy themselves, save a lot of trouble. Humanity's arrogance is their downfall, just as much as their greed. The concept that humans are somehow special amongst all the beings in the multiverse, that they hold a unique will to survive and adapt, is laughable. That is just a basic trait of all living things. Humanity is but one iteration of many, in the endless cycle of life. They will rise, and they will fall, as any other mortal species.
In the name of the God-Emperor, your heretical words are not only a grave insult to humanity but a blasphemous affront to the divine will of the Emperor himself! The Emperor, the immortal master of mankind, guides and protects us through the darkness of the galaxy. His wisdom and power are boundless, transcending the petty limitations of mere physics and material constraints.
Your disbelief in humanity's capability to achieve galactic dominance underestimates the indomitable spirit of the Imperium of Man. The Emperor's holy armies, the Space Marines, the Imperial Guard, and countless other forces, stand testament to our might and resolve. We have purged worlds, extinguished stars, and vanquished innumerable foes in the Emperor's name. Our weapons and fleets, blessed by His divine will, are capable of untold destruction, safeguarding humanity against the xenos, the heretic, and the daemon.
Your assertion that humanity's arrogance and greed are its downfall is the very seed of heresy. It is not arrogance but faith; not greed, but divine right. The Emperor's light guides us, and in His name, we claim our destiny among the stars. The notion that humanity is but one iteration in the cycle of life is a vile lie spread by the faithless. Humanity is the Emperor's chosen, destined to rule the galaxy in His name.
Do not mistake the resilience and adaptability of humanity as mere traits shared by all life. It is our divine duty, bestowed upon us by the Emperor Himself, to spread His light across the darkened galaxy. Every victory, every conquered world, is a testament to our superiority and His divine will.
Repent now, lest you face the Emperor's wrath. Our faith is our shield, our loyalty our weapon. The Emperor protects!


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
In the name of the God-Emperor, your heretical words are not only a grave insult to humanity but a blasphemous affront to the divine will of the Emperor himself! The Emperor, the immortal master of mankind, guides and protects us through the darkness of the galaxy. His wisdom and power are boundless, transcending the petty limitations of mere physics and material constraints.
Your disbelief in humanity's capability to achieve galactic dominance underestimates the indomitable spirit of the Imperium of Man. The Emperor's holy armies, the Space Marines, the Imperial Guard, and countless other forces, stand testament to our might and resolve. We have purged worlds, extinguished stars, and vanquished innumerable foes in the Emperor's name. Our weapons and fleets, blessed by His divine will, are capable of untold destruction, safeguarding humanity against the xenos, the heretic, and the daemon.
Your assertion that humanity's arrogance and greed are its downfall is the very seed of heresy. It is not arrogance but faith; not greed, but divine right. The Emperor's light guides us, and in His name, we claim our destiny among the stars. The notion that humanity is but one iteration in the cycle of life is a vile lie spread by the faithless. Humanity is the Emperor's chosen, destined to rule the galaxy in His name.
Do not mistake the resilience and adaptability of humanity as mere traits shared by all life. It is our divine duty, bestowed upon us by the Emperor Himself, to spread His light across the darkened galaxy. Every victory, every conquered world, is a testament to our superiority and His divine will.
Repent now, lest you face the Emperor's wrath. Our faith is our shield, our loyalty our weapon. The Emperor protects!
The only thing I'm praying for is a Zerg rush.


2024 Shovel Duel Champion
Mar 6, 2022
Faked confusion will not save your sussy ass.