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  1. QuercusMalus

    Games from your childhood

    I am trying, unsuccessfully, to track down the first computer game I ever played. Old DOS game, similar to Space Invaders but even lower tech. Played on an old CRT that only had green text, you had a ship that went left to right along an arc(higher at the sides, lower in the center), well...
  2. QuercusMalus

    What is something you remembered doing that made you believe you were stupid.

    Okay, now you can't just leave it at that...
  3. QuercusMalus

    Create a Tinder Profile for Your Character

    It's what you use to start fires. Obviously I don't need it. But if we're talking 'the birds and the bees', they won't leaf me alone. I practically have to beat them off with a stick. I mean, I do like the passionate relationships, but they get me all hot and bothered (very bothered, I mean, I...
  4. QuercusMalus

    Ungodly Amount of Power Debuffs on a Character

    Have his magic use linked to someone else (friends, lovers, family, random person who gets too close)*- the more he draws, the more it hurts them. Even if gets resolved, should give him a nice case of ptsd about using magic that surfaces at inopportune times. *There was a series that did...
  5. QuercusMalus

    Bunch of questions about your power system

    1. B tries something, and A overwhelms them or seizes control, much like a physical fight. 2. Yes.... but most people are taught that it only works a certain way, are encouraged to only use it a certain way, and are generally too weak to use it any other way. 3. Not so much. Healing is very...
  6. QuercusMalus

    DAE not like self-insets usually?

    I don't like most of them when they're done badly. The OP protagonist who is stronger than anyone? Boring. Having them as the snarky side character who provides background info? Much better.
  7. QuercusMalus

    Do you guys have a favorite character to write?

    Slogutus- Dr. Frankenstein meets Hannibal Lecter plus a large dose of Sebastian from Black Butler. He’s bat-shit crazy, enjoys doing painful experiments on others to make the 'perfect' specimen. Anesthesia is only used if their screaming gets to annoying, and frequently complains how boring the...
  8. QuercusMalus

    Does your MC know basic skills?

    Simple cooking, butchering and prepping chickens and hares, and cleaning. She has no clue how to fish and would probably spear someone on the hook accidentally, and she's likely to get bored and wander off. She can light a candle from flint and tinder, but lightning a fire would be more...
  9. QuercusMalus

    A blog (Will I get sued?)

    I'd say you are safe.... she may get in trouble with the parents as they would have the reasonable expectation that someone using a story to teach kids would have read the story, so in this case would know it has smut... But you as the author have no control in how a private citizen uses your story.
  10. QuercusMalus

    Would you spend time editing an old story?

    In the process of. Though it's a lot older than 4 years... my first notes/ideas on it were a decade ago. What's funny is other than a few of the characters being mostly the same, and the setting being the same, the first version was very different from the original notes, and the current...
  11. QuercusMalus

    How harsh are you on your main characters?

    There is usually some part where they are dancing to the trauma conga.
  12. QuercusMalus

    What did you learn today?

    How to make butterscotch ice cream.
  13. QuercusMalus

    Name your most desired super powers

    Active: Perfect ability to instantly and clearly transfer my story ideas from my head to written word without having to type it out. Passive: Have a talent for creating and telling said stories.
  14. QuercusMalus

    Procrastination Novel!

    I thought about doing something like this, but decided I'd do it later...
  15. QuercusMalus

    I want to write, but i cant think of a "direction."

    What is the starting point of your story? What is the end point? What has to occur to get you from point A to point B? Example: Point A: Your MC lives in a small farming village. Point B: Your MC, with his band of loyal followers, infiltrates the Evil Overlords castle and slays him in a one on...
  16. QuercusMalus

    What you hate?

    Stories where the author repeats themselves-describing the same scene one way, then a slightly different way. I can never tell if they wrote multiple versions and forgot to delete one, or if they are just trying to pad the word count.
  17. QuercusMalus

    What are some realistic and ethical concerns in regards to necromancy

    Even if the body is animated, it's still dead and decaying. So assuming the average adult is anywhere from 100 lbs to 250 lb+ of dead, decaying, festering, rancid meat. I have anosmia and I still wouldn't want to be around that.... plus all the flies and maggots? Say what you will about...
  18. QuercusMalus

    Rereading > First Read ?

    Yes... thought for the life of me I can't remember specific ones off the top of my head at the moment....:unsure: But this is something I actively try to emulate in my writing- adding little, apparently innocuous details that actually are relevant later on, that on a reread are more noticeable...
  19. QuercusMalus

    Suggest Linguistically Profound Books

    The Count of Monte Cristo- Alexandre Dumas. The Prince- Machiavelli.