SHF High-school Fanfic


On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
I have been thinking about it for a long time; this is simply the information-gathering phase.

What does this entail?

Nothing serious, really. It is just to give everyone a chance to have some fun in the community. If I see interest in it, here is what would happen:
  • I would create an account that would host the fic on the main site.
  • Any authors who would want to take part in it would be able to reach out to me, and I would share login info.
    • To avoid ruining the fun, known troll accounts are instantly barred from it. Sorry, not sorry.:blob_awkward:
    • This is for having fun and to poke fun at ourselves, but try to be funny and not mean about it. If you want to take part in the writing process, be reasonable; that is all I ask.
    • Tl;dr be an adult about it.:blob_salute:
  • If you are interested but don't want to write but still be part of it, that is all good. Keep reading; I will explain.

Now, the story would be open to all kinds of utter nonsense, but to keep it somewhat coherent, the setting is a high-school trope.:blob_hide: So, if you want to offer yourself (Pun intended, sorry.), sign up for one of the empty spots. You can leave even a little info about what you would allow, what not, what type of character you would want to play in the story, etc. There is no guarantee that it will be used, that depends on how would this all turn out. It is an experiment at best.

  1. Teacher - I nominate Hans for the position, even if he is not amongst us right now. :blob_teary:
  2. HelloHound
  3. Prince_Azmiran_Myrian (Azmiran Myrian)
  4. Anon (???)
  5. SailusGebel
  6. En-chan
  7. Georgelee5786
  8. TheEldritchGod
  9. MatchaChocolate69 (Matcha)
  10. SsemouyOnan
  11. Cupcakeninja
  12. Kraken1 (Kraken)
  13. Luoir
  14. Gaylolis (Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon)
  15. Melchi
  16. Paul_Tromba
  17. ElliePorter (Ellie)
  18. Rhaps
  19. TheMonotonePuppet
  20. RiaCorvidiva (Ria)
  21. Reinaislost
  22. BouncyCactus
  23. Assurbanipal II
  24. DannyTheDaikon (Danny)
  25. LilRora
  26. TsumiHokiro (Tsumi)
  27. 2swordsperminute (or anything else)
  28. Bartun
  29. Cortavar
  30. Corty
  31. Iamnotabot
  32. Nahrenne
  33. Voidiris
  34. Kureous
  35. Kalliel
  36. Sleds
  37. Cage: Dr. Quack (Supreme Quack Albus of the Dadarictus) - Classroom Pet
  38. Redemit (Mac the Janitor)
  39. Stealthy_Enigma (Enigma)
  40. Simple_Russian_Boi (Boi)
  41. Sola-sama
  42. Ran-Ron (Ran & Ron) - School Nurse
  43. Azure_Fog (Azure) - True chair is -13, upside down on the ceiling
  44. Aaqil - Cat, sitting on anyone's (mostly Envy's) table.
  45. Narvii
  46. Quagma
  47. Arcadia Blade (Arcy)
  48. Midnight Fox
  49. Theirl
  50. J_Chemist
  51. Archie
  52. Darkness
  53. Glitched
  54. Flutter
  55. Tender Human
  56. Chiyuki_Hoshino
  57. ManwX
  58. Pixytokisaki
  59. Nemesis
  60. Shizuki Ichino
  61. Alf
  62. Nyxia
  63. Rei Maeno (Raymann)
  64. Notadate
  65. Medicia
  66. Icarus-chan
  67. esThr
  68. TheGameMaster
  69. Fox-Trot-9

Here is my template if you need to know how to apply for a position in the classroom.

Chair: 30
Name: Corty (we will take your username 99% of the time, so, duh, it is for the community)
Gender: Male (human)
Info: Resident weeb. + I allow everything. Go wild; you can yandere my character or portray it as an utter fool; I don't mind.

Of course, you can write up whatever you want, but my guess is the writers will run with your personality based on what you showed on the forums. So don't be surprised if it gets ignored. :blob_hide: :blob_no:

If this shows sufficient interest, I will proceed and create the account (as I said, this is me simply looking for feedback) and will notify you all of what's next. If some miracle happens and all 36 slots are filled, don't be afraid. This is a fanfic. Transfer students are welcome at any time.
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On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
Any questions that are answered here are going to be ignored by me.

Last update: 2024 July 20

Update List:
I have reduced my involvement in the project. @MatchaChocolate69 now has full access to everything, and he can post chapters and moderate everything. If you want, you can tag me, but as he is much more active than I am, look for him. He is much more in the loop than I am.
  • The account where the story will be created:​
  • Cover image:​
  • You can make images of yourself if you want, post them here, and they will be added to the glossary or even in some chapters as flair.​
    • Any IRL stuff, IRL-looking or straight-up porn-like images will be rejected on the spot, and you are out of the game permanently.​
  • The story is up!​
  • Glossary is up!​
    • Want a better image for your character? Wrote an introduction to yourself?
      • Send it in a DM to my @Corty account, and it will be added and swapped.
  • New applications to join the school will only be accepted by DM-ing my @Corty with your information based on the template I provided.
  • For current Student Council Quests, read this chapter!

  • How do we write it?​
    • The poll is looking pretty conclusive already, so we will go with submissions.​
  • Who can write it?
    • Anyone who wants a shot at it.
  • What are the rules?
    • If you include someone from the class, click on their names first. Read what their character is about, what they permitted, and what not. Be respectful of their choices.
    • There are no other rules, just ScribbleHub's rules.
    • Although I will reject hardcore stuff, this story is not to weird each other out but to have fun.
  • What type of POV should I write?
    • What you feel confident in. This is for fun, for us, to have a good time and build up a good feeling community.
  • How long a chapter should be?
    • I think a minimum of 800 words should be followed so the system/algorithm doesn't flag the story as spam.
    • No upper limit, but if it's filled with junk and AI blabber, I will not post it.
  • What can I write about the others?
    • Basically anything that is permitted by them. Ask them before you do anything weird with them. If they say okay, then good. If I find something in your submission that I feel need consent, I will contact the other party, ask them what they think and if they refuse, I am sending back your chapter for rework.
    • Usually the act of fighting and killing (which happens a lot because we all respawn anyway) is mundane and usual. Getting any way, shape or form intimate must have consent from all parties. If you are unsure of others' characters, just don't write them.
    • You can send your submission with me with screenshots of said permissions to skip this step.
  • Are you going to vet the submissions?
    • Yes. I will also run them through my Grammarly account for editing.
  • When will the chapters be posted?
    • When they are ready. No established schedule. It will be as random as the story itself. (Taking into consideration that I also have my job and running stories to work on). Follow the account, and you will be notified when a chapter drops.
  • What about story continuity?
    • Think of it as an episodic show. One chapter can build on a previous chapter, but it is not required. The continuity is the characters, new characters, and that it plays in a high school setting. That's it. Even if one character may blow up in one chapter, they can return in the following one, just like how Kenny always returned in South Park. This is Scribble Hub High; plotholes are our jam.
  • How will we know who wrote the chapter?
    • When submitting your work, you can tell me if you want credits or remain anonymous. If you want, I will disclose the writer at the end of the chapter.
  • How do we submit?
    • In whatever way, shape, or form, send your draft to me @ [email protected]
    • If you don't want to send an e-mail, DM me on the forums or on the main site under my @Corty account
    • I will do the rest. If the chapter is rejected for some reason, I will write back and explain why.
  • How do I join the class or the staff?
    • DM my @Corty account by filling out the template I provided and with any additional info you want.
  • I have a question/suggestion/favor to ask.
    • DM me. Leaving it in this thread is not enough.
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Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
I will definitely participate in writing in the future after I'm done with finals

Chair: 13
Name: Luoir
Gender/Race: Surprise me
Open to anything, preferably molester or blackmailer in a bad way.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Chair: 5
Name: SailusGebel
Gender: Male (human)
Info: Do whatever the hell you want.


Sleep deprived mess of a published author
Jan 29, 2020
I am at work so I'll set mine up later. I am reserving chair 16.


I'm looking for Disney Sleds
Jul 24, 2023
Don't know what would happen, but it can be fun.

Chair: 36
Name: Sleds
Gender: Male (human)
Info: I'm fine sleeping in that corner or eating popcorn while the whole class will eventually burn with the members of SH. Carries a pillow in his bag to use in class. You can do whatever you want with that.

Edit: If that go into fantasy with everyone have power, give me something related to Sloth, so that I could make everyone sleep.

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On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
@SailusGebel Of course, you pick the teacher's favorite spot. Nerd. :blob_hide:

@LuoirM For now, we will see how the interest for it goes; no chapters are planned yet. I am just seeing who thinks it could be fun.

@Sleds The class can have a pet, sure. :blob_hide: